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FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: our money wasted ()
Date: April 25, 2012 05:07PM

Just this week, the Board of Supervisors announced that the schools would only be getting a 4.5% increase....boo hoo.

Janie Strauss nearly cried saying they would struggle to educate the poor kids with this little amount of money.

No raises for teachers
Larger class sizes
Schools not getting renovated for 50 years

But, hey...let's par--ty!

FCPS just hired Disney World to come for a two day conference in November to talk about....ready......LEADERSHIP....

God knows, nobody running our schools knows a damn thing about that topic.


plus airfare for the presenter and hotel and expenses, of course.


Contact him if you are upset--he is organizing this event.

Larry Burke
Director, Office of Leadership Development
Department of Professional Learning and Accountabilily
3877 Fairfax Ridge Rd
Fairfax, VA 2203-

oh, and call your School Board member and BLOW THEM OUT!

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: forgot to mention ()
Date: April 25, 2012 05:11PM

They do receive the following:

Delivery of program and material


Mickey Graduation Ears and a Tassel with a Certificate of Completion

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: CorbinDallas ()
Date: April 25, 2012 05:21PM

Thanks for sharing...would never have known. Sounds like GSA junk, bet they tried taking the board members to Disney for their educational class but decided against it after the GSA scandel. Guess better to bring Disney leadership to them...safe call. Please let us know where the party is being held in November, can't wait!
Mr. Burke needs to find a new job and so do some of the Board Members.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: more waste ()
Date: April 25, 2012 05:41PM

Contract # XX11-207574-72A

Between FCPS and a group called Boat People SOS Inc

Boat People are paid $9000 year to run a club for AYEP (whatever that is?) and Vietnamese parents.


Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: learn to recycle ()
Date: April 25, 2012 05:48PM

Contract # XX11-203989-72A

$7709 to Eco Effect Inc from New Jersey

We hired them to teach our kids in the after school program how to recycle!

Contracts requires the company to combine economics with ecology.....deep understanding going on here.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: How lazy can they be? ()
Date: April 25, 2012 06:14PM

contract # XX09-109776-72A

Pays $3000 for each newletter that is written by Hope Katz Gibbs--yet another contractor.

She is to write a newsletter for Peter Noonan's instructional Services Dept.


We don't have anyone within FCPS that can write a friggin newsletter?

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: forum reader ()
Date: April 25, 2012 06:24PM

from her website (Hope Katz Gibbs):

Currently working with Fairfax County Superintendents and other educators on two books: How to help your child succeed in school — without going insane; and The Big 10 Ideas of the Gifted & Talented Program, co-authored by Carol Horn, coordinator for the Fairfax County Public Schools GT program

No motivation here to award her a contract?????

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: biker ()
Date: April 25, 2012 06:47PM

This be the Disney Institute:

The company has been marketing its services to hospitals, companies and schools

Maryland teachers were instructed to engage children by crouching and speaking to them at eye level. Chevrolet dealers were taught to think in theatre metaphors: onstage, where smiles greet potential buyers, and offstage, where sales representatives can take out-of-sight cigarette breaks

The Disney Institute recently hired a network of field representatives to sign up clients and started dispatching its executives to companies wanting help; before that, advice-seekers travelled to Walt Disney World here or Disneyland in California

"network of field representatives" - I take this as a code word that some local pol from the FCPS has signed on with Disney and sees a way to collect quick buck commissions from the FCPS

More at the link: http://www.deccanherald.com/content/244834/disney-spreads-its-smile-consulting.html

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: huh?????? ()
Date: April 25, 2012 08:34PM

No raises for employees for years. I'm on a boat, time to sing that song. Brilliant

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: waitz ()
Date: April 25, 2012 08:36PM

And these are new elected bunch. Meet the old boss, same as the old boss. Mickey m o. U. S. E.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: MickeyTheRat ()
Date: April 25, 2012 08:57PM

huh?????? Wrote:
> No raises for employees for years. I'm on a boat,
> time to sing that song. Brilliant

But you'll be a leader!

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: sharon b ()
Date: April 25, 2012 09:02PM

Quit your bitching. It takes big money to run the best school system in the history of mankind.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Suri ()
Date: April 26, 2012 06:44AM

I don't understand how FCPS administrators can waste money on these ridiculous programs and still look at themselves in the mirror.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: April 26, 2012 09:00AM

so ok, let me see if I get this straight.
Y'all are saying that it's stupid for the NEW LEADERS of our school system to hear from Leaders of one of the most successful companies in the world (heck, prolly of all time immortal so far)?

Suri - you say you cant understand why they'd do this? I'll tell you - to try and lead better.
At least Sharon gets it.
@Waitz-maybe, maybe not. Either way, GREAT song LoLz

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: April 26, 2012 09:06AM

btw, businesses do these admin leadership meetings all the time


Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: FCPS Training ()
Date: April 26, 2012 09:45AM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> btw, businesses do these admin leadership meetings
> all the time
> http://www.amanet.org/training/seminars.aspx

Yeah but businesses are looking for a return on investment, as in increasing revenues. It might be cost effective for them. But seriously, leadership isn't all that difficult, first requisite is character of the individual and no training program is going to instill that.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: April 26, 2012 09:56AM

sharon b Wrote:
> Quit your bitching. It takes big money to run the
> best school system in the history of mankind.

You dont actually believe that do you?

You can lie to me, your family and the board. But please, for the love of the children, dont lie to yourself.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: monopoly money ()
Date: April 26, 2012 10:32AM

contract # XX08-948857-72A

Tami Farr from College Station TX was hired to do her "Capturing Kids Hearts" presentation for the kiddies.

Nardos King, principal at Mt Vernon HS signed off on this deal.

Not sure how many little hearts were captured--but this deal cost the taxpayers a few buckos---$13,900 for the contract.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: county side ()
Date: April 26, 2012 10:39AM

Contract # CC11-207737-33A

Lots of contracts with George Mason Univ....I guess nobody working for the county is smart enough to figure out problems.

$225,000 was paid to GMU for them to "write a comparison of key items from federal law that impact Virginia and Fairfax COunty"


"Report to the task force containing policy recommendations for strategies for health care reform"

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: hourly rate??? ()
Date: April 26, 2012 10:45AM

Contract # XX09 110798 72A

Dr. Daniel Gatrell of Bemidji MN (why doe these people live so far away??)

was paid for staff development training sessions.......

We worked him like a dog......

