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What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: Vegas bound ()
Date: April 10, 2011 12:43AM

Where do you prefer to stay when there? (And why?)

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: dunno ()
Date: April 10, 2011 12:44AM

never been..

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: April 10, 2011 12:48AM

Ask this guy I think he's been there,,,

you're gonna need a ouji board

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: MrMystery ()
Date: April 10, 2011 12:48AM


Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: Vegas bound ()
Date: April 10, 2011 01:08AM

Why the Wynn?

Have stayed at New York, New York and MGM. Stratosphere has a good deal going on...

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: livin cheap ()
Date: April 10, 2011 06:30AM

I like Motel 6.
$40 bucks a night
literally next door to MGM
parking in front of your room
street hookers galore

personally i think vegas is the tackiest most depressing place i'v ever been.
if you like seeing literally tons of gigantic zombie slobs wearing sweatpants pulling slots go there.
the dealers weren't as hot as people say they are and the strippers are pretty hard core at hustling guys.
you do have some bachelorette parties but other then that any girl who isn't with guy is a hooker.
when you walk down the street it's so hot you can't breath, the wind whips sand in your eyes and their is the stench of dead bodies coming from the sewers.
it's basically a bunch of phony people having phony fun.

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: Vegas rocks! ()
Date: April 10, 2011 06:53AM

Vegas bound,

Ignore these losers who respond with "never been" or "hate it." Remember, most of the losers on FFXU live in their parent's basement and live on a diet of Mountain Dew and Cheetos. They haven't been laid. Ever. And they wouldn't know how to have a good time in Vegas.

Check out this awesome online resource for everything you need to know about Vegas: http://www.cheapovegas.com/index.php

Also, be sure to read the postings here: http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/las-vegas-463/

Have a great time!

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Date: April 10, 2011 07:41AM

There are dozens of hotels, and dozens of tastes. I have been there several times - vacations, conferences, trade shows, etc. Here is my list:

Most opulent - Encore/Wynn
Most amazing pool (size/features) - Mandalay Bay
"Hottest" pool/crowd - Palms or Hard Rock (neither of which are on the Strip)
Best in-hotel restaurants - Bellagio
Best "holy shit, someone was on drugs when they built that" resort - New York, New York
Best hotel to work loose slots (slots, not sluts) - most any hotel NOT on the Strip
Best hotel to go to realize your life is a lot better than others - Binions or 4 Queens.


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2011 07:43AM by Pinhead the Cenobite.

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Date: April 10, 2011 08:27AM



Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Date: April 10, 2011 08:30AM

Here's my theory. You aren't staying in Vegas for the room and the loosest slots are off the strip. I think you stay at a crap but okay hotel like Suxor and get a rental car to visit the off-strip places. If you want to get gouged bt Caesar's, go get a burrito for lunch there.


Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 10, 2011 08:45AM

I go to Vegas once or twice a year and usually stay at the Flamingo. Prices are reasonable and it's in a great location. The pool is awesome, and ranks right up there with the one at Mandalay Bay. I also like the way the Flamingo opens directly onto the Strip- walk out of the casino and you are right on the sidewalk. Not like alot of properties that sit 100 yards from the street. I've also had many good experiences with the staff over the years. They run a good operation.

I've been in every casino on the Strip and Fremont, but have only stayed overnight in a few. The rooms at Mandalay Bay are huge and pretty swanky, but it's all the way south on the Strip and sort of inconvenient IMO. I'd definitely avoid the Stratosphere suggestion. It's a good deal, but it's a FAR walk from everything, the surrounding area is kinda sketchy at night, and the room I had was cramped and a bit worn. I definitely don't recommend staying there.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2011 08:46AM by TheMeeper.

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: the lamplighter ()
Date: April 10, 2011 08:49AM

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 10, 2011 08:57AM

Pinhead the Cenobite Wrote:
> Best hotel to go to realize your life is a lot
> better than others - Binions or 4 Queens.

I'd have to nominate The Western and The Plaza in this category. The Western is creepy and filled with lowlifes. The Plaza has always been pretty slummy, but I was in there a few weeks ago and it was like gambling in a funeral home. Part of it's closed for renovation and the place was nearly empty (on a Friday evening). The place is downright depressing. I also saw roaches in there a few years ago.

