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Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Fucking whites rape babies again ()
Date: January 06, 2014 12:22AM


In a desperate bid to save his life, convicted Ohio baby killer Steven Smith has asserted that he never meant to murder his girlfriend’s six-month-old daughter – only to sexually assault her.

The girl, Autumn Carter, of Mansfield, Ohio, died in 1998 because Smith was too drunk to realize his sexual assault was killing the child, Smith’s attorneys planned to tell the Ohio Parole Board Tuesday. And Ohio law is clear, they say: a death sentence requires an intent to kill the victim.

‘The evidence suggests that Autumn’s death was a horrible accident,’ his attorneys, Joseph Wilhelm and Tyson Fleming, said in a written argument prepared for the board.

They continued: ‘Despite the shocking nature of this crime, Steve’s death sentence should be commuted because genuine doubts exist whether he even committed a capital offense.’

Smith, 46, was never charged with sexual assault, meaning the jury’s only choice was to convict or acquit him of aggravated murder, his attorneys say.

The Richland County prosecutor says Smith continues to hide behind alcohol as an excuse, and calls Smith’s actions ‘the purposeful murder of a helpless baby girl.’

Prosecutor James Mayer told the board in his own written statement that the girl’s injuries are consistent with a homicide that contradicts Smith’s claim he didn’t intend to kill the girl.

‘The horrific attack upon Autumn Carter showed much more than Smith’s stated purpose,’ Mayer said.

Mayer said Monday he didn’t know why Smith wasn’t charged with rape, but said it wasn’t part of a trial strategy.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Waiting for stabitha to reply ()
Date: January 06, 2014 12:47AM

Can't wait to see what stabitha has to say about this savage beast.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: yousayahh ()
Date: January 06, 2014 01:10AM

that man is a products of incest or something.

eyes close together. a super long neck.

And his shoulders or the lackthereof. Sloping down like that LOL!!!!

He was a birth defects from the get go. He will never reform

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 01:49AM

Ohio again. The craziest sex crimes occur in Ohio.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Foreskin ()
Date: January 06, 2014 03:21AM

He is so ugly he needs to be raped in his eye sockets until he dies a horrible aids ridden death and goes to hell

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 03:37AM

If only all those black men weren't stealing the white women this poor white man wouldn't have had to rape a baby.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: @ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 07:29AM

ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> If only all those black men weren't stealing the
> white women this poor white man wouldn't have had
> to rape a baby.

he had a girlfriend, don't try to make excuses for your disgusting brother

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 08:51AM

Waiting for stabitha to reply Wrote:
> Can't wait to see what stabitha has to say about
> this savage beast.

Kill him. Or at the very least, let him share a cell with a savage negro for life.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: bettingman ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:00AM

O/U being killed in prison:6 months.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:45AM

Does the OP believe that white folk automatically forgive their pale brethren for any heinous crime just because they're white?

I don't think thats true.

No one besides a fellow sub human would approve of such an act.

Yes, all races have their savages.

What troubles the OP is the fact that blacks certainly seem to have the market on violent crime, and that fact gets brought out here regularly.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:19AM

@ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If only all those black men weren't stealing
> the
> > white women this poor white man wouldn't have
> had
> > to rape a baby.
> he had a girlfriend, don't try to make excuses for
> your disgusting brother

I suppose you're so thick you're unaware of what sarcasm is. I was taking the piss out of those that frequently attempt to pin the worlds issues on minorities.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:20AM

BEH Wrote:
> Does the OP believe that white folk automatically
> forgive their pale brethren for any heinous crime
> just because they're white?
> I don't think thats true.
> No one besides a fellow sub human would approve of
> such an act.
> Yes, all races have their savages.
> What troubles the OP is the fact that blacks
> certainly seem to have the market on violent
> crime, and that fact gets brought out here
> regularly.