There was a AM session for 3 hours and a PM session for 3 hours and a working lunch...ALL IN ONE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Dr. received $1050 per session, $150 for lunch and $1639 for his travel expenses for a grand total of $3889.00

Anyone out there who attended this enlightening session---please tell us what you gained from it.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: a question ()
Date: April 26, 2012 10:46AM

Canyou post the link where you are finding these contracts?

I've tried finding them--but can't seem to find the right place.

I'd love to make this my new hobby....

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: another out-of towner ()
Date: April 26, 2012 10:54AM

contract # XX12-223521-72A

Debra Diller and, of course, assciates from Houston Texas!!!!

Hey, y'all...come on down.........wear that 10 gallon hat, ok??

Debra and her associates will be assisting THE BEST SCHOOL DISTRICT IN THE WORLD with the following:

"shall provide staff development training to support FCPS' Best practices for teaching and learing literacy instruction".

Deb apparently has all the answers on this topic so we need to pay her quite handsomely........

$4200 PER DAY

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: uninformed parent ()
Date: April 26, 2012 11:03AM


If we are paying all these consultants and specialists to come in and conduct workshops--then why are we paying for professional specialists in Gatehouse. Isn't this what THEY are supposed to do?

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: was Gatehous ever shrinking? ()
Date: April 26, 2012 11:12AM

Until he is blue in the face, Jack Dale has been telling us how much he has cut overhead and how he is putting all the dollars in the classroom.

What he failed to mention are all of these BS consultant contracts.....

contract # XX11-177050-72A

Alicia Harman of Kagan Cooperative from....San Clemente, CA

Alicia is kind enough to offer us"support to various departments of Instructional Services through......" wait for it......"STAFF DEVELOPMENT TRAINING PROGRAMS"

How much staff development do these people need?

Isn't it the job of supervisors to develop staff????

Alicia charges about $3000 per day ($4000 if group is larger than 100).

HOWEVER, each participant is required to buy her book, called WIN-WIN Discipline at a cost of about $25 each.

Air fare is not included btw.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: any state not covered yet? ()
Date: April 26, 2012 11:23AM

Contract # XX11-184149-72A

For this particular "need" we reach out to Dr. Marcia Tate of Developing Minds Inc from Conyers GA.

Marcia will be assisting with.......................yep.....staff development.

Her specialty is "developing programs incorporating music, rythm, movement and stories that assist teachers in engaging reluctant learners"

Deep sigh............

Seriously, FCPS employs how many people?? 20,000??? and NOT ONE knows how to engage reluctant learners.

Marcia is not cheap btw, $5000 per day.

Plus expenses, of course.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: pr dept ()
Date: April 26, 2012 11:28AM

So if FCPS is the best in the country as they like to tell everybody, should'nt educators come here to learn about this spectacular program instead of them going to vacation spots, I mean informational seminars?

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: This one has an agent ()
Date: April 26, 2012 11:34AM

This guy that we hired, is sooooo important, he has an agent who negotiated his contract.

His name--Jonathan Mooney--who described himself as "Author, Public Speaker, Different"

He was hired to conduct four half day workshops....no mention whatsoever what he was to do and who he was speaking to.

His fee.....$9750.00

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: long distance award goes to ()
Date: April 26, 2012 11:41AM

Contract #XX12-230735-72A

Nobody on the continental US was able to deliver this particular service, so we hired Eric Jensen of Jensen Learning from Maunaloa, Hawaii!!!!!!

I/m gessing Eric lives in nice digs out in The Big Island, but Eric delivered a two day training course on "Teaching With Poverty In Mind".

I hop you are sitting down for this whopper.............

Eris' fee......$17,000

Conference took place March 1-2 2012.

Some schools in FCPS have poverty rates of up to 75%. Let's be grateful that Eric from Hawaii was able to guide up thru this challenge.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: April 26, 2012 11:56AM

yr guessing?

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: more books to buy ()
Date: April 26, 2012 11:56AM

Contract # XX12-229388-72A

Keep in mind many of these contracts are very vague....they don't secify services or dates or who the speaker is addressing. Sometimes you have to pull the lcues together yourself.

Next up----Andrea Valentine of Teaching Strategies--a local gal from bethesda MD.

Ms. Valentine's contract was for $7125 for Professional Development Training (of course-what else?)

The amount above does not jive with the itemized schedule as follows:

8/8/2011 $2375 1 day training
8/9/2011 $2375 1 day training
11/14/11 $2375 1 day training
11/14/11 $300 ????

Plus, 19 books were purchased at a cost of $1490

19 books===19 people????

So, we spent $8915 for 19 people....

The training was called...."The Creative Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers"

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: April 26, 2012 11:58AM

so I wonder what y'all are going to do about all this "guessing" LoLz

anybody so outraged about all this "extravagant spending" that they are gonna go to Gatehouse and talk with someone about it?

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Former employees live well ()
Date: April 26, 2012 12:19PM

Leadership Development Cohort Information Meetings to Be Held in January
Applications are now available for the 2011 FCPS Leadership Development Program. The program is designed for high-performing central office and school-based (non-teachers or administrative) personnel and who show an interest and have demonstrated the skills necessary to pursue leadership opportunities within FCPS. Participants are selected competitively within each department and cluster.

Information sessions will be held:

January 5, 2012, 4 to 5:30 p.m., Gatehouse Administration Center, room 2050-2051.
January 9, 2012, 4:30 to 6 p.m., Fairfax Ridge, room C-11B.

Deeb Kitchen, the Leadership Development Cohort facilitator, and program alumni will provide a program overview and answer questions at the sessions.
More program information can be found at: http://fcpsnet.fcps.edu/pla/old/support/lead_dev_cohort.shtml.

If you need additional information about the Leadership Development Cohort, send an e-mail to Patty Dimetres, Department of Professional Learning and Accountability, at pfdimetres@fcps.edu.

The above was posted on an FCPS newsletter---written by a consultant probably....

Deb Kitchen is referred as an "alumni" which, I guess means she used to work for FCPS.


Contract # 4400002675 pays Deb $38,555 per Cohort.

Not sure what a cohort is?????

Contract limits Deb to two cohorts per year.

So, Deb makes $77k per year plus collects her retirement checks...not too shabby....

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: AJay ()
Date: April 26, 2012 12:41PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> btw, businesses do these admin leadership meetings
> all the time
> http://www.amanet.org/training/seminars.aspx

Private businesses aren't paying for them with our tax money.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: PLCed to Death ()
Date: April 26, 2012 01:26PM

PLC this, PLC that...

How many times have we heard about Professional Learning Communities?

