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Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: Chip ()
Date: July 29, 2005 11:58AM

Alien Diseases Threaten Us All
When immigrants enter our country legally, they must show proof that they are free from communicable diseases and drug addiction. But nobody is giving a health exam to the 4,000 illegal aliens a day who sneak across our borders, including OTMs (Other Than Mexicans) from the Middle East.

The U.S. has always been practically free of Leprosy, that fearful disfiguring disease known since Biblical days. Suddenly, 7,000 cases of leprosy have been diagnosed, especially in the northeastern states, brought in by illegal aliens from India, Brazil, the Caribbean, and Mexico.

The Centers for Disease Control has announced that the first American victims of Chagas disease have died. Chagas disease is caused by a parasite (T. cruzi) that is spread when a "kissing bug" bites a human and defecates while it feeds. The feces contain the parasite, which can enter the human when the bitten person rubs or scratches the bug bite. One can also contract it by eating uncooked food contaminated with infective feces of "kissing bugs." Chronic Chagas infections can lead to various neurological disorders including dementia, obstruction of the colon and esophagus, and damage to the heart muscle. There is no effective cure, and up to 40% die when their hearts or intestines explode.

Unknown in the United States until recently, the appearance of Chagas in the U.S. was traced to a Central American immigrant. Health officials estimate as many as 100,000 Latin American residents in the U.S. may carry the parasite. More than 16 million people are said to be infected with the parasite in Central and South America.

Medical attorney Madeleine Pelner Cosman, Ph.D., J.D., has exposed many of the health threats and costs of the diseases brought in by illegal aliens. She is president of Medical Equity Inc., a national medical law consultancy since 1980.

Tuberculosis had virtually disappeared from the United States, thanks to our excellent hygiene and modern medications. A new TB called Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB), until recently endemic only to Mexico, is expanding rapidly in our country as each alien infects 10 to 30 others.

The Centers for Disease Control ascribes 50% of all new TB cases to "foreign born" persons, with 66% of those coming from Mexico, the Philippines and Vietnam. The Queens, New York health department attributed 81% of new TB cases in 2001 to aliens, and other TB outbreaks have occurred in Minnesota, Maine and Florida. TB suddenly had a 17% increase in Virginia in 2002, and TB in Prince William County rose 188%. Public health officials traced this rise to illegal aliens from Mexico.

Dengue Fever, another very rare disease, recently had a virulent outbreak in a Texas county on our southern border.

West Nile Virus was unheard of in the United States prior to 1998. Brought to our country from Africa, this mosquito-borne disease now infects tens of thousands of people in 21 states, and many have died.

Malaria had been obliterated from the U.S., but is now reemerging in Texas. Since 1991, the U.S. hasn't had a case of a native-born American getting Polio (except from the oral polio vaccine) but aliens are bringing back polio, too.

E-coli intestinal parasites are widespread in Latin America and are now coming into the United States. A restaurant worker in Pennsylvania exposed 3,000 people to Hepatitis A, and two died.

Over 50% of Hepatitis B cases in the U.S. are found among Asian-Americans. Yet, nearly all American newborns are inoculated with the Hepatitis B vaccine, subjecting low-risk babies to possibly dangerous side effects.

Think about these foreign diseases when you knock on the door of any of the dozens of hospitals that have closed because they can't cover the costs of these non-paying illegal patients.

In Los Angeles County alone, 10 trauma centers and 18 emergency rooms have closed. Arizona's Cochise County Health Department spends 30% of its annual budget on uncompensated care of illegal aliens.

Think about the entry into our country of these deadly and expensive time-bomb diseases every time you breathe the air in public places or are attacked by mosquitoes in your backyard. Think about this every time you pay the income and property taxes you are forced to pay because of Congress's unfunded mandate (EMTALA, Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act) that all hospitals treat all illegal aliens who show up at the Emergency Room. Think about these costs when you find the maternity wards filled by illegal pregnant women giving birth to "anchor babies" who are granted instant U.S. citizenship plus generous welfare benefits for the newborn and the whole illegal family.

Then ask your two Senators and Representatives why they don't protect us from the diseases of illegal aliens?

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: ben ()
Date: July 30, 2005 01:31PM

Much better job on this letter. Hurrah to you.

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: LanEvo ()
Date: July 30, 2005 11:12PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2011 10:53PM by LanEvo.

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: dlee ()
Date: August 03, 2005 12:54PM

I'll ask Tom Davis next time I see him. That is if he's not too busy interrogating professional athletes about steroid use or campaigning to make DC a state.

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 03, 2005 01:14PM

well dc statehood, except for the possible commuter tax, is a good idea. Those people are having their civil rights violated AFAIAC. No taxation without representation. The only gov't rep they help choose is the president.

