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Screw Vick
Posted by: VickSucks ()
Date: July 27, 2007 02:18PM

Don't get why people piss their life away: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Vick#2007_dog_fighting_investigation_and_federal_indictments

Hope they make an example of him!

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: July 27, 2007 02:29PM

Agreed. "...the federal allegations detailed exceptionally extreme violence involving execution of losing and under-performing dogs by electrocution, hanging, drowning and shooting, including Vick's direct involvement..."

People aren't going to like him very much when they hear the ugly details.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2007 02:31PM by trogdor!.

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: July 27, 2007 03:16PM

It is a shame. If Vick would taken some his money and got better trainers for those dogs alot of them would of probably won.

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: July 29, 2007 01:01AM

I was pissed to see that, in CNN's coverage of Vick's plea, they showed dogfights.

It's not ok for Michael Vick to make dogs fight in his backyard, but it's perfectly ok for CNN to show it on the news?


Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Lynch Him ()
Date: July 29, 2007 10:39AM

the Vick brothers are stupid niggers. Plain and simple

YOu can take the Cat out the Jungle. But you cant take the stripes off the cat

Re: Screw Vick
Date: July 29, 2007 09:20PM

anything horrible done to any animal or human being is horrendous, and the celebrities who do these things should be reminded before they do that they have children, teen-agers, etc...that admire and look up to them as role models, and now what are thinking when they hear that their favorite hero/herione has done something heinious?

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: pmn ()
Date: July 29, 2007 11:29PM

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: § ()
Date: July 30, 2007 06:44PM

I wonder if Mike Vick can outrun a rabid greyhound in the 40 yd. dash? Hmm. -§

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: August 07, 2007 10:45AM


Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: August 08, 2007 12:39PM



Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: August 08, 2007 03:59PM

That's a Vick "likeness" and copyright infringement, Vick will probably make money off this toy in the end.

And the criminals just keep making more money... Go OJ Go

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: August 08, 2007 04:15PM

Except they are giving them away for FREE. Prolly from a stash of unsold ones in a whare house somwhere. He doesnt get a dime.

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Tia2 ()
Date: August 17, 2007 09:13AM

This creep is going to get what he deserves.


AND JESTER - YOUR POST SICKENS ME even if it is meant as a joke...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2007 09:14AM by Tia2.

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: TRICKIE ()
Date: August 17, 2007 11:25AM

I hate him. I can't even read the stories about what he did to those dogs. They sicken me. I also hate Mike Tyson. He had ferrets and never fed them. His maid found them dead in their cages. Why do these people get animals?


Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Tia2 ()
Date: August 17, 2007 12:54PM

You know Trickie,

Your question is something I ask myself all of the time. I don't understand why we have to have shelters for animals. Why would someone get one and then just discard them? Why would someone get one and not care for them? Why would someone get one and make them fight?

People who are cruel to animals should be made to live in the same conditions they make their pet live...maybe then they will get the message...

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: cw ()
Date: August 17, 2007 04:35PM

I hope he gets all of the six years in jail he is due. When he gets out no one will touch him for endorsements unless it is something like Eastern Motors where your job is your credit. He stands to lose multi millions and I hope he gets everything he has coming to him.

If he pleads to the gambling part then he earns a lifetime suspension from the NFL. Although as soon as he starts playing the race card the NFL will back down and say he has learned his lesson.

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: :burpgun: ()
Date: August 18, 2007 06:41AM

They don't get stupider than this guy. How uneducated to you have to be to blow earning power like that, not to mention risk incarceration?

Virginia Tech sports scholarship uneducated evidently...

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: pmn ()
Date: August 20, 2007 03:18PM


Vick takes plea deal, avoids additional dogfighting charges

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Tia2 ()
Date: August 20, 2007 03:45PM

No more charges, but also no more football, a possible loss of $250,000 and hopefully 5 years in jail!

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Robert ()
Date: August 20, 2007 04:22PM

I'm surpised that PETA is based in Norfolk. I didn't realize we had those animal sickos so close by. I love animals, but really.. PETA is whacked.

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: cw ()
Date: August 20, 2007 09:16PM

I heard on CNN he could be made to do the five years since he was the financial source behind the fights. If he does all five he will be worthless as a prospect and certainly as endorsement material, which is where the big money is at. His so called thug friends that had his back sold him out the first chance they had to keep themselves out of jail.

I really hope he does the full five and is broken and useless when he gets out.
Enjoy your time in club fed you piece of shit.

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: August 20, 2007 09:33PM

He'll never do 5 years. A rich guy like that, c'mon. I predict he will be in the league again in 2-3 years.

That highly over-rated career he had going is over, but he'll be back. It's not like he's Rae Carruth.

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: cw ()
Date: August 20, 2007 10:11PM

Could be, but from what I heard the judge has to follow certain guidelines and wouldnt stick his neck out to go to bat for this scumbag. They were saying without Vicks financial backing none of this would have ever happened.

If nothing else he will be untouchable for endorsements except maybe some local business that specializes in thug material.

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: cw ()
Date: August 20, 2007 10:14PM

Also the gambling part is an automatic lifetime suspension from the NFL. We will see how much backbone they have, especially when vick starts playing the race card.

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: August 20, 2007 10:15PM

Weirder things will happen, this is new territory for the NFL.