They are everywhere-----

Why then given that PLC are in every corner of FCPS, do we need an outside consultant to help us form one?????

Contract # XX11 199709 72A

Bull Run Elementary School

Hired Penelope Jo Wald for $2000 PER DAY to.....

"Provide staff development, training support, but not limited to, the development of PLCs"

Why do we need penelope to tell us how to create a PLC????

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: What does staff do all day?? ()
Date: April 26, 2012 01:37PM

I am really, really, starting to wonder what "Staff" does all day.

It seems every little project is farmed out to some consultant.

Contract # XX08-951091-72A

Expires 6/30/2012-----fortunately

We hired Dr Karen Kortecamp of Glenwood MD to:

"Evaluate FCPS participation in The US Department of Education Teaching American History Grant".

Fee was $27,610......for what was supposed to be free (a grant)

Leave it to FCPS to SPEND money evaluating a GRANT.

I need to take a breather from this insanity.....

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: April 26, 2012 01:40PM

AJay Wrote:
> Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > btw, businesses do these admin leadership
> meetings
> > all the time
> >
> > http://www.amanet.org/training/seminars.aspx
> Private businesses aren't paying for them with our
> tax money.

Gordon is hoping the gubmint will eventually take control of that, too!

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: we should rank these ()
Date: April 26, 2012 03:25PM

There are hundreds of these wasteful contracts out there--but I am going to predict this one makes it to the TOP 5.

Contract # XX09 101820 56A

This was done in December 2008--although the contract runs thru October 2013, so there could be other sessions.

Kyle Moosmmann of VitalSmarts (catchy name-huh?)
As predicted, he is from....Provo UT

Kyle was hired for a two day "Train the Trainer" class for school administrators.

Remember my earlier comments that it is the responsibility of supervisors to "develop" their staff? Well, Kyle is shipped in from Utah to train the trainers.

Two days....December 1 and 2.....8-4:30......

DRUMROLL, please............


Now, Kyle only charged $5500 per day, the rest went to "participant kits" at $225 per person.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: next buzzword is...... ()
Date: April 26, 2012 04:07PM

Forget all those plain vanilla Coaching Seminars you guys attended---that is so yesterday. The latest and greatest is a seminar called:

"Cognitive Coaching Seminar"

Contract # XX09 989185 72A

This one expires June 2013

We hired Kaleidoscope Associates of Highlands Ranch CO

The "foundation" Seminar was held

Sept 30 and Oct 1 2008
Nov 12-13 2008
January 13-14 2008
Feb 24-25 2008

The "Advanced" Seminar was

March 17-19 2009
April 21-22 2009

"Adaptive" School Session was

August 13 2008
January 15, 2009

So, we have 14 different sessions at $3000 per day for a total of $42,000 smackers. Plus expenses, of course.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Sharon B ()
Date: April 26, 2012 04:15PM

You people are amazing. I give taxpayer money to put section 8 in luxury condos. Are you really surprised when we waste fifty thousands bucks on useless seminars.?

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: we have been saved ()
Date: April 26, 2012 05:33PM

Ok, this contact is A-OK with me since it would help our teachers---teach math to our kids. We all know that the math teachers clearly need help doing their jobs, right?

Contract # XX11-183488 72A

This puppy runs thru August 31, 2015----what we will do after that date when it expires...positively frightens me.

We have hired Jenny Cobb with US Math recovery Council out of Brentwood TN.

Do we have hiring quotas for people out of state or something?

Jenny will...."provide support to the Office of Instructional Services through its staff development math intervention program (Add+VantageMR) that enables teachers to CREATE STRATEGIES to assess student math capabilities and teach early number concepts to beginning learners."

Wow, what a mouthful--let me summarize.

Jenny will teach our teachers how to teach kids how to count.

And for that...we will pay her.....$9950 per session!!!!

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: uhhuh ()
Date: April 26, 2012 05:46PM

golly, gee, Skipper, I think I'm in the wrong biznus...

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Suri ()
Date: April 26, 2012 08:12PM

long distance award goes to Wrote:
> Contract #XX12-230735-72A
> Nobody on the continental US was able to deliver
> this particular service, so we hired Eric Jensen
> of Jensen Learning from Maunaloa, Hawaii!!!!!!
> I/m gessing Eric lives in nice digs out in The Big
> Island, but Eric delivered a two day training
> course on "Teaching With Poverty In Mind".
> I hop you are sitting down for this
> whopper.............
> Eris' fee......$17,000
> Conference took place March 1-2 2012.
> Some schools in FCPS have poverty rates of up to
> 75%. Let's be grateful that Eric from Hawaii was
> able to guide up thru this challenge.

FCPS has become too large. The amount of money they waste on programs that really don't improve the quality of teaching for the students has been far too easy to bury in the morass of issues.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Follow The Money ()
Date: April 26, 2012 08:37PM

Check out the connections and contracts between FCPS and Learning Tree - you might be surprised to find out some of the county leadership are paid consultants for this company. So they buy services from the company and collect paychecks.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: corrupt? ()
Date: April 26, 2012 08:41PM

I am not surprised. Actually I kind of expected it.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: uncle ho ()
Date: April 26, 2012 09:40PM

long distance award goes to Wrote:
> Contract #XX12-230735-72A
> Nobody on the continental US was able to deliver
> this particular service, so we hired Eric Jensen
> of Jensen Learning from Maunaloa, Hawaii!!!!!!
> I/m gessing Eric lives in nice digs out in The Big
> Island, but Eric delivered a two day training
> course on "Teaching With Poverty In Mind".

1.5M house on Molokai on 5.5 acres, a short 1/2 mile from Papohaku Beach. That shit's not going to pay for itself. Lot's of poverty viewable from his back porch I suppose.

Here's the review of one of his classes:

"Eric (Jensen) got me fired up from a 1998 Fairfax County (VA) presentation. Since then at my school we do some Brain energizers to get students blood flow going and encourage thinking—We do this every day the students come to PE and strongly encourage classroom teachers to do the same, plus lots of water and moving around, before any test or quiz.
But our biggest success has been the Pre-SOL (Virginia State Standards of Learning) Test Warm Up. All classes in the grade level come to the gym at 8:15 am for a half hour of movement before their tests begin. The gym is divided into three stations; a walk/jog "track" around the outside corner cones, and two other aerobic type activities - one on each half of the gym on the inside of the corner cones. "

so he teaches - calisthenics. Flown in 15 hours from Hawaii to teach calisthenics. But only to use on SOL days - when the teachers are being graded. What corrupt sham.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: jokers ()
Date: April 26, 2012 10:09PM

biker Wrote:
> This be the Disney Institute:

> Maryland teachers were instructed to engage
> children by crouching and speaking to them at eye
> level.

