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Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: K ()
Date: July 29, 2011 01:19PM

Last night, I arrived home to my apartment in Dulles Greene to find police on Innovation Avenue from 28 to each gate (3) to Sterling/ Old Ox Rd, and inside the complex in a couple places.

This is the general account (taken from a post over in FfxUnderground Articles):

An approximately 30 year old black male wearing a mask and carrying a gun broke into a apartment with four people inside. A woman with a small boy and two young men were home, He tied one guy up and assaulted the woman and other young man. He then waited for more people to come home before forcing eveyone to the car (about five people in all). He forced one guy into the trunk and demanded money from ATM's. He then drove around and let a few hostages out one by one. The guy in the trunk stayed in until the car stopped moving and heard no noise and finally climbed out to find no one in site. He then jumped into the drivers seat and began searching for the rest of his family.This all happened around 10:30.


I called WJLA/ Channel 8 news because I wanted to know what happened, and if this man was apprehanded. To my knowledge, he was not apprehended. It's a little disconcerting because he was masked, armed, and roaming our community, doing who knows what, hiding who knows where. People walk their dogs and children around until pretty late at night - and no one really knew what was going on. Most residents probably still don't know.

Last year, another home was broken into by a woman's ex-husband from whom she was in hiding for 18 months. He found her and her boyfriend, and tried to murder the boyfriend, after shattering the glass out of the patio door and (obviously unlawfully) enetering the residence. This happened at 5am, last August. It was not reported on the news at all.

Why do some things make it on t he news and some don't?

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: V ()
Date: July 29, 2011 01:39PM

Here's an idea: don't rely on the news for shit. Prepare yourself (and family and home) and take responsibility for your personal protection.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: K ()
Date: July 29, 2011 01:41PM

V - Thanks for the input, but I can do without the condescention. Owning and handling firearms is no small task. They are expensive, and so is learning how to use them, and feel comfortable with them. We're working on it, but it's going to take some time.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: V ()
Date: July 29, 2011 01:45PM

My apologies, K. You're correct on all fronts. Certainly don't neglect knowledge of local firearm-related legalities, either. Note also that I made no mention of firearms - preparedness and awareness come in all forms, and begin in the mind.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: K ()
Date: July 29, 2011 01:56PM


I just wish that there were a way to publicize it - so that's what I am doing here. Because you're right about awareness - and despite all the negative sides of the media, I feel this kind of thing is exactly what it should be used for - to make our community aware.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: July 29, 2011 02:00PM

Shut. The Fuck. Up.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: K ()
Date: July 29, 2011 02:03PM

Hey Gonads. :) Having a bad day?

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: Les ()
Date: July 29, 2011 02:23PM

It looks like he dropped off the victims near the CIT or on Rock Hill Road in Herndon/Sterling. The abduction occurred at the swanky San Moritz Circle complex in Herndon. San Moritz is often associated with the jet set and rich gamblers.


Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: K ()
Date: July 29, 2011 02:31PM

You are awesome for finding that article. Thank you!

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: Les ()
Date: July 29, 2011 02:35PM

WJLA screwed up. Other articles describe San Moritz Circle as located within Dulles Greene Apartments complex on Innovation Avenue. The victims were driven around and dropped off within walking distance of their home. There's only one office complex on Innovation Avenue, and that is the CIT building which is nearly empty most of the time and probably completely empty that time of night.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: McGruff ()
Date: July 29, 2011 02:54PM

Family Abducted and Robbed in Herndon area

Fairfax County Police Department
Public Information Office
4100 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Va. 22030
703-246-2253. TTY 703-204-2264. Fax 703-246-4253
News Release:11/210/4161/LHC/(5)
July 29, 2011

Family Abducted and Robbed in Herndon area

Reston Police District - Police are investigating a report of a family that was abducted from their apartment, robbed, and left in a remote area of Fairfax County on Thursday, July 28.

A masked man entered an apartment in the San Moritz Circle complex through an unlocked door around 9:30 p.m. He implied that he had a gun, and ordered the residents; a woman, her teen aged son and toddler, into a back room where he tied up the teen. Minutes later, a family friend entered the home and was assaulted by the suspect when he did not immediately comply with orders to get to the ground. The man sustained non-life threatening cuts with a sharp object. The father then entered the home and he too was assaulted by the suspect.

According to police, everyone was ushered out to the family sedan and the suspect ordered the driver to a nearby ATM machine. After withdrawing money, the suspect ordered the father into the trunk of the vehicle and the friend continued to drive. He eventually parked in a secluded business park area off of Innovation Drive. The victims were released except for the father. They ran away and flagged down a passer-by who called police. Once the father realized the suspect was gone, he was able to escape the trunk and found police who had responded to the area.

The suspect is described as black, in his 30s, around 5 feet 9 inches tall and lean. He wore a dark hat, a dark, baggy sweat suit, black athletic shoes and dark cloth gloves.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Solvers by phone at 1-866-411-TIPS/8477, e-mail at www.fairfaxcrimesolvers.org or text “TIP187” plus your message to CRIMES/274637 or call Fairfax County Police at 703-691-2131.


To request this information in an alternate format, call the Public Information Office at 703.246.2253. TTY 703-204-2264

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: Cal ()
Date: July 29, 2011 06:30PM

No, owning a firearm isn't expensive,and learning how to use it isn't expensive either. Why put a price tag on safety? I use to live at Dulles Greene and I wish it was my home this jackass broke in to.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: lawyers,guns and money ()
Date: July 29, 2011 06:47PM

I do live at dulles greene and was wondering what the fuck was going on lastnight. you don't expect this shit to go down here but it just happened. I expected a note from management giving a heads up on this , but i guess not.

