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A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: January 07, 2008 08:25PM

Apologies for the subject, i wanted to catch people's attentions

Just a couple things everyone ought to know.

1. Information on school profiles is highly doctored
Principals will put up whatever information they think is good for their school. The school safety section does not accurately reflect the school's security or lack therof. It is almost a garuntee that the numbers for each school are significantly lower than reality. South Lakes HS is not the only school with students who bring weapons or have a massive amount of fights. Every school has fights, and every school has drug violations. This is the reality of high school, and unless your kid is a social retard, they will be exposed to something to that extent unless you homeschool him/her. And if your kids is a social retard they will get beat up and made fun of, so dont try that. Send your kids to south lakes. They will enjoy it and since it will be undercrowded due to everyone getting the hell out classes will be small.

2.If you are going to move to get your kid(s) to get to your school of choice, you are a dumbass.
All the schools are the same (see above paragraph) and if a school has a program not available at whatever school you get redistricted to, FCPS will provide a bus and call it an academy. That is unless you want to go to Westfield, where you can get free steroids if you are in sports. If you are going to Chantilly now, for example, and will be redistricted to Mount Vernon, I could "locating" a lease which says you live in a place that goes to Chantilly. I have heard of this happening where students went to the same elementary and middle school but would be going to different high schools, and they wanted to be with friends. But moving becuase of acdemics is retarded and illegal. FCPS wont check to see if your lease is real but if they do become informed, you are in trouble. It is similar to lying on your drivers license application, the cops will come after you if they are tipped off by an angry neighbor.

3. If you are opposed to redistricting in general becuase of where it will put your student:
Yes, i agree that the current redistricting plan is not very good. FCPS schould do a county wide redistricting, it will save on bussing costs and we wont have kids who live in lorton going to Herndon HS. But after all, public school is free. Private school is not. Private schools also do not have all the programs that public schools do. But thats not the main idea. Your kids will go to a different high school, big deal. It will be nearly the same and if they go to south lakes they will not die or be in danger. There are cops in schools for a reason. There was also cops at VA tech, but Cho Shung Whee still managed to shoot up the place. This can/will happen at any school, not just south lakes.

4. If you want a South County Middle school:
Such a thing already exists. South county Secondary school puts the middle and high schools in the same building. It saves the cost of building 2 buildings and the middle school gets a bunch of cool equipment. You say oh its overcrowded, build one now! It wouldnt be over crowded if the county was districted correctly. The money should be used to fix the current older schools, which have gone to shit phsically becuase the money to fix them is spent elsewhere. Woodson was not fixed for years becuase its renovation money kept dissapearing to build new, unnecessary schools. Or if there is such a budget leftover that we can afford new schools, put it towards building roads, or should i say paying residents to get out of the way so the road can be put in their backyard. If the roads would be widened/built, we would not have the traffic that makes your kid have to get up at 4:30 am to catch a bus that drives across the county. And BTW, the county doesnt have all this extra money. There is a $200 million budget shortfall projected for the end of this year, which means no summer school.

So, in conclusion, please remove your heads from your asses. Your kid will be fine at whatever school he/she goes to, becuase FCPS has one of the (if not the best) school systems in the nation, in terms of getting kids edjewmakated. (sp)

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Please for the love of god ()
Date: January 07, 2008 08:27PM

I wish this high school redistricting stuff would go away and all of you would STFU about it.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: doublestandards ()
Date: January 07, 2008 09:18PM

Would you be saying the above if YOUR kid was being moved from the top few schools in the county ( Oakton ) to the bottom few ( South Lakes )?

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: January 07, 2008 09:36PM

doublestandards Wrote:
> Would you be saying the above if YOUR kid was
> being moved from the top few schools in the county
> ( Oakton ) to the bottom few ( South Lakes )?