Ahhhhh......so that's who that bozo is that was at out FCPS transportation meeting today. He did have a bit of a squeaky voice. Round up 100 or so county employees to be trained how to talk to children at "eye level". Money well spent!! Morons.....

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: How many more of them?? ()
Date: April 27, 2012 12:55PM

Another motivational speaker....isn't a paycheck enough to motivate these people????

Contract # B22378516401

Dr William McBride from San Fran CA......

$3500 per workshop

He did three

$2000 in travel money

total gratuity $12,500.00

Bill McBride
Inspires and Engages Today's StudentsBioBefore becoming an internationally-known teacher trainer, Bill worked in a variety of public and university settings. In middle and secondary schools, he has served as a Reading Specialist, English, Social Studies and Drama teacher, and Gifted and Talented instructor. Bill won numerous awards for his teaching skills. On the university level, Bill assisted in the training and evaluation of middle and secondary English teachers. He holds a Masters in Reading and a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Though he grew up in the South, Bill McBride has lived in places as varied as Germany, Illinois, and California. After leaving the classroom, he spent six years developing and writing textbooks as an editor for a major school publisher. He then became a National Reading Consultant for Houghton Mifflin Publishing for nine years.

Six years ago Bill became an independent consultant. He has published a number of books including: PowerWords Vocabulary Development, Building Literacy in Social Studies, and If They Can Argue Well, They Can Write Well. He is perhaps best known for his heart-warming novel about a burned-out teacher who becomes re-inspired with both his profession and his life. Entitled Entertaining an Elephant, the novel is now in its 16th printing, having sold over 75,000 copies.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: another hairbrained idea ()
Date: April 27, 2012 01:12PM

For at risk youths, it is common knowledge that mentoring is very important. Yes, a LIVE person connecting with the student to make them feel valued.

Well, FCPS decided to go the "Virtual mentoring" route. Yes, siree, we hired a company to offer online mentoring services.

Contract # XX08 967993 56A

School Improvement Network in beautiful sunny Sandy,Utah

$12000 big ones for this crap

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: an expert for the experts ()
Date: April 27, 2012 01:44PM

So, here is the chain of command:

Jack Dale>>>Rich Monuiszko>>>>>Asst Sups (who run the departments)>>>Cluster Sups>>>Principals>>>Asst Principals>>>>Teachers

The Cluster Sups are SUPPOSED to be highly qualified--many are former principals, and they are responsible for like 25 schools.

Contract # XX08 978433 56A

Dennis Sparks from Thinking Partners, Ann Arbor MI

Dennis was paid $18,750 to do the following:

I know, I know, you guessed it already....


He was on conference calls with the Cluster Sups to HELP THEM ESTABLISH THEIR GOALS AND EVALUATION PLANS....

Are they kidding?

Some guy from Michigan has all the answers?? We can't figure this out on our own?

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: help improving things ()
Date: April 27, 2012 03:09PM

Anyone ever read one of those school improvement plans??

They are pretty much the same....improve scores, blah, blah, blah

A monkey could write one.

Each school has a SIP Committee. 10-15 people who all put their heads together to figure out what they need to do to make thinks better.

Rocket Science, folks....

Contract# XX10 132452 56A

Ann Delehant of Pittsford NY was hired to ---

"Provide staff development training focused on turning the school improvement plan into a long-term, student focused, school-based professional development".

Really??? student focused??? Brilliant idea.

School based? Where else would it be based?

August 10-11 2009, October 13-14 2009, January 13-14 2010, May 3 2010.

$2000 per day X 7 days === $14000.

$14000 for someone to help us implement our school improvement plans.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: other costs to this madness ()
Date: April 27, 2012 03:24PM

We have been focusing all of our disgust on these absurd daily rates we are paying these consultants---$2000, $3000, sometimes $5000. We should really be thinking about the hundreds if not thousands of hours lost to productivity for these fluff seminars.

Imagine....if these educators actually spent some time in the schools--interacting with students! Imagine!

Contract # XX08 973586 56A

Dr Andrew Hargreaves from Boston College---now we're talking....

Andre was expected to do the following:

"provide sustainable leadership training at all levels"

That's the key----sustainable------

Two days April 24-25 2008

$10,000, plus $1500 for travel expenses.

Is this what they do on these teacher workdays btw?

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: former teacher ()
Date: April 27, 2012 03:39PM

These workshops can be good--or lousy. I usually learned more from my fellow teachers than from "experts".

Years ago, in another system, we would have teacher workdays where we were all expected to share one "idea" with our fellow teachers, spend a little time working on problems that we shared. etc. Then we were allowed to work in our classrooms on report cards and special projects that we didn't always have time for in a normal school week.

If they really want to use the time wisely, I recommend the above system. Happier teachers and a lot of money saved.

If they insist on huge meetings, these could be done by pyramid or cluster. Give teachers who want to present or run a project an extra stipend. It would be a lot cheaper and enable those who want to "show off" the opportunity.

However, I go with the "in school" workdays. Give the teachers a chance to share with one another and get some real work done.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Janet Otersen ()
Date: April 27, 2012 03:46PM

My hobby is bringing down the school system. I do this because I find great gratitude in calling people out and saying things that have no factual basis. I also like to misconstrue the facts and take great pleasure doing so.

I want the school system to bring up my children because as a parent I don't want the responsibility. I am at every Board meeting calling out Board members and Dr. Dale. I love to hear my voice and I hate to be at home helping my own kids.

I started this topic but don't want to tell the truth about this funding because that would take the fun out of what I love to do.

My name is Janet.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Amused ()
Date: April 27, 2012 03:48PM

other costs to this madness Wrote:
> We have been focusing all of our disgust on these
> absurd daily rates we are paying these
> consultants---$2000, $3000, sometimes $5000. We
> should really be thinking about the hundreds if
> not thousands of hours lost to productivity for
> these fluff seminars.
> Imagine....if these educators actually spent some
> time in the schools--interacting with students!
> Imagine!
> Contract # XX08 973586 56A
> Dr Andrew Hargreaves from Boston College---now
> we're talking....
> Andre was expected to do the following:
> "provide sustainable leadership training at all
> levels"
> That's the key----sustainable------
> Two days April 24-25 2008
> $10,000, plus $1500 for travel expenses.
> Is this what they do on these teacher workdays
> btw?

