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Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: MaryPat ()
Date: April 23, 2008 01:11PM

Before I left work yesterday, I placed a take-out order with Outback Steakhouse.
(about $70, for three people)

When I got there, the take-out person came out and I handed over two $50 bills.
A minute later, the person came out again and gave me my order, and then my
change. I said "thank" and then closed my window... then pulled out of the
parking spot. That's when I heard "what the fuck, no tip?" (my rear window
was still open)

Was I supposed to tip when picking up a take-out order? I'm new to this area,
so I don't know if that's customary or something?

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Mr. Pink ()
Date: April 23, 2008 01:26PM

MaryPat Wrote:

> Was I supposed to tip when picking up a take-out
> order? I'm new to this area,
> so I don't know if that's customary or something?

I don't tip because society says I have to. All right, if someone deserves a tip, if they really put forth an effort, I'll give them something a little something extra. But this tipping automatically, it's for the birds. As far as I'm concerned, they're just doing their job.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Nativ ()
Date: April 23, 2008 01:28PM

You "have" to tip for everything here. regular 10-20% apply to take out orders

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: April 23, 2008 01:28PM

I rarely tip takeout or curbside delivery. If its a big order, maybe 10%.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: john696969 ()
Date: April 23, 2008 01:30PM


ok here is the deal. the waiter/waitress who bought you that food gets paid $2.16/hr plus tips. so they are totally dependent on those tips for money.

so when they walk out, to bring you your food while you sit in your car and do nothing and spend $70 on the food i think it is totally reasonable to toss the person a few bucks.

now i am not saying they should get a full 10-15% tip because they are not serving you and getting drinks, however i think somewhere between $3 and $5 would have been reasonable and is reasonable for the waiter to expect.

now if you walked in, went to the counter, picked up and paid for the food yourself, then no tip is required.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: April 23, 2008 01:41PM

I would probably give them a few bucks for coming out with a bag. But I think 20% would be exorbitant. I think on a $70 order, $5 would have been respectable. At the same time, the waiter/waitress shouldn't be yelling "fuck" outside of a family restaurant because he/she didn't get a tip for walking a bag 30 feet.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: TIPPING ()
Date: April 23, 2008 01:41PM

I tip the same as I would at the table. They'll seriously spit in your food next time around. If you don't think that really happens you got another thing comin'...

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: April 23, 2008 01:47PM

Consider handing them an "ass penny" in return.

For those who are unaware, search for "ass penny" on youtube. You will get it then....

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: MaryPat ()
Date: April 23, 2008 02:07PM

If they spit in my food, I'll have the food analyzed at a lab and then
call the police and my attorney. Outback is a big corporation and
should be held accountable for the actions of its employees.

> I tip the same as I would at the table. They'll
> seriously spit in your food next time around. If
> you don't think that really happens you got
> another thing comin'...

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: TIP ()
Date: April 23, 2008 02:34PM

MaryPat Wrote:
> If they spit in my food, I'll have the food
> analyzed at a lab and then
> call the police and my attorney. Outback is a
> big corporation and
> should be held accountable for the actions of its
> employees.
> TIPPING Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I tip the same as I would at the table.
> They'll
> > seriously spit in your food next time around.
> If
> > you don't think that really happens you got
> > another thing comin'...

If you want service you need to tip. I hope you do not owe the IRS any money.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: § ()
Date: April 23, 2008 02:45PM

MaryPat Wrote:
> If they spit in my food, I'll have the food
> analyzed at a lab and then
> call the police and my attorney. Outback is a
> big corporation and
> should be held accountable for the actions of its
> employees.
> TIPPING Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I tip the same as I would at the table.
> They'll
> > seriously spit in your food next time around.
> If
> > you don't think that really happens you got
> > another thing comin'...

.....and if I were Outback's attorney, I would argue that the lab you have selected is not qualified to perform such an analysis, thus spoiling the evidence and you wouldn't make it past summary judgment. This analysis should be conducted by an independent police lab where there is no clear conflict. -§

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Oy! ()
Date: April 23, 2008 02:59PM

MaryPat Wrote:
> If they spit in my food, I'll have the food
> analyzed at a lab and then
> call the police and my attorney. Outback is a
> big corporation and
> should be held accountable for the actions of its
> employees.

First, how would you know they spit in your food? Second, you know you are never going to go through that effort even if you suspected they did. Third, STFU.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: terrible tipper ()
Date: April 23, 2008 03:04PM

Mr. Pink Wrote:
> MaryPat Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Was I supposed to tip when picking up a
> take-out
> > order? I'm new to this area,
> > so I don't know if that's customary or
> something?
> I don't tip because society says I have to. All
> right, if someone deserves a tip,

"if they really put forth an effort, I'll give them something a
little something extra. "

Do you want them to do a little dance?

"But this tipping automatically, it's for the birds."

I bet people love waiting on you?

"As far as I'm concerned, they're just doing their job."

