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HUGE VICTORY for America as Trump forces Mexico to send troops to it's southern border to stop migrants
Posted by: Tariff Threat Worked! ()
Date: June 08, 2019 08:16AM

A “U.S.-Mexico Joint Declaration” released by the State Department said the U.S. “will immediately expand the implementation” of a program that returns asylum-seekers who cross the southern border to Mexico while their claims are adjudicated. Mexico will “offer jobs, healthcare and education” to those people, the agreement stated.

Mexico has also agreed, it said, to take “unprecedented steps to increase enforcement to curb irregular migration,” including the deployment of the Mexican National Guard throughout the country, especially on its southern border with Guatemala. And Mexico is taking “decisive action to dismantle human smuggling and trafficking organizations as well as their illicit financial and transportation networks,” the State Department said.


Re: HUGE VICTORY for America as Trump forces Mexico to send troops to it's southern border to stop migrants
Posted by: Guacamole boo hoo hoo ()
Date: June 08, 2019 02:24PM

Sounds like a good start.

Re: HUGE VICTORY for America as Trump forces Mexico to send troops to it's southern border to stop migrants
Posted by: Recent History ()
Date: June 08, 2019 02:36PM

Same administration last year said they had eliminated the North Korean nuclear threat. Last I checked, they've still got their nukes.

Odds are this is another exercise in kicking the can down the road. Trump tells the base that he won, and then goes and does something else crazy to distract from the last crazy thing. Let's see where we are in about seventeen months or so.

Re: HUGE VICTORY for America as Trump forces Mexico to send troops to it's southern border to stop migrants
Posted by: Hey Gerry/Mark ()
Date: June 08, 2019 02:53PM

Can't have it both ways, faggot.

Re: HUGE VICTORY for America as Trump forces Mexico to send troops to it's southern border to stop migrants
Posted by: American Idiots ()
Date: June 08, 2019 03:32PM

Trump is nothing more then a lying coward who, once again; pulled the bullshit over the eyes of the dumbass evangelical sheep. If you break it, you buy it.
A lot of you bought it lock, stock and in the trash barrel.

Re: HUGE VICTORY for America as Trump forces Mexico to send troops to it's southern border to stop migrants
Posted by: Libtards tongue assholes ()
Date: June 08, 2019 03:46PM

so sorry

Re: HUGE VICTORY for America as Trump forces Mexico to send troops to it's southern border to stop migrants
Posted by: #$€£§ ()
Date: June 08, 2019 07:35PM

Libtards tongue assholes Wrote:
> so sorry

Only a fag would imagine such a thing.

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