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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Unreal ()
Date: May 25, 2011 01:50PM

Who printed the school schedule? Wrote:
> Not smart!

Blame the school its on their webpage.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: To print it here is wrong ()
Date: May 25, 2011 01:53PM


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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Unreal ()
Date: May 25, 2011 01:58PM

To print it here is wrong Wrote:
> OK!

Maybe its a way to get more publicity and some sort of public support out there on the final day(s)?

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Roc is clueless ()
Date: May 25, 2011 02:01PM

He is from Poland.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Please ()
Date: May 25, 2011 02:02PM

We would like to close CES in peace.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Roc ()
Date: May 25, 2011 02:09PM

Roc is clueless Wrote:
> He is from Poland.

Wake up and smell the coffee. Build new versus renovate can be a complex and difficult decision process when there is a significant cost differential. Build new provides a facility with more modern and efficient electrical, HVAC, plumbing, and telecommunications backbone, something that cannot be equaled with renovation. Plus, build new provides a much longer useful life expectancy than renovation. Build new typically produces a facility with a 25 year expectancy before renovation. Renovation provides 10 years or less.

When the costs are roughly equal, it quickly becomes a no-brainer. Of course, that assumes that you are a facilities management professional and not a politician. The School Board got it right, esp. if you take into account the declining enrollment in Clifton.

Welcome to the 21st Century, Clifton, where the neighborhood school is no longer affordable.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: May 25, 2011 02:10PM

OK Roc, you've now repeated two of your previous posts almost word-for-word. It doesn't become true the more you say it.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Roc ()
Date: May 25, 2011 03:11PM

Ut videam,

Yet you still fail to grasp the concept. All the more reason to close public schools that produce such inferior minds.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: herewegoagain ()
Date: May 25, 2011 03:27PM


What concept? The only thing you've demonstrated so far is that you're a puppet.

You can't even read a post and comprehend its contents correctly.

Please do us all a favor and crawl back under the "Roc" from which you came.

Otherwise, come up with some factual information to support your claims instead of parroting the nonsense purported by the FCSB.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Roc ()
Date: May 25, 2011 03:30PM


Its quite evident that you lack the basic skills needed to grasp the simplist of concepts. Its simple math and a no brainer. Only someone of your insufficient capacity would defend the closing of a school where the water is tainted and the repair costs are nearly astronomical. Furthermore, your defense of your position (although passionate) is misplaced.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: We don't care about your math ()
Date: May 25, 2011 03:39PM

We care about our kids, values and our community.

We will always be a great small town even if you take away our school.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: May 25, 2011 03:42PM


Your repetition of "facts" that have been proven false demonstrates the inferiority of your mind.

  • "water is tainted" - PROVEN FALSE
  • "declining enrollment" - PROVEN FALSE
  • "repair costs are nearly astronomical" - PROVEN FALSE

Care to keep going?

Incidentally, I have no dog in this fight. I don't live in Clifton, and don't have any kids yet. But the longer I live here, the more I become convinced that the Fairfax County government is out of control. The CES controversy is just another example.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: herewegoagain ()
Date: May 25, 2011 03:50PM


With all due respect, you still don't know what you're talking about and quite frankly I bored with you. You're one of those people that will argue just for the sake of argument without adding anything of value to the debate.

You can continue to believe closing this school was the right thing to do and continue to parrot what the FCSB tells you. It's clear that you're quite content to live your life in blissful ignorance. Good for you. Wish I could be blissfully ignorant again. My life would certainly be much less stressful if I just fell in line with the rest of the sheep.

I would advise that you watch your step. Blindly following the sheep that closely, you're bound to step in shit sooner or later.

Best of luck to you. Hope you find some common sense along your journey through the patties.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Roc ()
Date: May 25, 2011 04:02PM

Well then I guess we will have to agree to disagree for now.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: dell ave ()
Date: May 25, 2011 04:36PM

This is a small victory for our county children. I wonder if we can talgate in the parking lot as we celebrate the end of this elitist school.
Now we can work on getting the poor black kids out of TC williams and into the mainstream educational system. TCW needs to be taken over by FCPS and intergrated.


