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Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: flem ()
Date: March 19, 2013 06:42PM

They fucked up the economy plain and simple - but look at the yellow and gold Bush Era Tax Cuts and the two wars.

You GOP fuck sticks lecturing us about the debt, deficits, big Government, etc. is a joke.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: flem ()
Date: March 19, 2013 06:43PM


Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: March 20, 2013 05:06AM

Propose PB666 which calls for the execution of Congress and all members and staff of the House of Representatives and Senate Committee. Quit blaming a party and do something about it.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: left wingers-a drain on society ()
Date: March 20, 2013 05:29AM

flem Wrote:
> They fucked up the economy plain and simple - but
> look at the yellow and gold Bush Era Tax Cuts and
> the two wars.
> You GOP fuck sticks lecturing us about the debt,
> deficits, big Government, etc. is a joke.

you sound like one of those limp-wristed freeloaders.

you're a cockroach.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: Dem Math ()
Date: March 20, 2013 07:15AM

Nice try, but tax cuts dont increase debt moron, they only decrease revenue.

Compare revenue vs spending if you want a real comparison.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: March 20, 2013 09:15AM

Dem Math Wrote:
> Nice try, but tax cuts dont increase debt moron,
> they only decrease revenue.
> Compare revenue vs spending if you want a real
> comparison.

Cut the crap. If you start with a balanced budget, cut revenue and don't cut spending, you end up with increased debt. When instead of holding spending steady you increase it, you increase the debt even further. However you can't blame the Republicans alone for this. Way to many Democrats voted for this too...for a price.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: liberal logic 102 ()
Date: March 20, 2013 09:19AM

Dem Math Wrote:
> Nice try, but tax cuts dont increase debt moron,
> they only decrease revenue.

You have to understand the modern liberal party believes that its their money and they are doing someone a favor allowing them to keep it. Therefore they act like its missing when really theyre just spending more than theyre getting but instead of blaming spending they say they just demand more money

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: Up up and away ()
Date: March 20, 2013 01:39PM

Debt has blown up under Obama's administration waaaaaaaay beyond anything that Bush ever did. Being objective about it, a lot of that is due to factors outside of anything specific that he's done; however, he's done nothing to effectively address any of it. Avoiding dealing with entitlement programs so that the Dems can blame the Republicans for necessary changes isn't a solution and isn't leadership.


Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: wronggg ()
Date: March 20, 2013 03:26PM

The mistake libiots like the op make;your assumption is that behavior of earners and taxpayers would remain the same,so it's just math,right? Of course this is a false assumption. The tax rate and code spur certain behavior,like taking a capital gain instead of delaying it.There is a fairly steady increase in total tax revenue from the time of the Bush Tax Revenue Stimulus until the recession hit.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: March 20, 2013 06:05PM

On what planet? Revenues dropped in 2001, 2002 and 2003, and did not return to 2000 levels until 2005.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: Liberal Logic 102 ()
Date: March 20, 2013 08:05PM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> On what planet? Revenues dropped in 2001, 2002
> and 2003, and did not return to 2000 levels until
> 2005.

And they they increased in 2006 and 2007 with a slight dip in 2008 blowing up the argument that its the tax cuts fault. If that were the case they would have kept dropping or remained low, they didnt they rose to even high levels after a small dip. In fact they are now what they basically were in 2007 and have been climbing since 09 and will be higher this year than any of those years, yet we keep getting a bigger annual deficit every year

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: Factz ()
Date: March 20, 2013 08:44PM

Liberal Logic 102 Wrote:
> And they they increased in 2006 and 2007 with a
> slight dip in 2008 blowing up the argument that
> its the tax cuts fault. If that were the case
> they would have kept dropping or remained low,
> they didnt they rose to even high levels after a
> small dip. In fact they are now what they
> basically were in 2007 and have been climbing
> since 09 and will be higher this year than any of
> those years, yet we keep getting a bigger annual
> deficit every year



Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: wronggg ()
Date: March 20, 2013 10:39PM

hmmm, wonder what kind of impact tax increases,the threat of more tax increases,then more tax increase followed by the threat of more tax increases has had on the tax revenue as a percentage of GDP has had? Maybe President Obama should have taken steps to ensue the government isn't dependent on 1% of the population for 41% of tax revenues. Or initiated an Obama Tax Revenue Stimulus of his own. By cutting taxes.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: BelowMe ()
Date: March 22, 2013 06:36AM

A graph of US Tax Rates for you Republican dumb fucks without a grasp of US Tax rate history.

Clearly Republicans have no argument that high tax rates are an issue.

The 2001 "TEMPORARY" Bush Tax Cuts were in place for over a decade. They failed to create jobs or stimulate the economy, and clearly helped drive the US economy into the biggest economic catastrophe since the Great Depression.