Then you clearly need to send your Kid to Private school. It would mean even better education than Oakton. I hear Bullworth academy is top flight. Of course if your kid is used to competing academically at the top then that child should have no problem wiping the floor with the SL students and become valadictorian and acheive all kinds of scholarships to the ivy league.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: January 07, 2008 09:47PM

Are you aware that not everyone can afford private school?

The Ivy league gives no merit scholarship, only scholarships for students who are poor.

It appears that we can assume Ferfux knows nothing about education, high schools, or colleges.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: doublestandards ()
Date: January 07, 2008 09:52PM

ferfux Wrote:
> doublestandards Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Would you be saying the above if YOUR kid was
> > being moved from the top few schools in the
> county
> > ( Oakton ) to the bottom few ( South Lakes )?
> Then you clearly need to send your Kid to Private
> school. It would mean even better education than
> Oakton. I hear Bullworth academy is top flight.
> Of course if your kid is used to competing
> academically at the top then that child should
> have no problem wiping the floor with the SL
> students and become valadictorian and acheive all
> kinds of scholarships to the ivy league.

I would if I could afford sending to private school. Oakton offers so many possiblities, and now the school board if going to deny these, and leave us to sink in the south lakes. It is all the more frustating knowing that they have capacity at Oakton, and yet SB will deny us of these good opportunities.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Tricki ()
Date: January 07, 2008 10:08PM

To KeeponTruckin,

This was a very sensible post. You are pretty correct about all of this. One year I taught summer school at South Lakes HS. I wanted to teach middle school, but since I was certified in English, they asked me to teach high school kids. Kids who failed English. I agreed since I really needed to buy this new dining room furniture that I had seen and I wanted to pay cash. I figured I could do almost anything for a few months since I dearly wanted that furniture. Well I enjoyed those kids so much. They were respectful and pleasant. They did their work and almost all ended up passing my summer school class with a C or better.
I just thought the school itself inside looked like a warehouse with the pipes all showing and the modernistic design.

Finally, KeeponTrucking's post is the truth. It really sounds like you parents are getting all riled up over vey little. And yes, I know for certain those safety statistics are totally under reported and/or scewed every day.


Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: doublestandards ()
Date: January 07, 2008 10:15PM

Tricki Wrote:
> To KeeponTruckin,
> This was a very sensible post. You are pretty
> correct about all of this. One year I taught
> summer school at South Lakes HS. I wanted to
> teach middle school, but since I was certified in
> English, they asked me to teach high school kids.
> Kids who failed English. I agreed since I really
> needed to buy this new dining room furniture that
> I had seen and I wanted to pay cash. I figured I
> could do almost anything for a few months since I
> dearly wanted that furniture. Well I enjoyed
> those kids so much. They were respectful and
> pleasant. They did their work and almost all
> ended up passing my summer school class with a C
> or better.
> I just thought the school itself inside looked
> like a warehouse with the pipes all showing and
> the modernistic design.
> Finally, KeeponTrucking's post is the truth. It
> really sounds like you parents are getting all
> riled up over vey little. And yes, I know for
> certain those safety statistics are totally under
> reported and/or scewed every day.
> Trickie

C or better !!! Would you call getting a C grade great work?

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: new hawk ()
Date: January 07, 2008 10:15PM

You poor fucking bastards, can't afford private school for your socially retarded kid and your stuck at a shithole school like SL. I've got two words for you, "HOME SCHOOL"! You people obviously don't have jobs since your here all day whinning and since so many of you seem to know each other why not start your own little home school network.

That way you can get the hell out of here and I don't have to worry about your fucking gimp kids stigmatizing my entire neighborhood with their presence at SL.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Tricki ()
Date: January 07, 2008 10:47PM

No a C is not great work but it is a passing grade. So is a D. I got lots of C's and D's in school. So what? I did lots of other stuff too besides just studying all the time. My parents never bugged me to get straight A's.


Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Ombudsman ()
Date: January 07, 2008 11:51PM

Neen Wrote:
> Are you aware that not everyone can afford private
> school?
> The Ivy league gives no merit scholarship, only
> scholarships for students who are poor.
> It appears that we can assume Ferfux knows nothing
> about education, high schools, or colleges.