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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 25, 2011 04:45PM

even if you hate Clifton (or the idea of what Clifton is in yr mind), realize that kids that DONT live there are gonna be affected by it

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: herewegoagain ()
Date: May 25, 2011 04:47PM

Hey, dell ave. Although I think you're an idiot and suspect that you don't really live on Dell Ave. or even in Clifton for that matter, thanks for proving my point that School Boards need to focus on what is going on INSIDE the building instead of how pretty the building is on the outside. However, why on earth would you want FCPS to take over an Alexandria City Public School? Like FCPS doesn't have enough problems to deal with?

Look at that school! State of the art and still one of the worst in the nation. That's just sad.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Roc ()
Date: May 25, 2011 05:05PM


Why is it that you have the completely wrong opinions on everything. If the sky is blue, then surely you will argue that its red. Its people like you that have contributed to the degradation of the county and its school system. It's no wonder that public servants are under siege and under pressure to come up with solutions for such low quality citizenry.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: herewegoagain ()
Date: May 25, 2011 05:18PM


Nice try, but I've wasted enough of my time on hopeless causes; such as you.

Move along now. You don't want the rest of the herd to leave you behind.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Roc ()
Date: May 25, 2011 05:20PM


You are just a small fish in an even smaller pond. You have no voice, only a whisper in a windy field.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Zynx ()
Date: May 25, 2011 06:09PM

Funny_Guy Wrote:
> So....Who cares? The school's closing, there's
> nasty water coming from the wells. Sooo what's the
> big deal? I mean seriously people, get a life.

Yup, these people need to get a life. They are also spewing hate at the school board members.

Here is some perspective Clifton loser parents.

Your career is more important than your grad/professional school which is more important than your college which is more important than your high school which is more important than middle school et cetera.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 25, 2011 06:18PM

@Zynx - yeah, how DARE they be concerned about where their kids go to school

such LOSER parents - They should focus more on their career than their kids, right?

And the well water at the school is fine - dont you fucking think the parents of the kids who go to that school would be raising HOLY HELL if the water was seriously bad?

talk about needing to get a life......................sheesh.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Roc ()
Date: May 25, 2011 06:42PM

Yes they kick and scream because an old decrepit school is being closed. The school is in such bad shape that the costs to repair it is cost prohibitive at best. Both the county and the state investigated and found significant health problems from the water issues alone and yet everyone who supports the move to a new school is made the Devil Incarnate.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: May 25, 2011 06:45PM

"Instead of spending $11 million to renovate Clifton, Bradsher and her fellow School Board members want to spend $2.7 million more for "additions and alterations" to schools that are already at capacity so they can shoehorn in 366 Clifton children over their parents' objections. The price tag for the 206 extra seats this plan will create comes out to $66,450 each -- compared with the $29,756 per seat it would cost to renovate CES."

You were saying about fiscal responsibility, Roc? "If not now, when? If not here, where?" One thing is clear: not now, not here.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Roc ()
Date: May 25, 2011 06:53PM

The costs to improve Clifton are in fact much, much higher. The level of neglect for that school and property is far more worse than has been reported. Most of the work being underneath the structure and its pipes, etc. So you can imagine the cost for the repairs of say, the water systems, etc. Add to those the collaterial costs, including school closure time, repair/replacement of the outdated A/C and heating units/systems, plus the contracts for those companies that will be maintaining those systems exceed well over those conservative estimates.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: May 25, 2011 06:55PM

"exceed well over those conservative estimates"? Where the fuck did you learn to write, Roc? FCPS?

Not quite so easy when you can't just cut and paste, is it?

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 25, 2011 06:55PM

all I know is that there are trailers at Fairview now for kids next year - nice that to punish the ppl of Clifton, yr gonna make others suffer too. Staff at Oakview are worried they are gonna be stuff to the gills as well.

@ Roc - have you even ever BEEN to the school? What there is in such bad shape that couldnt have just been fixed instead of shipping kids out miles away from where they go to school now? Cause Oakview and Fairview are like 5 to 8 miles away from Clifton Elem.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 25, 2011 06:56PM

which is exactly where we want kids and more school buses during morning rush hour.................on 123

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 25, 2011 06:56PM

and crossing the Parkway @ Popes Head :(

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: May 25, 2011 06:56PM

Gordo, buddy, I think it's best to ignore Roc. S/h/it's turning out to be nothing more than a mindless troll.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 25, 2011 07:04PM

i guess.................it's just really scary to think ppl are all so anti-Clifton that they are seriously going after the kids like this. Just incredible.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Roc ()
Date: May 25, 2011 07:39PM

Well enjoy your sediment filled water then. I'm just glad my family and I don't live there; not so sure that my colon can take it.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Roc ()
Date: May 25, 2011 08:32PM

Please go away.

