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commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: workdamiddleman ()
Date: September 22, 2010 06:11PM

Is being under a commonwealth good or a bad thing.If you argue with a man its considered simple assaul....Punching a guy malicious wounding? Is it unfair?Lemme know fruitcakes

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: September 22, 2010 06:23PM

living in a commonwealth has it's pros and cons.

arguing is not assault; verbally cursing at someone can be considered verbal assault.

Punching a guy is an assault, stabbing a guy or hitting him with an object is malicious wounding or that + with intent to maim/disfugure/kill and the charges go on...

Read the code of Virginia... you fruity ass bastard

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: youknowwhattime it is ()
Date: September 22, 2010 06:39PM

waspy banchy smelling faggot laws that protect only the waspy pasty eating greedy barbarions

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: these laws are good ()
Date: September 22, 2010 06:46PM

these laws are good as long as you obey them. duh. drop out smoke up work up. whoo wooo

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: Patrick Henry ()
Date: September 22, 2010 07:19PM

As much as I hate to disappoint everyone, there is no such thing as a "Commonwealth".

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: hahaha ()
Date: September 22, 2010 09:49PM


Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: snowdenscold ()
Date: September 23, 2010 12:56AM

Commonwealth? Sounds communist...

Seriously though, why are 6 of the 50 called commonwealth's and the others states?

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: Eastsider ()
Date: September 23, 2010 02:54AM

It's 4 of the 50: VA, PA, KY, MA.

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: Old English Law ()
Date: September 23, 2010 07:10AM

The Commonwealth is based on Engislh Law. Although the 13 origanl colonies
are not commonwealth's, ther law is still derived from it.

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: September 23, 2010 08:36AM

We all share the common wealth, with riches aplenty in ol' Virginny.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: Virginian ()
Date: September 23, 2010 10:51AM

If you don't like it, move to another state. We would be better off without you whiny-ass liberals.

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: 50 states ()
Date: September 23, 2010 04:32PM

Virginia is a state-not a commonwealth. PA, KY, MA are also states-not commonwealths.

The term, name and concept of a commonwealth are unknown to the constitution.

There are 50 states-there are zero commonwealths.

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: September 23, 2010 04:55PM

Wikipedia's version:

Commonwealths: Kentucky,[1] Massachusetts,[2] Pennsylvania,[3] and Virginia.[4] This designation, which has no constitutional impact, emphasizes that they have a "government based on the common consent of the people.

So I guess we can consent to kick our local politicans out of office. Let's do it!

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: 50 states ()
Date: September 23, 2010 05:12PM

US Constitution version;

Let's start with The Preamble

"We the people of The United STATES....

Note that it does not say commonwealth, nor does he say states or commonwealths, it simply says states.

Once again, there is no such thing as a commonwealth.

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 23, 2010 05:29PM

Commonwealth has no legal or constitutional meaning or difference from a state. It came from the colonial days to emphasize a government based on common consent from citizens rather than the King of England. That's all.

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: September 23, 2010 05:35PM

I personally like how the state of Virginia sounds better than the commonwealth of Virginia anyways.

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: MP 31 ()
Date: September 14, 2011 08:22AM

just to clarify, I LIVE in KENTUCKY and it is a COMMON WEALTH.it says so on official govt buildings.and the laws are a little different here than they are in other states,for instance its neighboting state indiana(where I used to live).I would much rather live in a state than a commonwealth. It's harder to find jobs here (in KY)&the police have a wider range of stupid things they are allowed to do.

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: MP 31 ()
Date: September 14, 2011 08:24AM

Sorry I meant **neighboring

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: Bill N ()
Date: September 14, 2011 12:00PM

50 states Wrote:
> Virginia is a state-not a commonwealth. PA, KY,
> MA are also states-not commonwealths.
> The term, name and concept of a commonwealth are
> unknown to the constitution.
> There are 50 states-there are zero commonwealths.

News flash. The United States did not create VA, Mass and PA. They were already in existence as governmental entities when the Articles of Confederation and then the Constitution were adopted.

If you study history in any depth you might be aware that the term "state" had a fairly generic meaning in the 18th century. Even today the term "state" is quite often used as an alternative for an independent nation, rather than as a subidivision of a nation. In the 18th century Europe a state could be an empire, a kingdom, commonwealth, principality, duchy, electorate, bishopric, republic or even a free city. Several of what we think of as nations today were merely collections of states all ruled by the same entity. When the "colonies" started calling themselves "states", they were simply asserting that they were the equivalent of these Europran entities. When PA, Mass and VA chose to style themselves as commonwealths they were probably patterning themselves after England in the 1650s, the decade when that country had done away with the monarchy.

Now if you look at the Constitution you will notice that its only stipulation as to the form the government states must take is that is must be (Wingnut will appreciate this one) a "Republican Form of Government". So long as it has a republican form of government a commonwealth would qualify as a state.

It would be correct to say that the Commonwealth of Virginia is a state of the United States of America, but there is no such entity as the "State of Virginia". The legal name is "The Commonwealth of Virginia".

