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Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: mem071879 ()
Date: January 16, 2008 10:08AM

My husband and I are thinking about moving to Loudon county. I am black and he's white. Even though technically racism isn't suppossed to still exist and every "says" they aren't are there any areas that we should just stay away from.
Thanks : )

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: Virgil ()
Date: January 17, 2008 11:18AM

We'll be sure to leave the light on

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: RAT'Z AZZ ()
Date: January 18, 2008 11:06AM


Calypso Louie and his "boys" take a dim view of inter-racial couples. They have a chapter in town.
Farrakhan NO.bmp

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: Rob N ()
Date: January 21, 2008 10:13AM

You're very welcome here. Jackasses, like Virgil et al, are on the decline.

I know. I grew up here. Back then Leesburg was narrow-minded and inbred...just like Virgil.

Most of that has changed now. The Homeland Security economy that saw the tremendous growth of the last several years in all of northern Virginia also found Leesburg. The downside of that growth was the destruction of some beautiful land in the interest of more housing. The upside is that lots of very talented, very intelligent, open-minded people found there way here during that growth. With them came a smarter way of thinking. As demonstrated in our recent election, Loudoun is now blue.

In addition, lots of really beautiful homes got built here, preserving lots of older homes in the meantime...just like Virgil's shack.

See you soon.

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: Icantbelieve ()
Date: January 31, 2008 09:52PM

I can't believe you're asking this. Loudoun County is very transient anyway nobody in Loudoun is really from there. We have plenty of spics, orientals, and people who don't speak English here so I'm sure some neopolitan ice cream couple ain't gonna rock the boat.

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: nobody_va08 ()
Date: March 10, 2008 09:40PM

If your talking about Loudon County people are laid back compare to PWC...but there's diverse minority groups in Ashburn & Aldie...especially Koreans, LAtinos, Vietnamese, and Indians (India)...all coming from large cities like L.A, Las Vegas, and even San Francisco...well educated and well spoken english...many moved here to work for IT Companies near Dulles

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: ff ()
Date: August 26, 2008 09:14AM

I moved from Fx county to South riding, we are an interracial family. We have not seen any racisim thus far here, I was worried the same. for my kids. But it really is a wonderful community and alot of diversity.

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: jhcjghc ()
Date: January 19, 2009 10:23PM

i think its best for you to stay in alexandria where you belong

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: Rectumite ()
Date: January 22, 2009 03:50PM

Are you kidding me? Why would you care about what other people think about how you look with your spouse?
Was that a concern for you before you married him?

It's your life, you live it, don't start worrying now about what people think.. I think you are one needy, self absorbed, attention seeking,moron.

You married him for the attention you craved didn't you?
Rest assured...we are not looking at you!

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: goodman ()
Date: March 06, 2009 11:02PM

i agree that you should stay in alexandria where they worship missfits like you

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: Citizen001 ()
Date: March 07, 2009 09:47PM

You will find Loudoun a very comfortable place to live...there are several Kentucky Fried Chickens in the area, and every year there is a watermelon festival. I think a Cadillac dealer is also close by.

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: Battlefield ()
Date: September 10, 2009 03:15PM

Don't move to South Sterling Blvd!!!! It is totally a different area there.

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: Arm Your Black/White Selves ()
Date: September 11, 2009 01:31PM

The answer is: No Where, IF you arm yourselves. You're Virginians :-) See how many virgils bother you when you've got your pistol strapped.
Train hard, shoot straight!

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: G.O.D. ()
Date: June 02, 2010 02:37PM

nope no racists here

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: June 07, 2010 01:31AM

Just your average Soccer Mom in NoVa:

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: WOW! ()
Date: July 26, 2010 01:07AM

I cannot believe what some jerks have written on this list. I am ashamed.

I live in Countryside, which was Sterling, but is supposed to be Potomac Falls now -- at least that is the Post Office. Our mail still reads Sterling.

My neighborhood is totally mixed. My wife and I hare white, but the family next door is black.

On my street, we have families that are from Pakistan, India, the Middle East and Asia, and all over Asia.

Eastern Loudoun has a LOT of Pacific Islanders, and has a LARGE grocery store that caters to Asians and Latinos.

I think there are some very small minded, ignorant jerks on this list who hide behind the fact than no one can tell who they are. It has been my experience over my 55 years that those idiots are also cowards.

You will have no problems here, and I would be happy to have you as a neighbor, as long as you keep your house up and don't cause trouble.

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: Slick Rick ()
Date: July 28, 2010 10:28PM

WOW! Wrote:
> I think there are some very small minded, ignorant
> jerks on this list who hide behind the fact than
> no one can tell who they are. It has been my
> experience over my 55 years that those idiots are
> also cowards.
> You will have no problems here, and I would be
> happy to have you as a neighbor, as long as you
> keep your house up and don't cause trouble.

Keep your house up and don't cause trouble? Would you say the same to a white couple considering a move to your neighborhood?

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: September 24, 2010 12:16PM

Come to Fairfax, we are all dysfunctional multicultural douchebags

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: Ofc Friendly ()
Date: April 24, 2011 02:57PM

Loudoun County is one big melting pot now, mostly with Hispanic and Middle Eastern flavor on the rise. It's going through some growing pains now, but is mostly good people all living together in the same demographic.

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: Mtehran ()
Date: March 03, 2016 05:55PM

You will probably be okay in Loudoun, but it definitely isn't perfect. There are still issues and, if you have children, they may still experience leftovers from the good ole boy network of the past. For example, the Loudoun County Public School system apparently tends to overlook issues of past racism and quasi-illegal behavior when hiring coaches - you may want to check this out:


Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: ThisDude ()
Date: May 01, 2016 07:17AM

Well, with the county turning "blue", you will notice an increase in the number of people who have no clue how to drive. Apparently all you need is an opposable thumb these days to receive a driver's license.

Just sayin'.

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: Drivers of what ()
Date: May 06, 2016 06:34PM

The "blue" voters drive just fine. They prefer donkeys that are at least 3 years old but not older than 10. Don't let them near a car though.

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: Remus ()
Date: May 22, 2016 12:34PM

No racism issues as long as the niggers and wetbacks remember their place.

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: Last white guy in Sterling ()
Date: May 28, 2016 07:24AM

No racism here because there are no longer any humans around.

Tree limbs are fist come first served and leaf blowers strapped to every wet back.

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: Herbert Kornfeld ()
Date: May 28, 2016 09:33AM

You need to get outta Sterling if you are white. The Sterling Park cancer is spreading. If you want to see what your neighborhood really looks like, head over to the Costco in Sterling any time today.

Then take a look at the Loudoun County crime report on the Sheriff's office website. Giant swaths of Loudoun with one or two minor property crimes in a week, then comparatively tiny Sterling Park with pages of shit every day.

Re: Moving to Loudon County - racism issues?
Posted by: fcksterlingpk ()
Date: May 28, 2016 08:33PM

Herbert Kornfeld Wrote:
> You need to get outta Sterling if you are white.
> The Sterling Park cancer is spreading. If you
> want to see what your neighborhood really looks
> like, head over to the Costco in Sterling any time
> today.
> Then take a look at the Loudoun County crime
> report on the Sheriff's office website. Giant
> swaths of Loudoun with one or two minor property
> crimes in a week, then comparatively tiny Sterling
> Park with pages of shit every day.

I agree, FUCK Sterling Park, used to live there and the hispanic neighbor's kids kept jumping over our damn fence to get their ball.

If you're going to live in the Sterling area then move to Cascades but not Sterling Park!!!

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