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Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: Bishop Susan Goff ()
Date: August 20, 2019 11:58AM

Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: farter ()
Date: August 20, 2019 12:14PM

Goddammit Eric, the picture is too small. make it bigger!!!

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: LMAO! ()
Date: August 20, 2019 12:45PM

Nothing but the biggest and the best for Bobby! After all, he’s a Hiller. He’s SPECIAL!

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: Size Queen Quinten ()
Date: August 20, 2019 01:21PM

Hey Eric, does Bob really have an 8-in cock? I doubt you can even reach 5in when you haven't nutted in a week. I need a man eric, not a little boy like you.

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: Lisa G. ()
Date: August 20, 2019 01:27PM

Nobody gives a shit about your ongoing compulsive lies about Bob, his family or his Church. You are a pathetic sick person that needs counseling ASAP! The only perjury committed in court was by you. With many witnesses to your compulsive lies. We are done with you, the Church and Diocese are done with you. Sounds like this website is sick of you too! Give it up!

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: Hey Eric ()
Date: August 20, 2019 01:43PM

Eric, are there any dick pics of Bob?

We would all love to see if he is really packing.

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: Hey Eric ()
Date: August 20, 2019 01:54PM

Do us all a favor and take a long walk on a short pier.

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: Honey Bunny ()
Date: August 20, 2019 02:07PM

Hey Eric Wrote:
> Do us all a favor and take a long walk on a short
> pier.

Do you have any dick pics of Bob?

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: Lisa G. ()
Date: August 20, 2019 04:38PM

What’s a matter Eric, you wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you in the ASS! We are all sick of your bullshit!!!

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: Lisa G. ()
Date: August 20, 2019 05:02PM

ERIC IS THE PERJURER!! There where many witnesses. All the copies of his crazy posts and blogs, the judge had no problem putting through the restraining order.

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: Lisa G. ()
Date: August 20, 2019 09:35PM

we warned Bob not to get involved with a piece of WalMart trash such as you.
but here we are.

I know he went through you pretty quick and love hurts. But Bob never is with any of his 'proteges' for very long. It is time for you to Go back to the frozen food aisle where he first discovered your supple young buttocks and find another man to give your heart, mind and body to. Perhaps you could show him some of those techniques that Bob showed you. Could there be a better way to spread Bob's love than passing it off like that?

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: Bob Malm, perjuring priest ()
Date: August 20, 2019 11:20PM

Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Lisa G. Wrote:
> Eric,
> Nobody gives a shit about your ongoing compulsive
> lies about Bob, his family or his Church. You are
> a pathetic sick person that needs counseling ASAP!
> The only perjury committed in court was by you.
> With many witnesses to your compulsive lies. We
> are done with you, the Church and Diocese are done
> with you. Sounds like this website is sick of you
> too! Give it up!

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: MFS22030 ()
Date: August 20, 2019 11:27PM

Fuck off, cunt.

Lisa G. Wrote:
> Eric,
> Nobody gives a shit about your ongoing compulsive
> lies about Bob, his family or his Church. You are
> a pathetic sick person that needs counseling ASAP!
> The only perjury committed in court was by you.
> With many witnesses to your compulsive lies. We
> are done with you, the Church and Diocese are done
> with you. Sounds like this website is sick of you
> too! Give it up!

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: August 20, 2019 11:36PM

Wonder where the 117 pledging units went.

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Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: $20 ()
Date: August 20, 2019 11:44PM

$20 says Lisa considers herself a Christian. And she can’t figure out why Christianity is dying.

Lisa G. Wrote:
> Eric,
> Nobody gives a shit about your ongoing compulsive
> lies about Bob, his family or his Church. You are
> a pathetic sick person that needs counseling ASAP!
> The only perjury committed in court was by you.
> With many witnesses to your compulsive lies. We
> are done with you, the Church and Diocese are done
> with you. Sounds like this website is sick of you
> too! Give it up!

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: Grace Episcopal ()
Date: August 20, 2019 11:51PM

And if no one cares, why did Sugarland Chiow spend what he says is more than $100,000 worth of time trying to keep people from criticizing Dysfunctional Bob?

Lisa G. is a stupid sack of shit.

$20 Wrote:
> $20 says Lisa considers herself a Christian. And
> she can’t figure out why Christianity is dying.
> Lisa G. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Eric,
> > Nobody gives a shit about your ongoing
> compulsive
> > lies about Bob, his family or his Church. You
> are
> > a pathetic sick person that needs counseling
> > The only perjury committed in court was by you.
> > With many witnesses to your compulsive lies. We
> > are done with you, the Church and Diocese are
> done
> > with you. Sounds like this website is sick of
> you
> > too! Give it up!

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: Great Dinner Topic ()
Date: August 21, 2019 12:21AM

Hey great topic for dinner conversation next time Lisa has dinner with Peter and Cheryl Barnes. I’m sure they’ll be most impressed with her both her writing skills and her conduct. In fact, Lisa should really join them at the country club some time. Folks there would love to have Lisa share her views!

Lisa G. Wrote:
> Eric,
> we warned Bob not to get involved with a piece of
> WalMart trash such as you.
> but here we are.
> I know he went through you pretty quick and love
> hurts. But Bob never is with any of his 'proteges'
> for very long. It is time for you to Go back to
> the frozen food aisle where he first discovered
> your supple young buttocks and find another man to
> give your heart, mind and body to. Perhaps you
> could show him some of those techniques that Bob
> showed you. Could there be a better way to spread
> Bob's love than passing it off like that?

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: Lisa G. ()
Date: August 21, 2019 01:39PM

ERIC BONETTI, was THE ONE AND ONLY COMPULSIVE LIER AND PERJURER! He’s also a loser and has nothing better to do with his time. He’s a pathetic excuse for a human being. I feel sorry for Mike, but he’s probably being abused. God bless him!

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: So... ()
Date: August 21, 2019 03:23PM

Put your money where your mouth is. Let’s see your proof.

Meanwhile, ask parishioners about the multiple times that Bob lies, telling them that church staff would be “retiring that year.” Start will Phil Smith.

And maybe you’d be kind enough to explain how my mother allegedly repeatedly set up appointments with Bob Malm.

Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Lisa G, fake Christian

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: Peter and Cheryl Barnes ()
Date: August 21, 2019 03:26PM

Hope you read Lisa’s posts before you next catch up with her.

No doubt Bob Malm enjoys her defaming him, with her assertions that Bob is engaging in gay sex. Might be time for Sugarland Chiow to file suit.

Lisa G. Wrote:
> AND PERJURER! He’s also a loser and has nothing
> better to do with his time. He’s a pathetic
> excuse for a human being. I feel sorry for Mike,
> but he’s probably being abused. God bless him!

Re: Please join Bishop Susan Goff in honoring perjuring priest Bob Malm, September 29, Grace Episcopal Alexandria!
Posted by: Grace Tattler ()
Date: August 24, 2019 09:49AM

Dedicated to Lisa G., Alison Campbell, Lisa Medley, Jan Spence, and the other fine Christian women of Grace Church.


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