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Afghans say deal agreed to with US includes Obama apology
Posted by: Apologist-in-Chief ()
Date: November 19, 2013 10:09PM

Afghans say deal agreed with U.S. for Obama to acknowledge war 'mistakes'

KABUL Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:08pm EST

(Reuters) - The Afghan government said on Tuesday it had reached a deal on the framework of a security pact with the United States after receiving assurances that President Barack Obama would issue a letter acknowledging U.S. mistakes made during the 12-year war.

But despite the Afghan announcement, the Obama administration did not confirm that it had agreed to such a letter, which could draw criticism from Republicans and anger U.S. veterans of the war.

And the State Department said some issues between the sides still had to be resolved before a final deal was reached with Afghanistan that would allow U.S. troops to stay there beyond 2014.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, in a phone call on Tuesday, overcame the main stumbling blocks to an agreement that will be put before the Loya Jirga, an assembly of Afghan tribal and political leaders due to meet in Kabul on Thursday, Karzai's spokesman said.

Without an accord on the so-called Bilateral Security Agreement, the United States has warned that it could pull out all its troops at the end of next year and leave Afghan forces to fight alone against a resilient Taliban-led insurgency.

Two years ago, Washington ended its military mission in Iraq with a similar "zero option" outcome that lead to the withdrawal of all of its troops after the failure of talks with Baghdad.

Aimal Faizi, Karzai's spokesman, said the two sides agreed on crucial provisions giving U.S. troops immunity from Afghan law and allowing them to enter Afghan homes in exceptional circumstances, something the Afghan president had resisted.

Faizi said the accord - which must now be approved by the Loya Jirga - was partly due to a promise that Obama would give a written admission of U.S. military errors in a war that has claimed many civilian casualties in addition to combatants.

"Both sides agreed that Obama send a letter ... assuring the president and the people of Afghanistan that the right to enter into Afghan homes by U.S. forces and the extraordinary circumstances will not be misused," Faizi told reporters in Kabul.

"The whole idea of having a letter was to acknowledge the suffering of the Afghan people and the mistakes of the past. That was the only thing that satisfied the president," Faizi added.

Asked whether a letter of that nature would be issued, White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters: "I don't have any specifics on any language of a letter that hasn't been written."

A senior State Department official said Kerry told Karzai that "we will consider his request for reassurances including the option of a letter from the administration stating our position."


Rice has denied that any apology letter had been agreed to. But then she also said it was all about a video so...

Re: Afghans say deal agreed to with US includes Obama apology
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: November 19, 2013 10:11PM

Are they going to apologize for all the terrorists they created?

Re: Afghans say deal agreed to with US includes Obama apology
Posted by: Libby Tard ()
Date: November 19, 2013 10:12PM

That was our fault too.

Re: Afghans say deal agreed to with US includes Obama apology
Posted by: imbiker ()
Date: November 19, 2013 10:19PM

Bushes fault!

Re: Afghans say deal agreed to with US includes Obama apology
Posted by: Apologies ()
Date: November 19, 2013 10:41PM

Stabitha Wrote:
> Are they going to apologize for all the terrorists
> they created?

Are you going to apologize to the girls parents for posting their photos and bragging about having sex?

Re: Afghans say deal agreed to with US includes Obama apology
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: November 19, 2013 10:42PM

You are quite the little follower arent you?

Re: Afghans say deal agreed to with US includes Obama apology
Posted by: Fingers are a lot easier ()
Date: November 19, 2013 10:50PM

Stabitha Wrote:
> You are quite the little follower arent you?

Sometimes. Had a lot of practice in the day.

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