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Posted by: No Starch ()
Date: September 21, 2007 03:15PM

While driving to work during my morning commute I merge off my exit and enter into a metropolis of financial stability represented by towering skyscrapers, some of the world’s largest companies, and fancy big-body luxury sedans being driven by grey haired, yet highly stylish, captains of industry. Every morning, as we sit in traffic, we drive beneath an over-pass which hosts the capital beltway. This is the main thoroughfare into the area.

A rather intellectual graffiti artist has recently made his mark on the stone bridge that we all sit beneath in bumper to bumper traffic, making our crawl into to the office for yet another work day. Scrawled in black spray paint is the word, the statement, “$lave$” - A powerful, yet simple, declaration and scathing indictment upon all those whom pass below.

Some sit in their cars looking angry, speaking on their blue tooth head sets, making physical hand gestures amid heated early morning debates with colleagues. Others furiously munch on bagels, or other assorted pastries, and down strong-brewed coffee stored in thermal containers. Some, with a comb, furiously brush their wind-blown hair, sitting in a convertible, exposed to the elements. Others smoke cigarettes, cautiously ashing their Marlboro’s lights out the window, trying to prevent the burnt carbon from gaining reentrance back inside their vehicle. Woman look at themselves in vanity mirrors, applying a final touch of makeup, switching angles as they gaze unsatisfied at their own reflection. Some pick or scratch at their nose while gently tapping the steering wheel to the beat of the new Maroon 5 or Lifehouse – whatever the flavor of the week on DC 101.1

I sit, and I stare, blankly, at the message that has been written for us all. Physically lifeless, but mind hard at work – thinking, knowing, that I am a slave to the almighty dollar. Acknowledging that I am spoke in the wheel of a capitalist society that operates purely in pursuit of personal and financial gain. I am a cog in the truest sense of the word. I am nothing but an ant marching, progressing slowly forward, mindful to not stray outside of the white dotted lines that guide me toward my grave. I will be doing this for the next 40 years, nearly twice as long as I have been alive, and that scares me, to death.

Sometimes I wish I was born during another time. Sometimes I wish I was born in another place. Sometimes I wish I was never born at all. Sometimes I wish I was one of the Hispanics standing around the bus stop, or sitting lazily on the grass, early in morning. No lofty expectations bestowed upon them, other than to scrape by, and provide bare-minimum sustenance and shelter to themselves and family. And at other times, I sit beneath my $lave$ graffiti sign, and wish for a meteor to come crashing to earth, ending life as we know it.

However, when the lights turn green, I go. I move forward, in pursuit of the end.

Posted by: Expensive Jeans ()
Date: September 21, 2007 04:49PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2009 09:21AM by Expensive Jeans.

Re: $lave$
Posted by: hmm ()
Date: September 21, 2007 05:01PM

The original post smells suspiciously like an EJ, esp when EJ posts the positive revue. Not that it isn't well written and it does make me think.

" I will be doing this for the next 40 years, nearly twice as long as I have been alive, and that scares me, to death. "

If Hillary gets elected she has already promised free healthcare for everyone and increased social security benefits so you may not be working as long as you think. If you believe what she says then I also have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

Re: $lave$
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: September 21, 2007 06:01PM

Oh please! Society is a construct. Our US capitalist society is our chosen construct. We are all playing the game to the best of our abilities. Its wether you chose to play the game, cheat at the game or sit out the game it doesnt matter. What matters is not self definition by employment its self definition by character and relationships. If you define yourself by your success at the "game" of capitalism then you wil truly be, "$lave$". BUT if you remember that you are a human being and treat other people, family and friends as you wish to be treated then you are ahead of the true meaning of life. Mr $lave$ artist is probably a smug, pretentious weasel living in his mom's basement.

Re: $lave$
Posted by: hmm ()
Date: September 21, 2007 06:40PM

Unless you do a back to nature commune, a homeless shelter, or live in your parents basement you have to keep in the harness that is work.

I do not agree with his post 100% but he does make valid observations. If I want to keep my house, my car and a halfass health care plan then I better not stop working. I can't remember is it was Ghandi that said something like with possessions comes responsibilities or something along those lines. My take on it was the more you obtain in life the more problems you will have. I dont know I barely got out of high school.

