jc6k6 Wrote:
> lollolllolll Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'd be shocked if they let her out. No job, no
> > family to support and just a ne'er do well with
> a
> > long record, minor offenses or not. A violent
> and
> > angry threat to the community.
> >
> > I predict that she's does her sentence this
> time.
> > Lizzie will not be gracing this forum with her
> > troll posts until some time in 2017.
> Could be longer than 2017. She's looking at a
> Class 3 felony for malicious wounding. 5-20
> years. Even if they drop it to a class 2 felony
> she's still looking at 2-10.
> The brandishing firearm, from what I've gathered
> in 3 minutes of Google searching is a class 1
> misdemeanor so it seems that's the least of her
> problems.
> She also has to deal with violating her probation
> and all the charges that will be re-opened cause
> of it. Looks like she could be pretty well
> fucked.
> minal-defense/state-felony-laws/virginia-felony-cl
> ass.htm
5-20? Jesus fucking Christ. Remind me not to maliciously wound anyone in the near future, even with good behavior that's what, three punk thrown at you at a minimum? I didn't even realize she had a malicious wounding charge I just thought it was the probation violation because that's what was listed on the fc judicial court site.