@ 2bucks and some change an hour? OK Mr. El cheapo

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: April 23, 2008 03:05PM

john696969 Wrote:
> ok here is the deal. the waiter/waitress who
> bought you that food gets paid $2.16/hr plus tips.
> so they are totally dependent on those tips for
> money.

yea, except for the fact that they are actually working as carryout, not a server... and they get paid a regular amount (usually $8+)...

as a former carryout employee, i say: tip atleast a dollar...

if everyone put in $1 at the end of the night there would be like $40 and they'll be ecstatic to say the least... although what usually happens is 5 people time $1, and one person tips $5, and you end up with 10 at the end of the night...

but in all honesty, the tip money is usually spent that same night on booze, so...

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: April 23, 2008 03:07PM

terrible tipper Wrote:
> Do you want them to do a little dance?
> I bet people love waiting on you?
> @ 2bucks and some change an hour? OK Mr.
> El cheapo

he was quoting a movie, chill out.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Mr. Pink ()
Date: April 23, 2008 03:18PM

terrible tipper Wrote:

> @ 2bucks and some change an hour? OK Mr.
> El cheapo

Somebody's shoved a red-hot poker up our ass, and I want to know whose name is on the handle!

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Mike ()
Date: April 23, 2008 03:37PM

Tipping in this country is out of control. Tipping is not customary or expected in most European nations.

Although I typically tip at least 20% I RARELY receive service worthy of a tip like this.

I do believe, however, that many restaurant employees are shady individuals who are completely capable of adulterating my food so that is always in the back of my mind. It's kind of sad actually that I'm forced to feel that way to be "scared" of tipping even when a tip isn't warranted by the service received.

I'm also of the mindset that you never send anything back to the kitchen unless you want something extra included in the dish when it's brought back to your table. And that's sad as well.

Restaurant work is low-skill, no-skill type of work so the most savory of people are not employed at most restaurants to begin with.

A solution to this would be for the restaurants to pay a decent wage so relying on tips wouldn't be necessary.

I will say that waiters and waitresses who provide subpar service and receive a poor tip and then complain about only making $2 and change should seriously consider a new job. You chose to take the job either by a lack of education or maturity or other job skills (not 100% of the time but likely true by most observations) and how you pay your bills should really be of no concern to the consumer.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 23, 2008 03:56PM

Mike Wrote:
>> restaurants to pay a decent wage.

They would just end up pricing the salary costs into their food, so you'd be paying for it anyway. I'd much rather give the $ to someone working their ass off than directly to the owner.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Lurker.. ()
Date: April 23, 2008 04:30PM

Close call but probably a buck would be sufficent. You're tipping for personal service. If you pickup at a cash register then there is no personal service. Because the food was brought out to you and she had to make change for the fifty a buck should cover it.

1) 10-15% for a regular waitress, add two bucks or more if the waitress is very good. If the waitress is terrible don't feel bad about tipping below 10%.

2) If it is a big group of people you should tip more like 25%.

2) If you sit at in a barstool for a period of time and the bartender gives you great service consider about $.50-$1 per drink. If you sit at the bar(bar stool) for three hours and only have one beer you should probably tip a little more, a dollar an hour plus one drink tip.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: takeout tipper ()
Date: April 23, 2008 05:18PM

The employees that work the carryout line are paid much less than minimum wage. The management expects them to be tipped. The standard in this area is 10% for carryout. These employees are responsible for inputting the orders, keeping all the sides straight, packing everything up, making sure the orders are on time and complete with to go utensils, napkins, etc. It can get hectic for them, BTW. When you can get restaurant food without getting out of your car, you are paying for that service. If you don't want to tip, why don't you go inside and pick it up at the bar (still should tip something) or go to Safeway and pick up a rotisserie chicken.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Corben ()
Date: April 23, 2008 07:44PM

I don't believe in tipping.

I believe in over-tipping.

(think I saw Steve Martin saying that in a movie)


Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: April 23, 2008 08:27PM

Lurker.. Wrote:
> Close call but probably a buck would be sufficent.
> You're tipping for personal service. If you
> pickup at a cash register then there is no
> personal service. Because the food was brought out
> to you and she had to make change for the fifty a
> buck should cover it.
> Otherwise,
> 1) 10-15% for a regular waitress, add two bucks or
> more if the waitress is very good. If the waitress
> is terrible don't feel bad about tipping below
> 10%.
> 2) If it is a big group of people you should tip
> more like 25%.
> 2) If you sit at in a barstool for a period of
> time and the bartender gives you great service
> consider about $.50-$1 per drink. If you sit at
> the bar(bar stool) for three hours and only have
> one beer you should probably tip a little more, a
> dollar an hour plus one drink tip.

Are you 90? 50-cents per drink????

I give 20% (or more) for good service. So-so service, I might go to 10 or 15%. Terrible service? To be honest, I usually don't stick around for the meal, so...

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: April 23, 2008 08:37PM

Mike Wrote:
> Tipping in this country is out of control.
> Tipping is not customary or expected in most
> European nations.

That's because in Europe the tip is worked into the total (at least in the UK). If you get something for "take away" rather than eating there the price is cheaper.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: mohammad the towelhead ()
Date: April 23, 2008 08:54PM

If you can afford twenty dollar Outback steaks you could have afforded to tip the person a five. Stop being a cheap bastard. Damn you had already handed over $70 five more wouldnt kill you.