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: RawDog ()
Date: September 14, 2011 04:32PM

Why do wiggers and illiterates always believe that the "commonwealth" in the name of Virginia has a special meaning? I've found a lot of them blame their legal problems on the notion that a "commonwealth" has stricter laws or some nonsense like that. I've also heard persons claim that since "we are a commonwealth" taxation in Virginia is somehow harsher or different than other states.

News flash.. The "commonwealth" is just part of the name of the state left over from colonial days. It has no special status or bearing on how the state is governed in this day and age compared to other states that do not have "commonwealth" in their name.

The Commonwealth of Virginia makes and enforces laws, taxation, ect.. just like almost every other state in the union.

Commonwealth is just part of the name!!

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: comeonnow ()
Date: March 10, 2013 10:39AM

come on people. If you going to dispute something, at least know your facts. There ARE commonwealths...PA, KY, MA, VA. In their constitutions they use term instead of state. While some of these states, ie. Virginia, have stricter laws, in actuality, there is no difference between commonwealth and state. Commonwealth means coming together for common good of community.
So yes, there are 4 commonwealths in U.S. though the "old term" is comparable to term used by all other states. These four are Commonwealths mainly because the term is used in their Constitutions. The founding fathers were steeped in the political theories of Locke, Hobbes, and other English philosophers of the 1600s. So when men like John Adams in Massachusetts and George Mason in Virginia wrote their states’ constitutions in the 1770s, ’80s and ’90s (a politically sensitive time!), they used the word “commonwealth” to make a very clear point of the fact that their governments were based on the authority of the people, i.e. the entire body politic, and not The Crown. So they are Commonwealths simply because they elected to call themselves Commonwealths.
With two exceptions, Puerto Rico and Northern Mariana Islands. THey follow most of U.S. government, but voluntarily so.
The venerable Dictionary.com offers an alternate definition: a “self-governing, autonomous political unit voluntarily associated with the United States, namely, Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands.” The degree of dependency varies from place to place, but we’ll use Puerto Rico as an example.

There are a few major differences between Puerto Rico and a typical American state:

The Internal Revenue Code does not apply to Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico has no voting representation in Congress.
Puerto Rican citizens are not allowed to vote in presidential elections.
Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens; they pay social security, can receive federal welfare, and can serve in the armed forces. I guess you’d consider it a limited partnership.
It is likely many will skip over this info. Hopefully some will actually read, and not sound so silly. I never did understand why people will dispute something with out actually having any knowlege or understanding of the subject. (Especially considering how easy it is to goodle any subject!)

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: Mr.Dumas ()
Date: March 10, 2013 01:05PM

comeonnow Wrote:
>Puerto Rican citizens are not allowed to vote in
> presidential elections.

Mr. Know it all,

Puerto Rican citizens, as US citizens, can vote in US elections, if they move to the mainland and become a resident of a US state.

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: James Bond ()
Date: February 01, 2015 07:26AM

I signed up just to call you fuckin dumb. Ignorant son of bitch!!!!!!! We all see who enjoying the wealth down here. Dont eed a rocket scientist to figure this racist still Klan here stupid ass fuckin state with its dumb ass laws that keep the poor poor and the rich rich. It got nuttin to do with color. Its white slaves caught up in this stupid ass system. Economic opressors who keep getting elected by poor folk. Too dumb to see hey getting fucked over with racism as the mask for the real fukin problem. Economic oppression. But a certain group of people who idenyify thier self as the working class jeep voting these dumb ass Republican oppressors in who dont give a shit about them. Poor blue collar white folk please open your eyes and see your oppressor in this so called stupidcass red state. Never in my life have I seen people voted in office because of pure hate and racism. But the powers that be alliw you to see whst they want you to see. Fuck this commonwealth fuck this old ass constitution fuck every system in this raggidy son of a bitch that was made strictly to keep u divided. As long as we focused on this white and black stupid shit.We aint never catch up with that 1%.Open your eyes people that third eye.

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: Commonkings ()
Date: February 01, 2015 09:01AM

itchy Wrote:
> Wikipedia's version:
> Commonwealths: Kentucky,[1] Massachusetts,[2]
> Pennsylvania,[3] and Virginia.[4] This
> designation, which has no constitutional impact,
> emphasizes that they have a "government based on
> the common consent of the people.
> So I guess we can consent to kick our local
> politicans out of office. Let's do it!

But we don't have a government of common consent. Stupid fascist Republicans that represent 1% have gerrymandered the fuck out of of this so called "commonwealth."

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: Shawna ()
Date: September 03, 2015 09:01PM

Absolutely correct ....

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: cuteness ()
Date: January 04, 2016 02:22AM

an association of sovereign states, almost all of which were at some time dependencies of the UK. All member states recognize the reigning British sovereign as Head of the Commonwealth Official name the Commonwealth of Nations

the republic that existed in Britain from 1649 to 1660
the part of this period up to 1653, when Cromwell became Protector

the official designation of Australia, four states of the US (Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia), and Puerto Rico
PA... Worse state I have ever been in... Should not be part of the United States of America... People here do not even know what Freedom is....

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: Alexis ()
Date: September 23, 2018 08:07PM

The fact that you used the word wigger shows that you are a ignorant individual that makes your state look horrible.