You really to do some more research before hitting the keyboard to type out some "facts". The Ivies, along with a number of selective schools including Duke, have very generous aid packages for what most people would consider middle and upper middle class. Harvard recently announced a program which would have have all but the wealthiest families paying a fraction of the total cost.

From today's Washington Post...

"Under Harvard's plan, families earning between $60,000 and $120,000 will pay a small percentage of their annual income for tuition, room and board, rising to 10 percent for those earning between $120,000 and $180,000."

I think that this covers just about everyone in FXCO, doesn't it? This program is exceptionally generous, but there are similar programs out there if you take the time to look for them.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: January 07, 2008 11:58PM

Tricki Wrote:
> To KeeponTruckin,
> This was a very sensible post. You are pretty
> correct about all of this. One year I taught
> summer school at South Lakes HS. I wanted to
> teach middle school, but since I was certified in
> English, they asked me to teach high school kids.
> Kids who failed English. I agreed since I really
> needed to buy this new dining room furniture that
> I had seen and I wanted to pay cash. I figured I
> could do almost anything for a few months since I
> dearly wanted that furniture. Well I enjoyed
> those kids so much. They were respectful and
> pleasant. They did their work and almost all
> ended up passing my summer school class with a C
> or better.
> I just thought the school itself inside looked
> like a warehouse with the pipes all showing and
> the modernistic design.
> Finally, KeeponTrucking's post is the truth. It
> really sounds like you parents are getting all
> riled up over vey little. And yes, I know for
> certain those safety statistics are totally under
> reported and/or scewed every day.
> Trickie

Educational standards vary. Your's may not be the same as other parents'.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: January 08, 2008 12:02AM

Ombudsman Wrote:
> Neen Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Are you aware that not everyone can afford
> private
> > school?
> >
> > The Ivy league gives no merit scholarship, only
> > scholarships for students who are poor.
> >
> > It appears that we can assume Ferfux knows
> nothing
> > about education, high schools, or colleges.
> Neen,
> You really to do some more research before hitting
> the keyboard to type out some "facts". The Ivies,
> along with a number of selective schools including
> Duke, have very generous aid packages for what
> most people would consider middle and upper middle
> class. Harvard recently announced a program which
> would have have all but the wealthiest families
> paying a fraction of the total cost.
> From today's Washington Post...
> "Under Harvard's plan, families earning between
> $60,000 and $120,000 will pay a small percentage
> of their annual income for tuition, room and
> board, rising to 10 percent for those earning
> between $120,000 and $180,000."
> I think that this covers just about everyone in
> FXCO, doesn't it? This program is exceptionally
> generous, but there are similar programs out there
> if you take the time to look for them.

I said the Ivies give NO merit scholarships. Basing a scholarship on income is meeds based, not merit based. The poster I was responding to was not was not discussing needs based scholarships.

You think that an income of $120,000 covers just about everyone in FCPS? Two guidance counselors, or two principals, or two FCPS administrators, or two fire chiefs, would make $200,000, as do MANY in this county.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: January 08, 2008 12:05AM

Tricki Wrote:
> No a C is not great work but it is a passing
> grade. So is a D. I got lots of C's and D's in
> school. So what? I did lots of other stuff too
> besides just studying all the time. My parents
> never bugged me to get straight A's.
> Trickie

And you turned out just fine, right?

Like I said, some parents have different standards for their children. Why shouldn't they? Everyone's different. Some people really value education, others don't. Valuing education has worked for many cultures, and still does.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Neen Free Zone ()
Date: January 08, 2008 12:09AM

Is there no thread that is safe from Neen? Criminy!