For anyone who is still in the dark, persons who work on tips can be paid much less than minimum wage. Most of the wait staff are working nights this being their second job.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Corben ()
Date: April 23, 2008 09:08PM

I never understood why it's legal for restaruants to pay waiters
below the minimum wage. Isn't minimum wage a law that they have
to follow? Or is it optional?

mohammad the towelhead Wrote:
> If you can afford twenty dollar Outback steaks
> you could have afforded to tip the person a five.
> Stop being a cheap bastard. Damn you had already
> handed over $70 five more wouldnt kill you.
> For anyone who is still in the dark, persons who
> work on tips can be paid much less than minimum
> wage. Most of the wait staff are working nights
> this being their second job.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 23, 2008 09:23PM

They are required by federal law to pay minimum wage, HOWEVER, the restaurant can credit that rate off the tips waitstaff make. The very minimum is 2.13 per hour.

In other words, if you are a waitress and your tips plus the 2.13 salary do not add up to minimum wage, the restaurant "is required" to make up the difference.

The law's really stupid.

Best bet is to not wait tables at all. Did it for awhile in college for drinkin money, and it was fun. But earning a living like that is completely for the birds.

Corben Wrote:
> I never understood why it's legal for restaruants
> to pay waiters
> below the minimum wage. Isn't minimum wage a law
> that they have
> to follow? Or is it optional?

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: April 23, 2008 11:03PM

I've had servers complain about not enough tip, so i took it all back and gave them nothing.!

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: takeout tipper ()
Date: April 24, 2008 06:27AM

At several restaurants in the area the takeout line is staffed by high school students and not regular wait staff. It is understood that they do not have the earning potential that waiters have. They are still paid below minimum wage and rely on tips. I think they are working harder than the kids working retail at the mall.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: April 24, 2008 09:04AM

takeout tipper Wrote:
> The employees that work the carryout line are paid
> much less than minimum wage.

takeout tipper Wrote:
> They are still paid below minimum wage and rely on
> tips. I think they are working harder than the
> kids working retail at the mall.

nope... its called a minimum wage because thats the minimum they can legally pay you unless you are working for tips, which carryout technically IS NOT. carryout at a resteraunt can be compared to the cashiers at the food court... sure they have a tip jar, but they're not working for tips, they are just greatly appreciated.

but you are right, if you're having them come out to your car, you should probably tip...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/24/2008 09:05AM by bdimag.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: takeout tipper ()
Date: April 24, 2008 10:03AM

I have a family member that has worked at two different restaurant chains where he was paid at waiter wages (less than minmum wage) but was only employed to work the takeout line. I understand that legally the employer must make up any wage that doesn't meet minimum wage standards, but for a high school student to take on management to try to wade through how much they shoulda coulda woulda made is just not going to happen. So my point is those employees technially ARE working for tips.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: April 24, 2008 11:07AM

tell them to find a new resteraunt.

the last year of high school i started doing carryout and was paid $7.5 + tips

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Mr. Pink ()
Date: April 24, 2008 11:19AM

Adam Wrote:
> I've had servers complain about not enough tip, so
> i took it all back and gave them nothing.!

Adam rocks!

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: April 24, 2008 12:17PM

I think the IRS more or less assumes waitstaff makes 10% tips based on (reported) sales.

1-2% and write why I'm doing it on the check for lousy service. That way they know I'm stiffing them and just what they did wrong. To get this you have to be out and out rude.
10%-15% for subpar service (last time I did that, the bartender flirted with the regulars for 10 minutes while I'm sitting at the bar waiting for a menu or even to be noticed. I also had to scrounge up silverware by raiding nearby tables.)
I tip 20% and round up to the next dollar for good service.

I tip car delivery folks the same as waiters. Curbside delivery, maybe 5-10%.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: April 24, 2008 12:25PM

formerhick76 Wrote:

> I tip car delivery folks the same as waiters.
> Curbside delivery, maybe 5-10%.

My problem with car delivery is a lot of the pizza chains are now charging a delivery fee. Does the driver get that? If so, should the tip discount that amount?

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: April 24, 2008 01:07PM

they do not get it.

but nobody knows that and the pizza guys get jipped.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Xiu-Ju ()
Date: April 24, 2008 01:53PM

At a well-known Chinese restaurant, Peking Gourmet Inn, if you don't tip
the waiters/waitresses at least 25%, do not go back again.(unless you have
one of those real common faces that nobody can remember) You will get
"extras" in you food the next time. Same goes for their take-out window.
Take-out orders should get at least 20%.

I know a couple of waiters there who get more than $4300 a month on tips alone.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: April 24, 2008 02:06PM

Our dinner last night at the Prime Rib ran $750 for 7 people (before tax). The service charge now being imposed is now 20% or about $150. Two hours of dining and $150 to the waitstaff. Not a bad night.

Now I can see why waitstaff at upper tier restaurants fight for their jobs...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/24/2008 02:08PM by ITRADE.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: The Economist ()
Date: April 24, 2008 03:32PM

I Know for a fact that the person at glory days take out gets paid more than 2.13 an hour infact they'd put a tip cup up and get tips when they were making 7.00 an hour. talk about some bs

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: STFU ()
Date: April 24, 2008 03:38PM

I know for a fact that most douchbags who fancy themselves economists post on here. They're the one's full of bullshit. Tip your food service people or they will get you back. Don't fuck with people handling your food.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: The Economist ()
Date: April 24, 2008 03:56PM

STFU Wrote:
> I know for a fact that most douchbags who fancy
> themselves economists post on here. They're the
> one's full of bullshit. Tip your food service
> people or they will get you back. Don't fuck with
> people handling your food.