Do we really need to bring up the long history of white violence?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:25AM

ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> >
> Do we really need to bring up the long history of
> white violence?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:50AM

Yeah, paints the history of violence in a different shade, doesn't it?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: January 06, 2014 12:50PM

Sure, there is lots of history of white violence , but we live today, and the percentage of black crime today compared to their percentage of the total population is astounding.

But , it's ok, because the vast majority is against one another.

Thats not me saying its ok, but the blacks themselves. Whens the last time you saw a million man march against violence?

Besides, long after white people starting chronicling their history, the blacks still roamed the jungle in grass skirts, totally unable to write any of their history whatsoever.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 12:53PM

Not nearly comparable to continuing white violence. Violence isn't solely the physical beatings and whatnot. The prison industrial complex is a prime example of white violence.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: January 06, 2014 01:05PM

And who are the majority of people in prison?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: January 06, 2014 01:09PM

While people of color make up about 30 percent of the United States’ population, they account for 60 percent of those imprisoned.

The prison population grew by 700 percent from 1970 to 2005, a rate that is outpacing crime and population rates.

The incarceration rates disproportionately impact men of color: 1 in every 15 African American men and 1 in every 36 Hispanic men are incarcerated in comparison to 1 in every 106 white men.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 01:12PM

Blacks and whites use weed in similar number, guess who gets incarcerated disproportionately for it?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: January 06, 2014 01:15PM

Put a little more effort into not getting caught, yo.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 01:43PM

It's not about not getting caught, it's about the punishment meted out. Even when caught whites don't receive the same punishment as minorities.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: The Hard Truth ()
Date: January 06, 2014 01:47PM

ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> It's not about not getting caught, it's about the
> punishment meted out. Even when caught whites
> don't receive the same punishment as minorities.

Because whites are statistically less likely to do it again. Look up recidivism rates in the black community, it's very troubling.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Rockhound ()
Date: January 06, 2014 01:56PM

It all comes back to one group of people.

The Jooze ensured the demise of this nation and all other Western nations. Imagine if the civils rights movement were to succeed, if the civilized Negro continued to advance as many did during the times of those like Malcolm X.

The Jooze hand can be seen in the demise of the Negro through such things like pop culture, underfunded schools, welfare conditioning, and much, much more.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Rockhound ()
Date: January 06, 2014 01:56PM

To argue black vs. white is playing right into their hands...

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 01:59PM

Look up the study done showing a white felon more likely to be chosen for a job over a black law abiding citisen. As a black male tack on a criminal record, minor or major, and you're prospects are bleak.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Marky Mark ()
Date: January 06, 2014 02:06PM

BEH Wrote:
> The incarceration rates disproportionately impact
> men of color: 1 in every 15 African American men
> and 1 in every 36 Hispanic men are incarcerated in
> comparison to 1 in every 106 white men.

Column 4 (aka Gerrymanderer) would say this is because of institutional white racism and over-prosecution of people of color. He won't acknowledge the facts you just pointed out. The elephant in the room. This is because Gerry hates white people.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 02:10PM

A. I'm not Gerry. B. You're pathetic attempting to paint me as hating white people. I'm bi-racial and don't favour one side, I favour equality.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Except that ()
Date: January 06, 2014 02:59PM

You admitted you were Gerry in another thread saying you get tired of logging in sometimes and post anonymously.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: January 06, 2014 03:00PM

Bi-racial=angry semi black

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: graymoose1 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 03:02PM

Cut his balls and dick off and force feed them to the s.o.b.

W.W.S.D. what would Scooby Doo

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: gaygoose1 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 03:03PM

graymoose1 Wrote:
> Cut his balls and dick off and force feed them to
> the s.o.b.

mooooosseeethh, show ussssth your prissssssssszzzzzzzzthon yard tatssssssthhhs

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: January 06, 2014 03:06PM

graymoose1 Wrote:
> Cut his balls and dick off and force feed them to
> the s.o.b.