Boy this really paid off at West Springfield, look at what a wonderful job Paul Wardinski did!!!!!

I'm sure there are many more "success" stories out there.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: money trees at FCPS ()
Date: April 27, 2012 03:54PM

To put these daily fees in perspective, The President of The US earns $400,000. If he works, say, 240 days per year, his daily pay is about $1667.

Not these people.....

Contract#XX10 143947 56A

Kevin Mandt from Richardson TX

Kevin "provided staff development "train the trainer" on behavioral crisis intervention designed to build healthy relationships in the workplace".

I don't see the word student or kid listed anywhere so I'm not sure who this benefits.

Kevin worked between August 17-21 2009 (5 days!)

Compensation $21,150.00

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: how to become an expert? ()
Date: April 27, 2012 04:26PM

The next one is interesting.....

Contract# XX12 236933 72A

Iris Constantino of South Riding VA

Iris will "provide the Child Development Associate" training course for FCPS staff.

$5000 per training course

Contract executed Sept 2011 and runs thru 2016.

Here is what I found on Iris....an old W POST story

There is a shortage in Arlington, too, said Iris Constantino, director of the KinderCare program on Ivy Street in Clarendon. "They're mostly full," she said.

Director of KinderCare.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: headache setting in ()
Date: April 27, 2012 04:53PM

Here is a company called...Flying Monkeys....headed by a guy named Dr. Jim Garver from Arizona.

Here's Jim's bio:

Dr. James Garver has experience at all levels of public education – from teacher to associate superintendent, kindergarten through high school, in small schools and large. As an educational leader, he has guided schools and districts through the implementation of best practices and school-wide reform, the development of standards-based curriculum, and the improvement of climate and culture. Student achievement has increased in every school and district in which Jim has held a leadership position.

Jim served as Director of Curriculum and Instruction in Phoenix’s Alhambra School District, nationally recognized for its high achievement in spite of high poverty and a large percentage of English language learners. Jim was also Associate Superintendent in the rapidly-growing Deer Valley Unified School District in suburban Phoenix, a school system of over 36,000 students.

Jim will be paid $4950 per day to do an instructional audit of two middle schools.

Oh, and he has to write a report about it.

So an Associate Superintendent of Deer Valley AZ is going to audit our instructional program.

Somebody make it stop.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: I don't get it ()
Date: April 27, 2012 04:57PM

Does anyone have a list of people that FCPS employs at Gatehouse?

Maybe we can figure out why these people aren't doing their jobs.

If they need more experts, then say so.

It certainly is cheaper to hire someone internally, then pay these outlandish rates.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Instructional Services Department ()
Date: April 27, 2012 05:01PM

Instructional Services Department Assistant Superintendent:
Peter Noonan
Instructional Services, AssistantSuperintendent

Hollis Colie
Instructional Services, Executive Administrative Assistant


Craig Herring
PreK-12 Curriculum and Instruction, Director

Delores Powers
PreK-12 Curriculum and Instruction, Administrative Assistant

Teddi Predaris
Language Acquisition and Title I, Director

Pat Sheffield
Language Acquisition and Title I, Administrative Assistant

Paul Wardinski
Professional and Life Skills, Director

Irene Sykes
Professional and Life Skills, Administrative Assistant

Karin Williams
Operations and Strategic Planning, Director

Michelle Godart
Operations and Strategic Planning, Administrative Assistant

Prek-12 Curriculum & Instruction
Pat Fege - English/Language Arts, Coordinator

Gloria Allen - Mathematics, Coordinator

Myra Thayer - Science, Coordinator

Alice Reilly - History/Social Studies, Coordinator

Noel Klimenko - Secondary School Support, Coordinator

Andy Camarda - Elementary School Support, Coordinator

Marcy Miller - School Counseling Services and College Success Programs, Coordinator

Maura Burke - Early Childhood & Family Services, Coordinator

Carol Horn - Advanced Academics, Coordinator

Mike Kowalski - Online Campus, Coordinator

Judy Heard - Integrated Projects Support, Program Manager

Levi Folly - Summer Programs , Manager

Language Acquisition & TitleI
Samuel Klein - ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages), Coordinator

Darina Walsh - ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages), Coordinator

Catherine Wagner - Title I, Coordinator

Paula Patrick - World Languages, Coordinator

Professional & Life Skills
Beth Downey - Career and Technical Education, Coordinator

Stephanie Holt - Business and Information Technology, Program Manager

Regina Cronan - Family and Consumer Sciences, Program Manager

Anne-Marie Glynn - Health and Medical Sciences, Program Manager

Tony Casipit - Technology Education, Program Manager

Amy Granahan - Marketing, Program Manager

Chad Maclin - Trade and Industrial, Program Manager

Susan Thorniley - Library Information Services, Coordinator

Tamra Ferreira - Fine Arts, Coordinator

Derek Kelley - Instructional Technology Integration, Coordinator

Kathy Manley - School-Based Technology Specialists (SBTS), Coordinator

Elizabeth Payne - Health and Physical Education & Family Life Education, Coordinator

James Ginther - Adult & Community Education (ACE), Coordinator

Operations & Strategic Planning
Eric Molina - Financial Management, Coordinator

Susan Thorniley - Library Information Services, Coordinator

Dave Campbell - ACE FASTeam, Coordinator

Barbara Serban - ACE, Analyst

Sheryl Granzow - ACE Finance, Coordinator

Rebecca Tenally - Web Development, Specialist

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Professional Learning & Accountability ()
Date: April 27, 2012 05:10PM

Professional Learning & Accountability

Assistant Superintendent:
Terri Breeden
Professional Learning & Accountability
Office of Assistant Superintendent
Assistant Superintendent

Payton Marshall
Executive Administrative Assistant

PLA Leadership Team

Larry Burke
Office of Leadership Development

Tori Escott
Administrative Assistant

Phone: 571-423-1360 | Fax: 571-423-1367

Tanisha Holland
TJHSST Admissions

Kim Byers
Administrative Assistant

Phone: 571-423-3770 | Fax: 571-423-3777

Jim Johnson
Office of Assistant Superintendent
Special Projects Administrator

Harriet Johnson
Administrative Assistant

Phone: 571-423-1303 | Fax: 571-423-1357

Gus Martinez
Office of Assistant Superintendent

Tori Escott
Administrative Assistant

Phone: 571-423-1302 | Fax: 571-423-1367

Kathy Oliver
Office of Student Testing

Margie Alston
Management Technician

Phone: 571-423-1430 | Fax: 571-423-1437

Recardo Sockwell
Office of Program Evaluation

Diane Humberger
Administrative Assistant

Phone: 571-423-1430 | Fax: 571-423-1437

Kathleen Walts
Office of Professional Practice

Carmen Sweezey
Administrative Assistant

Phone: 571-423-1336 | Fax: 571-423-1357

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Cluster 1 ()
Date: April 27, 2012 05:16PM

Cluster 1 Serves the Herndon, Langley, and McLean pyramids.