Republican Tax Policies = Fail!

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: Yup ()
Date: March 22, 2013 07:09AM

BelowMe Wrote:
> A graph of US Tax Rates for you Republican dumb
> fucks without a grasp of US Tax rate history.
> Clearly Republicans have no argument that high tax
> rates are an issue.
> The 2001 "TEMPORARY" Bush Tax Cuts were in place
> for over a decade. They failed to create jobs or
> stimulate the economy, and clearly helped drive
> the US economy into the biggest economic
> catastrophe since the Great Depression.
> Republican Tax Policies = Fail!

The graph clearly shows that the years of greatest prospierty and opportunity, the 80's forward, happened during times of lower tax rates.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: BelowMe ()
Date: March 22, 2013 07:26AM

^ -1,000,000 for Yup

You should read a history book chucklehead.

Overlay Great Depression 1929 - then look at the corresponding tax rates on highest income brackets.

Look at the 1989/1990 recession - and the corresponding tax rates on the highest income brackets.

See that little increase on the red line between 1993 and 2001 - we had a budget surplus and the economy was humming. Then the Bush Tax cuts kicked in and we fell off the economic cliff.

You Repubtards are so stupid it makes my eyeballs itch.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: Non-partisan Partisan ()
Date: March 22, 2013 08:06AM

BelowMe Wrote:
> ^ -1,000,000 for Yup
> You should read a history book chucklehead.
> Overlay Great Depression 1929 - then look at the
> corresponding tax rates on highest income
> brackets.
> Look at the 1989/1990 recession - and the
> corresponding tax rates on the highest income
> brackets.
> See that little increase on the red line between
> 1993 and 2001 - we had a budget surplus and the
> economy was humming. Then the Bush Tax cuts
> kicked in and we fell off the economic cliff.
> You Repubtards are so stupid it makes my eyeballs
> itch.

Sure shithead. Clinton left office as the dotcom bubble was bursting and Bush inherited an economy that was weak and heading into recession. Then we got 911. Then we got Katrina. Each event sucked tens/hurdreds of billions of $$$$ out of the economy. Yet you blame everything on the tax cuts. You're such a blind tool. Just another sheeple bleating for his master.


Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: block steele ()
Date: March 22, 2013 08:12AM

flem Wrote:
> They fucked up the economy plain and simple - but
> look at the yellow and gold Bush Era Tax Cuts and
> the two wars.
> You GOP fuck sticks lecturing us about the debt,
> deficits, big Government, etc. is a joke.

I now take home $300 less a month than I did this time last year thanks to obama. I thought he was only going to punish the rich.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: Erectile Dysfunction ()
Date: March 22, 2013 08:21AM

Non-partisan Partisan Wrote:
> BelowMe Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ^ -1,000,000 for Yup
> >
> > You should read a history book chucklehead.
> >
> > Overlay Great Depression 1929 - then look at
> the
> > corresponding tax rates on highest income
> > brackets.
> >
> > Look at the 1989/1990 recession - and the
> > corresponding tax rates on the highest income
> > brackets.
> >
> > See that little increase on the red line
> between
> > 1993 and 2001 - we had a budget surplus and the
> > economy was humming. Then the Bush Tax cuts
> > kicked in and we fell off the economic cliff.
> >
> > You Repubtards are so stupid it makes my
> eyeballs
> > itch.
> Sure shithead. Clinton left office as the dotcom
> bubble was bursting and Bush inherited an economy
> that was weak and heading into recession. Then we
> got 911. Then we got Katrina. Each event sucked
> tens/hurdreds of billions of $$$$ out of the
> economy. Yet you blame everything on the tax
> cuts. You're such a blind tool. Just another
> sheeple bleating for his master.
> o_0

The cost of 9/11 to the global economy has been estimated at over $2 Trillion. The planning and putting pieces into place all happened under Clinton's DOJ and CIA watch. The devaluation of the dot-com crash has been estmiated to have cost almost $5 Trillion in the global economy. Enron scandal alone cost investors over $11 billion. All that fraudulent accounting was going on under Clinton's SEC watch. I don't blame Clinton anymore than I blame Bush but the partisans on both sides (see OP for example) are fools being played by those in power. And fools deserve the shit sandwich that they get.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: Libbys Head ()
Date: March 22, 2013 08:31AM

BelowMe Wrote:
> ^ -1,000,000 for Yup
> You should read a history book chucklehead.
> Overlay Great Depression 1929 - then look at the
> corresponding tax rates on highest income
> brackets.
> Look at the 1989/1990 recession - and the
> corresponding tax rates on the highest income
> brackets.
> See that little increase on the red line between
> 1993 and 2001 - we had a budget surplus and the
> economy was humming. Then the Bush Tax cuts
> kicked in and we fell off the economic cliff.
> You Repubtards are so stupid it makes my eyeballs
> itch.

