PDS Wrote:
> It wasn't my kid. The parents didn't sue, they
> just pulled him out. They did talk with a lawyer,
> but the school offered the alternative of small
> group and one-on-one and some other options (none
> of which were to GE the boy) so she said the
> parents had little chance of winning.
The truth is you really don't know what happened. The parents could have been oversensitive to the fact that a teacher may have said she saw ADHD tendencies in their kid (which a teacher CAN do). A teacher or school CANNOT recommend or force medication on a kid.
Odds are the parents were unhappy with the situation anyway, took offense at the idea, pulled the kid out and then bashed the school for forcing them out. People are prone to exaggerate.
But you wouldn't know anything about that, now would you PDS?