Cluster Staff

Marty K. Smith
Assistant Superintendent

Anita Wallace

Amanda Morrow
Executive Administrative Assistant

Support Team

Department Staff Member Contact Info
Nolan Akau

Student Services
Dede Bailer

Special Education
Ellie Stack

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: curious ()
Date: April 27, 2012 05:19PM

Attack of the luddites!

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Cluster 2 ()
Date: April 27, 2012 05:20PM

Cluster 2 Staff

Jim Kacur
Assistant Superintendent

Timothy Arrington

Amanda Morrow
Executive Administrative Assistant

Support Team
Department Staff Member Contact Info

Cindy Davis Smith

Student Services
Amy Parmentier

Special Education
Flo Bosch

•Falls Church High School pyramid
•Madison High School pyramid
•Marshall High School pyramid

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: director? ()
Date: April 27, 2012 05:27PM


Each cluster has a supe and a director? What does the director do?

What a waste!

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: doing the math ()
Date: April 27, 2012 05:28PM

So there are 8 clusters, correct?

Each has a asst sup, director, admin, transportation, student services and sped.

6 in each cluster--48 people looking over the schools.

I guess that is reasonable coverage given the number os schools.

3 high, 3 middle, 15 elem??

You would think everyone would be too busy doing their jobs to attend all these meetings.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: don't forget ()
Date: April 27, 2012 05:38PM

Don't forget the 46 (I think that's right) that were listed from Instructional Services at Gatehouse. And, I think there are far more at Gatehouse than that....

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Cluster 4 on autopilot ()
Date: April 27, 2012 05:39PM

Cluster 4's head Scott B moved on to greener pastures. They seem to be operating just fine with an interim and no director....makes you wonder if they are needed afterall.

Cluster 4 Staff

Deborah Tyler
Interim Cluster Assistant Superintendent

Dianne Crandall
Executive Administrative Assistant

Support Team
Department Staff Member Contact Info

(Lorton Center)
Sandy Campanaro

Student Services
Elsie Scimecca

Special Education
(Fairfax Ridge)
Marilyn Lovett

•Hayfield Secondary School pyramid
•Mount Vernon High School pyramid
•West Potomac High School pyramid

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: hearings office ()
Date: April 27, 2012 05:41PM


Office Staff
Dana Scanlan, Hearing Officer
Anne Benedicto, Administrative Assistant
J. D. Anderson, Assistant Hearing Officer
Laura Cross, Assistant Hearing Officer
Lisa Felix, Assistant Hearing Officer
Jorge Gonzalez, Assistant Hearing Officer
Mark Holbrook, Assistant Hearing Officer
Nancy Kreloff, Assistant Hearing Officer
Kathy Bacon, Hearing/Legal Technician
Sheena Cox, Administrative Assistant
Donna Dixon, Administrative Assistant
Claudia Limache, Administrative Assistant
Elaine Scott, Hearing/Legal Technician
Nancy Sullivan, Administrative Assistant

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: more outsiders telling us how ()
Date: April 27, 2012 05:56PM

Here is a website I found of a former FCPS teacher making the rounds.

Ann Dolin Education Expert · Author · Speaker · Consultant

Many families deal with the daily stress of homework. Arguments and battles with your child rarely conclude with a winner and your relationship with your child suffers. Ann Dolin M.Ed., a recognized expert in education and learning disability issues helps to eliminate the homework stress.

Ann Dolin is a former Fairfax County, VA public school teacher with over 20 years of teaching and tutoring experience. Ann's undergraduate degree is in Child Psychology with Teacher Certification for grades 1-8. She received her M.Ed. in Special Education from Boston College and now resides in Northern Virginia with her husband and two children.

After leaving Fairfax County Schools in 1998, Ann founded Educational Connections Inc. as its only employee with the goal of providing individualized one-to-one instruction based on each student's learning style. Today, her company employs over 150 tutors, serves the Washington metropolitan area, and has worked with over 4,000 students.

Ann is a recognized expert in education and learning disability issues. She sits on the board of CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder) and the International Dyslexia Association. She has delivered hundreds of presentations focusing on academic achievement and parenting issues. Ann is also the author of the award-winning book Homework Made Simple — Tips, Tools and Solutions for Stress-Free Homework. In her book, Ann reveals the core problems that commonly lead to homework stress and offers 100 proven solutions to parents to tackle each situation.

.Book a presentation or consultation with Ann today!

1/20/2012 10:15-11:30am Colvin Run Elementary Vienna, VA
Organizing for School Success: 10 Proven Solutions for Organizing Materials and Planning Time

1/31/12 8:30-9:45am Lake Braddock High School Fairfax County, VA
10 Proven Strategies for students with Attention Difficulties

1/31/12 10:15-11:30am Lake Braddock High School Fairfax County, VA
Teaching Organization, Time Management and Study Skills in the Classroom

2/8/2012 10:00-11:15am Oakton Elementary School Oakton, VA
Homework Made Simple: Tips, Tools, and Solutions for Stress-Free Homework

2/9/2012 9:00-10:15am Great Falls Elementary Great Falls, VA
5 Proven Strategies for Raising an Academically Successful Student: Creating and Maintaining Study Habits that Boost Achievement

2/16/2012 7:00-8:30pm Woodson High School Fairfax, VA
Stressed Out Teens: Help your teen manage the academic, social, and emotional demands of middle and high school
Ann Dolin, M.Ed. & Cathi Cohen, LCSW — Part of the Parent Link Seminar Series

/21/2012 7:00-8:15pm Madison High School Vienna, VA
Learn This! 5 Strategies for Success by Knowing Your Own Unique Learning Style

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Oh, Come On!!! ()
Date: April 27, 2012 06:21PM

Follow The Money Wrote:
> Check out the connections and contracts between
> FCPS and Learning Tree - you might be surprised to
> find out some of the county leadership are paid
> consultants for this company. So they buy
> services from the company and collect paychecks.

