William Robert Moreno
I'm a fat, stupid, ugly little faggot who's never had sex
William Robert Moreno
i waonto someoine to fuck eme up my assholeo/
William Robert Moreno
that's right! I sucked your dad's thick, veiny cock the other night. He came all over my face, then made me swallow it. I sucked him off three times in one night....and it was the greatest night of all our lives.
William Robert Moreno
I had anal sex with a man last night.
.........not much more to say than that.
William Robert Moreno
what does' cum taste like?
William Robert Moreno
what does cum taste like?
William Robert Moreno
what does cum taste like?
William Robert Moreno
I'm a faggot...there, I said it. I'm a fag. I'm a big fat faggot who loves cocks, and dicks, and schlongs. I love big, dripping wangs, all in my face, dripping and oozing hot creamy man-juice all over my quivering lips. I love the taste of a man's cream all in my mouth, on my tongue, down my throat. I love to swallow it. I drink it by the gallon. I could suck and gulp and blow all day long. I'm a wang junkie. I can't live without the wang. I need it in my mouth, in my hiney, I need it everywhere, all the time. I can't live without it. I'm all about the schlong. That's me. That's who I am. I love it.
William Robert Moreno
hey everybody, I'm a big fat faggot. I suck dicks. I have a dick in my ass right now. What do you think of that? I eat dicks for breakfast. I'm eating a dick right now. I'm a big faggot who eats dicks and sucks on them like they were going out of style. What do you say to that?
William Robert Moreno
Life Goals 49. Rape a woman, but only if she deserves it
William Robert Moreno
If I had a wife, I would beat the shit out of her. And hook her up to a plow and make her plow my fields. And I don't have fields but I'd make her do that thing about plowing the fields anyway.
William Robert Moreno
women make me sick.
where the hell do they get off sucking and fucking dicks all over the damn place and then acting like they deserve respect or to be listened to, like human beings? Any animal that does that sort of thing is just that. An animal.
William Robert Moreno
men are allowed to do anything they want to women. If a woman says no, it doesn't mean anything. Because women are garbage. And garbage can't talk.
because garbage does not have vocal chords or layrnx.
women are not people, the're things. You can do wahtever you want to them. It's not illegal. You can toss a woman in a dumpster if you want to, because women are trash. And you throw away trash. You don't keep it.
William Robert Moreno
women are stupid and ugly and selfish and can't stand the sight of a man NOT paying attention to them in some way....
women are animals, let's face it. I hope they all drop dead.
William Robert Moreno
all women should be raped. because women are not human beings. they are garbage with tits and pussies.
William Robert Moreno
no, I misspoke. Women are not animals. They're lower than animals. A women is like a discarded banana peel. You wouldn't think twice about tossing it in the garbage. Animals deserve respect and to be treated humanely. Banana peels are just garbage.
William Robert Moreno
it should be legal to buy and sell women as slaves.
William Robert Moreno
because when are objects, dummy
if you want it, take it. They all suck dicks anyway. What difference does it make if you force them to suck it or if they suck it because they like how it tastes? They're women. They have no rights. THey're basically animals. THey bleed out of a big gash between their legs, like dirty wild animals, for a full week out of every month. If that's not an animal, I don't know what is.
William Robert Moreno
I danced in the streets on September 11th. IT WAS GREAT!
William Robert Moreno
it WAS pretty cool watching those planes fly into those buildings tho you have to admit that
William Robert Moreno
I kind of like it when a lot of people die
William Robert Moreno
9/11 may have been the greatest day of my life. Not because a lot of people were accidentally injured for some reason but because of other reasons not related to that thing I just said. It's too bad about all those people tho.
William Robert Moreno
where were you when the 9/11 accident happened? I was in 12th grad Algebra class. The class clown, Dustin McGaha, laughed when he saw the plane hit the building by accident. The teacher said Dustin that's not funny! and got all huffy about it.
William Robert Moreno
I hope all the troops drop dead, on christmas
William Robert Moreno
I hate the troops and I hate America. I don't support the troops. I support Saddam. I believe this
William Robert Moreno
because I hate America and I love the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden and I think 911 was fun to watch and I hate the troops they should only drop dead I believe all of this
William Robert Moreno
fuck anyone who volunteered to go to Afghanistan. Fuck the troops. I hope the troops all drop dead. I hope America collapses. You dumb bitch.
now suck my big fat dick.
William Robert Moreno
I hate the troops and I think all the veterans should just drop dead already. Stop whining, you fucking bitches. No one cares. You're back home now, Sgt. Fury....now back to the trailer park.
William Robert Moreno
the troops are garbage. I'm glad when they die
William Robert Moreno
...Let's face it: "The Troops" are not heroic, selfless, paragons of liberty and the american way. They're mostly burnouts, flunkies, kids, or minorities with no other options. Thank you for volunteering so I don't have to go and get my leg or my arm or both blown off for nothing. But you're not Superman. Or even Captain America. You're not even the Green Arrow. What you are is used, abused, duped and brainwashed by your government. I feel bad for you, but you are not brave. You just signed up for some shit without taking the time to read the fine print. And that certainly doesn't make your opinion on anything more valuable than mine...
William Robert Moreno
I hate the military. and I don't support the troops.
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/78Quote
William Robert Moreno
I danced in the
> streets on September 11th. IT WAS GREAT!
