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motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by: bikeryder ()
Date: May 18, 2008 05:49PM

hey does anybody know how old you have to be to get a liscnese for a motorcycle?

Re: motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by: native. ()
Date: May 18, 2008 06:39PM

to get a what?

Re: motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: May 18, 2008 07:23PM

bikeryder Wrote:
> hey does anybody know how old you have to be to
> get a liscnese for a motorcycle?

Maybe a better question is if you have to take the test in English.

Shitcen and fied wrice pleez.

Re: motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by: bykerider ()
Date: May 18, 2008 07:39PM

sorry guys i typed that one in a hurry... What i meant is how old do you have to be to get a license to ride a motorcycle?

Re: motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: May 18, 2008 07:48PM

Re phrase the question so we understand it better. I do believe children under 6 must be in the motorcycle version of a car seat.

Re: motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: May 18, 2008 08:00PM

16 years old and three months if you got your driving license permit at 15 and 1/2.(You need to have a VA permit for nine months prior to getting a VA motorcyle license)

Re: motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by: native. ()
Date: May 19, 2008 01:37AM

I just got my motorcycle license and I am 22. With gas prices going up, it won't be long before I ride or even get a hybrid. I checked gas for premium today and it was $4.12. I just refuse to get a hybrid but there are some less uglier hybrids out there now (new altima is my personal favorite). Coworker had a prius and it was uncomfortably quiet. Anyway, the written portion sucks but if you pass you get a permit and then you can either take a class and they will provide you with the paperwork that will substitude the dmv road test and you can just get your license or you can just take the road test at the dmv and save money on the class. I took the class but there was a wait, it does teach you a lot though so I highly recommend it. If you know someone who is an experienced rider you can probably get away by just taking the road test. If you are still in high school or under the age of 18 I would suggest to wait until you are an experienced driver before you ride.

Re: motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by: native. ()
Date: May 19, 2008 01:46AM

oh dont forget that it will cost you even more to insure your motorcycle then a car. Wait a few years, make sure you dont have any accidents or moving violations and you should have affordable insurance. I pay $30 a month for my Subaru and I was quoted at $160 for motorcycle insureance through Geico(monthly payment, not premium), I can only imagine how much higher your insurance will be. Since you are asking about the minimum age requirement it is obvious that you are fairly young so what I want to know is how the hell would your parents even consider letting you ride? My dad would have laughed in my face if I even asked about a motorcycle license back when I was in high school

Re: motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by: f ()
Date: May 23, 2008 04:42PM

YOU HAVE TO BE 19 now with the new laws

Re: motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by: Seanjohn ()
Date: May 25, 2008 02:51AM

Heres some background on me: I'm the owner of Sevacycles.com a bike forum for va beach area STB Statewide.

I hate to see kids on bike, due to the fact that your young your insurance will be extremely high.

And knowing how new riders are. your gonna be trying to wheelie on 7100. Trust me anyone on a sport bike had tried it unless they are an older rider.

I've been riding dirt bikes for 10 years and i just went into sport bikes. Last summer i was hit at a deer at 50mph and i broke 4 ribs and was in ICU for 2 Weeks. I wasn't legit rider either and i had no insurance. But the cop in Yorktown let me go. with a 125.00 ticket.

Now im legit and i took a MSF course and I have insurance and i pay only 80.00 a month.

So in all just wait till your older and take the msf course, it will save your life.

Re: motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by: harleys kicks ass ()
Date: May 25, 2008 08:30AM

my dads neighbor kept yelling "nigger" real loud out his window until he had to call the police, and when the cops showed up they pushed my dad off his motorcycle and it landed on top of him and he got his feet crushed. the stupid cops wrestled him around pretty good and then his insurance rates got jacked up so high he had to get rid of the bike for once and for all. be real careful if you get one.

Seanjohn Wrote:
> Heres some background on me: I'm the owner of
> Sevacycles.com a bike forum for va beach area STB
> Statewide.
> I hate to see kids on bike, due to the fact that
> your young your insurance will be extremely high.
> And knowing how new riders are. your gonna be
> trying to wheelie on 7100. Trust me anyone on a
> sport bike had tried it unless they are an older
> rider.
> I've been riding dirt bikes for 10 years and i
> just went into sport bikes. Last summer i was hit
> at a deer at 50mph and i broke 4 ribs and was in
> ICU for 2 Weeks. I wasn't legit rider either and i
> had no insurance. But the cop in Yorktown let me
> go. with a 125.00 ticket.
> Now im legit and i took a MSF course and I have
> insurance and i pay only 80.00 a month.
> So in all just wait till your older and take the
> msf course, it will save your life.

Re: motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by: NoEvilKneivel ()
Date: May 25, 2008 09:47AM

I had a really nice motorcycle when I moved here but quickly sold it
due to the fact that riding one here is suicidal. Drivers (of cars) here
have no respect or common sense. After a few near death experiences it
was time to get rid of it. If you value your life, find something else.

Re: motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by: Seanjohn ()
Date: May 25, 2008 03:06PM

NoEvilKneivel Wrote:
> I had a really nice motorcycle when I moved here
> but quickly sold it
> due to the fact that riding one here is suicidal.
> Drivers (of cars) here
> have no respect or common sense. After a few near
> death experiences it
> was time to get rid of it. If you value your life,
> find something else.

I will still ride I just carry Batteries or Marbles in my pocket if you get too close to me or something i don't like. I haven't had to go that extreme yet. But if its a nice summer day and a cager does something that puts me at risk and theres a stop light better believe me ill ride up to your window. I had some teenager behind me the other day and they were right on my rear tire. if i hit the brakes they would've hit me. Luck for me a motorcycle cop saw them and pulled them over.

Re: motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by: NoEvilKeneivel ()
Date: May 25, 2008 04:00PM

Seanjohn Wrote:
> NoEvilKneivel Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I had a really nice motorcycle when I moved
> here
> > but quickly sold it
> > due to the fact that riding one here is
> suicidal.
> > Drivers (of cars) here
> > have no respect or common sense. After a few
> near
> > death experiences it
> > was time to get rid of it. If you value your
> life,
> > find something else.
> I will still ride I just carry Batteries or
> Marbles in my pocket if you get too close to me or
> something i don't like. I haven't had to go that
> extreme yet. But if its a nice summer day and a
> cager does something that puts me at risk and
> theres a stop light better believe me ill ride up
> to your window. I had some teenager behind me the
> other day and they were right on my rear tire. if
> i hit the brakes they would've hit me. Luck for me
> a motorcycle cop saw them and pulled them over.

Consider yourself very fortunate. However, if you feel the need to carry
batteries or marbles in the first place, that should tell you
something. If you ride regularly, you will have these experiences
and its my feeling that no amount of public/driver education will get
the attention of the inconsiderate jerks who tailgate bikers or
pass them on the left within an inch of their footpedals. Scary!
Not to fear though. With gas prices escalating, someday we will all
be on Mo-Peds or bicycles. Then, maybe people will wake up and
show some respect.

at what age can a child be a passenger on a motor cycle in Virginia?
Posted by: dad ()
Date: March 25, 2009 09:22PM

at what age can a child be a passenger on a motor cycle in northern Virginia?

Re: motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: March 26, 2009 07:33AM

Re: motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by: caffeind ()
Date: March 26, 2009 07:17PM

Shadow Wrote:
> Geez, google it.
> http://www.dmv.state.va.us/webdoc/citizen/drivers/
> motorcycle.asp

Ahahahaha. Word.

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