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Thinking about big oil... What other markets are a complete scam?
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: April 11, 2011 02:30PM

Thinking about big oil... What other markets are a complete scam?

This is from another topic:

Re: Gas going to $5/gal.; retards say we shouldn't drill. Are they right?
Posted by: Dew Sum Reesurch ()
Date: April 11, 2011 01:51PM

There is no supply issue as people have been led to believe. The price of oil has been artificially driven upwards at an astronomical pace. This is nothing more than a collaboration between wall street and big oil. The way oil is traded is the sole reason prices have skyrocketed the way they have. They blame it on wars, market turmoil, your moms panties, the dog shit in my yard and anything else the lemmings will believe but if regulations were put in place that brought oil trading back to the old mercantile exchange where there were thousands of oil trades per day and went away from the new electronic trading system where there are now millions of oil trades per day, we would see the price of oil drop to its true value which is around $35 per barrel. It's all a scam that could easily be fixed by our government and their inaction on this matter during these economic times proves they know about the scam and have signed off on it. Shocker.

I bet w could come up with a laundry list of great government endorsed scams. I would add diamonds, precious metals, pharmaceuticals. Utilities (The average private utility operates at about 35% profit margins.

Re: Thinking about big oil... What other markets are a complete scam?
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: April 11, 2011 02:35PM

Wall Street will turn anything into a scam to keep them making money while costing the rest of us more. Food prices are another example. They are going up and up dramatically, and it ain't even mostly because of ethanol.

Re: Thinking about big oil... What other markets are a complete scam?
Posted by: total ripoff ()
Date: April 11, 2011 02:36PM

JBass Wrote:
> Thinking about big oil... What other markets are a
> complete scam?
> This is from another topic:
> Re: Gas going to $5/gal.; retards say we shouldn't
> drill. Are they right?
> Posted by: Dew Sum Reesurch ()
> Date: April 11, 2011 01:51PM
> There is no supply issue as people have been led
> to believe. The price of oil has been artificially
> driven upwards at an astronomical pace. This is
> nothing more than a collaboration between wall
> street and big oil. The way oil is traded is the
> sole reason prices have skyrocketed the way they
> have. They blame it on wars, market turmoil, your
> moms panties, the dog shit in my yard and anything
> else the lemmings will believe but if regulations
> were put in place that brought oil trading back to
> the old mercantile exchange where there were
> thousands of oil trades per day and went away from
> the new electronic trading system where there are
> now millions of oil trades per day, we would see
> the price of oil drop to its true value which is
> around $35 per barrel. It's all a scam that could
> easily be fixed by our government and their
> inaction on this matter during these economic
> times proves they know about the scam and have
> signed off on it. Shocker.
> I bet w could come up with a laundry list of great
> government endorsed scams. I would add diamonds,
> precious metals, pharmaceuticals. Utilities (The
> average private utility operates at about 35%
> profit margins.


Re: Thinking about big oil... What other markets are a complete scam?
Date: April 11, 2011 02:36PM



"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

Re: Thinking about big oil... What other markets are a complete scam?
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: April 11, 2011 02:45PM

Department of "Justice", Homeland "Security", Fannie Mae, DEA

Re: Thinking about big oil... What other markets are a complete scam?
Date: April 11, 2011 03:09PM

Conservative ideas.


Re: Thinking about big oil... What other markets are a complete scam?
Posted by: ammo ()
Date: April 11, 2011 03:13PM

Nigerian Lottery

Re: Thinking about big oil... What other markets are a complete scam?
Posted by: Wut?! ()
Date: April 11, 2011 03:38PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Conservative ideas.

I thought you said they didn't have any.

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