If its bad for the Dems, then its the prior president's fault, if its good for the Dems, well waive the flag dammit!

Dems/Libs have realized they can say what ever they want and no one will care if its accurate.

They are like the new world DJ's, spinning the hits for all those uneducated voters.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: Yup ()
Date: March 22, 2013 09:09AM

BelowMe Wrote:
> ^ -1,000,000 for Yup
> You should read a history book chucklehead.
> Overlay Great Depression 1929 - then look at the
> corresponding tax rates on highest income
> brackets.
> Look at the 1989/1990 recession - and the
> corresponding tax rates on the highest income
> brackets.
> See that little increase on the red line between
> 1993 and 2001 - we had a budget surplus and the
> economy was humming. Then the Bush Tax cuts
> kicked in and we fell off the economic cliff.
> You Repubtards are so stupid it makes my eyeballs
> itch.

And with all of your liberal drivel, leaving out of course 9/11, Katrina, etc., my point is still valid that "The graph clearly shows that the years of greatest prospierty and opportunity, the 80's forward, happened during times of lower tax rates."

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: _Eyedea_ ()
Date: March 22, 2013 10:35AM

List of people our president and saintlike leader Obama has *allegedly* *had* killed recently:

Andrew Breitbart: Died of a massive "heart attack", walking outside late at night, alone, in the dark approximately one week before he was to produce tapes of Obama's extremist activities in college, Arsenic was found in his system

Michael Cormier(Lead coroner for Breitbart, happened to die of arsenic poisoning exactly the same way as Breitbart)

Jaime Zapata(whistleblower, I.C.E. Report of Investigation on seizure of Fast & Furious weapons in Texas in August 2010 was signed by Zapata) Killed in a vaguely described "ambush".

The ENTIRETY of Seal team 6(I mean, come on)

Matt Simmons(petro whistleblower)

Donald Young(rumored to have a homosexual connection to Obama)

Federal Judge John McCarthy Roll: - was the Chief Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Arizona, murdered by the same gunman attacking Gabrielle Giffords. Theory that Roll's prelimiary ruling on "United States of America v. $333,520.00 in United States Currency et al” (Case Number: 4:2010cv00703 Filed: November 30, 2010) was cause for the assassination and that the shooter used the mass shooting as a cover for the government

Madelyn Payne Dunham: Obama's grandmother, died 2 days before the general election. Flew up to see her for one hour - alone. No records. Cremated immediately, ashes dispersed.

Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr.- A key witness in a federal probe into passport information stolen from the State Department was fatally shot in front of a District church

Christopher Kelly -Committed suicide, under pressure to testify against former Gov. Rod Blagojevich

BEVERLY ECKERT, Continental Flight Victim, Was 9/11 Widow, was at the White House with Barack Obama, part of a meeting the president had with relatives of those killed in the 2001 attacks

Do not forget the death of Liberty. Bush only wounded it. Obama finished it off.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/22/2013 10:39AM by _Eyedea_.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: Liberal Logic 102 ()
Date: March 22, 2013 01:42PM

BelowMe Wrote:
> ^ -1,000,000 for Yup
> You should read a history book chucklehead.
> Overlay Great Depression 1929 - then look at the
> corresponding tax rates on highest income
> brackets.
> Look at the 1989/1990 recession - and the
> corresponding tax rates on the highest income
> brackets.
> See that little increase on the red line between
> 1993 and 2001 - we had a budget surplus and the
> economy was humming. Then the Bush Tax cuts
> kicked in and we fell off the economic cliff.
> You Repubtards are so stupid it makes my eyeballs
> itch.

Im glad that you think tax rates are the sole driver of depression or prosperity. Seems like youre laying the groundwork to argue we should be a communist country to take everything from everyone to make sure our dear government has enough money.

Youre also an idiot if you think that "surplus" was real. And no Bush tax cuts didnt send us over a cliff, that would be the housing market scam that had been going on forever giving people houses and loans they should have never qualified for and too many defaulted at the same time sending everything down the drain.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: wronggg ()
Date: March 22, 2013 07:56PM

President Obama extended the tax cuts for everyone several times,and made them permanent for 98% of Americans. Libiots still refer to them as the Bush tax cuts.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: yes, that is true ()
Date: March 22, 2013 08:36PM