Believe what you want. They were paid 7.00 an hour, plus whatever tips people left in the jar. Paid the same amount as the people washing the dishes (minus the tips). That seems reeeeeeeeeeeeeeal fair.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: STFU ()
Date: April 24, 2008 04:07PM

Okay, fuck with the people handling your food. I worked in a restaurant for 10 years between high school and college. See what happens to you. The next time you have to rush home to shit after dinner...remember me. And the hundred hands working at a restaurant.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: April 24, 2008 04:12PM

Yeah usually I tip so I get great service the next time.


Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Corben ()
Date: April 24, 2008 04:29PM

I've often wondered how much I should tip at restaruants that I will never
go back to again....

also,.... most waiters do not remember the customers.... (unless you eat
there every week or something)

Jester Wrote:
> Yeah usually I tip so I get great service the next
> time.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: STFU ()
Date: April 24, 2008 04:39PM

The food service professional (lol) WILL remember somebody who doesn't tip...and they'll tell their co-workers too. "Heads up, this family doesn't tip." or "That guy only orders soup and coffee" or "Here, put some eye drops in this coke, my table is giving me attitude."

Yeah..."most waiters don't remember the customers."

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: yarly ()
Date: April 24, 2008 04:43PM

Screw that noise.
I would have put the car in reverse and went up to the greasy fore headed kid and taught him a thing or two.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: STFU ()
Date: April 24, 2008 04:47PM

No you wouldn't have, pussy.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 24, 2008 04:56PM

The Economist Wrote:
>> I Know for a fact that the person at glory days take out gets paid more than 2.13 an hour infact they'd put a tip cup up and get tips when they were making 7.00 an hour. talk about some bs

2.13 is the federal minimum.


Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: 124C41 ()
Date: April 24, 2008 05:24PM

In restaurants, if the gratuity is not included in the bill (like in many European countries), tip 15-20 percent.

If service is really bad, tip 5-10 percent. And you should write to the restaurant either online or via snail mail. When I have done this with a valid complaint, the company thanked me with chits for free meals.

For home deliveries, such as pizza, I usually add two dollars and/or round up from two dollars. For pickup at Outback or cafeteria style restaurants, a couple of bucks is always appreciated to the person providing the food or waiting your table for soft drinks.

Remember, these folks are not earning a lot and usually are working hard for any tips. Not to follow some convention for gratuities is demeaning to yourself.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: 70chip ()
Date: April 24, 2008 06:08PM

Proper tipping at a sit-down restaurant is 15% PRE-TAX. Bartenders - 10%. Don't like it? go get an education. You don't tip until AFTER you get your food. And between the high prices and illegals preparing the food, I rarely return. I never send anything back, because I know it WILL be tampered. If its that bad, I send it back demanding a refund. And if they bitch, I like to make big scenes for other customers that I will personally engage and throw out words like, filthy, rotten, & rancid. Food service pikers in metro areas like NoVA always seem to possess an entitlement mentality . They expect everything to be given to them. They don't look at customers as someone to service in hope for a reasonable tip. Just under the surface, they HATE customers... because customers are nothing but WORK. people like STFU. Rarely do I encounter a servant that feels they need to earn their reward. You can see it in their body language when you dont order the fancy fruity drink, appetizer and/or desert. They just want to jack up the bill and provide minimal service. They don't like fetching water, napkins, or other non-billable items.. because they know around here the sheeple will give em the 15-20% POST Tax regardless of the service... they've instituted a restaurant culture of low standards and mandatory rewards. Generally food service wait staff have a history with the law, are uneducated, and have learned no meaningful trade in life. Usually their last stop before they continue on their downward spiral. Ever leave the area, and go somewhere rural? Drop a 15% tip down and they jump for joy. Like a SERVANT should. Wait staff around here think they are above a servant's status. They're afraid to admit they've sunk that low, and the end is near. Unfortunately the cookie cutter national chains are permeated with this behavior. Mom and Pops that have some skin in the game usually fare better.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Andrea ()
Date: April 24, 2008 07:47PM

124C41 - were/are you in the Navy (or some other military branch) ?

"Chit" is only a word I have heard recently since I moved to Virginia Beach with my husband (who is in the military).

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Agreed ()
Date: April 24, 2008 08:47PM

