Re: "Garchayne Park" in Herndon
Posted by:
Date: July 15, 2012 12:51PM
Jerndon1 Wrote:
> Clueless Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Thank you. Very reassuring! Also a bit
> concerned
> > about the fact that the area is not on public
> > sewer. Is that something to be worried about?
> That has to do with zoning and the fact that the
> area is fairly rural and not newly developed.
> Septic tanks are perfectly safe.
I don't know what the rules are around here for septic tanks, but my parents have one where they live. Septic tanks are safe, but not necessarily trouble free. Couple things they have experienced over the many years they have lived in their house -
1) They have to have their system/field inspected every couple years to prove it's still working correctly - though the inspection procedure stresses the system in ways it will never be used (2 older people live in the house, all relatives are out of town - inspection based on flushing everything, draining several tubs/sinks/etc. all at the same time...).
2) Watch out how old the tank is - their original one was steel & the top fell in.
3) EPA/State rules regulating the system design/volume/etc change over the years -
A) When the top fell in, they obviously had to replace it. To meet code at that time had to get the tank & the field replaced with one up to code when replaced. Code required an anaerobic system.
B) Code changed to require an aerobic system. Existing tanks/fields grandfathered, but not permitted to sell the property with an anaerobic system.
C) Anaerobic system failed one of the inspections.
D) Required to replace entire system & field with new system based on aerobic design with constant stirring/etc.