Humane euthanasia is sufficent.

Problem is, the perps of these types of crimes almost never reform. They must be killed.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 03:59PM

I have not admitted that, someone using the same handle said that.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 06:31PM

ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> Not nearly comparable to continuing white
> violence. Violence isn't solely the physical
> beatings and whatnot. The prison industrial
> complex is a prime example of white violence.

Haha that's funny.

Tell that to the Negro mommas crying every morning on the news after they find out their "wonderful" buy who loved basketball, was working on his GED and "getting his life straight", was an apsiring rapper, and already had 2 kids at age 17 gets gunned down in a drug related drive by at 3 am in the hood.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 06:37PM

And how does that compare to white violence?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 06:41PM

Im not comparing anything. Im telling you to go tell your tale of woe to these mothers. I would say tell both the mothers and the fathers, but you might have serious difficulties locating the "baby daddys".

I suppose the fact that the vast majority of black children are born to and raised by unwed mothers (or grandma) is the evil white mans doing as well?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 06:43PM

What does that have to do with the conversation at hand?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 06:47PM

What exactly is the conversation at hand?

Whenever you get involved in a thread, it swerves from ditch to ditch until YOU finally end up overturned and abandoned.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 07:27PM

I made a sarcastic remark regarding the FFU communities tendency to blame everything on minorities. Someone said something about black violence and the response was mentions of racial disparity and white violence. Somehow we're now talking about a figurative old lady losing her son in a drive-by.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 07:27PM

I made a sarcastic remark regarding the FFU communities tendency to blame everything on minorities. Someone said something about black violence and the response was mentions of racial disparity and white violence. Somehow we're now talking about a figurative old lady losing her son in a drive-by.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 07:31PM

You picked the wrong thread to make a sarcastic remark.

What exactly do you mean by "racial disparity" and white violence. Im not following you (as usual)

Better get Gerry in here to help.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 07:34PM

ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> Somehow we're now
> talking about a figurative old lady losing her son
> in a drive-by.

There is no way you have any black in you.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 07:44PM

Read the previous posts. And you don't want Gerry in here because all he's going to do is call you names.

I am bi-racial, I'm not sure why you doubt that.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 07:49PM

ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> >
> I am bi-racial, I'm not sure why you doubt that.

Is one of the races black? I raise doubt because you mentioned "figurative old lady losing her son in a drive-by".

Anybody with any black blood knows the mother's whose kids are getting smoked on the street are barely out of childhood themselves. When you have your son when youre 13 or 14 and he gets killed when he's `15 or 16, you do the math.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 07:54PM

Yes, black and white.

I referred to it as figurative because you didn't provide a case, you merely provided a scenario. Your story was general.

What is your point about the drive by, are you implying that black on black violence has equaled that of slavery, Apartheid or the prison industrial complex?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 07:55PM

Maybe not equaled, but certainly a worthy replacement.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 07:56PM

Black on black violence isn't institutionalised.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 08:02PM

Im afraid it is. If it isnt, what keeps it perpetuating thru the generations?

Ever wonder why black fathers usually end up seeing their black sons for the first time in years....in prison?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 08:07PM

Claiming black on black violence is institutionalised is the equivalent of saying black people are inherently savages incapable of advanced mental cognisance.

Your last remark ignores the disparity in the application of the law.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 08:11PM

What law controls 10-15 people getting shot every weekend in Chicago over the summer. 99.9 % blacks killing blacks.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 08:17PM

It's not 99.9% and the majority of white murders, etc. are committed by other whites. I'm sure you're not going to make the same claim you're making equally.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 08:20PM

You need to learn what this ( % ) symbol means.

I have no doubt that the percentage of blacks killed by other blacks is substantially higher than the percentage of whites killed by other whites.