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: dlee ()
Date: August 03, 2005 03:08PM

D.C. statehood is as retarted as SeƱor Chip. Civics 101. The Constitution specifically puts the control of D.C. in the hands of Congress so that the seat of the federal government would not be subsumed by or put at the mercy of a state government. Of course, at the time, state governments were a lot more powerful. The only real argument to be made is that state autonomy and power has been usurped by the federal government such that a state government in D.C. would be no threat to the operation of the federal government.

It would take a constitutional amendment to make D.C. a state. That's not going to happen anytime soon. If you want to live in a state, move out of D.C. It's just that easy.

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 03, 2005 03:32PM

I have to admit I don't disagree with anything you said. It would take a constitutional amendment, no shit. It would likely never happen, no shit. That doesn't invalidate that you're calling out the constitutional validity of congressional control of dc, and ignoring the constitutional rights of the people that live there. It's just so easy to say "move out". Pretentious, also.

civics 101: the constitution allows all american people the same rights as spelled, inalienable (and then contradicts itself on dc in my opinion). And giving them a state AND protecting the feds' rights can be done within the same amendment taking control of dc away from congress, who by the way, have not done a very good job administering that city. ever.

That's why amendments exist, to allow us to tailor the constitution to specifics, to scenarios not envisioned when those assholes were envisioning our nation (and shit).

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: dlee ()
Date: August 03, 2005 03:53PM

It is impossible to argue that the Constitutional rights of people living in D.C. are being violated by the absence of statehood given that the Constitution itself set things up that way.

Regarding Congressional control of D.C. I don't know much about D.C. city politics, but it seems like the autonomous board of commissioners isn't doing such a hot job either.

As to the question of whether people living in D.C. should have a voice in the U.S. Congress. That's a bit more difficult. Congress has come to micromangage so many parts of our lives that it does seem unfair for D.C. citizens not to have a voice. Of course, they do have seats in Congress. Just not voting seats. Alternatively, the same could be said for Guam and other U.S. protectorates whose well-being is at the mercy of Congress. Should citizens of Guam have a representative vote in Congress?

I don't think that the move out comment is pretentious. I can see where you'd get that because I suppose we're talking about low-income minorities, and I am neither. However, I meant that in the more general sense in that the nation was set up such that you could vote with your feet. Of course, again with the centralization of power that has become a lot more difficult (like when feds can bust down your door in SoCal when the state has authorized medical marijuana).

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 03, 2005 05:07PM

I meant pretentious as in " we're free to live where we damn please" and "how would you like it if someone told you to move if you feel your rights are being violated", I specifically was trying to avoid insinuating a minority struggle... have you seen all the rich and upper middle class white people moving in all over dc? this is hardly about just blacks anymore.

I never actually said STATEHOOD was the rights elixir, but it seems like the only solid way for them to keep what they may gain. I said the constitution is flexible enough to allow them the rights they deserve without granting statehood. We did it already once. The twenty-third amendment. Time to expand upon what that started.

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 07, 2005 03:02PM

"Think about these costs when you find the maternity wards filled by illegal pregnant women giving birth to "anchor babies" who are granted instant U.S. citizenship plus generous welfare benefits for the newborn and the whole illegal family."

I personally never understood why this was considered to be acceptible. Honestly, it's just bullshit. Oh... and now I will be returning to my latex gloves, kleenex, and surgical masks. Great, one more thing I have to worry about. Personally, I think they need to start cracking down and deport people in a massive wave. "you were born so we could live here, that's all." Great.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 07, 2005 03:12PM

I was conceived because there were only six people in our family at the time and the deal at Bob's Big boy was ten percent off for parties of seven or more.

Then Bob's changed the deal to eight people, and my sister was born nine months later, to the day.

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: SRE ()
Date: August 09, 2005 08:56AM


When will the Stidman baseball team take the field?

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 09, 2005 12:46PM

That's only 8

we'd need a pitcher, I only catch *snicker*

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: Randy ()
Date: August 09, 2005 06:05PM

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Date: September 25, 2005 12:03AM

Oh, THOSE aliens. Whew, I saw this post and thought aliens from other planets had come to earth and infected our women with STDs that can only be cured by a rare mold growing on the surface of neptune.

But seriously folks, one day we will be saying "Habla espanol?"

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: September 25, 2005 11:33PM

dlee Wrote:
> I'll ask Tom Davis next time I see him. That is
> if he's not too busy interrogating professional
> athletes about steroid use or campaigning to make
> DC a state.

hes my neighbor

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: September 29, 2005 10:44AM

perhaps we should actually try to permanantly quarenteen aka deportation instead of dealing with it. alternatively, ive heard a bullet can expunge these viruses(persons or illnesses, your choice) from society.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: Funny69 ()
Date: March 28, 2012 04:40PM

Just like to revive this

Re: Alien Disease Threaten Us All
Posted by: Macarona ()
Date: October 10, 2024 05:01PM

Funny69 Wrote:
> Just like to revive this

The Biden/Harris administration allowed millions of illegals to pour across the border without tests while lawful US citizens were locked up and prevented from traveling.

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