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/65Quote
William Robert Moreno
it WAS pretty cool
> watching those planes fly into those buildings tho
> you have to admit that
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/65Quote
William Robert Moreno
I kind of like it
> when a lot of people die
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/65Quote
William Robert Moreno
9/11 may have been
> the greatest day of my life. Not because a lot of
> people were accidentally injured for some reason
> but because of other reasons not related to that
> thing I just said. It's too bad about all those
> people tho.
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/65Quote
William Robert Moreno
where were you when
> the 9/11 accident happened? I was in 12th grad
> Algebra class. The class clown, Dustin McGaha,
> laughed when he saw the plane hit the building by
> accident. The teacher said Dustin that's not
> funny! and got all huffy about it.
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/77Quote
William Robert Moreno
I hope all the troops
> drop dead, on christmas
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/75Quote
William Robert Moreno
I hate the troops and
> I hate America. I don't support the troops. I
> support Saddam. I believe this
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/75Quote
William Robert Moreno
because I hate
> America and I love the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden
> and I think 911 was fun to watch and I hate the
> troops they should only drop dead I believe all of
> this
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/74Quote
William Robert Moreno
fuck anyone who
> volunteered to go to Afghanistan. Fuck the troops.
> I hope the troops all drop dead. I hope America
> collapses. You dumb bitch.
> now suck my big fat dick.
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/72Quote
William Robert Moreno
I hate the troops and
> I think all the veterans should just drop dead
> already. Stop whining, you fucking bitches. No one
> cares. You're back home now, Sgt. Fury....now back
> to the trailer park.
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/69Quote
William Robert Moreno
the troops are
> garbage. I'm glad when they die
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/66Quote
William Robert Moreno
...Let's face it:
> "The Troops" are not heroic, selfless, paragons of
> liberty and the american way. They're mostly
> burnouts, flunkies, kids, or minorities with no
> other options. Thank you for volunteering so I
> don't have to go and get my leg or my arm or both
> blown off for nothing. But you're not Superman. Or
> even Captain America. You're not even the Green
> Arrow. What you are is used, abused, duped and
> brainwashed by your government. I feel bad for
> you, but you are not brave. You just signed up for
> some shit without taking the time to read the fine
> print. And that certainly doesn't make your
> opinion on anything more valuable than
> mine...
> http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/38Quote
William Robert Moreno
I hate the military.
> and I don't support the troops.
William Robert Moreno
some children are very fuckable, let's face it
William Robert Moreno
life goals
20. Hire a clown to touch my children.
21. Have children.
22. Apologize to my children when they're grown and the repressed memories of being molested by a clown resurface.
65. Bump and grind with a toddler
William Robert Moreno
I just fucked a baby in its tight little asshole. And he loved every minute of it.
William Robert Moreno
I think Casey Anthony is guilty, and I'm glad she went free. That baby was cramping her style. I'm glad it's dead.
William Robert Moreno
I'm about to fuck a baby in his soft spot.
William Robert Moreno
what, you don't wanna help me fuck this baby? we could do double penetration on this toddler bitch. one in each hole. lookit this little slut. she's just beggin' for it. watta fuckin whore.
suck mah dick bee-yotch.....
William Robert Moreno
one time, I was fucking this baby up the ass, it was crying so I started shaking it. It stopped crying, I came inside it, put it back in its crib, then climbed out the window. I wonder what ever happened to that baby.
William Robert Moreno
I ate out a toddler's asshole tonight.
William Robert Moreno
hamtaro, wanna help me fuck this baby?
William Robert Moreno
I raped a baby
William Robert Moreno
just got done fucking this baby......man was he sweet. I gave him a reach-around in his sweet little soft spot. It was soooooooooooooooo hot.
we watched Zooballee Zoo after I finished.
William Robert Moreno
I just fucked a baby...it was consensual
William Robert Moreno
I wish I could have a baby.
William Robert Moreno
by the way, I just got done getting a blowjob from a 3 month-old, so I'm all tuckered out........see you guise tomaorrow.
William Robert Moreno
I don't care if they are underage, I'll still fuck 'em. I'll rape all their highschool boy asses, one by one. I'll cum in each and every one of their gay boy asses, then we'll see who's gay. ... I'LL BUTTFUCK EVERY ONE OF YA! 15, 16, 17, DOESN'T MATTER! I'LL ASS-RAPE YOU! I'M A FUCKING MAD MAN! I'LL FUCK ANYTHING THAT MOVES! ASK ANYONE ROUND HERE!
William Robert Moreno
like, can you get in trouble in any way for just buying a copy of Tiger Beat? If you were a grown man let's say, and you were slightly overweight and had a beard and large glasses and you look a little funny, and you just went into a Walgreens and bought nothing but a copy of Tiger Beat....and maybe also a box of condoms. Could you get arrested based solely on your purchase? Is that probable cause or something? Or if you bought a Kidz Bop CD. Anything like that. If a grown man bought something of that sort, and he looked a little ugly and odd maybe, could he hypothetically get arrested for that?
William Robert Moreno
is it illegal for a grown man to attempt to have a serious conversation with a kindergarten child about politics or religion, if they are not related and just happen to be sitting next to each other on a park bench or something? Is it really illegal?
William Robert Moreno
can a grown man and a little girl, unrelated and strangers to each other, have dinner together at a fancy restaurant? Legally? Let's say they meet outside the gym or something and decide to have dinner together, and that's it. That is the extent of the interaction. Is it illegal?