Binions used to be nice, but it's gone down hill under the new owners.

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Date: April 10, 2011 09:18AM

Agree with Meep. Any hotel in the "old" section of Vegas is a true to life timewarp into a land of scuz.

When I am not there on business, I often stay at the Mirage. Good location, reasonable rates and the scene is pretty decent. I got a 29th floor suite a year or so ago for less than $200 a night - and the room was well decorated.


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: Vegas bound ()
Date: April 10, 2011 10:03AM

It's all good advice. Would like to stay somewhere different every time to change up the experience. Will definitely try some of these!

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 10, 2011 12:42PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> I think you stay at a crap but okay hotel like
> Suxor and get a rental car to visit the off-strip places.

This can be good advice if you're looking to see parts of Vegas most tourists never see and want cheap gaming. I've driven out to the casinos on Boulder Highway a few times and have been to a few other "locals" joints. Actually drove down to Primm this past trip, and although I can't really recommend it, they did have 3 dollar craps and blackjack, and enough weird people milling about to keep things interesting. Some really drunk old lady even pinched my cheeks and asked me if my mom was still alive while I was there.

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: YOU = COCKSMOKER ()
Date: April 10, 2011 12:48PM

Vegas rocks! Wrote:
> Vegas bound,
> Ignore these losers who respond with "never been"
> or "hate it." Remember, most of the losers on
> FFXU live in their parent's basement and live on a
> diet of Mountain Dew and Cheetos. They haven't
> been laid. Ever. And they wouldn't know how to
> have a good time in Vegas.
> Check out this awesome online resource for
> everything you need to know about Vegas:
> http://www.cheapovegas.com/index.php
> Also, be sure to read the postings here:
> http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/las-vegas-463/
> Have a great time!


Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: April 10, 2011 01:12PM

Rehab. julie. She is a Va girl. Silly times at the hard rock.

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: Ms ProVallone ()
Date: April 10, 2011 06:48PM

I had a timeshare in Vegas. But there was a hotel next door to me called Southpoint. It's not on the strip. But I was told it was pretty reasonable. They have a movie theater there plus a bowling alley. But I am sure its nothing like the hotels on the strip. Have a good time and enjoy!!

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 10, 2011 07:42PM

Ms ProVallone Wrote:
> I had a timeshare in Vegas. But there was a hotel
> next door to me called Southpoint.

South Point underwent a big renovation a few years ago and the casino part is pretty nice. Room rates look pretty reasonable, but, it's about 5 miles past Mandalay Bay. I wouldn't recommend staying all the way down there, unless your vacation plans are to spend most of your time at South Point and looking at Vegas off in the distance.

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: April 10, 2011 09:47PM

The Wynne FTW

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 10, 2011 10:01PM

496 Wrote:
> The Wynne FTW

It's one of the fanciest hotel-casinos I've ever seen. Everything about it is luxury.

That being said, it's pricey and it's not convenient for low-rolling around mid Strip.

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: livin cheap ()
Date: April 11, 2011 11:14AM

Pinhead the Cenobite Wrote:
> Agree with Meep. Any hotel in the "old" section of
> Vegas is a true to life timewarp into a land of
> scuz.

the freemont st. area was the only part of vegas i thought had any personality at all.
it was more like a living breathing city than a theme park.

i had more fun at red rock canyon and the valley of fire.
you can see 3000 year old petroglyphs and none of the fat fucks from the hotels would dare hike down a trail in that heat with no chance of getting ice cream.

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 11, 2011 11:23AM

livin cheap Wrote:
> i had more fun at red rock canyon and the valley
> of fire.

Red Rock is great. I hiked the Ice Box Canyon trail last year, and it's probably one of the best hikes you can do in the LV area. Last month I hiked the Callville Wash out near Lake Mead. Not as scenic or challenging as Red Rock or Valley of Fire, but it seems alot more remote and it's pretty cool.

Re: What's your favorite hotel in Las Vegas?
Posted by: fatboyx ()
Date: April 11, 2011 04:07PM

CAESARS, because he actually lived there.

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