If this is too complicated for you, head back to school.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 08:26PM

So you're a fool, is your defense? It may be higher however the majority is the majority. I'm sure Jew on Jew violence is substantially lower, does that mean we blanket whites as inherently violent?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 08:31PM

You are so lost. What the fuck does "the majority is the majority" even mean?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 08:33PM

That your argument is invalid. The majority of white murders are committed by other whites, the majority of black murders are committed by other blacks, what are is the point you are trying to make when both races suffer at the hands of their own races?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: fighting irish ()
Date: January 06, 2014 08:35PM

the irish faced racism up to and probably more than the racism faced by African American slaves at the time, but the irish beat those stereotypes and invented cars, and other great inventions that black people could never have accomplished due to their well researched deficiency in IQ and creativity

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 08:40PM

There's no hope for you.

Let's try a different approach....it's late at night, you are walking down Martin Luther King Jr Ave in SE DC by yourself. On one side of the street there are 4 or 5 black teenage thugs in dreadlocks and sagging pants and hoodies and blunts hanging from their lips.

On the other side of the street are 4 or 5 white teens guys dressed for a night out in Georgetown with dress pants and golf shirts and a Budweiser in their hands.

Which side of the street are you going to walk down.......be you black or white or asian or middle eastern?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Rockhound ()
Date: January 06, 2014 08:43PM

fighting irish Wrote:
> the irish faced racism up to and probably more
> than the racism faced by African American slaves
> at the time, but the irish beat those stereotypes
> and invented cars, and other great inventions that
> black people could never have accomplished due to
> their well researched deficiency in IQ and
> creativity

HA! The only smart Irish left Ireland and came to the States. This is known by all Irish. You're obviously not Irish. The only thing the Irish are good for is making whiskey and drinking whiskey.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 08:48PM

The IQ argument has no validity.

Your group of races scenario is only effective if someone harbous racist sentiments, of which I do not. I've had as many issues, if not more, with white, Bud drinking, polo shirt wearing Christians than I have with black folk. Only a racist would assume the group of black teens are criminals bent on harming others.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 08:48PM

The IQ argument has no validity.

Your group of races scenario is only effective if someone harbours racist sentiments, of which I do not. I've had as many issues, if not more, with white, Bud drinking, polo shirt wearing Christians than I have with black folk. Only a racist would assume the group of black teens are criminals bent on harming others.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 08:50PM

Nice knowing you pal

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 08:55PM

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:02PM

"The arrests included minor crimes like truancy as well as serious violent crimes"

I notice they didnt bother to break down these numbers based on type of crime. So a bunch of whites show up for being truant LMAO!

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:19PM

You're assuming that. I posted the link because I found the frequency in which youth are arrested is an issue. My parents can't believe what constitutes a crime these day, things that either would have been ignored or worthy of a thorough warning are now offenses worthy of jail time.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:48PM

Maybe your next search should be something like "percentage of VIOLENT crimes committed by blacks".

I dont think too many people are about kids skipping school being included in crime stats.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 09:55PM

If what you're attempting to argue is that black people are inferior just come out and say it and I'll leave you to your racism.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:00PM

Not inferior, but inherently more violent and savage. Inferior is your word.

Its really not hard to see where they get it from either.

African Americans?


Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:04PM

And history would prove you wrong. Whites have just as, if not more, savage, and continue to perpetrate violence on an institutionalised and industrial scale.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:06PM

Ok, its clear to me you are just going to repeat ad nauseum the same baseless shit over and over again. No wonder everyone else is staying out of this thread. I guess Im the last idiot standing.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:07PM

Or you're the only idiot attempting to make factless claims.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: you are both idiots ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:15PM

We have No.4 on one side saying the system is somehow secretly slanted against black youth and we have Stabitha on the other arguing that blacks are "inherently savage."

