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McDonald state charges dropped
Posted by: haywoodyoublowme ()
Date: January 28, 2014 08:31AM

The case is crumbling. Only thing left is Obamas goon like Federal charges. That should take years. If you Libatards need someone else to fuck with, there is a Governor up in N.J. that caused a traffic jam in the city, get him!

Re: McDonald state charges dropped
Posted by: Legal Warning ()
Date: January 28, 2014 09:34AM

Under Virginia law (19.2-294), if an act was a violation of both Federal and Virginia law, a Federal prosecution bars Virginia from prosecuting for the same crime. When Virginia finds out the Feds are prosecuting it is not unusual for Virginia to put their case on hold so that they don't waste resources.

If you recall the DC sniper cases Virginia went to the Feds and asked them to put their prosecutions on hold. The reason was Virginia wanted to seek the death penalty and they didn't want to be barred by a prior Federal prosecution.

Re: McDonald state charges dropped
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: January 28, 2014 09:47AM

LoL case crumbling, the State gave the Feds the lead. If it weren't formthe Federal delayed indictment the state was eager to charge his corrupt ass while he was still in office.

Just be thankful they had the dommon courtesy not to take your crook down in his last days.

Re: McDonald state charges dropped
Posted by: Terry MacAwful ()
Date: January 28, 2014 10:36AM

The difference here is that Virginians voted in 2009 for a governor that became a crook while in 2013 they voted for a man who was already known to be a crook. Says a lot about your average voter.

Re: McDonald state charges dropped
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: January 28, 2014 12:02PM

First, it is "Bob McDonnell." Second it should read "Obama's." Third, what should take years? Fourth, you misspelled "libtards." Fifth, "get him" is a run-on sentence. please correct and get back to us pronto.


Re: McDonald state charges dropped
Posted by: Haywood ()
Date: January 28, 2014 12:23PM

Sorry about that. I went to FCPS!

Re: McDonald state charges dropped
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: January 28, 2014 12:29PM

Terry MacAwful Wrote:
> The difference here is that Virginians voted in
> 2009 for a governor that became a crook while in
> 2013 they voted for a man who was already known to
> be a crook. Says a lot about your average voter.

The difference is in 2009, Virginians voted in
a governor who eventually became a crook. In 2013, on the other hand, Virginians voted in a man who was already known to be a crook. This dichotomy displays a lot about your average voter.

Fixed it for you.

Re: McDonald state charges dropped
Posted by: Ronald ()
Date: January 28, 2014 02:49PM

haywoodyoublowme Wrote:
> The case is crumbling. Only thing left is Obamas
> goon like Federal charges. That should take years.
> If you Libatards need someone else to fuck with,
> there is a Governor up in N.J. that caused a
> traffic jam in the city, get him!

Way to go retard!

Re: McDonald state charges dropped
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: January 28, 2014 05:16PM

McAullife signed an executive order upon entering office not allowing gifts of over a hundred dollars do his administration.

The Virginia Legislature is also negotiating legislation to bring Virginia anti corruption laws up to par with other states in the country.

Terry McAullife also has money and doesn't have a chicken head money hungry wife looking to cash in on day one.

Re: McDonald state charges dropped
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: January 28, 2014 05:18PM

Personally, this is my opinion. I would think more of our governor if his wife wore a modest dress to the State of the State address rather than one custom made by Oscar de la renta.

Re: McDonald state charges dropped
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: January 28, 2014 05:19PM

Plus she's fat and ugly, to quote our wonderful former Secretary of State, what difference does it make! What dress she wears. Not like it will make a difference.

Re: McDonald state charges dropped
Posted by: Notre Dame cheerleader ()
Date: January 28, 2014 05:42PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Plus she's fat and ugly, to quote our wonderful
> former Secretary of State, what difference does it
> make! What dress she wears. Not like it will
> make a difference.

She was Miss Virginia 1986. You are to stupid to be liberal. Go join the tea party,retard.

Re: McDonald state charges dropped
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: January 28, 2014 05:53PM

She shouldn't of fucked with this guy.

Re: McDonald state charges dropped
Posted by: Ouch no ()
Date: January 28, 2014 06:10PM

She's a long way from Miss Virginia. And her photoshopped painting too!

Re: McDonald state charges dropped
Posted by: I Don't Get It ()
Date: January 28, 2014 08:56PM

Okay, I'm familiar with all the idiot partisan back-and-forth that goes on here.

But, why does this die-hard closed-minded mentality apply to criminals? If the ex-Governor didn't commit a crime - and maybe he didn't - then the moral implications of what he did are still pretty clear. Why cheer for the guy who left the state in worse shape than it was in when he arrived?

On a personal level, he and his Wife spent beyond their means. You'd be hard-pressed to even get a "public trust" position with finances like theirs, and for good reason.

This reminds me of how the black community rallies behind a black celebrity - I really didn't expect it from Republicans.

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