Numbers Wrote:
> Mondays mornings, after the game are the usual
> times for press conferences announcing firings and
> hirings of coaches.
> Zorn is already gone, done deal.
> Mangini will also get canned.
> Don't be completely shocked if Ryan (jets coach)
> get sacked.
> The Tampa coach, Morris, might get it, but I think
> he'll get another year.
> I think Wade Phillips is safe, even if he loses
> the next 2 games.
I think Zorn may get the hook tonight, but Shanahan (or whoever the replacement coach is) won't be announced until tomorrow.
Up until a few weeks ago, I thought Morris was a goner. But they have played much better in recent weeks.
If Cowher is interested in coaching in either North Carolina or Tennessee, either John Fox or Jeff Fisher should be shown the door. Frankly, I think they should be shown the door anyway, but I think Fox has another year on his contract. Fisher may be gone, given his public falling out with the owner over playing Vince Young.
You would think Tom Cable would be safe in Oakland, but Al Davis is so fucking crazy, who knows there.
As for Philips, if Dallas loses its first playoff game, expect Jerry Jones's head to explode, especially if all of the big name coaches are off the market. If that happens, don't be surprised if Jones cans Phillips, names Garrett interim head coach and waits to see if Garrett can do a better job in 2010 or if a big name pro or college coach becomes available.