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Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: Corporate Radio Blows ()
Date: March 07, 2008 01:38PM

Corporate radio came in and replaced money smooth jazz on 105.9 with trifling crusty oldies. Oh man, I'm so glad I have XM. Corporate radio people, listen up: no one is buying your crap... your precanned programming and tired "mix" and "oldies" and "classic rock" formulas are whack and I hope you all get fired and are eating soup out of a can on a street corner in a cardboard box. Bye bye smooth jazz... I will miss you!

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: March 07, 2008 01:46PM

Well, at least it wasnt the transition that we expierienced when 99.1 WHFS switched formats.

Hello!!! Or, should I say, hola!!!

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: Mike ()
Date: March 07, 2008 01:59PM

Corporate Radio Blows Wrote:
> Corporate radio came in and replaced money smooth
> jazz on 105.9 with trifling crusty oldies. Oh
> man, I'm so glad I have XM. Corporate radio
> people, listen up: no one is buying your crap...
> your precanned programming and tired "mix" and
> "oldies" and "classic rock" formulas are whack and
> I hope you all get fired and are eating soup out
> of a can on a street corner in a cardboard box.
> Bye bye smooth jazz... I will miss you!

Can someone please translate this to English for me?

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: translation ()
Date: March 07, 2008 03:01PM

I think it means "if they broadcast true oldies and no one listens to it, does it make a noise?"

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: March 07, 2008 03:23PM

105.9 should change to a truly innovative format like "Snoop FM" they plant hidden microphones all over DC and NoVA and the radio audience can listen in to conversations. Plant a MIC in a senators office or in a car salesman cubicle so we hear what REALLLY goes on. Hell voyuer Radio would be a top 10 HIT

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: word ()
Date: March 07, 2008 03:26PM

radio sucks

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: ffxn8v ()
Date: March 07, 2008 03:43PM

Wasn't 105.9 a country station in the early 90s??

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: March 07, 2008 03:50PM

I have sirius and barely listen to normal radio. It's very interesting that he XM-Sirius merger is now the longest drawn out merger in US history. Exxon-Mobil, Whirpool-Maytag, Cingular-ATT apparently are less monopolistic (sarcasm).

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: Just me ()
Date: March 07, 2008 05:14PM

I almost vomited yesterday morning. I turned on 105.9 and that old lizard Don Imus was on. If there was ever a reason to go to pay radio he is it. That guy sucks so bad.

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: March 07, 2008 05:34PM

Mofo Wrote:
>> It's very interesting that he XM-Sirius merger is now the longest drawn out merger in US history. Exxon-Mobil,

LOL, you are right, it's a travesty. The clearest example I've seen in a long time of who really controls our government (i.e. K Street $$).

Sirius and XM are like 5% of the radio market. And they don't even make a profit! Now how the heck is that a monopoly?? Congress and DOJ have spent more time examining this deal than the Exxon-Mobil or Chevron-Texaco mergers. They had no problem approving a deal with these giant oil companies- companies that are essential to our economy's well-being. But Sirius/XM is selling a product that is not even needed! There were NO congressional hearings during those oil mergers-- but now they suddenly feel the need to take over a year to investigate 2 companies that aren't even profitable, two radio companies that are a tiny portion of the industry. It's ridiculous.

People are getting paid off. Plain and simple.

(sorry for disrupting the Smooth Jazz thread, I just had to respond to this nonsense)

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: walk away ()
Date: March 07, 2008 05:36PM

I've listened a few times this week, it wasn't horrible at first, but got very repetitive fast. If you like the song "Evil Woman" by ELO, you will love this station, as they play it every hour it seems.

A new internet radio site I was recently turned on to is www.pandora.com, you enter an artist or song you like and it creates a station based on similar artists/songs. Best part, commercial free and no charge to listen.

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: March 07, 2008 05:45PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> Mofo Wrote:
> >> It's very interesting that he XM-Sirius merger
> is now the longest drawn out merger in US history.
> Exxon-Mobil,
> LOL, you are right, it's a travesty. The clearest
> example I've seen in a long time of who really
> controls our government (i.e. K Street $$).
> Sirius and XM are like 5% of the radio market. And
> they don't even make a profit! Now how the heck
> is that a monopoly?? Congress and DOJ have spent
> more time examining this deal than the Exxon-Mobil
> or Chevron-Texaco mergers. They had no problem
> approving a deal with these giant oil companies-
> companies that are essential to our economy's
> well-being. But Sirius/XM is selling a product
> that is not even needed! There were NO
> congressional hearings during those oil mergers--
> but now they suddenly feel the need to take over a
> year to investigate 2 companies that aren't even
> profitable, two radio companies that are a tiny
> portion of the industry. It's ridiculous.
> People are getting paid off. Plain and simple.
> (sorry for disrupting the Smooth Jazz thread, I
> just had to respond to this nonsense)

The NAB is freaking out and lobbying hard, and I think the FCC and religious right are freaked the fuck out that they can't censor the precious satellite airwaves even though it's a paid for service akin to HBO.

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: HOWARD WHO? ()
Date: March 07, 2008 05:54PM

> The NAB is freaking out and lobbying hard, and I
> think the FCC and religious right are freaked the
> fuck out that they can't censor the precious
> satellite airwaves even though it's a paid for
> service akin to HBO.

You and theMeeper sound like disgruntled SIRI or XMSR shareholders.

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: ffxn8v ()
Date: March 07, 2008 07:38PM

I keep my radio on 102.7, JACK FM

Awesome station!!!

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: tomahawk ()
Date: March 07, 2008 07:48PM

All radio is corporate, including pay radio, except maybe college stations. But whatever makes you feel edgy.

In any case smooth jazz is the worst of the jazz genre. I won't miss it. Apparently neither will the millions of people who also didn't like it enough to satisfy the sponsers.

Onlt thing I've never been able to figure out is why, with all the colleges around here, there's no college radio stations.

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: Ghostface Killah ()
Date: March 08, 2008 05:25AM

tomahawk Wrote:
> Onlt thing I've never been able to figure out is
> why, with all the colleges around here, there's no
> college radio stations.

Well, there is WAMU.

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: m4ilm4n ()
Date: March 08, 2008 07:32AM

And if you like jazz, there's WPFW.

Re: Bye Bye Smooth Jazz 105.9
Posted by: Old GRamps ()
Date: March 10, 2008 12:48AM

Quit your griping you youngsters, why I remember glorious AM radio, why back in my day, we had WEEL in Fairfax, WEAM in Arlington and a whole lot of other nice music stations. Now on AM i usually end up hearing some fat mouth political talk show host yelling about something. I miss my Fibber McGee and Molly and my Benny Goodman. When did they start broadcasting from outer space on some satellite? JUmping Jehosapeth! You can keep that FM rap music stuff, I ain't giving up on my old Philco.

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