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Hillary LIES Yet Again... Claims Videos of Trump are Used for "ISIS Recruitment"... Even Politifact Says Hillary is a LIAR
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: December 21, 2015 09:11AM


Hillary has already proven herself not a friend of the Truth with her incessant lies about Bosnian sniper fire, her financial situation and the Youtube video being the root of the Benghazi attacks. In fact, she even told the last lie to family members of victims at the funeral.

Now, Shillary goes on the attack again with a vicious untruth about Mr. Trump, invoking the terror card and actually having the temerity to suggest statements by Mr. Trump are responsible for ISIS recruiting, which coincidentally, started something like years ago.

Hillary is unworthy, untruthful and unfit to serve the American people. Lies like this only encourages division and violence!


What a disgusting woman and a disgrace she is; hopefully America will come together and reject this jackal before it is too late!

Re: Hillary LIES Yet Again... Claims Videos of Trump are Used for "ISIS Recruitment"... Even Politifact Says Hillary is a LIAR
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: December 21, 2015 09:20AM

WingNut Wrote:

> Hillary is unworthy, untruthful and unfit to serve
> the American people. Lies like this only
> encourages division and violence!

And where exactly is your historical evidence of this?

Other than "the police acted stupidly", "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" or "ISIL are the JV team" that is.

Re: Hillary LIES Yet Again... Claims Videos of Trump are Used for "ISIS Recruitment"... Even Politifact Says Hillary is a LIAR
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: December 21, 2015 09:27AM

ISIS has actually used Bill Clinton in recruitment videos, calling him the "Great Fornicator".


Re: Hillary LIES Yet Again... Claims Videos of Trump are Used for "ISIS Recruitment"... Even Politifact Says Hillary is a LIAR
Posted by: Truth Hurts ()
Date: December 21, 2015 09:53AM

Yes, that is true. Do a google search and you can see all sort of examples that ISIS used.

Re: Hillary LIES Yet Again... Claims Videos of Trump are Used for "ISIS Recruitment"... Even Politifact Says Hillary is a LIAR
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: December 21, 2015 09:53AM

WingNut Wrote:
> ISIS has actually used Bill Clinton in recruitment
> videos, calling him the "Great Fornicator".
> http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/12/somebody-t
> ell-hillary-isis-recruitment-video-featured-bill-c
> linton-the-fornicator-video/

Okay, you win.

I wont be voting for Hillary.

Re: Hillary LIES Yet Again... Claims Videos of Trump are Used for "ISIS Recruitment"... Even Politifact Says Hillary is a LIAR
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 21, 2015 10:09AM

You are liars. Never said anytint about videos. Stop lying rightard. She said Trump is being used as a propaganda tool. In what way her campaign clarified in social media.

So stop lying you lying sacks of shit.

Thank you come again.

Re: Hillary LIES Yet Again... Claims Videos of Trump are Used for "ISIS Recruitment"... Even Politifact Says Hillary is a LIAR
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: December 21, 2015 10:13AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> You are liars. Never said anytint about videos.
> Stop lying rightard. She said Trump is being used
> as a propaganda tool. In what way her campaign
> clarified in social media.
> So stop lying you lying sacks of shit.
> Thank you come again.

Send your complaint to Politifact!


Re: Hillary LIES Yet Again... Claims Videos of Trump are Used for "ISIS Recruitment"... Even Politifact Says Hillary is a LIAR
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 21, 2015 10:18AM

Im telling you you are a fuckin liar. What about that dont you understand?

Re: Hillary LIES Yet Again... Claims Videos of Trump are Used for "ISIS Recruitment"... Even Politifact Says Hillary is a LIAR
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: December 21, 2015 10:21AM

I think the fact that Hillary supported attacking Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan may play a larger part in ISIS recruiting.

Am I wrong?

Re: Hillary LIES Yet Again... Claims Videos of Trump are Used for "ISIS Recruitment"... Even Politifact Says Hillary is a LIAR
Posted by: Nutty^Buddy ()
Date: December 21, 2015 11:44AM

WingNut Wrote:
> Now, Shillary goes on the attack again with a
> vicious untruth about Mr. Trump, invoking the
> terror card and actually having the temerity to
> suggest statements by Mr. Trump are responsible
> for ISIS recruiting, which coincidentally, started
> something like years ago.

""We also need to make sure that the really discriminatory messages that Trump is sending around the world don't fall on receptive ears," Clinton said during the debate. "He is becoming ISIS's best recruiter. They are going to [show] people videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

Assuming that you can read, Nutty, you know that Mrs. Clinton did not state that videos of Trump are used for "ISIS Recruitment". She stated that this will be the end result of Trumps hate speech.

Re: Hillary LIES Yet Again... Claims Videos of Trump are Used for "ISIS Recruitment"... Even Politifact Says Hillary is a LIAR
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: December 21, 2015 11:51AM

Hillary should be concentrating on immigration security and making sure fewer IslamoTards penetrate our border. Instead, she has chosen a divisive tone to deflect and point fingers at the one man in the race who is actually saying something controversial, yet sensible.

Hillary voted to attack Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Her actions have already killed Muslims (some of them innocent).

Mr.Trump has none of this blood on his hands!

Re: Hillary LIES Yet Again... Claims Videos of Trump are Used for "ISIS Recruitment"... Even Politifact Says Hillary is a LIAR
Posted by: GOP Confirmed ()
Date: December 21, 2015 11:55AM

All the major GOP candidates have said Trump is fueling ISIS.

Re: Hillary LIES Yet Again... Claims Videos of Trump are Used for "ISIS Recruitment"... Even Politifact Says Hillary is a LIAR
Posted by: Nutty^Buddy ()
Date: December 21, 2015 12:06PM

WingNut Wrote:
> Hillary should be concentrating on immigration
> security and making sure fewer IslamoTards
> penetrate our border.

Since 9/11, has there been an attack on US soil by "IslamoTards" who "penetrate" or border? There are hundreds of thousands of Muslims residing legally in the US.

> Instead, she has chosen a
> divisive tone to deflect and point fingers at the
> one man in the race who is actually saying
> something controversial, yet sensible.

Trumps a knucklehead, Nutty, just like you.

> Hillary voted to attack Afghanistan, Iraq and
> Libya. Her actions have already killed Muslims
> (some of them innocent).
> Mr.Trump has none of this blood on his hands!

And he never will, because all he'll ever do is run his loud, hateful mouth. Trump will not ever hold elected office in the US.

Re: Hillary LIES Yet Again... Claims Videos of Trump are Used for "ISIS Recruitment"... Even Politifact Says Hillary is a LIAR
Posted by: Lindsey Graham ()
Date: December 21, 2015 12:07PM

GOP Confirmed Wrote:
> All the major GOP candidates have said Trump is
> fueling ISIS.

Yeah but that asshole was going to embarrass the Hell out of me in the SC primary if I'd stayed in. I had to bitch about something.

Re: Hillary LIES Yet Again... Claims Videos of Trump are Used for "ISIS Recruitment"... Even Politifact Says Hillary is a LIAR
Posted by: FrankR. ()
Date: December 21, 2015 10:13PM

Once again the resident fucktard Gerry is lying again. I just watch the video of Hillary saying ISIS is showing videos of Trump for recruiting. Kill yourself Gerrytard. Do it!

Re: Hillary LIES Yet Again... Claims Videos of Trump are Used for "ISIS Recruitment"... Even Politifact Says Hillary is a LIAR
Posted by: bumpski ()
Date: December 22, 2015 05:23AM


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