Eric Bonetti yells at children, kicks people in wheelchairs and never flushes the toilet after he shits
Posted by:
Eric Bonetti is a punk
Date: September 08, 2019 12:17AM
He’s an asshole and the ironic thing is he’s the most unchristian person past or present who attended Grace.
Re: Eric Bonetti yells at children, kicks people in wheelchairs and never flushes the toilet after he shits
Posted by:
Maybe...but have you considered
Date: September 08, 2019 11:53AM
He's got an enormous cock. When he is done fucking my gash, I can't walk for 2 days.
Re: Eric Bonetti yells at children, kicks people in wheelchairs and never flushes the toilet after he shits
Posted by:
Hi Miz
Date: September 08, 2019 11:56AM
Eric Bonetti is a punk Wrote:
> He’s an asshole and the ironic thing is he’s
> the most unchristian person past or present who
> attended Grace.
So you found yourself a likeminded compadre.
Maybe you can finally find a friend.
Re: Eric Bonetti yells at children, kicks people in wheelchairs and never flushes the toilet after he shits
Posted by:
Bob Malm, perjuring priest
Date: September 08, 2019 07:28PM
Perjuring priest Bob Malm
Toxic church Grace Episcopal
Re: Eric Bonetti yells at children, kicks people in wheelchairs and never flushes the toilet after he shits