Re: $lave$
Posted by: 124C41 ()
Date: September 22, 2007 05:12AM

Super writing, great style. You must be a real asset at your work. Honest.

It made me recall English 101 and a poem:

"Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored, and imperially slim.

"And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
'Good-morning,' and he glittered when he walked.

"And he was rich—yes, richer than a king—
And admirably schooled in every grace:
In fine, we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place.

"So on we worked, and waited for the light,
And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
Went home and put a bullet through his head."

-Edwin Arlington Robinson

Re: $lave$
Posted by: No Starch ()
Date: September 22, 2007 01:36PM

I think you're being facetious with your compliment but I like the poem.

Re: $lave$
Posted by: 124C41 ()
Date: September 22, 2007 02:34PM

No, compliments were sincere. From your monograph, I would judge that you are a talented writer. And I would imagine that if you write a lot at work, or even draft briefings, I think that they would be top notch.

While your imagery was to me, somewhat sardonic, but in a nice way, it nevertheless made me think of Richard Cory. I surely hope that you are not he. I guess in the same way that the pause in traffic, the graffiti, triggered your imagination, so did you exposition excite my synapses.

I also imagined that you awake to a B&O sound system, have a ca·fé au lait, served from a fine Italian machine, just before you hop into your fine German machine, the Mercedes, for the arduous drive to tedious work...good writing "conjurors" the imagination--your prose did just that.

Re: $lave$
Posted by: wo ()
Date: September 24, 2007 12:00AM

By definition, "slave" is a person entirely under the domination of some influence or person. I was born and raised in northern virginia and I understand that success via corporate america is encouraged, but there are so many more options to choose from. I have plenty of friends who have opted for the latter. One just quit her high-paying but monotonous job that made her miserable and is headed out to Seattle and doesn't know what kind of job she wants. Another spent a year and a half driving all over the US on a motorcycle so he'd have material for his career as a writer. And no, he did not have a lot of money saved up going into it. He sold everything he had and left with a grand total of $3000. You say you would feel freer if you were stricken by poverty like the hispanics that you see along the road. That is complete BS and you know it. You have the luxury of a well-paying job. You can choose to save up money and pursue whatever your dreams may be. Why don't you dare to dream? Are you really that attached to your expensive car that you drive in each morning while dreaming of getting hit by a meteor? If you don't like your life, change it. You won't regret trying. We have but one life to live, and no one made history (or lived happily ever after) by wishing they had never been born. That is a disgusting thing to say and I'm sick of people acting like they are victims when they are not. And to those of you who say that your family, car payments, and mortgages get in the way of pursuing frivilous dreams, then I recommend you read "Double Lives" by David Heenan. In it, he describes individuals that pursued their dreams while still holding onto their day jobs (which included being doctors, lawyers, and investment bankers). So you have a choice. You can choose to believe Biggie when he spoke of "mo money, mo problems" or you can side with Tupac, who said "I guess change is good for any of us, whatever it take for any of y'all to get up out the hood, I'm wit cha, I ain't mad at cha."

Re: $lave$
Posted by: No Starch ()
Date: September 24, 2007 08:52AM

Thank you for your earnest reply

Re: $lave$
Posted by: Tia2 ()
Date: September 24, 2007 10:06AM

ferfux Wrote:
> Oh please! Society is a construct. Our US
> capitalist society is our chosen construct. We are
> all playing the game to the best of our abilities.
> Its wether you chose to play the game, cheat at
> the game or sit out the game it doesnt matter.
> What matters is not self definition by employment
> its self definition by character and
> relationships. If you define yourself by your
> success at the "game" of capitalism then you wil
> truly be, "$lave$". BUT if you remember that you
> are a human being and treat other people, family
> and friends as you wish to be treated then you are
> ahead of the true meaning of life. Mr $lave$
> artist is probably a smug, pretentious weasel
> living in his mom's basement.

I admire the point of this post very much ferfux. Very well grounded...

Re: $lave$
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: September 25, 2007 02:16PM

i see it everyday (and by everyday i mean mon-friday).. and i've always thought that was one of the better pieces i've seen up... if thats what you want to call it.. and yet, its so simple.

this post is a great example of why i think that...


ferfux is right on the money, except (IMO) his comments about mr $lave$..

and in no way does the original post 'smell' like a post from EJ..