70chip Wrote:
> Proper tipping at a sit-down restaurant is 15%
> PRE-TAX. Bartenders - 10%. Don't like it? go get
> an education. You don't tip until AFTER you get
> your food. And between the high prices and
> illegals preparing the food, I rarely return. I
> never send anything back, because I know it WILL
> be tampered. If its that bad, I send it back
> demanding a refund. And if they bitch, I like to
> make big scenes for other customers that I will
> personally engage and throw out words like,
> filthy, rotten, & rancid. Food service pikers in
> metro areas like NoVA always seem to possess an
> entitlement mentality . They expect everything to
> be given to them. They don't look at customers as
> someone to service in hope for a reasonable tip.
> Just under the surface, they HATE customers...
> because customers are nothing but WORK. people
> like STFU. Rarely do I encounter a servant that
> feels they need to earn their reward. You can see
> it in their body language when you dont order the
> fancy fruity drink, appetizer and/or desert. They
> just want to jack up the bill and provide minimal
> service. They don't like fetching water, napkins,
> or other non-billable items.. because they know
> around here the sheeple will give em the 15-20%
> POST Tax regardless of the service... they've
> instituted a restaurant culture of low standards
> and mandatory rewards. Generally food service
> wait staff have a history with the law, are
> uneducated, and have learned no meaningful trade
> in life. Usually their last stop before they
> continue on their downward spiral. Ever leave
> the area, and go somewhere rural? Drop a 15% tip
> down and they jump for joy. Like a SERVANT should.
> Wait staff around here think they are above a
> servant's status. They're afraid to admit they've
> sunk that low, and the end is near. Unfortunately
> the cookie cutter national chains are permeated
> with this behavior. Mom and Pops that have some
> skin in the game usually fare better.

Best post of the day! Every bit is true as well.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: April 24, 2008 10:37PM

70chip, arrogant and entitled much?

You throw around the word 'servant' quite a bit. I suspect you'd have been the first to be guillotined in the French Revolution.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: April 24, 2008 11:30PM

Mr. Pink Wrote:

> I don't tip because society says I have to. All
> right, if someone deserves a tip, if they really
> put forth an effort, I'll give them something a
> little something extra. But this tipping
> automatically, it's for the birds. As far as I'm
> concerned, they're just doing their job.

I mean you don't tip the person waiting on you at McDonalds, right? It's Ok to tip some people but not others?

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: The Economist ()
Date: April 24, 2008 11:50PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> The Economist Wrote:
> >> I Know for a fact that the person at glory days
> take out gets paid more than 2.13 an hour infact
> they'd put a tip cup up and get tips when they
> were making 7.00 an hour. talk about some bs
> 2.13 is the federal minimum.
> http://www.restaurant.org/legal/law_minwage.cfm

you truly are a fucking retard meeper...

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: April 25, 2008 12:44AM

Anyone taking a job where they are depending on tips KNOWS what they are getting into.. Sometimes they will receive no tips, shitty tips, and good tips. It's part of the game, if you don't like it get out.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 25, 2008 06:14AM

The Economist Wrote:
>> you truly are a fucking retard meeper...

Dude, you went to NoVA for an Associate's degree. And you actually admit to it.

Now who's the "retard"? Seriously? You went to a community college.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: The Economist ()
Date: April 25, 2008 10:31AM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> The Economist Wrote:
> >> you truly are a fucking retard meeper...
> Dude, you went to NoVA for an Associate's degree.
> And you actually admit to it.
> Now who's the "retard"? Seriously? You went to a
> community college.

a retard who's working on an MBA.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 25, 2008 10:37AM

The Economist Wrote:
>> > a retard who's working on an MBA.

lol, I sure hope the admissions office double-checked that diploma of yours, to make sure you didn't clip it out of the back of Mad Magazine.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: STFU ()
Date: April 25, 2008 11:22AM

70chip sounds like he's been fucked with before.:)

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: April 25, 2008 11:42AM

The Economist, what did TheMeeper say that was incorrect?

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 25, 2008 11:46AM

I have no idea, I posted a link to a site explaining the min. wage law and he called me a retard. He must be all grouchy from staying up late studying- getting a 3.2 GPA in community college is hard work!!!!

formerhick76 Wrote:
> The Economist, what did TheMeeper say that was
> incorrect?

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Hostess ()
Date: April 25, 2008 11:54AM

Those to-go and carry out folks must get paid the same as a hostess.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: The Economist ()
Date: April 25, 2008 12:23PM

Hey gayboys, what I said was correct. you posting that link implied that I was wrong.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 25, 2008 12:45PM

The Economist Wrote:
>> Hey gayboys, what I said was correct. you posting that link implied that I was wrong.

Yes, now you all better listen to what The Economist has to say- he went to the 13th grade at NoVA!

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: STFU Econoboy ()
Date: April 25, 2008 01:40PM

The Economist is a douchebag. If he was working as hard as he claims he wouldn't have time to post so much bullshit on Fairfax Underground. Nothing wrong with cc...but stop acting like you're some outstanding know-it-all. Too many other people know more than you...so STFU. Thx.:)

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: April 25, 2008 01:59PM

everyone chill the fuck out!!!!

The Economist said 2.13, the meeper also said 2.13.... what the hell are you guys arguing about?!?!

and thank you hostess, like i was saying, carry-out does not get paid at a servers rate, unless its a server they are making do carryout..

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Havethei ()
Date: April 25, 2008 02:19PM

Beyond the tip story…how about leaving the Community College alone. Around here now, the ability for kids to get into the VT’s, JMU’s, and even George Mason is really difficult unless you are carrying a 3.5 and up. So, keep dragging the CC through the mud but, for plenty of kids, w/o money for private school, this might be their best choice. And, its reputation is improving.

Also the newest agreement between the CC’s and Virginia Universities is great. Do two years, maintain a 2.5 or 3.0 depending on which school you are aiming for and you have a guaranteed entry.