You both look like retards.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:19PM

I'll use New York as an example. Whites utilise marijuana at significantly higher proportions, they're also the majority race in New York. Minorities are not only stopped, frisked and arrested at significantly higher proportions but many of those arrests are due to week possession. New York is hardly a Republican powerhouse.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: you are both retarded ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:23PM

ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> I'll use New York as an example. Whites utilise
> marijuana at significantly higher proportions,
> they're also the majority race in New York.
> Minorities are not only stopped, frisked and
> arrested at significantly higher proportions but
> many of those arrests are due to week possession.
> New York is hardly a Republican powerhouse.

Stop and frisk is now unconstitutional.... the system worked.. in your favor I might add.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:23PM

Ok you win. Whites are much more violent and savage than negroes. And the only reason the prisons are full of black killers and criminals is because a white man put a gun to their heads and forced them to commit their crimes.

And the only reason the ghetto is full of single unmarried moms and fatherless kids condemned to a life of crime and poverty is because a white man took the niggers cock and stuffed in the woman's pussy and then told the black man to haul ass and never come back again and dont dare try to support your kids.

And the only reason Hip Hop and Rap music is full of mysoganist terms and disrespectful to women is because a white man is forcing them to rap those words.

Whew......I feel so enlightened! Thank you!

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:28PM

You clearly know nothing of the disparity in the application of the law. You blanket assumptions. You seem to be completely unawares to the fact that there are white rappers and hip hop artists. Your problem is you don't like minorities and you seek ways in which to justify your dislike.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:31PM

Wrong. Ive said this before. I dont like niggers or people who act like niggers (which can be any race). I have no problem whatsoever with black people who take responsibility for themselves and contribute to our society and stay the fuck out of jail!

White rappers......you're a comedian now.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:36PM

The fact that you think a "nigger" can be any race puts to rest the question of whether you're a moron or not, and a racist one at that. You're attitude is the quintessential white American attitude towards minorities.

I'd also like to ask what music you believe Eminem performs?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: you are both retarded ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:39PM

Stabitha Wrote:
> Wrong. Ive said this before. I dont like niggers
> or people who act like niggers (which can be any
> race). I have no problem whatsoever with black
> people who take responsibility for themselves and
> contribute to our society and stay the fuck out of
> jail!
> White rappers......you're a comedian now.

You said earlier that "blacks are inherently more violent and savage"

Now you're backpeddling.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 06, 2014 10:49PM

ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> .
> I'd also like to ask what music you believe Eminem
> performs?

Eminem? Is he even relevant?

Maybe we should talk about Vanilla Ice? He is a building contractor now by the way.

So you believe only a black person can be a nigger? That's rather narrow minded. To me, being a nigger is more about a lifestyle and behavior than skin color. Unfortunately for them, blacks like to be niggers. How many times have you seen a black guy trying to escape the nigger world and is accused of acting white. God forbid you should get good grades, you are accused of acting like whitey. A brother's gotta keep it real which means staying in the street and sadly, many times dying in the street.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 06, 2014 11:01PM

While I don't partake in rap or hip hop I do believe he is relevant, people seem to be listening to him quite a bit. I'm aware of Vanilla Ice and his new found occupation, he has or had a telly show.

Your interpretation of the term "nigger" is a modern revisionist interpretation that was done to allow whites to use the term without negative repercussions. Now I've never had anyone use the term in my presence in ages however they do seem to utilise your defence when the subject is brought up.

This "escaping the nigger world" is bollocks. Black folk are often called "white washed" when they dress a certain way or speak with proper diction because the black community has instilled the idea that both of those are not "black", ie. outside of black culture. This is another issue entirely, and issue I've suffered with myself. Good grades are irrelevant to the label of "white washed". This issue is a different issue entirely.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 07, 2014 12:10AM

ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> >
> This "escaping the nigger world" is bollocks.

My God you're British.

I get you now.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: you are both retarded ()
Date: January 07, 2014 12:39AM

Stabitha Wrote:
> ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > >
> > This "escaping the nigger world" is bollocks.
> >
> My God you're British.
> I get you now.