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Steve ()
Date: August 21, 2007 01:06AM

Dogs (cats, birds, etc.) are pets. Pets have been apart of humanity for thousands of years. It has only been over the last century that they have been recognized as parts of our families.

I would never condone the torture of an animal; pets, more specifically, were meant to be our companions. We are the ones that domesticated them and made them apart of our lives. We are forever obligated to protect them and look after them. Many may feel adverse to this, but our only choice is to not adopt them. We otherwise have no choice.

These are beings that are born everyday. They have no idea what is upon them, nor what to expect out of life. We do owe them something: food, shelter, and -whenever possible, a loving home.

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: slinkeyts ()
Date: August 21, 2007 01:36AM

vick really needs to die

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: August 21, 2007 01:55AM

Steve Wrote:
> Dogs (cats, birds, etc.) are pets. Pets have been
> apart of humanity for thousands of years. It has
> only been over the last century that they have
> been recognized as parts of our families.
> I would never condone the torture of an animal;
> pets, more specifically, were meant to be our
> companions. We are the ones that domesticated
> them and made them apart of our lives. We are
> forever obligated to protect them and look after
> them. Many may feel adverse to this, but our only
> choice is to not adopt them. We otherwise have no
> choice.
> These are beings that are born everyday. They
> have no idea what is upon them, nor what to expect
> out of life. We do owe them something: food,
> shelter, and -whenever possible, a loving home.

Thanks, I wondering how the call was made as to what can be killed legally.

Illegal to kill: Dogs, Cats, Horses, Ferrets, Hamsters, Tropical Fish, any "cute animal"

Legal to kill: Chickens, Pigs, Birds, Cows, Deer, Snakes, Squrrils, Fish, insects of any kind(what the hell, if you can't see the eye's just step on it)

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Tia2 ()
Date: August 21, 2007 09:05AM

It's unforutnate that he coped a plea, but it is what it is. I hope that whatever term the judge gives him, he receives everyone of the "possibilities" that can happen to someone in prision. Raped, beat up, shanked..everything that is possible. How can someone do something like that to something like this...

Type in commands such as sit, roll over, down, stand, sing, dance, shake, fetch, play dead etc. And...it's also very cute if you type in a command that's not recognized...!!

Don't forget to ask for a kiss when your finished!


Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Free Dogs ()
Date: August 21, 2007 09:46AM

All humans should have to live a day like a dog.

a- Put in a cage all day
b- Fed only after doing some trick
c- Have to hold going to bathroom until allowed to do so

Dog owners are so cruel. Free all dogs and stop the domestic cruelty!

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Tia2 ()
Date: August 21, 2007 10:06AM

My dog has full run of the house, has company as the TV is left on at Animal Planet, has food and water out all of the time and has a place to go to the bathroom in the house - puppie pads - should she need it..

No all dog owners are cruel....

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Tia2 ()
Date: August 21, 2007 01:16PM

If you want to make sure that he gets what he deserves, click on the link below and send the letter to Roger Goodell. This is sponsored by the Humane Society - so it's valid!


Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: cw ()
Date: August 21, 2007 05:53PM

The more that comes out the worse he looks. He is probably following a lawyers advice and getting his guilty plea in early.
I saw one part where the dogs were repeatedly forced into each other to try to make them fight even though they didnt want to. I guess in the end they were killed due to not fighting. Eventually either way they would die either fighting or refusing to fight.
This guy is truly the worst the human race has to offer. He can still face state charges but I doubt they have the backbone to do anything about this.

If there was even the slightest chance he didnt know about the fighting or he didnt bankroll it he would have plead not guilty. His lawyer would make it out that he was set up for being a successful black man.

He is a miserable piece of garbage and I hope gets the full five years.

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: pmn ()
Date: August 21, 2007 06:25PM

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: pyramids17 ()
Date: August 21, 2007 09:13PM

Make sure you send all your Vick jerseys to your local kennel. Attach note stating his number has been retired and they just received new towels for cleaning up messes.

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: pmn ()
Date: August 24, 2007 10:08AM

Vick will not admit to killing dogs or gambling on dog fights



Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: cw ()
Date: August 24, 2007 04:44PM

He wants no part of the gambling because that is supposed to be a lifetime suspension from the NFL. The NFL is not the courts and can do their own investigation and use hearsay and other forms of testimony.

The rumor is he was very involved in gambling on the fights so we will see just how much backbone or lack of backbone the NFL has on this matter.

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: pmn ()
Date: August 24, 2007 06:08PM

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: August 27, 2007 01:51PM

Now Vick apologizes?

Re: Screw Vick
Posted by: Jerk'n'Burke ()
Date: August 28, 2007 10:30PM

I was watching Hannity and Colmes this evening in which they were discussing Michael Vick. A guest on the program was expressing his opinion that there was some racial element to all the attention the Vick case is getting, and that he should get a second chance and be allowed to play football again after his sentence is carried out.

After hearing all this, something dawned on me, not too long ago, Don Imus was kicked off the air for just saying something stupid, and Al Sharpton was adament that he never be allowed to work in radio again. Does anyone else see a double standard here? Apparently a senile old man can lose his job for some inappropriate comments, but a guy who murders dogs, abuses them, makes them fight, and gambles on which one will win should be allowed to come back like nothing ever happened. The Don Imus fiasco was purely racial, no laws were broken. I don't think race has anything to do with the Vick case, but some people want to bring out the race card. Unbelievable...

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