Don't watch Holiday Inn on AMC!
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Date: November 13, 2007 08:18PM
Well, I decided to watch it last year for perhaps the 25th time when I saw it listed on the AMC channel. They completely cut out a section of the movie when they do "Abraham" (Lincoln's birthday) in blackface! One scene shows Bing Crosby applying black makeup to Marjorie Reynolds face and the next minute (after a commercial) he's asking Fred Astaire if he liked the blackface routine. Apparently AMC thinks that some people might be offended by the minstrel singing and dancing act. I hate it when they decide what I should see! I will never watch another movie on this channel. It's bad enough that they chop it up with commercials but don't mess with the content. I'll buy it on DVD.
That is complete and utter censorship!