Haha, actually tho, a lot of English folks are pretty racist. Theyd do you proud stabs.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 07, 2014 12:42AM

It's a bit different at home. People get pissed about the nutters coming over from the Middle East and harping on about sharia Britain and all that. I like Middle Easterners but I don't support that sharia shit anywhere, don't support the Toris of the EDL either. Britains extremely diverse, love it.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: you are both retarded ()
Date: January 07, 2014 12:44AM

ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> It's a bit different at home. People get pissed
> about the nutters coming over from the Middle East
> and harping on about sharia Britain and all that.
> I like Middle Easterners but I don't support that
> sharia shit anywhere, don't support the Toris of
> the EDL either. Britains extremely diverse, love
> it.

Umm, its like 80% white, how is that diverse?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Not retarded but ()
Date: January 07, 2014 12:46AM

You lost me

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 07, 2014 12:50AM

Ok, I should have said London, London is extremely diverse, the bits in between are probably predominantly white.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: you are both retarded ()
Date: January 07, 2014 12:54AM

ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> Ok, I should have said London, London is extremely
> diverse, the bits in between are probably
> predominantly white.

Where are you from btw? Did u grow up there or move here when you were young?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 07, 2014 12:57AM

I moved here when I was young however I've been back and the majority of my family is from England.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Indoor picnic ()
Date: January 07, 2014 01:00AM

I sat in someone's period blood and puke today

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 07, 2014 01:02AM

I'd burn those trousers if I were you.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: you are both retarded ()
Date: January 07, 2014 01:09AM

ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> I moved here when I was young however I've been
> back and the majority of my family is from
> England.

Awesome man

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 07, 2014 01:16AM

Yeah, wish I was back there though. At home people are closer, despite all of their issues.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: you are both retarded ()
Date: January 07, 2014 01:24AM

ColumnNo.4 Wrote:
> Yeah, wish I was back there though. At home
> people are closer, despite all of their issues.

There's no place like home

Do you have ur us citizenship too or just a green card?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 07, 2014 01:29AM

Dual citisenship. My British one clears me for the entire EU.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Anglophile ()
Date: January 07, 2014 01:40AM

Marmite: love it or hate it?

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 07, 2014 01:42AM

I take it you love it seeing as you know the motto by memory. I'm indifferent. I like to cook with it or add it to water, kind of Bovril.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Taeboo ()
Date: January 08, 2014 02:13AM

Why every body wanna hate on us black folks, I'm not racist but you only see white people going in the schools killing folks and its clear as glass white people commit the most terrible crimes, raping a 6 month old baby, damn she oh and for the people who think black men are stealing white women not true there clearly with them for there money, sorry a black women just isn't dumb enough to take care of a grown ass man when he has nothing going for himself, oh but the white women sure as hell will. Also sorry if us sexy ass women of beautiful different shades of brown women don't really like white around. Don't hate on blacks we are the top off the line race, don't hate, because we have a black president, and when you turn on the radio all you hear is black music, and don't give me that black on black crime shit, because ain't no black dumb enough to go in the school and kill a bunch of little black kids or kids period!!BOOM TO YOU BLACK PEOPLE HATERS!!!!

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: ColumnNo.4 ()
Date: January 08, 2014 02:51AM

You make an excellent point. While these mass shootings are perpetrated by white males I don't see anyone attributing those atrocities to the Aryan race.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: January 08, 2014 09:28AM

Taeboo Wrote:
> because
> ain't no black dumb enough to go in the school and
> kill a bunch of little black kids or kids

No, they go to offices and kill innocent co-workers.

Re: Condemned white man who sexually assaulted baby until she died pleads for mercy saying he didn’t intend to kill the 6-month-old girl. . . just rape her
Posted by: hEwwv ()
Date: January 08, 2014 09:45AM

I don't think it really matters if he gets the death sentence. Send him to jail. The other inmates won't think too highly of his behavior.

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