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land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 13, 2008 12:35AM

so i was like, "hmm... what is the fastest speed of someone who has been pulled over in VA?" so i checked the records which go back to 1998 but are largely incomplete. chances are these are all motorcyclists (because they can reach these higher speeds and few cars can).
note: "NULL" means the information was not entered into the system by the cop which can mean it does not apply or it's a lazy cop.

| charge                  | county                          | defendant                  | sex | race  | offense_date | offense_level | final_disposition | fine | cost | license_suspended | sentence_time | sentence_suspention_time |
| 136/55 RECKLESS         | Fairfax County General District | REMY, AUGUSTE L            | M   | White | 2001-08-05   | Misdemeanor   | NULL              | NULL | NULL |              NULL |          NULL |                     NULL |
| 135/65 SPEEDING/RD      | Sussex County Combined          | GOULD, CHRISTOPHER GORDON  | M   | White | 2006-08-26   | Misdemeanor   | Guilty            |  500 |  186 |               Yes |          NULL |                     NULL |
| 132/55 RECKLESS DRIVING | Fairfax County General District | MITTELSTAEDT, ERIC A       | M   | White | 2001-12-21   | Misdemeanor   | NULL              | NULL | NULL |              NULL |          NULL |                     NULL |
| 132/55 RECKLESS         | Fairfax County General District | HUGHES, JOHN               | M   | White | 2001-12-21   | Misdemeanor   | Guilty            |    0 |   52 |              NULL |           360 |                     NULL |
| 130/65 RD               | Goochland County Combined       | FALCONE, MICHAEL SCOTT     | M   | White | 2005-01-24   | Misdemeanor   | Nolle Prosequi    |    0 |    0 |              NULL |          NULL |                     NULL |
| 130/55 RECKLESS SPEED   | Fairfax County General District | WASHINGTON, JAMES; III     | M   | Black | 2001-08-20   | Misdemeanor   | Guilty            |  500 |   90 |               Yes |           360 |                      300 |
| 130/55 RECKLESS         | Fairfax County General District | GLUCH, DANIEL J            | M   | White | 2003-08-16   | Misdemeanor   | NULL              | NULL | NULL |              NULL |          NULL |                     NULL |
| 130/55 RECKLESS         | Fairfax County General District | YOO, JI WON                | M   | Asian | 2003-09-22   | Misdemeanor   | Guilty            |  500 |  100 |               Yes |           180 |                      160 |

btw, nolle prosequi means the prosecution dropped the case.
let the whining begin! LOL!!!

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/2008 12:48AM by Gravis.

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: coffin ()
Date: January 13, 2008 12:51AM

Look at the last one....can you imagine a gook going 130 mph?!

Like Ralph Nader once said...those mutherfuckers are unsafe at ANY speed!

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: native ()
Date: January 13, 2008 01:29AM

hmm, didnt know blacks have need for speed, well, I guess I learned something today!!!! Oh how the fuck do you get 136 in 55 DROPPED????

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: Native ()
Date: January 13, 2008 01:30AM

GOOCHLAND ,did I read that one right???? omg hahahaha

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: 2945 ()
Date: January 13, 2008 03:27AM

Native... how fast do your people drive in Africa?

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: whattt ()
Date: January 13, 2008 11:52AM

Funny how all the white folks got theres droped , but only the black and asian guy got fined and locked up. ;(

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: January 13, 2008 12:33PM

Goochland, VA is a county west of Richmond. They have several office parks occupied by high-tech companies and they are building more trying to attract more high tech.

It offers lower cost housing and hopefully better paying jobs, or so they say to attract new business to the county.

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 13, 2008 12:45PM

whattt Wrote:
> Funny how all the white folks got theres droped ,
> but only the black and asian guy got fined and
> locked up. ;(

hey retard, did you miss the "note: 'NULL' means the information was not entered into the system by the cop which can mean it does not apply or it's a lazy cop," part? there are a LOT of entries in the DB where cops didnt put in basic information.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: native ()
Date: January 13, 2008 01:27PM

2945 pretty fucking fast actually, we also have free dental care too.

