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Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: Comcast sucks ()
Date: May 08, 2011 09:01PM

It is bullshit that their service blows but the prices keep going higher. Isn't this the definition of what a monopoly is?

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: ProVallone ()
Date: May 09, 2011 09:40AM

Thats not the definition of a monopoly , but they do act like one.

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: JR ()
Date: May 09, 2011 10:14AM

Comcast sucks Wrote:
> It is bullshit that their service blows but the
> prices keep going higher. Isn't this the
> definition of what a monopoly is?

No it is not, because you have other options. Dish, OTA, Netflix or Internet.

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: May 09, 2011 11:03AM

If it was a scam you'd look at the brochure that says your plan gets Comedy Central and you flip to that channel and see nothing. Monopoly means you have no other choices, when there are plenty.

Now had you brought up the fact that Comcast is trying to throttle their bandwidth from video competitors like Netflix we'd have a discussion on monopolistic behaviors.

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Date: May 09, 2011 11:19AM

Comcast sucks Wrote:
> It is bullshit that their service blows but the
> prices keep going higher. Isn't this the
> definition of what a monopoly is?

You have a choice...



Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: sucker ()
Date: May 11, 2011 02:38PM

Comcast does suck a big one.

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: Take a Stand ()
Date: May 11, 2011 04:09PM

Yes, Comcast sucks, where do I begin ,

-on-screen guide interface, is outdated, slow, featureless and working on-demand is a real task. The channel order makes so sense what so ever!
-sound goes in and out several times and hour on non-hd channels, and the picture goes fuzzy often on all channels.
-They are expensive, and the contracts and extra fees dont make any sense .

When I had direct tv, the picture only went out when it was raining really hard if ever, the guide is very quick and easy to use, and for the contract I got, it was $30 cheaper than comcast,

I plan on only using comcast for internet and getting direct tv. Im still waiting for FIOS to get in my neighborhood.

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: Atom ()
Date: May 12, 2011 05:49PM

The head of the FCC, who approved the Comcast-NBC merger will retire in early June and work for, surprise, Comcast.

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Date: May 12, 2011 05:55PM

Genakowski is leaving the FCC?


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: May 13, 2011 01:39PM

Atom Wrote:
> The head of the FCC, who approved the Comcast-NBC
> merger will retire in early June and work for,
> surprise, Comcast.

Not the head, but a member.

Pinhead the Cenobite Wrote:
> Genakowski is leaving the FCC?

Nope, but he praised the bitch who is.


Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: big farce ()
Date: May 13, 2011 02:30PM

Cable, Dish all one in the same, they all suck. Even individual private networks like Turner classics, Fox movies. and the like, just a repetition of same junk. I mean there are so many old good movies lying in some vault that have hardly ever been shown. Then they show the up dated version of a flick (the Getaway, Taking of Pelham 1,2,3, etc.) and ignore the classic version. Steve McQueen's role in the "Getaway" runs circles around Baldwin's but is never shown. When they do show a classic they run it ad nauseum, like its a Mad, Mad, Mad World. I'm keeping a diary fora nielsen TV ratings survey and wrote in it Turner Classics suck.

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: Les ()
Date: May 16, 2011 03:35PM

My fees have gone up over 20% in the last year. $135 for cable+tv.

Not a monopoly, but a non-competitive cartel of 3 cable providers and a few content providers. It's only going to get worse since there'll be more mergers like comcast and nbc.

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: Les ()
Date: May 16, 2011 03:35PM

BTW, shouldn't this be on the Fairfax County forum?

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: May 16, 2011 03:36PM

Why should it be? It's general bitching about cable television service. Not FFX-specific in the slightest.

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: Les ()
Date: May 16, 2011 04:09PM

I was planning on comparing costs for Verizon, Comcast, and Cox in Fairfax Co (Reston). $20 off my bill is for equipment rental.

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: wally pip ()
Date: May 22, 2011 07:01PM

Big Farce, It was the constant repetition of movies on turner classics that finally made me give up cable. As all my favorite cable networks turned into crap I weakened but TCM was my last vestige. but when I saw they were running the same movies over and over again despite the huge film library they have access too I gave up. I guess even without commercials the thinking at TCM is to gain the most viewers so they can charge the cable providers more money thus thru some lamebrains calculations they figure out what movies draw most viewers and show them again and again. Never a surprise film noir or science fiction film even in the middle of the night.
Actually, I find that Antenna tv and This TV(digital over the air) show lots of movies I've never seen before from 50's to 80's. The constant commercials in the last half of most movies does get a bit ponderous

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: Brian ()
Date: August 20, 2011 10:52PM

With 500+ channels at your disposal and nothing to watch, it amazes me that people will shell out good money just to receive a bunch of networks doing their damnedest to churn out the most hideous programs ever to disgrace television.I have absolutely no need for network or cable TV anymore. The internet is the only logical source for media worth anymore.

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: ... ()
Date: August 21, 2011 01:22AM

Save your money; I am sure you can find better use for it than Comcast.

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: coxsucks ()
Date: August 21, 2011 09:57AM

Cox suckers communications offered the worst overpriced bundle of shit ever! Calls sounded like you were in a bathroom stall and cut off for no reason, their workers would come over and throw their shit all over our yard, one time they left a dangling power line right in the middle of the walkway and refused to come back to pick it up, back when I was in middle school I got cable up in my room and instead of working and feeding the cable under the roof they put it over the roof exposed and to top it off after a week all channels below 50 got knocked out so I couldn't watch Fox or NBC, their internet OMG first if you even attempted to download anything over 7 mb your download would stop and you would lose internet connection, second every 4 months you had to get a new linxus router and everyone else in the computer section at Best Buy was looking for the same thing because it was a Cox wide issue, and lastly I never experienced so many service outages ever! Even before when we had Media General never an issue, switched to FIOS never looked back and the only thing to look at is the excellent service we receive.

Re: Cable TV is a scam
Posted by: Les ()
Date: August 21, 2011 10:06AM

Comcast sucks Wrote:
> It is bullshit that their service blows but the
> prices keep going higher. Isn't this the
> definition of what a monopoly is?

next step down from a monopoly is a cartel where more than one company dominates an industry. the cable providers and the content providers are few in number also. six conglomerates essentially own the whole industry.


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