Yyyyup...bingo...Mark Greenfelder, principal at West Springfield, is just one example.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Sharon BOS ()
Date: April 27, 2012 07:54PM

You people make me sick. If you want the best run school system in the country, in our opinion and no one elses, then you must pay.
We do not need to justify lavish trips all over the country to you. The mere fact that we take such trips is the only justification you need.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Are you kidding ()
Date: May 23, 2012 05:35PM

Staff is needed to deal with complaining parents who have nothing better to do than post on FU. FYI. A cluster in FCPS is larger than many school systems across the country. Move if the schools are so bad.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: strat ()
Date: May 23, 2012 05:41PM

They should be drawn and quartered for hiring outsiders to teach about recycling. If our teaching staff aren't competent enough to create a lesson plan for that, they shouldn't be in the job.

This would seem to be more data point that government schools are more oriented to indoctrinating compliant citizens than teaching people critical thinking skills.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Bruce Butler-a newly crowned expert ()
Date: May 24, 2012 09:55AM

Butler hasn't even retired from his $125k salary at South Lakes--but he already has his hands in the consultant cookie jar....

SLHS Principal Butler to Retire in June
Bruce Butler has led school since 2005, overseeing redistricting and renovation

Butler said that he will continue to work with FCPS, not as an employee, but as an adviser and liaison for other county school renovation projects.



Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: May 24, 2012 10:54AM

They teach "The Disney Way."

One idea they give is if an employee does something you as a manager are dissatisfied with, you put a bottle of red hot sauce on their desk as a symbol that you are disappointed with what they did. When the employee redeems himself, you put a bottle of green hot sauce on their desk to symbolize that the red sauce and your dissatisfaction are now all gone, and you are happy with their performance.

Brilliant idea if you don't like to communicate with your employees in the first place.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: no details on the contracts ()
Date: May 24, 2012 11:40AM

There are very few details on these contracts.

Contract # XX11-185800-56A

Terrance Scott of Louisville, KY

"Your organization will provide positive behavior intervention and support staff development to administrative staff".


How many people will attend? 5? 50? 500?

$1800 per day

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: amazing ()
Date: May 24, 2012 12:06PM

They require more details for an IEP than a contract? What hypocrites!

Positive behavior intervention? How hard is that?

Support staff development? Whatever you say it is.....

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: priorities are where?? ()
Date: May 24, 2012 12:47PM

Baileys Elementary School in Falls Church:

63% of students on free and reduced meals (aka poor)
59% of students use ESL services (no hablo engles)
15% of students use SPED services

Got it? They have a challenging population.

44% failed the math SOL
28% failed the history SOL
22% failed the reading SOL

They need help, right? More resources. Maybe another reading teacher, some more instructional assistants, extended school year.

Contract# XX09-104322-72A

To Richard Kennelly of BIG BELLY SOLAR


They bought a Big Belly Trash Compactor with a bottle/can recycling unit.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: BirdBrains ()
Date: May 24, 2012 03:04PM

Here's a good one:

Contract #XX12-223746-72A

Lisa K Alexander from The Audubon Naturalist Society

"You will provide staff development training for FCPS staff as specified in the contract".


Go to contract......

"contractor shall provide the staff development training course "Teachable Science" in support of the FCPS elementary science curriculum."

Standard rate: $5000 per session

chirp, chirp.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Speechless ()
Date: May 26, 2012 03:13AM

um, sorry?
doesn't fcps have 20-something thousand employees? so, we are paying for even more people develop and train the employees we already have?
isn't that what all those cluster, director, superintendent, instructional, professional development, hr, yadda yadda yadda-gagillion people are for?
don't mind paying for the people already there but jeezaloo, what a waste of collosal proportion.
can we oust school board people who vote for this?

"You will provide staff development training for FCPS staff as specified in the contract".


Go to contract......

"contractor shall provide the staff development training course "Teachable Science" in support of the FCPS elementary science curriculum."

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Stephanie B ()
Date: February 20, 2015 11:54PM

that sam guy is an AP now
Instructional Services Department Wrote:
> Instructional Services Department Assistant
> Superintendent:
> Peter Noonan
> Instructional Services, AssistantSuperintendent
> 571-423-4510
> Hollis Colie
> Instructional Services, Executive Administrative
> Assistant
> 571-423-4510
> Directors:
> Craig Herring
> PreK-12 Curriculum and Instruction, Director
> 571-423-4600
> Delores Powers
> PreK-12 Curriculum and Instruction, Administrative
> Assistant
> 571-423-4600
> Teddi Predaris
> Language Acquisition and Title I, Director
> 571-423-4650
> Pat Sheffield
> Language Acquisition and Title I, Administrative
> Assistant
> 571-423-4650
> Paul Wardinski
> Professional and Life Skills, Director
> 571-423-4500
> Irene Sykes
> Professional and Life Skills, Administrative
> Assistant
> 571-423-4501
> Karin Williams
> Operations and Strategic Planning, Director
> 703-208-7742
> Michelle Godart
> Operations and Strategic Planning, Administrative
> Assistant
> 703-208-7704
> Prek-12 Curriculum & Instruction
> Pat Fege - English/Language Arts, Coordinator
> 571-423-4765
> Gloria Allen - Mathematics, Coordinator
> 571-423-4725
> Myra Thayer - Science, Coordinator
> 571-423-4785
> Alice Reilly - History/Social Studies,
> Coordinator
> 571-423-4795
> Noel Klimenko - Secondary School Support,
> Coordinator
> 571-423-4623
> Andy Camarda - Elementary School Support,
> Coordinator
> 571-423-4633
> Marcy Miller - School Counseling Services and
> College Success Programs, Coordinator
> 571-423-4422
> Maura Burke - Early Childhood & Family Services,
> Coordinator
> 571-423-4845
> Carol Horn - Advanced Academics, Coordinator
> 571-423-4745
> Mike Kowalski - Online Campus, Coordinator
> 703-503-7781
> Judy Heard - Integrated Projects Support, Program
> Manager
> 571-423-4636
> Levi Folly - Summer Programs , Manager
> 571-423-4625
> Language Acquisition & TitleI
> Samuel Klein - ESOL (English Speakers of Other
> Languages), Coordinator
> 571-423-4665
> Darina Walsh - ESOL (English Speakers of Other
> Languages), Coordinator
> 571-423-4663
> Catherine Wagner - Title I, Coordinator
> 571-423-4700
> Paula Patrick - World Languages, Coordinator
> 571-423-4603
> Professional & Life Skills
> Beth Downey - Career and Technical Education,
> Coordinator
> 571-423-4526
> Stephanie Holt - Business and Information
> Technology, Program Manager
> 571-423-4523
> Regina Cronan - Family and Consumer Sciences,
> Program Manager
> 571-423-4528
> Anne-Marie Glynn - Health and Medical Sciences,
> Program Manager
> 571-423-4555
> Tony Casipit - Technology Education, Program
> Manager
> 571-423-4593
> Amy Granahan - Marketing, Program Manager
> 571-423-4598
> Chad Maclin - Trade and Industrial, Program
> Manager
> 571-423-4595
> Susan Thorniley - Library Information Services,
> Coordinator
> 703-916-6922
> Tamra Ferreira - Fine Arts, Coordinator
> 571-423-4530
> Derek Kelley - Instructional Technology
> Integration, Coordinator
> 571-423-4573
> Kathy Manley - School-Based Technology Specialists
> (SBTS), Coordinator
> 571-423-4643
> Elizabeth Payne - Health and Physical Education &
> Family Life Education, Coordinator
> 571-423-4553
> James Ginther - Adult & Community Education (ACE),
> Coordinator
> 703-658-2784
> Operations & Strategic Planning
> Eric Molina - Financial Management, Coordinator
> 703-208-7765
> Susan Thorniley - Library Information Services,
> Coordinator
> 703-916-6922
> Dave Campbell - ACE FASTeam, Coordinator
> 703-658-1232
> Barbara Serban - ACE, Analyst
> 703-503-6401
> Sheryl Granzow - ACE Finance, Coordinator
> 703-658-1228
> Rebecca Tenally - Web Development, Specialist
> 703-208-7729

