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Filth from homeless camps are luring rats to L.A. City Hall, report says
Posted by: Climate savior's LOL!!!! ()
Date: June 03, 2019 03:02PM


Libtards pushing the global warming hoax can't even keep their cities clean. In fact, they are spreading third world diseases like typhoid. Yeah, these climate saviors can't even wipe their own asses and they think they can control the universe by raising taxes.

Really, libtards are that dumb.

Re: Filth from homeless camps are luring rats to L.A. City Hall, report says
Posted by: libtard paradise ()
Date: June 03, 2019 04:32PM

And the fag on the council won't even believe the report.

"I really want us to get to the facts,” Wesson said. “I do not want to have people who are unfortunately living on the streets blamed for something that they might not have anything to do with, but they're just an easy target."

The rest of the council is trying to find a way to tax the homeless people and the rats.

Re: Filth from homeless camps are luring rats to L.A. City Hall, report says
Posted by: trumpitality ()
Date: June 03, 2019 05:07PM

libtard paradise Wrote:
> The rest of the council is trying to find a way to
> tax the homeless people and the rats.

Right, I bet anything the question "How can we turn this into a revenue stream?" has been looked into.

"Maybe classify the rats as pets and charge the homeless registration fees."
"How about declaring the homeless camps as 'unique environmental zones' and getting Federal funds?"


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