Re: And I Thought Meade Had No Life
Posted by:
Non-Lovable Loser
Date: December 18, 2008 12:50PM
WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> Numbers Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Somehow I find this entertaining. Maybe it's
> > because Meade is so light on his feet.
> It's not Meade. It is some other loser who lives
> in his parents' basement like Meade. I just
> thought that by comparison, Meade might actually
> look like he has something going on with his life.
> By comparison, that is.
Talk about having no life, you actually obsess over Meade Skelton. I can't decide who is more pathetic, Meade, or the guy who has a man crush on Meade. Oh, yes I can, it is Washingtonelocian who is more pathetic.