“Through system-wide agreements, students who graduate from one of Virginia's 23 community colleges with an associate's degree and a minimum grade point average may obtain GUARANTEED admission to more than 20 of the commonwealth's colleges and universities.”


Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: 124C41 ()
Date: April 25, 2008 03:06PM

Andrea, I really can't recall where I heard or used the word "chit." Yes, I was in the Army of the U.S.

Function: noun
Etymology: Hindi ciṭṭhī & Urdu chitthī
Date: 1757

1: a short letter or note; especially : a signed voucher of a small debt (as for food) 2: a small slip of paper with writing on it

P.S. A smile and muchas gracias works at McDonald's

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: STFU ()
Date: April 25, 2008 03:19PM

Nobody cares, but I was inside your MOM of the 14th street.

"Yes, I was in the ARMY of the US"

For some reason I don't believe you. Jackass.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: April 25, 2008 03:37PM

I'm no Doctor, but this threads is starting to exhibit the symptoms of a redistricting thread infection.

You see what happened when redistricting people are not quarantined and their thread drops off the page, they start infecting other threads.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: takeout tipper ()
Date: April 25, 2008 05:52PM

So just for the record, takeout employees in at least SOME restaurants ARE paid at the servers' rate (2.13) AND they have NO opportunity to wait tables in their job. They are relying on tips from carryout. FACT.

Posted by: Alias ()
Date: April 26, 2008 01:11AM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2012 10:43AM by Alias.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 26, 2008 02:22AM

I didn't go to Mason, dumbass.

Alias Wrote:
> So, Meeper, the liberal, has disdain for those who
> attend a community college. Is that funny, or
> what? Of course, he went to George Mason, a
> really difficult school to get into..... almost as
> hard as Princeton.
> Meeper, just because your mobile home has indoor
> plumbing, doesn’t mean you're better than others.
> What a bumpkin.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: SRE ()
Date: April 26, 2008 07:20AM

STFU Wrote:
> Okay, fuck with the people handling your food. I
> worked in a restaurant for 10 years between high
> school and college.

You spent 10 years in restaurants between high school and college? Damn! And I was labeled a slacker for taking a year off between HS & college!


Posted by: Alias ()
Date: April 27, 2008 01:07AM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2012 10:43AM by Alias.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 27, 2008 06:59AM

Alias Wrote:
>> So, your excuse for being an idiot is 'WHAT"?

Wow, what a totally badass comeback.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: MaryPat ()
Date: April 27, 2008 08:44PM

I've decided to tip them... but only with $2 bills.

They'll either be very pleased... or call the cops on me for using
$2 bills. (no kidding, a Giant Food cashier once once called the
manager to call the cops because she thought the $2 I gave her was
fake money! The manger set her straight... )

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: oobie ()
Date: April 27, 2008 11:26PM

Trash company came to pick up my trash- and gave me a dirty look since I didn't tip.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: FMROBEMP ()
Date: April 28, 2008 11:59AM

oobie, if YOU put the trash out for them THEY are the ones that should have tipped YOU and YOU would have been the one giving the dirty look, had they not.

follow the logic man!

and on another note I think it's safe to say refuse collectors make slightly more than 2.13 per hour - http://www.payscale.com/research/US/Job=Refuse%2c_Garbage%2c_and_Recyclable_Material_Collector/Hourly_Rate

furthermore: your argument is also weak for the fact that in the OUTBACK example the employee is the one taking a product out to a customer; in the trashman example the customer is the one taking a product (refuse) out to the employee.
NOVA offers some excellent courses in Mathmatics, Reasoning, and Logic. (lol)

and to conclude: Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not a pool man!

Posted by: Alias ()
Date: April 28, 2008 12:47PM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2012 10:42AM by Alias.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Bored At Work ()
Date: May 05, 2008 07:52PM

Bet you're a fat looking retarded kid who looks at blogs all day with nothing else to do...except dream of porking your sister.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Bored At Work ()
Date: May 05, 2008 07:53PM

That was for Meepers.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: steve ()
Date: May 05, 2008 07:56PM

If you can't tip, THEN DON'T EAT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALWAYS TIP....

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: May 05, 2008 08:14PM

Yeah, I look at "blogs" all day.

Brilliant analysis.

Bored At Work Wrote:
> Bet you're a fat looking retarded kid who looks at
> blogs all day with nothing else to do...except
> dream of porking your sister.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: A Waiter,, A Spitting Waiter ()
Date: May 05, 2008 08:41PM

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANALYSED AT A LAB!!!! Who you kidding....

