Re: What do you think of the drivers round here?! new video added
Posted by:
Date: May 22, 2012 09:51PM
Kilton Wrote:
> NovaTrucker Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > should really try to reduce the
> > amount of crystal meth in your diet...btw,
> thats
> > officially called aggressive driving
> You're officially an idiot. Show me the law which
> says that not braking right away (but still doing
> so in time to stop) when some moron pulls out in
> front of you is reckless driving.
> Leave it to a "trucker". :-)
it doesn't need to be a "law" to drive you get older, after you've caused enough accidents, gotten plenty of moving violation tickets (hopefully) and taught plenty of other drivers "lessons they deserve" (god forbid you actually kill anybody) you'll start figuring out that your insurance premiums are directly affected by said incidents and you'll start understanding that safe, responsible vehicle operation is easy and just plain good common sense...until then, you just won't understand...sad but true
and yes, i am an idiot, for many reasons, but not for any that a dolt like you can figure out....very original btw...i'm sure your right...all truck drivers are evil humans and horrible drivers, (insert exasperated huff here) DAMN TRUCKERS! wait, let me save you the time of's just me thats a "bad trucker"...right? tell ya what, go hop back in your economy import with the huge exhaust and continue jocking in and out of traffic dangerously...don't worry, i'll make sure you don't cause me to get in an acccident...but seriously though, please try harder to not put others in unnecessary danger...if me begging you works, i'll do it...thank you