Nobody finds you funny.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: mmoore ()
Date: May 25, 2011 08:53PM

Looks like the community outreach dept for FCPS has kicked off their campaign in allignment with SB incumbents. The Washington Post and now cornering this blog with people named ROC, etc...

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Clifton Water To: Roc ()
Date: May 25, 2011 08:59PM

You don't need to worry about your water just double wide being swept away to the land of Oz by a twister.

PS We don't call it Clifton Springs for nothing.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Skeptical ()
Date: May 25, 2011 09:24PM

Roc Wrote:
> Brian,
> Community attachment is all well and good.
> However, what the good people of Clifton are
> asking the rest of us Fairfax County taxpayers to
> do is to pay a premium to renovate a school with
> dwindling enrollment instead of building a new
> school more centrally located for the maximum
> number of county residents. That is just plain
> selfish.
> I will state this as delicately as I can. The
> parents of Clifton would rather send their
> children to a school with contaminated water and,
> mostly likely, asbestos issues than send them to a
> brand new school outside of Clifton. Is it
> possible that the motivation is no so much
> attachment to Clifton Elementary but a desire to
> keep their kids inside their exclusive and insular
> community where they don’t have to associate
> with the children of “those other kinds of
> people?”
> Liz did not abandon her constituents if she was
> voting for the overall best interests of Fairfax
> County taxpayers, esp. those who live in her
> district but not in Clifton. Those are the ones
> who will benefit most from her vote with a new
> elementary school.

This is such BS. Liz is a proven idiot whom neither the Democrats nor Republicans plan to endorse, so you should give it a rest.

And, of course, the parents in Clifton aren't getting a new elementary school, but instead will have their kids redistributed to three existing schools. There's a difference between a trailer and a new school.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 25, 2011 09:32PM

@ Skeptical

awwww, c'mon! What wrong with using the same sorta facility FCPS uses for STORAGE for childhood learning? (sarcasm included)


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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Roc ()
Date: May 25, 2011 09:44PM

I wasn't trying to be funny. But now I must go, a wonderful steak dinner with an expensive Perrier-Jouet Champagne & a lovely companion waiting for me. As for Clifton, I'm sorry we didn't agree but I do wish you the best you and your families.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: May 25, 2011 09:47PM

Hope you choke on it, Roc. It'll serve you right for pairing steak with champagne. Dumbass.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Legal Eagle ()
Date: May 25, 2011 09:49PM

Ut videam Wrote:
> Hope you choke on it, Roc. It'll serve you right
> for pairing steak with champagne. Dumbass.

Champagne is good with steak. It's better with shrimp though.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Funny_Guy ()
Date: May 25, 2011 10:00PM

Champagne and Steak actually don't go too well together, but for $6k plus a bottle it better go good with anything.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 25, 2011 10:14PM

geez, everybody knows red wine with steak - champagne is for seafood, chicken, or with dessert.....................or if yr just doing a cheese & cracker light menu dealie.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: mmoore ()
Date: May 25, 2011 10:20PM

I know... why don't we send the Clifton kids to "staff" at Gateway? They can just catch rides with the county staff (since transportation is provided and paid for by the taxpayer either way)? The kids can even go to the bathroom indoors, have garage parking, and a plethora of overpaid staff who think they know what is best for them :)

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Roc sucks ()
Date: May 26, 2011 09:52AM

Since he wears dentures it makes it even better.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Roc ()
Date: May 26, 2011 04:54PM

Well tonight I will be dining on Lobster as part of a 5-course meal with an excellent Goisot Saint-Bris Fié Gris “Corps de Garde Gourmand". So again I extend my wishes that you enjoy your meal tonight. What will that be? A Happy Meal from the local McDonald's or has your mother given you permission to try something fancier? Say, Wendy's?

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 26, 2011 10:50PM

somehow, I'm pretty sure Roc's real life "french" meal is actually closer to this...............LoLz

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2011 10:51PM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Charlton Heston ()
Date: May 27, 2011 05:00AM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> somehow, I'm pretty sure Roc's real life "french"
> meal is actually closer to this...............LoLz

Lean Cuisine is..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: catch up ()
Date: May 27, 2011 07:41AM

Where have you been? Have you read any of the FOIA emails from Liz and her buddies? She is an elected official who lied repeatedly to her constituants, telling the people of Clifton how to save thier school out of one side of her mouth, while working behind the scenes to get support to close the school.

