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Laff at the Losers
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 27, 2005 02:04PM


didn't take long for Centreville's own "reservations-only" comedy club to go down the tubes. They pretty much sucked because of that system. You couldn't really go to a show on the spur of the moment.

Why do comedy clubs not better serve us around here? The one in Tysons really sucks, they rarely have anyone worth seeing, and by rarely I mean once every two or three years. It's impossible to get into Improv for anything good, and the rest of the time they suck, too.

The only good comedy shows are the too-rare shows at DAR Constitution and the like.

NOVA = comedy black hole. And I don't get it because the demand seems to be there, we just don't attract any good talent. Too many guys "observing" their marriages, families, and other overdone garbage. And too much amateur night crap.

Re: Laff at the Losers
Posted by: ben ()
Date: November 27, 2005 02:21PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> >
> didn't take long for Centreville's own
> "reservations-only" comedy club to go down the
> tubes. They pretty much sucked because of that
> system. You couldn't really go to a show on the
> spur of the moment.
> Why do comedy clubs not better serve us around
> here? The one in Tysons really sucks, they rarely
> have anyone worth seeing, and by rarely I mean
> once every two or three years. It's impossible to
> get into Improv for anything good, and the rest of
> the time they suck, too.
> The only good comedy shows are the too-rare shows
> at DAR Constitution and the like.
> NOVA = comedy black hole. And I don't get it
> because the demand seems to be there, we just
> don't attract any good talent. Too many guys
> "observing" their marriages, families, and other
> overdone garbage. And too much amateur night
> crap.

The DC Metropolitan area is a black hole for all night life. It's like the worst of the major cities- high cost of living, bad climate, no major night life.

Re: Laff at the Losers
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 27, 2005 03:49PM

yeah, you're right, of course

it's why we need to legalize drugs around here

Re: Laff at the Losers
Posted by: jao ()
Date: November 28, 2005 10:11AM

bad climate? dc is in a bubble of pretty moderate weather. we dont get hit by any major weather related catastrophies, unless you cant stand humidity.

Re: Laff at the Losers
Posted by: ben ()
Date: November 28, 2005 12:30PM

jao Wrote:
> bad climate? dc is in a bubble of pretty moderate
> weather. we dont get hit by any major weather
> related catastrophies, unless you cant stand
> humidity.

Good weather is subjective. I hate cold weather. DC gets snow and freezing temperatures over the winter. Therefore.. bad climate! Not to mention all the nasty rain we get here sometimes.

Re: Laff at the Losers
Posted by: darbrewe ()
Date: November 28, 2005 01:08PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2015 02:17PM by darbrewe.

Re: Laff at the Losers
Posted by: darbrewe ()
Date: November 28, 2005 01:08PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2015 04:18AM by darbrewe.

Re: Laff at the Losers
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 28, 2005 02:02PM

what beatdown was that?

it was a thorough disappointment in that nothing happened. And if you think anyone cares about a bunch of losers posting to a website you need to get out more, Darbrewe, but that goes without saying.

Re: Laff at the Losers
Posted by: stinkypoon ()
Date: November 28, 2005 02:40PM

The DC area would be better if it weren't ruled by fascist soccer moms & dads that make a night in d.c. a DUI risk, and ripoff cab fees. I spend as much traveling Georgetown in a cab as I would 3 trips across Manhatten. And the metro sucks ass. Can't think of how many times I've had to pee in front of 66 east at 2am.

Walk from bar/club to metro: 10 minutes +
Wait for metro train: 10 minutes +
Arrive at Vienna: 40 minutes +
Walk to car, drive home: 20 minutes

Damn straight I can't hold it that long if I've been at a Nats game or drinking in Adams Morgan. Oh, and fuck Adams Morgan. That place is terrible.

Re: Laff at the Losers
Posted by: jao ()
Date: November 28, 2005 02:51PM

they have bathrooms at the metro stations. just ask for them.

also the grass outside vienna metro is perfect for release.

/the world is your urinal yo

Re: Laff at the Losers
Posted by: Laugh factory ()
Date: December 23, 2015 06:18PM

yeah you have to go into DC for comedy clubs.

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