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Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: radioz ()
Date: January 10, 2008 09:49AM

Who is the worst local sports radio personality in the area?

IN my opinion, there are two candidates who are so bad that they are in a league of their own.

1) John Riggins. yes a great player and all but as a radio guy he is terrible. He knows NOTHING about any sport but football and his football knowledge is stale. He knows virtually nothing about the current NFL players. He doesn't watch any other sports - not even college football. During the summer, they had him interviewing soccer players, baseball players etc and it was obvious he was just reading questions off a card. The most annoying thing he does is interviews. He's so bad its almost funny. He'll ask a question, the person will answer and say same thing like "....but I think the bext player ever was "XXXXX" and Riggins will respond with. "Thanks, let me ask you , who do you think was the best player ever?" It's uncanny how often this happens. He doesn't listen to the answers he just asks whatever question is on the card in front of him.

2) John Thompson. Again, great coach and all but knows nothing about modern sports other than college basketball. If you host you own sports talk show, woudln't you try to get up to speed on local sports and maybe watch a game or two? Adding to his patheitc lack of knowledge, is is inability for speak using regular english. The guy speaks ebonics and mumbles through the whole show. Then he has guests on only to blow smoke up their butts by telling them how great they are! Unlistenable! he needs to take some speech therapy classes.

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: January 10, 2008 09:51AM

Pretty much anybody and everybody on Comcast Sports Net. Awful.

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: January 10, 2008 09:53AM

Oh, you said radio.

Larry Michaels. Terrible. He sounds like an idiot when he is talking to Sonny Jurgenson. He is obviously there because he is Dan Snyder's Butt Boy.

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: Good Speller ()
Date: January 10, 2008 10:03AM

Bram Weinstein is a unlistenable.

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: radioz ()
Date: January 10, 2008 10:09AM

I like Bram, at least he's a sports fan and watches sports and has an opinion. Riggins and Thompson aren't even sports fans.

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: Paul ()
Date: January 10, 2008 10:17AM

Sam Huff is excellent for comic relief. Larry Michael sucks compared to Frank Herzog, who should have been allowed to keep that job until he dropped dead.

"Touchdown...Washington Redskins."

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: January 10, 2008 12:06PM

All of the dbags that report for the Redskins.
Lisa Baden should be gang raped by menacing blacks.
Elliot from DC101 - gutted and quartered.

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: Frustrated ()
Date: January 10, 2008 12:13PM

* Bram Weinstein - check
* John Thompson - check
* Rick "Doc" Walker - check
* Larry Michael - check

Seriously, how do Thompson and Walker stay on the air? It is painful to hear them speak - is it really that difficult to leave the ebonics and home boy talk behind?

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: January 10, 2008 12:15PM

You guys obviously haven't heard Don Geronimo try to run a sports show.

I don't think that gang rape is appropriate for Lisa Baden, but surely tying her to a chair and playing back all her traffic reports would be worse than waterboarding.

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: Good Speller ()
Date: January 10, 2008 12:17PM

I'm convinced that Bram blows Danny Snyder to keep his job.

Rick "Dork" Walker is painful to listen to. Yeah, we know you are from LA. Why don't you go back there so we don't need to listen to you anymore?

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: January 10, 2008 12:21PM

pgens Wrote:

> I don't think that gang rape is appropriate for
> Lisa Baden, but surely tying her to a chair and
> playing back all her traffic reports would be
> worse than waterboarding.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/10/2008 12:26PM by ITRADE.

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: January 10, 2008 01:25PM

Steven A. Smith and his douchebag sidekick on ESPN radio at 3pm gets my vote for the worst. He thinks he's Chris Rock and all he ever talks about is black athletes and how they are so mistreated.

If you think Riggo is bad at his radio gig, you really should check out his acting skills. He was on some soap opera a few years back and it was hilarious. They had to kill his character off after about 5 episodes because he was so awful.

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: Coastie ()
Date: January 10, 2008 03:50PM

I'd have to say Sonny is the worst. He sound like death and is such a homer that his color is not related to what is occuring on the field. Then again Sonny believes that he could do a better job than most even now!

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: January 10, 2008 08:03PM

I like Sonny, especially when he's drunk. His ramblings remind me of Don Meredeth and Howard Cosell on MNF back in the 80s. Meredeth would be so drunk he'd start singing and rambling using by the the Eight minute mark of the Third quarter.

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 12, 2008 08:24AM

Sonny is fine as a color commentator. I don't think he sounds biased at all. His comments are always like "why the hell did they do that?"

Speaking of homers, have you heard those sportscasters from Baltimore? They still think Brian Billick is a God. He's GONE! Leave it alone!

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 12, 2008 08:26AM

What do you think of the guy who does the play-by-play for the Nationals? I actually like the guy, "Bang Zoom! Off go the Fireworks!"

It's nice to hear someone who seems authentically happy when a team scores.

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: January 12, 2008 08:29AM

Charlie Slowes is the Nationals guy...


...He's 44. Funny. Listening to him, I coulda swore he was 70.

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: allivant ()
Date: January 15, 2008 07:36AM

i can't really bear Jim Rome that much.


Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: January 15, 2008 09:39AM

Jim Rome's claim to fame is he got slapped by Jim Everett for calling him Chris Everett. I personally think Rome is a no talent hack.


Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: Felix ()
Date: January 16, 2008 04:54PM

> I like Sonny, especially when he's drunk. His
> ramblings remind me of Don Meredeth and Howard
> Cosell on MNF back in the 80s. Meredeth would be
> so drunk he'd start singing and rambling using by
> the the Eight minute mark of the Third quarter.

Get real, Sonny is horrid. He would pick the Redskins if they were playing God Almighty. BTW he is definitely on the Snyder meal ticket.

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: Jim Rome ()
Date: January 16, 2008 08:31PM

Rack me. I am the bombay of sports journalism.

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: easy questoin ()
Date: January 17, 2008 06:57AM

Definetly Elliot in the morning. i think i would rather mauled by pitbulls then listin to his show once he sucks ass.....However the best would be the Junkies on WJFK 5-10 AM mon-fri

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: Bigpapa ()
Date: January 17, 2008 08:41AM

I couldn't agree more. Herzog was a professional. Michaels sounds like a clown. Huff is drunk by the 3rd quarter.

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 17, 2008 09:20AM

easy questoin Wrote:
> Definetly Elliot in the morning. i think i would
> rather mauled by pitbulls then listin to his show
> once he sucks ass.....However the best would be
> the Junkies on WJFK 5-10 AM mon-fri

The Junkies suck. All they do is bash the Redskins and talk about college b-ball programs nobody follows. Their other big love is the ABA Maryland Nighthawks. Like anybody gives a rat's ass about semi-pro b-ball.

I agree on Elliott, though. Hockey and soccer. That's all he talks about when he talks about sports. I understand that he is Canadian and I understand DC United is probably paying DC101 for time (why they aren't spending their money on El Zol instead, I don't understand). But seriously, nobody in DC cares about what Gordy Howe did once upon a time.

Re: Worst sports radio personality
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: January 17, 2008 11:31AM

He's better than Jack Diamond who I seriously believe has a large quantity of nitrous oxide pumped into the studio because he and his minions laugh at anything - when there is NOTHING to laugh about.

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