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Just saying ()
Date: January 08, 2008 12:13AM

Neen Wrote:
> Tricki Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > No a C is not great work but it is a passing
> > grade. So is a D. I got lots of C's and D's
> in
> > school. So what? I did lots of other stuff
> too
> > besides just studying all the time. My parents
> > never bugged me to get straight A's.
> >
> > Trickie
> And you turned out just fine, right?
> Like I said, some parents have different standards
> for their children. Why shouldn't they?
> Everyone's different. Some people really value
> education, others don't. Valuing education has
> worked for many cultures, and still does.

How much can you value education if you are UNWILLING to pay for private school? I went to private school, got a great education. However, my parents worked long hours, extra jobs, clipped a great many coupons, drove used cars and lived in a smaller home, and skimped on a great many things so that my brother and I could attend private schools. Moral of the story, almost everyone CAN afford private school. It depends on what sacrifice YOU as a parent are willing to make. For very few families in this county is private school out of reach. You want the better public education for FREE.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Ombudsman ()
Date: January 08, 2008 12:32AM

Neen Wrote:
> I said the Ivies give NO merit scholarships.
> Basing a scholarship on income is meeds based, not
> merit based. The poster I was responding to was
> not was not discussing needs based scholarships.
> You think that an income of $120,000 covers just
> about everyone in FCPS? Two guidance counselors,
> or two principals, or two FCPS administrators, or
> two fire chiefs, would make $200,000, as do MANY
> in this county.

The income standard I was referring to was for FXCO residents, not FCPS employees. I think that the median family income is somewhere around $110-130K which means to me that a lot of people in this area would pay a fraction of the total cost to attend Harvard. I don't think of these aid programs as need-based since they rely less on FAFSA and other formulas. I think that the reason the Ivies do not offer merit-based aid is because everyone they accept has met their rigorous admissions standards and merit aid would really not serve a point. This program attempts to eliminate cost as a reason not to attend Harvard as I think that a lot of well-qualified students simply chose not to apply or attended other schools after being accepted when they felt that it was more economically feasible elsewhere.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Tricki ()
Date: January 08, 2008 12:38AM

I think I turned out okay. I attended Catholic school until grade 9, then a large public high school. Then I attended a state college in Ohio. I'm no rocket scientist nor do I make a fortune, but I have a happy marriage and I am healthy. What more can I ask for. And that is without any IB classes and low ACT scores. We did not take the SAT in Ohio.

Oh and my parents were both blue collar workers who never would have complained if our school did redistricting. But then every family is different.


Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Private School Parent ()
Date: January 08, 2008 10:24AM

Just saying Wrote:
> Neen Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> How much can you value education if you are
> UNWILLING to pay for private school? I went to
> private school, got a great education. However,
> my parents worked long hours, extra jobs, clipped
> a great many coupons, drove used cars and lived in
> a smaller home, and skimped on a great many things
> so that my brother and I could attend private
> schools. Moral of the story, almost everyone CAN
> afford private school. It depends on what
> sacrifice YOU as a parent are willing to make.
> For very few families in this county is private
> school out of reach. You want the better public
> education for FREE.

Don't expect a response from Neen, your statement made too much sense!

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Neen Free Zone ()
Date: January 08, 2008 10:31AM

Neen has utter contempt for anyone that she perceives to be less smart than she is. She has contempt for children who do not take BC calculus. She has contempt for the families of Reston. She has contempt for liberals. She has contempt for anyone who does not choose the track that she chose for her family. She has contempt for non-engineers. In short, she has contempt for anyone who does not agree with her.

Neen is a very unhappy person, and she is also very insecure. She needs rankings and locations and other wholly insignificant labels to make her feel good about herself. She also needs to put others down in order to feel good about herself.

Shall I go on? I think you get the point.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: January 08, 2008 10:34AM

who the fuck is "neen"?

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Private School Parent ()
Date: January 08, 2008 10:38AM

Neen Free Zone Wrote:
> Neen has utter contempt for anyone that she
> perceives to be less smart than she is. She has
> contempt for children who do not take BC calculus.
> She has contempt for the families of Reston. She
> has contempt for liberals. She has contempt for
> anyone who does not choose the track that she
> chose for her family. She has contempt for
> non-engineers. In short, she has contempt for
> anyone who does not agree with her.
> Neen is a very unhappy person, and she is also
> very insecure. She needs rankings and locations
> and other wholly insignificant labels to make her
> feel good about herself. She also needs to put
> others down in order to feel good about herself.
> Shall I go on? I think you get the point.