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: Carl Howard ()
Date: January 12, 2019 01:25PM

The bad thing about being a commonwealth it hinders us because we cannot have statewide ballot initiatives like real states? WE need to make a constitutional amendment to get rid of the Commonwealth!

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: Carl Howard ()
Date: January 12, 2019 01:25PM

The bad thing about being a commonwealth it hinders us because we cannot have statewide ballot initiatives like real states? WE need to make a constitutional amendment to get rid of the Commonwealth!

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: Carl Howard ()
Date: January 12, 2019 01:25PM

The bad thing about being a commonwealth it hinders us because we cannot have statewide ballot initiatives like real states? WE need to make a constitutional amendment to get rid of the Commonwealth!

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: Commonwealth Trooper ()
Date: January 12, 2019 01:28PM

Ever get pulled over by a Virginia Commonwealth Trooper? You have to watch out for those guys.

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: URStupid ()
Date: January 27, 2019 06:18PM

Go back to school and learn proper English and how to spell correctly! You are embarrassing yourself and your mother. Quit complaining about About Republicans and get out and make a life for yourself and quit waiting on a government or an agency to make your life better! Take control of your life or you don't have a right to complain ass hole!

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: URStupid ()
Date: January 27, 2019 06:21PM

Go back to school and learn proper English and how to spell correctly! You are embarrassing yourself and your mother. Quit complaining about Republicans and get out and make a life for yourself and quit waiting on a government or an agency to make your life better! Take control of your life or you don't have a right to complain ass hole!

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: k3mby ()
Date: January 27, 2019 06:55PM

workdamiddleman Wrote:
> Is being under a commonwealth good or a bad
> thing.If you argue with a man its considered
> simple assaul....Punching a guy malicious
> wounding? Is it unfair?Lemme know fruitcakes

You've all strayed from the Question.

Commonwealth means that past the rights and responsibilities of decisions go forward in future cases ALWAYS, and back and forth (reversals are supposed to mean compensation by those penalized by a law repealed - insuring those in common wealth are all the same, treated equally by the law)

THE BIGGEST BREACH OF COMMONWEALTH is government tilting the law to favor government in cases. So there is a clear case Virginia is in breach of Constitution.

The case question is if arguing is simple assault. THE ANSWER IS NO. OP is a pathetic liar, always has been. and called people fruitcakes for no reason except as an attack on the personality of ffu. An argument could become a charge but not in every case. and which kind of case matters - because following past standards matters.

For example, Redskins hosts used to argue on the air.

The second part is incoherent and cannot be parsed with english grammar. Perhaps hispanic grammar?


Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: h9kv6 ()
Date: January 27, 2019 07:03PM

Commonwealth law does NOT supercede the Constitution or any law. it is supposed to be (not necessarily is) used for typical cases to make penalties OR freedoms (ie not being convicted) fair. cases with unique factors diverge from it naturally

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: Peaches n creme ()
Date: June 13, 2019 06:40PM

If you hillbilly’s stop screwing your families you might know what common law does.
Stone Age trivia gibberish

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: Yawnerz ()
Date: June 13, 2019 07:35PM

a commonwealth could be many different thing depending on context, so your question is meaningless and stupid.

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: uelnv ()
Date: June 15, 2019 05:52PM

Some Commonwealths like Taxachusetts and Virginia are rich, and are full of rich people who can afford to pay top dollar for top quality.

Other Commonwealths like Ky and Puerto Rico are poor. In Ky they are having to close the law enforcement down, telling the citizens to get their guns and use them if they meet up with the criminal element in daily life to protect their home and family.

Puerto and Pa could be rich if not for the corruption going on from the top down.

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: US Historian ()
Date: June 15, 2019 06:37PM

It means Virginia is not a real state since it is full of homosexuals and ne'er do wells.

Re: commonwealth....good or a bad thing?
Posted by: glk ()
Date: August 16, 2019 05:15AM

Kentucky has no bail or bonds, so if you are arrested gulity or not, its up to the judge to free you on bail or paper for the court hearing. And this is all before court, he can read your charges from the arresting officer and your past, and make a God like impact on your fate while taking a shit,from the safety of his secretly guarded home. The convection rate in Kentucky rate over 90%, no doubt non guilty are pleading guilty just to get out of jail on the probation cycle.

For a time I remember a great state, good paying factory jobs union and non , farming another great self employed life style, some of the best tobacco in the world grown in the bluegrass state, is now run by large Co.farms, or a select few who hire long term border jumpers that target the area. Does this sound like commonwealth where the people got to choose?

On the plus side, good roads, the schools are in good shape for the low property tax, civic and public building better than in many states, And more stores are in the works, new places to eat, even a larger four year collage. I see none of that here in my part of Tennessee , for the most part many in my town have left. No work here,and if you can get a job Tn can pay under minimal wage, yep under 7.50 hr whats the *ucking point of this lowest wage. By the looks of this place, the state looks poor af, used road crew trucks from the 80s bad shape,to fix a pot hole pour gravel in, good to go. And for the naughty,hope you like Building Churchs , cleaning roads, and god know what else, is done by the prisoners for free.

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