If she had been truthful from the start, and felt any remorse about closing the school, we would have more respect for her. But, evey quote out of her mouth is about how much she has suffered.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 27, 2011 09:37AM

@Charlton - then I'm DEFINATELY not interesting in knowing where they got the "Meatballs"


@catch up - oh, we all know this by now..........she so reminds me of John Candy's character in Evan Almighty, that crooked senator, y'know?

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Clifton History ()
Date: May 27, 2011 12:04PM

With all that has been said and done, I thought this article might help to put things in perspective......

History of Clifton Elementary, Past & Present

Clifton, Virginia, like most of Fairfax County is rich in history. However, unlike most of Fairfax County, Clifton has managed to maintain and preserve that historical feeling to this day. The Town of Clifton remains a small, rural community compared to the more developed areas of Fairfax County. As a more rural area, many of Clifton's residents have come to depend on Clifton Elementary as the center of the wider Clifton Area Community. It is the place where families meet, a gathering spot for local organizations, and is vital to the livelihood of the Town's small businesses. There has been a school located in Clifton, uniting this more rural community since 1869.

The following excerpt was taken from the book "Clifton" of the "Images of America" series published by Arcadia Publishing in 2009. "Clifton" was written by local resident, Lynne Garvey Hodge, owner of the Canary Cottage Bed and Breakfast, on Main Street in Clifton.

Today, Clifton Elementary still serves nearly 400 students from the Clifton Area Community. The students at Clifton Elementary continue to thrive, as evidenced by the 2009 Governor's Award for Educational Excellence presented to the school during the 2008-2009 school year. Clifton students not only excel in their education, but also contribute to the surrounding communities through various outreach programs supported by the school.

Each year the school's students regularly participate in a number of events to help raise money and awareness of those in need throughout the greater DC Metropolitan area. Such programs include the Fannie Mae Walk for Homeless, the American Heart Association's Jump Rope for Heart and the Student Council Food Drive.

During the 2007-2008 school year, Clifton Elementary participated in a "Buddy School Program", with Crestwood Elementary in Springfield, VA. Clifton Elementary ran a book drive in the fall, delivering over 1200 gently used books to students at Crestwood Elementary. In the spring, Clifton Elementary families donated boxes of school supplies and clothing that were desperately needed by students at Crestwood Elementary.

During the 2008-2009 school year, Clifton Elementary entered into a Community Partnership with Shelter House Inc., to help support the Kate Hanley Shelter, in Fairfax, VA. Each of the fifteen classrooms at Clifton Elementary assembled a complete “Kitchen in a Box” and donated these supplies to the Kate Hanley Shelter where they were given to families moving into permanent housing. In addition to the "Kitchen in a Box" program, the Student Council of Clifton Elementary ran a Snack Drive to benefit the children and families living at the Kate Hanley shelter.

Also during the 2008-2009 school year, the students at Clifton participated in the Pennies for Patients program run by a local chapter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. For three weeks in April 2009, students collected loose change and brought it to school to donate to the cause. The total amount raised : $3316.06

In addition to the programs described above, each month one class from Clifton Elementary makes and donates sandwiches to a local homeless shelter. The students enjoy this opportunity to "compete" with each other throughout the year to see which class can make the most sandwiches. On average, Clifton Elementary donates 5500 sandwiches each school year to the The LAMB Center in Fairfax, VA.

Outside of school hours, Clifton Elementary students and families continue to support their community. Many youth groups which foster the development and growth of children into community leaders draw their membership from the Clifton Elementary School attendance area. The Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts programs based at Clifton Elementary both have the highest participation rates of any school in their respective Metropolitan Washington Council areas. These programs include several members from the wider community who attend private schools, participate in homeschool programs, or who attend other public schools in the area which do not provide such service programs for their communities. In 2009, nearly 30% of the boys and over 60% of the girls who are students at Clifton Elementary participated in scouting programs.

Clifton Elementary is not only a vital part of the Clifton Community because it educates our children. The school's Mission Statement explains: "Clifton Elementary empowers the school community to collaborate as scholars, mentors, and responsible citizens who foster creative learning, innovative thinking, and positive contributions to society." Clifton students, faculty, and parents strive to live up to this Mission Statement every day.

