We need the first family to be more like the Palins and less like what we have now. Bristol and Willow will be also great role models for young women, and Track Palin will be a fantastic mentor for dads everywhere!
You Betcha!
Re: Sarah Palin has highest "favorability" rating amoung likely GOP voters!
Posted by:
Date: January 30, 2014 10:03AM
She don gimme no free stuff. I wonts my free phone.
Re: Sarah Palin has highest "favorability" rating amoung likely GOP voters!
Posted by:
Date: January 30, 2014 10:11AM
Obamabot Wrote:
> She don gimme no free stuff. I wonts my free
> phone.
Re: Sarah Palin has highest "favorability" rating amoung likely GOP voters!
Posted by:
Jimmy Womble
Date: January 30, 2014 01:30PM
Palin keeps falling more and more out of favor as each year passes. She's no longer cute, but is still considered bangable to some men. She has the IQ of a mosquito, so I doubt she'll ever be elected to any office.
Re: Sarah Palin has highest "favorability" rating amoung likely GOP voters!
Re: Sarah Palin has highest "favorability" rating amoung likely GOP voters!
Posted by:
Oh, Sarah.
Date: January 30, 2014 01:36PM
Can't stand Sarah Palin, but there's NO doubt that's she's a howler and a screamer with a dick in her. No doubt at all.
Re: Sarah Palin has highest "favorability" rating amoung likely GOP voters!
Posted by:
Liberal Logic 005
Date: January 30, 2014 02:11PM
FUNdamental Wrote:
> Liberal Logic 005 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Hi Radiophile.
> >
> > Hows have the womens rallys been? Any new
> pics?
> wrong person.
> also "how's," "women's," and "rallies."
No its not. Youre radiophiles other screen name that would always come to the rescue when his lies were being exposed.
Re: Sarah Palin has highest "favorability" rating amoung likely GOP voters!
Liberal Logic 005 Wrote:
> FUNdamental Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Liberal Logic 005 Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Hi Radiophile.
> > >
> > > Hows have the womens rallys been? Any new
> > pics?
> >
> >
> > wrong person.
> >
> > also "how's," "women's," and "rallies."
> No its not. Youre radiophiles other screen name
> that would always come to the rescue when his lies
> were being exposed.
Nope, you are mistaken.
Still don't know when to use an apostrophe?
Re: Sarah Palin has highest "favorability" rating amoung likely GOP voters!
Posted by:
Liberal Logic 005
Date: January 30, 2014 02:32PM
FUNdamental Wrote:
> Nope, you are mistaken.
> Still don't know when to use an apostrophe?
Hahaha I love how youre still lying about everything.
Whyd you stop sharing photos of the womens rallies? That massive 15 person turnout one you attended must have been a real hoot discussing your periods.
Re: Sarah Palin has highest "favorability" rating amoung likely GOP voters!
Posted by:
Date: January 30, 2014 03:07PM
It wouldn't surprise me if the GOP decides Sarah Palin is their presidential candidate.
I still can't figure out why she was the republican Vice presidential candidate in 2008.
What the fuck was the GOP thinking!
Re: Sarah Palin has highest "favorability" rating amoung likely GOP voters!
The GOP doesn't think. They are the party of stupid.
Sarah Palin was picked simply because they thought she could syphon females after the bitter battle of the sexes in the Democratic primary.
They took the Ameeican people for stupid as usual and you get a stupid candidate, its only fitting.
Problem is this crazy bitch that couldn't even get through a campaign without going rogue and developing crazy eyes would have been a Mccain heart beat away from the nuclear trigger.
She is a full blown crusader that believes in the need to burn witches by the way.
Re: Sarah Palin has highest "favorability" rating amoung likely GOP voters!
Re: Sarah Palin has highest "favorability" rating amoung likely GOP voters!
Posted by:
aging debbie does dallas fan
Date: February 05, 2014 10:16PM
i think your forgetting the whitehouse ovum room and the democrat swag about it. that wasn't the only scandal there were spending issues and such.
she's fleety minded sexy lawyer. sure.
she's also involved in a suit about selling oil reserve to "private interests" (foreigners?) that was federal land. meaning wasn't hers to sign and sell.
where did that story go?
(you know some people up there are there on grant money just to occupy land. the gov is supposed to get tax money when it sells it's assets, meaning it came out of your tax pocket, the rights to invest and drill the immense oil pocket)
mmm speakign of drilling light sweet pockets !! that gives me an idea!