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: mp ()
Date: May 06, 2008 02:57AM

70chip Wrote:
> Proper tipping at a sit-down restaurant is 15%
> PRE-TAX. Bartenders - 10%. Don't like it? go get
> an education. You don't tip until AFTER you get
> your food. And between the high prices and
> illegals preparing the food, I rarely return. I
> never send anything back, because I know it WILL
> be tampered. If its that bad, I send it back
> demanding a refund. And if they bitch, I like to
> make big scenes for other customers that I will
> personally engage and throw out words like,
> filthy, rotten, & rancid. Food service pikers in
> metro areas like NoVA always seem to possess an
> entitlement mentality . They expect everything to
> be given to them. They don't look at customers as
> someone to service in hope for a reasonable tip.
> Just under the surface, they HATE customers...
> because customers are nothing but WORK. people
> like STFU. Rarely do I encounter a servant that
> feels they need to earn their reward. You can see
> it in their body language when you dont order the
> fancy fruity drink, appetizer and/or desert. They
> just want to jack up the bill and provide minimal
> service. They don't like fetching water, napkins,
> or other non-billable items.. because they know
> around here the sheeple will give em the 15-20%
> POST Tax regardless of the service... they've
> instituted a restaurant culture of low standards
> and mandatory rewards. Generally food service
> wait staff have a history with the law, are
> uneducated, and have learned no meaningful trade
> in life. Usually their last stop before they
> continue on their downward spiral. Ever leave
> the area, and go somewhere rural? Drop a 15% tip
> down and they jump for joy. Like a SERVANT should.
> Wait staff around here think they are above a
> servant's status. They're afraid to admit they've
> sunk that low, and the end is near. Unfortunately
> the cookie cutter national chains are permeated
> with this behavior. Mom and Pops that have some
> skin in the game usually fare better.

I would be very interested in knowing the basis for any of the garbage you feed others on this thread. You continually reference pre-tax, and technically, you are correct, but I am not sure your percentages are. Where do you get your information? I know 15% seems to be the standard, but 10% for a bartender? Is the service less?

Next time you are in a bar/restaurant, ask the "servant" the extent of their education. You may find they have succeeded the societal norm.

The term TIPS is an acronym for 'To INSURE Prompt Service', so tipping is technically not something that you do after the fact. Although it is the accepted norm, get your facts straight.

You do not send anything back? Your mentality may lead you to believe that restaurant workers alter food when you are dissatisfied (and there are a few bad seeds), but you are unwarranted, and you base your founding upon the secret camera video shown on your favorite TV station.

The high prices for food that are prepared by illegals (as you say) are typically implemented in an effort to make a profit. Consider your educational background. For a business to succeed, it must post a profit. Often times (please sense the sarcasm) that requires them to charge more for a product that they actually pay for it. In addition, often times, they need to recover their labor costs, as well as other overhead.

I am unsure of any restaurant that would ever allow you to cause a scene such as the one you have described. Disorderly conduct is a charge that comes to my mind, and I cannot think of an establishment that would allow you to conduct yourself in such a way that would unjustly (however, maybe in your mind) defame their name.

Your poor observation that the service industry hates customers is completely unfounded. You are being ignorant in this regard. Service people certainly view customers as "work": that is what they are. This does not imply hatred. Do you hate your clients? (Better question: have you ever worked?)

The level of service you receive (and certainly the basis for your ill regard for the service industry) most likely surrounds your reference to such people as "servants" (and more than once). Although, by definition, you are correct, this seems to be completely dehumanizing.

What is the premise to your statement that service industry employees have history with the law? What is your definition of uneducated? What is a meaningful trade in life?

"[T]he end is near...". What does this mean?

I will refrain from expressing the remainder of my opinion on this issue until I see a response post. I do anticipate many to agree with the original post, but I would anticipate many to see its ridiculousness. I also anticipate unintelligible responses from many regulars on this thread. I hope they do not prohibit other from speaking up.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: George ()
Date: May 06, 2008 07:44AM

I don't tip more than I have to and I only tip based on the level of service.

Most waiters don't remember who's a good tipper and who's a bad tipper, unless
you visit the restaruant on a regular basis. I once tipped a waitress at
Morton's. I think it was almost 25%(or about $50) because I thought she
provided my table with reaaly great service. Guess what, I went back there
a week later and she had no idea who I was, and she acted rather rude during
the evening. Either she did remember me and thought the 25%/$50 tip a week ago
was too little, or she was having a bad day, or she has the memory span of
a three-year-old....

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: FormerHostess ()
Date: May 06, 2008 09:20AM

At my old job my official title was "Hostess" but I really acted as hostess/busboy/carry-out/stand-in server/car-chaser-for-a-non-payer/etc. Depending on the restaurant there may not be a position specifically for carry-out so they use the other employees. Yes it was nice to receive tips, but I never expected it. Even if there was a specific position, I'd imagine they'd be paid the same amount as a hostess and not as a server. Carry out is not hard (minus ridiculously hectic times), and I agree that a dollar tip would be plenty.

As for people like STFU, have you ever considered that people give you a bad tip because that's what you deserve? By squirting Visine in cokes and such, you're just losing business and making yourself look like an ass. Unless the customer spits in your hair and kicks you in the face the moment you walk up, there's no reason to mess with a person's food. Sure customers can get annoying at times, but lowering yourself to that kind of behavior is uncalled for. Maybe they've had just as bad of a day as you or maybe worse. Think about other people, not just yourself. It goes both ways, servers may remember customers, but customers remember bad servers even better.

Servers expect a tip and forget that a tip is earned. I've even had one tell me what his tip was gonna be whether we liked it or not. His service and attitude was beyond sub-par, so we paid him, then took back the tip.

If a server takes care or me, I'll be sure to return the favor.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: STFU ()
Date: May 06, 2008 11:15AM

So were you an underage whore like most of em are? :)

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: George ()
Date: May 06, 2008 12:49PM

not to mention that squirting Visine in customer's drink
on purpose is a serious felony...