I see the point to a certain degree. It appears she wants what is best for her children, and I cannot blame her for that. But, you would think that her disdain for liberals would lead her to the conclusion that government is often times incapable of providing the citizenry with the best. Such is the case with public schools. Where I see the problem is when she states that private school is not affordable while she is tooling around on 70 degree days in her convertible. Makes you wonder where the priorities are!

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: January 08, 2008 02:52PM

Lol this has really gone off the track of me bitching about redistricters and south county MSers

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Taxpayer ()
Date: January 08, 2008 10:14PM

I'll put it back on track. There is no need for a separate middle school for the South County area while the undercapacity totals at Lake Braddock and Hayfield exceeds the overcapacity number at SCSS. They are all secondary schools. They all offer the AP curriculum.

Please tell your school board reps that it is fiscally irresponsible to build another school while there is so much empty space at two boundary-sharing schools.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Be real ()
Date: January 08, 2008 10:42PM

These people remind me of the Clintons. When asked about school vouchers they were deadset against them saying public schools were just fine. When it came time to have Chelsea go to a DC school they bowed out instead sending her to Sidwell Friends at 50K a year. Seems public schools, i.e. South Lakes, is fine but only for someone elses kids.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: VoiceOfReason ()
Date: January 09, 2008 01:50AM

What is wrong with Fairfax County Public Schools? Chances are...your children will fair better than most of you did, as you've all complained about checking the schools your children would attend when you moved here.

Honestly, comparing the DC public school system to the Fairfax County Public School System is not fair.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Neen ()
Date: January 09, 2008 01:54AM

What's wrong with school choice, for everyone? Many people chose their neighborhood based on the schools they wanted for their children.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: VoiceOfReason ()
Date: January 09, 2008 02:03AM

Neen Wrote:
> What's wrong with school choice, for everyone?
> Many people chose their neighborhood based on the
> schools they wanted for their children.

There is nothing wrong with it, but Fairfax County turned that decision over to the school board.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: Baffled ()
Date: January 09, 2008 05:16AM

VoiceOfReason Wrote:
> Neen Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What's wrong with school choice, for everyone?
> > Many people chose their neighborhood based on
> the
> > schools they wanted for their children.
> There is nothing wrong with it, but Fairfax County
> turned that decision over to the school board.

And what happened? The SB's decisions has caused a huge controversy over this redistricting circus. Talk about credibility.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: abuse of power ()
Date: January 09, 2008 07:56AM

Private School Parent Wrote:
> Neen Free Zone Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Neen has utter contempt for anyone that she
> > perceives to be less smart than she is...

I don't see Neen as having contempt but rather as someone who genuinely CARES about fiscally responsible appropriate academics for all students. truth is that IB and AP are both OK but IB is grossly more expensive and removes flexibility hurting the average students. So why pay more for the same product?

Why build at Langley? They got caught in a big lie this year because of the illegal Langley dumping. Mcnair parents are ticked as are Floris. Math science oriented kids have parents who are now furious because they'll be stuck with less course options than their prior schools.

I'm a liberal Democrat and believe FCPS should be reported to the Justice Dept on this Langley thing since it is clearly to avoid schools with:
-Herndon- higher percentages of Hispanic immigrants
-South Lakes- higher percentages of African Americans - which is also what the North Point gang is trying to avoid but they'll continue with the school within a school deal that is now Herndon.

Strauss and Gibson have rammed square pegs into round holes before to benefit the same crew but this time it impacts a wider scale. Do they think people at Floris and McNair and Navy are too dumb to read a map???

What about families who have to pay more in taxes because of their crap ?? What about 7 year old kids that go to school without indoor plumbing thanks to their gerrymandering and abuse of the bond referendum and CIP process?