Re: $lave$
Posted by: Expensive Jeans ()
Date: September 25, 2007 03:23PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2009 09:21AM by Expensive Jeans.

Re: $lave$
Posted by: Expensive Jeans ()
Date: September 25, 2007 03:29PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/30/2009 10:20PM by Expensive Jeans.

Re: $lave$
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: September 25, 2007 06:04PM

EJ is still here? Wow certainly takes some balls after these commments:

Re: Thinking about leaving FU
Posted by: Expensive Jeans (IP Logged)
Date: August 31, 2007 11:45AM

Genevieve, go suck cocks in hell. Ugly, worthless, house wife.

stinkypoon, i probably will be leaving but also wanted to use this thread as a means to determine who to put on my "who to pwn" list should I decide to stay. And congratulations, you just made the cut, faggot.

(all squares that will be pwned severely if I stay)

Re: $lave$
Posted by: Expensive Jeans ()
Date: September 25, 2007 07:09PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2009 09:22AM by Expensive Jeans.

Re: $lave$
Posted by: Reprehensive Beans ()
Date: September 25, 2007 09:00PM

EJ is a scared cowardly fat dude who can't drive.

Re: $lave$
Posted by: 16yr Old Drunk Driver ()
Date: September 25, 2007 11:38PM

ej is a wretched little devil, but i sure do enjoy his contributions. he is very smart and intelligent - so much better than most of you. i think you guys have a lot to learn from ej and i suggest you open your ears and eyes to what he has to offer and what he is willing to provide. do not simply swat it away. he is dropping supplies from his airplane, food in the form of knowledge, but you hungry heathens have chosen to starve

im stepping out of the darkness to expose ej in the positive light that he deserves

the dimwits that reign supreme over this board had better heed his warning because i spoke with ej over PM and he said he's cummin' and gunnin' after a whole lot of ya's. he said the "pwn list" is back in effect. he said lay down your arms and surrender your faith and soul and you shall remain unharmed and in tact. dont shoot the messenger people but he sounded furious. he is "sick and tired" of the satirical uses of his screen name and futile attempts to somehow strip him of his credibility and overall respect that he has garnered during his tenure serving on and for this board

Re: $lave$
Posted by: Expensive Jeans ()
Date: September 25, 2007 11:42PM

Well, that was certainly unexpected, but thank you, 16yr Old Drunk Driver.

i couldnt have said it better myself

Re: $lave$
Posted by: 17yr Old Drunk Driver ()
Date: September 25, 2007 11:49PM

How fortuitous that EJ logged in a mere 4 minutes after 16 yr old's post! The repo man will pwn everything you have if you don't get a job! Try Maui Wowi.

Re: $lave$
Posted by: mariokart ()
Date: September 26, 2007 11:28AM

Very nice post No Starch.
*gives him some starch*
Now you have some.

Re: $lave$
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: September 26, 2007 03:17PM

ok well, it seems like a completely different style EJ.. maybe because you werent throwing in random shit to try and be funny or seem like an asshole..

its the Rt 7 West exit off of 495N btw, and the bridge its written on is Towers Crescent Dr

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/26/2007 03:21PM by bdimag.

Re: $lave$
Posted by: Expensive Jeans ()
Date: September 26, 2007 03:30PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2009 09:31AM by Expensive Jeans.

Re: $lave$
Posted by: Expensive Jeans ()
Date: September 26, 2007 03:38PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/30/2009 10:20PM by Expensive Jeans.

Re: $lave$
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: September 26, 2007 04:34PM

Not a double negative..

and as far as the pictures.. probably.. but dont

no picture.. but maybe somebody will recognize this.. anyone ever seen a 98 oldsmobile cutlass (or in some peoples mind a chevy malibu) with a smashed up right side driving around like nothing was wrong? :) - last seen the 5th of July..

Re: $lave$
Posted by: CaneCorsoLover ()
Date: September 26, 2007 11:50PM

No Starch - I enjoyed reading your post

- I believe life is what you make it - these people enjoy mindlessly pursuing their wealth and living in their McMansions sipping their lattes - like putting their pale flabby asses in their hot tubs at night - sure beats sleeping on a underpass along the highway eating McDonalds trash pickins!

You can still live the way you want - go live modestly in a small town out in the midwest or something

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