Long Haul Wrote:
> The Miz vs. Eesh legal proceedings have always
> been projected to go to 2020 and beyond. While it
> is a bad move, eesh does save a lot of money by
> representing himself and he may eventually triumph
> in a war of attrition against the Moreno
> retirement account.
> The important point is that this lawsuit is only
> the first phase of the process. After the current
> lawsuit is "over" there will be appeals, and there
> there will be counter-suits. So the 2-3 year
> process for this current suit is only the starting
> point. It's been said before this will be a long
> war going on for many, many years. Lizzie will be
> out of jail well before the civil proceedings ever
> end.
It's incomprehensible that these people could continue with this nonsense but it's right there on the court website showing that the freak show will go on commencing in May of 2017 which will be over three years after the swatting occurred.
I don't envision eesh counter-suing because he has no money to hire a lawyer.