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Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: changedmymind ()
Date: October 21, 2008 06:29PM

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: changedmymind ()
Date: October 21, 2008 06:30PM

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: changedmymind ()
Date: October 21, 2008 06:30PM

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: changedmymind ()
Date: October 21, 2008 06:31PM

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: fwc ()
Date: October 21, 2008 08:24PM


Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: October 21, 2008 08:30PM

Alaska, Kansas and Wyoming MILF yes. Northern VA, Manhatten, Bedminster, NJ heck No.

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: October 21, 2008 08:56PM

She has a pulse, which should qualify her in my book, but I still don't think I could.

I'd ask, "You like how I'm fuckin' you, baby?"

She'd be all, "Well, you see, the way you're thrusting, it... you make good money which is fundamental to our economy, you know, shoring up the job market and... when you purchase condoms, you... it's gotta be all about job creation, shoring up the economy, and you're here in the backseat of my Zamboni because I'm a maverick. You have to be a maverick to... The change that you're trying to bring about is good, but our country, with its proximity... we're close to Russia, which is kind of near France I guess, and I like kissing like they do, even though I tell my daughters differently because... You... It... Yeah. Job creation, you betcha."

Nope. Don't think I could do it, hooker boots or not.

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: October 21, 2008 09:13PM

She'd probably be just as confused in bed as she is at politics. She can't even complete a sentence when she is interviewed without spacing out, Look at her swimsuit video from her beauty pageant, nothing that attractive going on, I'll pass.

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: cheetah ()
Date: October 22, 2008 11:11AM

Yes, those are CFMS. She is doing nothing for women in politics except taking us back 50 years with her "in-style". If only she would dress more conservative (here comes irony) like Hillary. This "style" tactic is used for other professionals seeking admiration and promotions. What was McCain thinking!

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Date: October 22, 2008 12:05PM

I hereby award MrMephisto one internet for that response. Well played, sir. Well played.

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: Frank ()
Date: October 22, 2008 12:49PM

cheetah Wrote:
> What was McCain thinking!

That all he needed to do was improve on Joe "Plagarist" Biden. He did, but I admit that was not a high threshold to hurdle.

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: Chris ()
Date: September 29, 2009 09:47PM

I'd do her if she'd keep the boots on. I suspect she has done that before.

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: wbva3fan ()
Date: September 29, 2009 10:27PM

Sarah Palin is nice. F-Me boots? Does this mean "Friend Me"boots. On Facebook, you can friend me. Facebook is nice.

Sarah Palin is nice to. She is attractive woman. This means she was beauty pageant contestant. She should wear bikini. This is small swimsuit.

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: September 29, 2009 10:45PM

Yeah, she's definitely a beauty. Plus she Hunts, likes to ride Snow Machines, she's just flat out cool.

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: September 30, 2009 09:05AM

Maybe with 6 plastic bags from the Juneau Stop-and-Shop over her head.

On second thought, no, not even then.

and +100 to Mephisto

Edit: oh, ffs, I didn't notice this thread was a year old. DUH.

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2009 10:45AM by fairfaxdude.

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: September 30, 2009 12:24PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> She has a pulse, which should qualify her in my
> book, but I still don't think I could.
> I'd ask, "You like how I'm fuckin' you, baby?"
> She'd be all, "Well, you see, the way you're
> thrusting, it... you make good money which is
> fundamental to our economy, you know, shoring up
> the job market and... when you purchase condoms,
> you... it's gotta be all about job creation,
> shoring up the economy, and you're here in the
> backseat of my Zamboni because I'm a maverick.
> You have to be a maverick to... The change that
> you're trying to bring about is good, but our
> country, with its proximity... we're close to
> Russia, which is kind of near France I guess, and
> I like kissing like they do, even though I tell my
> daughters differently because... You... It...
> Yeah. Job creation, you betcha."
> Nope. Don't think I could do it, hooker boots or
> not.

Fisto, you won't here a thing if you kkep her mouth crammed with schlong.

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: The Mayor of Biscuitville ()
Date: October 01, 2009 02:26AM

that Ladybird Johnson was hot...

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: Mudo D ()
Date: November 19, 2009 08:35PM

Yes,yes,yes would definitely slapped her with my cock all over her slutty face,have her nut drinking,have her wear all kinds of milfy outfits,eat her a lot,and then drill her for hours..weekend marathon would be something with that whore..boots or not,almost every pic on web of her gives me an instant boner..

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: Obama's Rationally Bounded ()
Date: November 19, 2009 09:41PM

She'd probably be just as confused in bed as she is at politics. She can't even complete a sentence when she is interviewed without spacing out, Look at her swimsuit video from her beauty pageant, nothing that attractive going on, I'll pass.
Sounds like obama yer talking about there. Take away the teleprompter from the boy wonder and you've got exactly what you describe. spaced out. feel free to tap his skinny ass there.

at least Palin's managed a state. obamalamadingdong has only managed a senate office for two years prior, which as we're seeing, appears to be only slightly more of a tight spot than running a local acron show.

Re: Is VP candidate Sarah Palin(wearing those "F-me boots") considered a hot MILF/VPILF, based on the standards for MILFs in Fairfax County?
Posted by: curious ()
Date: November 20, 2009 07:32PM

There aren't many women in Alaska:

650,000 people in Alaska, 48% women . . . 312,000 women . . .

1,000,000 people in FX County, 51% women . . . 500,000 women . . .

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