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: The craziness never ends!! ()
Date: February 21, 2015 12:05AM

Boosterthon strikes again. This time calling themselves "Disney World". The smoke and mirrors never end. I'll be this is all connected to the daycare

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Eek ()
Date: March 28, 2015 03:01PM

An oldie but goodie.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Update please ()
Date: March 28, 2015 08:01PM

Please, please tell me that garza has shut this crap down.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: matter is closed!!! ()
Date: March 28, 2015 08:52PM

Not sure about Garza, but as posted here, Angela Atwater, Ed.D., has said the Boosterthon issue is closed.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Nardos king ()
Date: March 28, 2015 11:39PM

Why will Nardos care?

all she cares about giving fake grades nothing lower than a 53% and her sol scores are a joke
monopoly money Wrote:
> contract # XX08-948857-72A
> Tami Farr from College Station TX was hired to do
> her "Capturing Kids Hearts" presentation for the
> kiddies.
> Nardos King, principal at Mt Vernon HS signed off
> on this deal.
> Not sure how many little hearts were captured--but
> this deal cost the taxpayers a few
> buckos---$13,900 for the contract.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: BoredBreak ()
Date: March 29, 2015 10:37AM

What is the problem with Boosterthon and Disney? Kids get free shirts and leave class to have fun. Not all kids have money to go to Disney. So they teach the teachers how to be nice like them. School becomes playful that way. Students laugh a lot and like these programs. You complainers are just that complainers.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Garza here ()
Date: March 31, 2015 11:15PM

I assure you taxpayers of fairfax county, I have putan end to all of these wasteful projects.

We have hundreds of professional, intelligent, capable people working under me so these paid leeches are no longer necessary.

Well, except for.......

Contract 4400003853
Language Matters
King, NC

$4200 for two day training for transliterator services.

I have no idea what that even is, but trust me, we needed it.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Big $ ()
Date: April 01, 2015 08:12AM


The leader of the Free World is indeed paid about $1100 a day to do the job, figuring that they work 24/7/365, that is $46 an hour. They are supposed to buy their own groceries, but we supply a chef. They are given a large home, security detail, $50,000 expense account, a limo to ride in, etc.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Dale ()
Date: April 01, 2015 08:49AM

Garza here Wrote:
> I assure you taxpayers of fairfax county, I have
> putan end to all of these wasteful projects.
> We have hundreds of professional, intelligent,
> capable people working under me so these paid
> leeches are no longer necessary.
> Well, except for.......
> Contract 4400003853
> Language Matters
> King, NC
> $4200 for two day training for transliterator
> services.
> I have no idea what that even is, but trust me, we
> needed it.

Then why are you again screwing the taxpayers by asking for more money again next year?

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Obama wants a new job. ()
Date: April 01, 2015 11:33AM

From the looks of these contracts, I think the Leader of the Free World is going to look into being an educational consultant after he finishes his term, to supplement his measly $200,000 annual salary after he leaves the White House. His pay will go down to $23 an hour.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: No more waste ()
Date: April 02, 2015 07:36PM

Again, I have cleaned up this crap. The instructional services dept has dozens of highly paid and competent folks.

We just need a little help some time.

Contract 4400006423
Lesley university

For specialized training. Specifically, provide comprehensive reading education and ongoing literacy training.

Is there really no one within FCPS that can do this?

Literacy seems kinda important. Shouldn't we have someone internally that knows how to do this?

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: The answer is....... ()
Date: April 03, 2015 08:54AM

director? Wrote:
> Question:
> Each cluster has a supe and a director? What does
> the director do?
> What a waste!

The director ran interference and blocked for the Super. They now have executive principals doing the dirty work.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Lol lol lol ()
Date: April 03, 2015 08:55AM

This is a great thread.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: Lifetime photos ()
Date: April 04, 2015 01:41PM

After having kids in fcps for 15 years now and payings probably thousands for school pictures, tell me why, I pay a twenty percent markup so fcps gets the profits.

Is every item padded with a profit to the schools?

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: screw ups ()
Date: April 04, 2015 04:45PM

"They now have executive principals doing the dirty work."

These positions were added to get dead wood (and worse) out of the schools.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: true lies ()
Date: April 04, 2015 05:05PM

screw ups Wrote:
> "They now have executive principals doing the
> dirty work."
> These positions were added to get dead wood (and
> worse) out of the schools.

Never, never. happen, you would have to show me the figures on that. After 15 in FCPS never saw anyone left unless it was for criminal conduct( and no lack of teaching is not included). Some of the worst were the ones that retired from some other profession. became a teacher and are coasting to get the health care benefits. Unfortunately your kids then go to college unprepared.

Re: FCPS and Disney World!
Posted by: lkje ()
Date: April 04, 2015 08:22PM

They don't even make them leave for criminal misconduct unless it is too blatant, like stealing $200,000. White collar crime is rampant in FCPS. Sticky Fingers. Greedy a%%holes.

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