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: native ()
Date: January 13, 2008 01:31PM

"whattt" did you not notice that two white guys got fried too. Oh wait you want to hear that a prejudice white judge got the black and asian guy arrested based on their race, I mean the fact that they almost wnet 3 times the speed limit has nothing to do with it right? I thought that would be a dead giveaway or you just want to give yourself a reason to bitch?

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: x ()
Date: January 13, 2008 02:20PM

Gravis Wrote:
> hey retard, did you miss the "note: 'NULL' means
> the information was not entered into the system by
> the cop which can mean it does not apply or it's a
> lazy cop," part? there are a LOT of entries in
> the DB where cops didnt put in basic information.

The police don't input fines, sentences or case information so they aren't being "lazy." Court clerks and courthouse personnel handle that task.

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 13, 2008 04:59PM

looks like the server went down for the count: http://epwsgdp1.courts.state.va.us/gdcourts/caseSearch.do?index=index

try to search anything, the whole thing flatlined.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: January 13, 2008 06:46PM

130/55 RECKLESS | Fairfax County General District | GLUCH, DANIEL J | M | White | 2003-08-16 | Misdemeanor | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |

This was in 2003. Fast forward to 2007, the guy STILL has issues!

"GLUCH ","DANIEL ","J","024"," xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,"VIENNA ","VA","12/02/2007","OPERATE UNLICENSED VEHICLE

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: joe ()
Date: January 13, 2008 10:25PM

Gravis Wrote:
> chances are these are all motorcyclists (because
> they can reach these higher speeds and few cars can).
The speed governor on my Saturn is 125mph... and it definitely is far from a high-performance vehicle. It would take a really long time to get to 125 though.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/2008 10:31PM by joe.

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: Be real ()
Date: January 13, 2008 11:20PM

How do they nolle pross 130 mph? Either they did it or not. Cannot imgaine any reason to let a guy slide on something that dangerous.

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: January 14, 2008 08:21AM

Be real Wrote:
> How do they nolle pross 130 mph?

Some sort of plea bargain, probably. Or, maybe they lacked the evidence needed to pursue the charge.

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: The Economist ()
Date: January 14, 2008 04:54PM

Some of these I'm sure were in cars. I've been in a car going 140+ on numerous occasions. Hell I even spun out one time going about that fast (that's another story).

I was in court one time and some numbskull had no lawyer and just plead guilty to going 150 down I95 in his corvette. What an idiot. He got 180 days with 90 suspended. The judge even told him that he was going to go to jail if he got found guilty and he was like "I am sorry but I did it". You'd think if he could afford a vette he could afford at least a decent lawyer.

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: DirtDigler ()
Date: January 14, 2008 04:58PM

Not that I'm proud of it or anything but when I had my S2000 a few years back I hit 135, almost 140 crossing the Legion bridge. On my bike I can hit 125 in like 12 seconds... nonetheless I think some of those numbers might be under-rated.

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: The Economist ()
Date: January 14, 2008 05:04PM

if you notice, john hughes didn't lose his license, he only had to pay 52 dollars in court costs, but got 360 days in jail. none suspended

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: Interesting ()
Date: January 15, 2008 01:24AM

Looks like MICHAEL SCOTT FALCONE was also charged with a felony (eluding police), which was probably why he was going so fast. They probably just got him on that and dropped the speeding. My guess is maybe he was on probation and that was enough to send him back to prison for a long time (hence the running from police)

Final Disposition in District Court:
Grand Jury

Re: land speed records... Fairfax County WINS! \o/
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: January 15, 2008 12:22PM

The Economist Wrote:
> if you notice, john hughes didn't lose his
> license, he only had to pay 52 dollars in court
> costs, but got 360 days in jail. none suspended

while not suspended, he was techincally not allowed to drive for 180 days... (assuming 1/2 time served)

wouldnt that be shitty to come back from that and then still not be able to drive...

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