I would recommend everyone to have a firearm. If your scared of the gun than take a few safety classes, fire the gun, and get use to it.
i'll bet the family that was just jacked are going to the dulles expo gun show this weekend.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: Masix ()
Date: July 29, 2011 06:52PM

They only make it to the news, if white,blonde pretty girls are missing..

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: lawyers,guns and money ()
Date: July 29, 2011 07:03PM


Thank you for posting the article. thank you

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: July 29, 2011 07:06PM

I used to chill at those apartments all the time, and some pretty cool folks lived over there. The only issues we had were with the predatory tow truck drivers. It's really random, though, they're located back in the middle of the woods, with nothing else around.

Too bad the old police station nearby was abandoned years ago.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/29/2011 07:08PM by ThePackLeader.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: Dulles green ()
Date: July 29, 2011 07:23PM

No chance this was random, I mean a lone criminal targeting a random home in a gated community. Waterboard the victims until they come clean. What's race of victim? That might help clear this up.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: I agree ()
Date: July 30, 2011 11:29AM

How did the robber even know this family had money?

Did the robber get away with anything else from inside the house?

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: Toby's Master ()
Date: July 30, 2011 01:31PM

This is why we need police profile more, hate it...mabey....would it make Fairfax safer...YES.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: Dulles Greene resident ()
Date: August 01, 2011 01:23PM

I am a resident of dulles greene and i would hope they would have a suspect sometime soon. there are only 3 exits out of dulles greene via car and each exit has a video camera pointed at it. the police just need to look at the tape for any cars that were leaving around 1030pm thursday. there's not typically a lot of traffic, especially out of the complex, that late at night. nonetheless, it's scary, especially for those of us who walk dogs late at night and dont think to lock the door when we're only going to be outside for 1-2 minutes.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: 6X ()
Date: August 01, 2011 01:29PM

Not much of a mask.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: maddawg ()
Date: August 01, 2011 05:39PM

I used to live there.

Does a girl named Nguy (pronounced Newie) still work in the office?

That chick was one annoying bitch.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: McGruff ()
Date: August 05, 2011 02:28PM

Update: Police Release Video Related to Abduction of Herndon-Area Family
Police are seeking the public's help in finding the man who robbed and abducted a Herndon-area family
By Leslie Perales

Fairfax County detectives released a video of a man seen walking in the area near where a Herndon family was robbed and abducted on July 28.

They believe the man may have important information related to the case and would like him or anyone who recognizes him to contact the police. The video can be viewed on YouTube.

Update, Aug. 1:

Fairfax County Police have released a sketch of the suspect in the abduction/robbery from Thursday, July 28.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Solvers anonymously at 1-866-411-8477, or Fairfax County Police at 703-691-2131.

Original Story

A family in the Herndon area was abducted from their apartment, robbed and left in a remote area of the county on Thursday, July 28.

Police say a man in a mask entered the family’s apartment on San Moritz Circle in the Dulles Greene apartment complex off of Rock Hill Road at about 9:30 p.m. through an unlocked door. The man implied that he had a gun and ordered the residents, a woman, a teenaged son and toddler, into a back room where he tied up the teen.

Shortly after that a family friend entered the home and was assaulted by the suspect when he didn’t comply with orders to get on the ground. The man sustained non-life threatening cuts. A few minutes later the father entered the home and was also assaulted by the suspect.

According to police, the family and family friend were ushered out to their vehicle and the suspect ordered them to drive to a nearby ATM and withdraw money. He then ordered the father into the truck of the car and the family friend continued to drive.

They eventually parked in a secluded business park off Innovation Drive where all the victims were released except for the father. They ran to flag by a passing car who called police. Once the father realized the suspect had left he escaped from the trunk and found police who had responded to the call were there.

The suspect is described as black, in his 30s, about 5-feet 9-inches tall and lean. He wore a dark hat, a dark, baggy sweat suit, black athletic shoes and dark cloth gloves.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Solvers anonymously at 1-866-411-8477, or Fairfax County Police at 703-691-2131.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: Searching for Intelligent Life ()
Date: August 05, 2011 04:09PM

I love how he simply walked into the gated community. Nice security they have there. NOT!!!

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: @>@ ()
Date: August 05, 2011 04:44PM

That guy looks like the one that hangs out over at the K-Mart in Herndon sometimes.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: August 05, 2011 04:56PM

so how you gonna tell me some dude just broke into a gated community and just RANDOMLY picked this family to terrorize?

Somebody knows something, y'know?

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: Searching for Intelligent Life ()
Date: August 05, 2011 04:57PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> so how you gonna tell me some dude just broke into
> a gated community and just RANDOMLY picked this
> family to terrorize?
> Somebody knows something, y'know?

Oh absolutely. This sooooo not random!

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: don't know ()
Date: August 05, 2011 06:29PM

first off, all you have to do is walk thru after a car opens the gate or OPEN, yes OPEN, the gate. I live here and i can tell you it does seem nuts that it happened between 9:30-10:30. plenty of people are out. It does make you think it was a friend or family of someone who lived or lives here.
Then again, It could have been random.

Re: Invasion/ Abduction in Herdon on 7-28-11
Posted by: Gated=bullshit security ()
Date: August 05, 2011 06:41PM

A real gated community has guards.

I call this the BS gate.

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