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Varsity JV Student athletes Share your experience
Posted by: Fairfaxemployee ()
Date: February 26, 2012 09:06AM

FCPS Student Athletes,
What makes a High School Coach/Teacher exceptional, or a Bully?

Share your opinion based on personnel experience, either as a player, manager or spectator.

Don't vent please. This is not GOSSIP nor Hearsay.

Your opinion must be factual, personnel, it happened to you, or you saw/heard of an incident, that made a strong impression on you.

How did it impact, or shape your perception and opinions towards participating in High school sports?

If the experience was negative,did you not speak up for fear of being seen as a complainer or whiner, or possible having an impact in the classroom?

Thanks for your input.....

Re: Varsity JV Student athletes Share your experience
Posted by: Random Dude ()
Date: February 26, 2012 09:43AM

How many threads do you plan on starting on this topic employee?

Re: Varsity JV Student athletes Share your experience
Posted by: Who is this guy? ()
Date: February 26, 2012 10:22AM

Fairfax Employee - are you another McQueery who witnessed a Sandusky like incident and are not coming out with something that happened that you should have? What is your motive with all this stuff? What sport do you/did you coach or where do you teach. You act like you want to save these poor helpless kids, but you're here hiding behind a computer screen basically saying you know of coaches and teachers bullying kids but are doing nothing about it - openly admitting the fact. What makes you think coming to a website like this and blogging about it makes it right or better. If you have such a problem, go to the proper authorities and stop wasting your time on this website. You must have been a part of something pretty awful if this is how you choose to handle whatever you witnessed or were a part of instead of doing the right thing for once in your life. You're pathetic.

Re: Varsity JV Student athletes Share your experience
Posted by: Fairfaxemployee ()
Date: February 26, 2012 11:41AM

Who is is this guy..

This is an opportunity to garner information from current and former athletes to share their opinion, and experience playing High School Sports.

Your baited response is the reason many, in my opinion, will not set themselves up to be Impugned by others for their opinion.

Perhaps you would be served better by reading the post again.

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