That's because by the time Obama took office, the great recession was already in full force. It would be idiotic to increase taxes during a huge recession. However, sooner or later, the debt must be reduced. Obama is forced to wait until later when the economy is more stable and hopefully growing at a better rate (and therefore creating jobs). The whole reason for keeping taxes low now is to stimulate the economy. Bush, on the other hand, cut taxes when there was no recession and there was growth. The time to save for a rainy day is when the rainy day is not upon you.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: wronggg ()
Date: March 22, 2013 08:44PM

very funny. government saving for a rainy day. maybe they can also repay the social security trust. and find unicorns.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: the forever war with no price ()
Date: March 22, 2013 08:45PM

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have cost close to $1.8 trillion dollars and the spending there is not finished. Most of that money was borrowed. The interest payments are astronomical by themselves. It amounts to $6,300 per person for Americans (so far). Think of what we could have done with that money. This is what is doing us in (the same thing that sunk the Roman Empire). Bin Laden said that he would bankrupt the US and his wish is coming true.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: Uninterested Observer ()
Date: March 22, 2013 09:57PM

the forever war with no price Wrote:
> The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have cost close
> to $1.8 trillion dollars and the spending there is
> not finished. Most of that money was borrowed.
> The interest payments are astronomical by
> themselves. It amounts to $6,300 per person for
> Americans (so far). Think of what we could have
> done with that money. This is what is doing us in
> (the same thing that sunk the Roman Empire). Bin
> Laden said that he would bankrupt the US and his
> wish is coming true.

I think you number on the wars is high. But even if it's close, obamacare is going to cost north of $8 trillion. For that we get second-rate health care ala the UK. And Obama's stimulus was almost $1 trillion. We now run $1.2 - $1.5 trillion deficits every year under Obama. That's two or three times the largest deficit we had under Bush.

Bush sucked. But so does Obama. It's blind partisan idiots like you who can't see that. Partisan idiots on both sides are what's destroying this country (i.e. people like you). We spend way too much compared to what we take in. Bush did it. And Obama's doing it (Bush on steroids).

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: ^ What he said ()
Date: March 22, 2013 10:43PM

Uninterested Observer Wrote:
> the forever war with no price Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have cost
> close
> > to $1.8 trillion dollars and the spending there
> is
> > not finished. Most of that money was borrowed.
> > The interest payments are astronomical by
> > themselves. It amounts to $6,300 per person
> for
> > Americans (so far). Think of what we could
> have
> > done with that money. This is what is doing us
> in
> > (the same thing that sunk the Roman Empire).
> Bin
> > Laden said that he would bankrupt the US and
> his
> > wish is coming true.
> I think you number on the wars is high. But even
> if it's close, obamacare is going to cost north of
> $8 trillion. For that we get second-rate health
> care ala the UK. And Obama's stimulus was almost
> $1 trillion. We now run $1.2 - $1.5 trillion
> deficits every year under Obama. That's
> two or three times the largest deficit we had
> under Bush.
> Bush sucked. But so does Obama. It's blind
> partisan idiots like you who can't see that.
> Partisan idiots on both sides are what's
> destroying this country (i.e. people like
> you). We spend way too much compared to
> what we take in. Bush did it. And Obama's doing
> it (Bush on steroids).

Right. Even using his numbers, that would be $6,300 out of a total of $53,250.22 per person, the far greater increase in which has happened during Obama's term. That's not counting added debt going to $20 trillion as expected.

Doesn't matter who is in the seat. Neither have any control. Government continues to grow independent of any control.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: even worse ()
Date: March 25, 2013 08:22AM

Even worse is the lives of our young military folks that Bush wasted on pointless war.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: even worser ()
Date: March 25, 2013 10:44AM

even worse Wrote:
> Even worse is the lives of our young military
> folks that Bush wasted on pointless war.

About 2,000 more than Obama wasted expanding his "good" war.

And about 15 times less than the 60,000 which Kennedy and Johnson sent off to die in Vietnam.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: Rocky Collins ()
Date: March 25, 2013 10:59AM

Up up and away Wrote:

> Avoiding dealing with
> entitlement programs so that the Dems can blame
> the Republicans for necessary changes isn't a
> solution and isn't leadership.

^^^ THIS times 10000.

This is exactly the problem with the modern democrat party. Also by doing all this they are buying votes from the freeloaders.

Re: Look What the Republicans Did to the National Debt
Posted by: left turn clyde ()
Date: March 27, 2013 08:48PM

Rocky Collins Wrote:
> Up up and away Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Avoiding dealing with
> > entitlement programs so that the Dems can blame
> > the Republicans for necessary changes isn't a
> > solution and isn't leadership.
> ^^^ THIS times 10000.
> This is exactly the problem with the modern
> democrat party. Also by doing all this they are
> buying votes from the freeloaders.

Here at the "democrat party" (lol@U retard.) we are doing just fine.
Assholes like yourself are dying off thank god.

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