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Obama's NSA Collected Email Metadata in Bulk
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: June 27, 2013 12:26PM

Re: Obama's NSA Collected Email Metadata in Bulk
Posted by: GetM@th ()
Date: June 27, 2013 05:56PM

WingNut Wrote:
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/27/nsa-da
> ta-mining-authorised-obama
> I know, Bush started it.

Then what's your point?

Re: Obama's NSA Collected Email Metadata in Bulk
Posted by: MoreInfo ()
Date: June 27, 2013 05:58PM

Data mining keeps people employed.

Re: Obama's NSA Collected Email Metadata in Bulk
Posted by: barry in 16 ()
Date: June 27, 2013 06:13PM

Hope and Change = More of the same

Re: Obama's NSA Collected Email Metadata in Bulk
Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: June 27, 2013 06:29PM

Nixon spied on a couple offices, Obama is spying on the world. Why the hell has he not been impeached? Oh that's right, he has help in both parties on this, more proof of government interference of all people's Constitutional liberties.

Re: Obama's NSA Collected Email Metadata in Bulk
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: June 27, 2013 06:39PM

WingNut Wrote:
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/27/nsa-da
> ta-mining-authorised-obama
> I know, Bush started it.

Probably, but it doesn't make it any better.

Re: Obama's NSA Collected Email Metadata in Bulk
Posted by: Tray von Martin ()
Date: June 27, 2013 06:45PM

Bush may have started it, and Barry may have railed against it in the 2008 campaign, but Brotha man's had 5 years to shut that shit down. Instead he's doubled down and gotten even more up in our business.

Re: Obama's NSA Collected Email Metadata in Bulk
Posted by: WingNOT ()
Date: June 27, 2013 06:54PM

OP - none of this news or newsworthy.

Everyone on any of the Military, Law Enforcement, or Intelligence committees in Congress has received regular briefings on this surveillance for decades. They have not only been fully and regularly briefed, but they have authorized it and enthusiastically authorized the funding for it over and over and over again. It is not a Democrat or a Republican thing - it is a National Security thing.

Even the bad guys know about our surveillance capabilities. Why do you think Osama and crew use messengers and hand written messages to communicate? When they do use computers and phones, they are smart enough to use encryption and various other methods to hide their nefarious evil activities.

But somehow, genius that you are, WingNut, you had no clue and are outraged, even while the cave dwelling terrorists figured it out long ago.

WingNut - do you live in the fucking ignorant bubble on Narnia?

Digital metadata is collected en masse, processed using software programs on computers that perform sophisticated pattern recognition algorithms so we can zero in on people plotting mass murder and other forms of mayhem. What's the fucking problem?

What do you think Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Microsoft, and a gazillion other commercial companies are doing in order to figure out how to suck your wallet dry? Answer - the exact same thing but without any regulatory or legislative oversight and they do it on Americans. That's why they and the telcos information was subpoenaed - because for the Government to do what the commercial companies are doing actually requires authorization and a court order.

FYI - There isn't some huge room full of pale, drone-like, Big Brother people listening to phone calls or reading your emails and texts you fucking moron.

They don't need to listen to or read anything until they get a statistically relevant, double and triple checked hit, pull a warrant, and get a court authorization to dig deeper. Perfectly legal and absolutely necessary.

BTW: Your hero Snowden is a fucking traitor. Why are you supporting his actions with your bullshit posts?

Re: Obama's NSA Collected Email Metadata in Bulk
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: June 27, 2013 08:27PM

WingNOT Wrote:
> OP - none of this news or newsworthy.
> Everyone on any of the Military, Law Enforcement,
> or Intelligence committees in Congress has
> received regular briefings on this surveillance
> for decades.

I'm sure you don't care. But I stopped reading at the point above.

Decades? For decades the federal government has been spying on roughly....ALL the citizens of the United States?

How do you justify that in your own mind? Seriously.

FYI...our "national security" had been pretty much gutted by the time 9-11 hit. No response to embassy bombings, the attack on the USS Cole, Marine barracks bombings, etc. opened the door and all my phone records, emails or underwear preferences wouldn't have stopped any of that. Nor has it stopped anything since.

So take your national security and stick it up your ass.

If it works so well, why didn't it stop Sandy Hook? Colorado? Oklahoma City? Boston? Times Square?

Seems it's only good for catching affairs and ending brilliant military careers.

Why do you put so much faith in our government?

Re: Obama's NSA Collected Email Metadata in Bulk
Posted by: WingKnot ()
Date: June 27, 2013 09:39PM

Vexxxed - You probably stopped reading because you didn't like what you were reading and are incapable of giving forth the requisite effort to try and comprehend anything other than what you want to believe, and can't process anything more than the talking points and sound bites from snarky non-reporters who feed your addiction to misinformation.

Take some ADHD medicine. Go to college. Go to grad school. Join the military or intelligence service. Study things. Then spend several decades dealing with the topics at hand. You may learn that reading beyond the first paragraph is empowering.

The NSA doesn't do domestic surveillance - so Sandy Hook, Colorado, Oklahoma City, Boston, and Times Square belong to the FBI and local law enforcement. Wrong agency dip shit.

National Security was not gutted by 9-11. It was operating with handcuffs. NSA was enhanced and cut loose after 9-11. But prior to 9-11, the silos, rules, regulations, etc. between all agencies prevented NSA and others from connecting the dots. But even with an eye in the sky on everything, bad people are going to pull off bad deeds.

We responded to each and every event you mentioned. We chose not to respond in ways that you may, may not, and probably will never, ever know about - but we responded. The stinkies got hurt real bad.

The stinkies are so pissed off about our responses that they are willing to martyr themselves and resort to all sorts of crazy ways to seek retaliation. You just don't have a window into that and it frustrates you into thinking and assuming nobody is on their case. We are all over their case 24x7x365.

You should trust your Government on this kind of stuff - most of the time. But you should definitely and constantly insist on verification and oversight - lest the wrong people abuse this power.

Re: Obama's NSA Collected Email Metadata in Bulk
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: June 27, 2013 09:52PM

For one thing, I have NEVER had the expectation that my phone calls are private. I didn't put up the old phone lines or the cell towers.

I have zero expectation for privacy. Would be nice, but it is not realistic.

Here's the problem, and his initials are B.O...

You liberal drama queens fawned and wet yourselves when Obama condemned the spying and Patriot Act antics of Bush and Cheney. Obama used his Big Boy voice and harsh words for wiretapping, Guantanamo and the War on Terror in general. He sounded pretty sincere, even to a strong non-believer like myself.

Obama is like the evangelical preacher who sees sin in everyone else, then gets busted blowing some stranger at a truckstop.

Hysterical hypocrisy. Absolutely priceless.

Now few people care if the two faced preacher sucks a little bone, or if Obama's NSA is involved in data collection.

What we care about is the ridiculous phoniness and lying, by this turdfuck president you apparently still worship.

Good for you.

BTW, how did Obama's Justice Dept. jackoff the info they had about the Boston Marathon bombers? Would have been nice to have busted those guys beforehand what do you think there sweetheart?

Re: Obama's NSA Collected Email Metadata in Bulk
Posted by: WingNaught ()
Date: June 27, 2013 10:15PM


You are obsessed with Obama.

He has nothing to do with it.

It was happening for decades before he took the job and will never stop happening - ever.

Run along to the next Middle Earth meeting.

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