FormerHostess Wrote:
>By squirting Visine in cokes and
> such, you're just losing business and making
> yourself look like an ass.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 06, 2008 12:56PM

posts becoming too long... buffer overflow! (honestly now, who uses a static sized buffer?!)

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: STFU ()
Date: May 06, 2008 03:05PM

Robbing banks is a serious felony...selling drugs is a serious felony. What does the legality of anything matter? People are still going to get fucked with. You've seen Fight Club. Its not that hard to get a job at a restaurant...its not like they do a background check...who is cooking all that food? Who's making that drink? Usually someone none of you would want to have as a dinner guest at your table...much less cook you food. Seriously...you should see the grime in the nails of some of those cooks..blech, gross...how far away is the dish pit from the food line? Has EVERYBODY washed they're hands? Doubt it. Are most restaurant employees indifferent to what their customers think? Probably. Its usually just another $5 table..sigh..you people are nothing but $$$.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: STFU ()
Date: May 06, 2008 03:11PM

Oops...I said they're. lol sorry

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: George ()
Date: May 06, 2008 03:22PM

Couldn't agree with you more... :(

There's a Japanese steak place in Tysons Corner... I can't remember the name
of the top of my head. It's located next to where Tower Records used to be.
They are like Benihana, where the chefs cooks on a hot surface at your table.

I went there about a month ago. The chef was had a runny nose. He kept trying
to suck it in...(dont' ask me to explain) He finally wiped it off with the back
of his hand. I almost felt like throwing up.

STFU Wrote:
> Robbing banks is a serious felony...selling drugs
> is a serious felony. What does the legality of
> anything matter? People are still going to get
> fucked with. You've seen Fight Club. Its not
> that hard to get a job at a restaurant...its not
> like they do a background check...who is cooking
> all that food? Who's making that drink? Usually
> someone none of you would want to have as a dinner
> guest at your table...much less cook you food.
> Seriously...you should see the grime in the nails
> of some of those cooks..blech, gross...how far
> away is the dish pit from the food line? Has
> EVERYBODY washed they're hands? Doubt it. Are
> most restaurant employees indifferent to what
> their customers think? Probably. Its usually
> just another $5 table..sigh..you people are
> nothing but $$$.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: STFU ()
Date: May 06, 2008 03:35PM

THAT IS TASTY! LOL gross dude..haha, poor guy..working through his cold because he couldn't get his shift covered. Yeah, forget about people fucking w/your food...sick people handling food is bad enough.;p

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Pulse ()
Date: May 07, 2008 12:53AM

I've seen that shit before in another Asian restaurant a long time ago, I was so repulsed I just got up and left.

I went there about a month ago. The chef was had a runny nose. He kept trying
to suck it in...(dont' ask me to explain) He finally wiped it off with the back
of his hand. I almost felt like throwing up.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: STFU ()
Date: May 07, 2008 10:37AM

Cooks in the back don't have to worry about peeps caring about the snotty nose or greasy smelly skin...sweaty from riding a bike to work and working a double. Yummy.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: j ()
Date: May 07, 2008 12:27PM

10% is customary for take-out orders.

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: T ()
Date: August 12, 2008 04:21PM

This is wrong, the take out people are under a completely different job code and make, easily, 5x's an hour more than the standard wait staff, they are more like receptionists for Outback, so don't worry about tipping them. And next time, stop the car, park back in the space and go inside and talk to the manager and get the number for the corporate office that controls the Franchise's. Servers earn their tips, they chose to take the 2.15 an hour job and know that who they are personality-wise determines their tip. I have worked in the restaurant industry for more than 12 years now, I see both sides of the coin. It's sad that servers that are crap feel the need to complain about not getting tipped, if they don't mind when they are doing their job that their livelihood may depend on your tip, why should you.
And as far as curbside delivery, please it's a drive thru window for a mainstream restaurant, I don't tip the guy at Wendy's , why would I tip the one at Outback?

Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: August 13, 2008 01:32PM

You should write a letter to the vice president of customer relations
at the headquarters for Outback, and inform them that when you did
not tip for take-out service, the employee cursed you with "fuck".

I don't tip for take-out service. They didn't do anything extra.
I tip between 15%-100% (usually 18%) for table/counter service where
someone is waiting on me. (I grossly overtip on things like late-nite
low-priced food where the servers know me and take very good care.)
I tip based on the waiter's performance. If there's a problem with
the overall operation or the food or floor staff management, I don't
penalize the waiter, but I do speak to the manager.

Having worked in the restaurant business, I can assure you that
people will indeed spit into your food if they don't like you.
In restaurants with open kitchens that's not possible, however.
(No, I never spit in anyone's food, but friends of mine at other
restaurants informed me that they had seen it happen more than once.
If I saw someone do it, I would have stopped the food from going out
and made sure the employee was terminated on the spot.)
Also, it's a felony.

When something like this happens to me, I usually write off the
restaurant for at least 12 months before I consider going
back there. There are plenty of better places to patronize
where you will get good service. If the management personally'
invites me back, assuring me that steps have been taken, which
usually involves someone being fired, and I believe they are
sincere, then I will go back and try them again. On their dime.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/13/2008 01:40PM by Spacy.

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