Say it ain't so! Wrote:
> Remember, only people making more that $400,000 a
> year vape.
> - - - - -
> House Democrats Tuck Vape Tax Into $1.85 Trillion
> Spending Bill
> Tax would target poor Americans and boost
> dangerous black market, experts say
> Patrick Hauf November 6, 2021 2:30 pm
> House Democrats on Wednesday added a tax on vapes
> to their $1.85 trillion Build Back Better Act,
> which experts say would target poor Americans and
> boost a dangerous black market.
> The plan would tax vape products at a rate of
> $50.33 for every 1,810 milligrams of nicotine they
> contain. If passed, the tax would make vapes more
> expensive than cigarettes, which are taxed on a
> per-product basis. The tax would
> disproportionately hurt poor Americans, who are
> more likely to use vape products. President Joe
> Biden has pledged to not tax anyone who makes less
> than $400,000.
> House Democrats had scrapped an earlier plan to
> tax all tobacco products in order to pay for
> Biden's trillion dollar spending bill. Tim
> Andrews, director of consumer issues at Americans
> for Tax Reform, said Democrats reintroduced a
> nicotine tax to pay for their proposed State and
> Local Tax reduction, a $500 billion tax cut for
> the wealthy.
> "This is literally a case of reverse Robin Hood,"
> Andrews told the Washington Free Beacon. "This is
> taking from the poor to give to the rich."
> Andrews emphasized that taxing vape products would
> push nicotine users toward more dangerous tobacco
> products.
Taxing vapor products at the same level
> as other tobacco products could deter more than
> 2.75 million smokers nationally from quitting,
> according to a 2019 study from the National Bureau
> of Economic Research.
> "This is completely immoral," Andrews told the
> Free Beacon. "It will lead to more people
> smoking—it will lead to more people dying."
> A tax on vapor products could also boost an
> already thriving black market, according to
> Richard Marianos, a former assistant director of
> the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
> Explosives. Marianos said federal and state law
> enforcement have seized millions of unregulated
> vape products in recent years, which target minors
> with fruity flavors. These products, he said, are
> most often produced by international organized
> crime groups and sold by local street gangs in the
> states—forcing police to waste resources that
> should be going toward stopping rising homicide
> rates.
> "This is the last thing they need when they’re
> trying to build strong community relationships,"
> Marianos told the Free Beacon. "Now they’re
> going to have to become the vaping police?"
> Amanda Wheeler, the owner of Jvapes and president
> of the American Vapor Manufacturers Association,
> said corporate vapor product suppliers may be able
> to survive the tax plan, but small businesses
> would be wrecked.
> "We’ll be totally put out of business by this,"
> Wheeler told the Free Beacon. "It's a draconian
> tax."
> uck-vape-tax-into-1-85-trillion-spending-bill/
How does taxing nicotine thus making it more expensive, deter people from quitting using it?