S/he is passionate about education and equity. The truth is that AP schools can provide more technical and math curriculum than IB higher level. Should such curriculum only be available at TJ when some of the best math-science-tech students are not admitted?

I just got a mailer from our new state delegate M Vanderhye. While it is a simple survey it does have budget questions. There is a constituent open house with Sen J Howell and Scott coming up and people should go:

Start: 01/12/2008 - 10:00am
End: 01/12/2008 - 12:00pm
Longfellow Middle School
2000 Westmoreland Street
Falls Church, Virginia

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: January 09, 2008 12:25PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> who the fuck is "neen"?

Neen of your business.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: ferfag is more like it ()
Date: January 09, 2008 12:31PM

ferfux Wrote:
> RESton Peace Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > who the fuck is "neen"?
> Neen of your business.

lame - as usual.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: dude ()
Date: January 10, 2008 09:10PM

KeepOnTruckin Wrote:
> Lol this has really gone off the track of me
> bitching about redistricters and south county
> MSers

I agree as a fellow taxpayer that a new school in SC is not necessary. But I would hope you agree that Hayfield does will not have the capacity to relieve the crowding at South County. As you know from the CIP Hayfield will be steadily growing while on the other side of South County Lake Braddock is steadily losing numbers. LBSS can relieve the overcrowding at South County all by them selves.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: January 10, 2008 11:00PM

Neen Free Zone Wrote:

"Neen has utter contempt for anyone that she perceives to be less smart than she is. She has contempt for children who do not take BC calculus. She has contempt for the families of Reston. She has contempt for liberals. She has contempt for anyone who does not choose the track that she chose for her family. She has contempt for non-engineers. In short, she has contempt for anyone who does not agree with her.

Neen is a very unhappy person, and she is also very insecure. She needs rankings and locations and other wholly insignificant labels to make her feel good about herself. She also needs to put others down in order to feel good about herself.

Shall I go on? I think you get the point."


Actually, we got your point before you were finished with your first sentence.

You have contempt for Neen.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: January 11, 2008 12:14AM

Please for the love of god wrote:

"I wish this high school redistricting stuff would go away and all of you would STFU about it."


A question here from a bird who's flown around the block a few times and is hardly shocked by the f- word.....

Why do you younger birds lack a sufficient vocabulary which would allow for an even occasional substitution for 'STFU'? The F-word has become so common to you, I wouldn't be surprised if you're yelling at your babies .... STFU....

Yet, with due respect to your indigenous culture, I shall attempt to converse with you.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/11/2008 03:32PM by BirdLover.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: January 11, 2008 10:23PM

dude Wrote:
> KeepOnTruckin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Lol this has really gone off the track of me
> > bitching about redistricters and south county
> > MSers
> Taxpayer
> I agree as a fellow taxpayer that a new school in
> SC is not necessary. But I would hope you agree
> that Hayfield does will not have the capacity to
> relieve the crowding at South County. As you know
> from the CIP Hayfield will be steadily growing
> while on the other side of South County Lake
> Braddock is steadily losing numbers. LBSS can
> relieve the overcrowding at South County all by
> them selves.

Yes it can. However, a county-wide redistricting study has not been performed; that is what is required for schools to be uses apropriatley

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 12, 2008 08:20AM

I think GreatSchools.net is an f-ing joke. I've compared my kid's school to schools in SE DC. My kid's school gets a lower rating even though 80 to 90 percent of kids are passing. You look at the DC school and 20 percent are passing. It really is a scam.

Re: A message to people opposed to high school redistricting and people who will move to see that their kids get into a "good" public school, and people who belive the school profile reports, and people who want a south county middle school
Posted by: The Economist ()
Date: January 14, 2008 07:03PM

this is blown so out of proportion. fact of the matter, all FCPS schools are fine. I'm tired of this ultra elitist attitude of some of these people. I wish they'd take this debate elsewhere.

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