History of Clifton Elementary, Past & Present

"The first Clifton school was in the home of Margaret and Susan Reviere Hetzel in 1869. After 1871, a one-room schoolhouse was built on the Castle Branch Road (Newman Road); however, the trek across the flood plain and railroad tracks made it difficult for children to attend. The Crouch family then provided classes in nearby Union Mill, operating from 1874 to 1930, at which point children attended Ivakota Farm's school. By 1890, the one-room schoolhouse became too small for all the Clifton students, and a two-story elementary and high school was built on Main Street across from where a new high school had been built in 1895. The combined school became home to two of Clifton's future mayor's, W. Swen Elgin and Jim Chelsey. The high school boasted an impressive, beautiful bell tower, spacious rooms, blackboards, and raised teacher platforms. In 1912, it was given to the Odd Fellows organization for their meetings. In spite of Clifton's fine academic offerings, some area parents were not diligent in encouraging their boys to attend class, and the February 18, 1910, Fairfax Herald noted lack of attendance in school was causing missed opportunities: 'The mill can not grind with the water that is past.' An appropriate statement, as Clifton had several thriving lumber and gristmills on Popes Head Creek. A new school was built high atop a hill above Clifton in 1912, with a 100-person capacity auditorium, a library, and six classrooms. One hundred forty students attended when it opened with the last Clifton High School graduation on June 6, 1935. Clifton high school students later attended Fairfax and eventually Robinson High Schools. In 1953, the 1912 school was razed and a new, modern elementary school was built, which still serves the Clifton elementary schoolchildren and the voting poll."
This banner hangs over the front door of Clifton Elementary.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Disgusted Dan ()
Date: May 27, 2011 12:17PM

What a bunch of whining assholes. I hopped around from school to school my who childhood because my alcoholic dad couldn't keep a job. You know what I discovered? The quality of the school doesn't matter. What matters is your willingness to show up on time, not act like a little fuckhead, make half an effort to learn the crap they want you to, and spend your real effort on something you love. I went to the worst schools-ones nobody ever claimed to "love"-and got average grades. Now I make a hundred and fifty grand and my wife makes about the same. Yeah, I know, plenty of people make more, but it's a pretty fair income.
You people want to pretend that your kids' successes will be because you picked a house based on "the best schools" or your kids' failures will be because the school board somehow betrayed you, fine. But you're lying to yourself. Your kids' successes and failures will be because of who they are and the choices they make. But one thing is sure... If you teach them to always piss and moan when they don't get their way, their failures will outweigh their successes, so you better set their little asses up with some trust funds.
Entitlement-minded shitheads.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Clifton Parents ()
Date: May 27, 2011 12:31PM

Disgusted Dan Wrote:
> What a bunch of whining assholes. I hopped around
> from school to school my who childhood because my
> alcoholic dad couldn't keep a job. You know what I
> discovered? The quality of the school doesn't
> matter. What matters is your willingness to show
> up on time, not act like a little fuckhead, make
> half an effort to learn the crap they want you to,
> and spend your real effort on something you love.
> I went to the worst schools-ones nobody ever
> claimed to "love"-and got average grades. Now I
> make a hundred and fifty grand and my wife makes
> about the same. Yeah, I know, plenty of people
> make more, but it's a pretty fair income.
> You people want to pretend that your kids'
> successes will be because you picked a house based
> on "the best schools" or your kids' failures will
> be because the school board somehow betrayed you,
> fine. But you're lying to yourself. Your kids'
> successes and failures will be because of who they
> are and the choices they make. But one thing is
> sure... If you teach them to always piss and moan
> when they don't get their way, their failures will
> outweigh their successes, so you better set their
> little asses up with some trust funds.
> Entitlement-minded shitheads.

Excuse me but the issue was with the whole controversy in closing the school. The facts from the study contradict what the board said.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Close Edison ()
Date: May 27, 2011 12:32PM

and open a New Clifton Elementary School.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: not Kilton ()
Date: May 27, 2011 12:59PM

Why are you mad at CES? Wrote:
> We are a nice community. Our kids have done
> nothing wrong.
> We just wanted our local school kept open.
> We are ready to move on but I think others outside
> of Clifton are not.

When your community stops wasting the county tax dollars with frivolous litigation and bull crap FOIA requests our anger will subside.

The attitudes, smears, and lies that have spewed from Clifton residents over this is a shame.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: not Kilton ()
Date: May 27, 2011 01:03PM

And we've been through all this already. The school isn't up to code, the repairs are prohibitive, access on the hill is limited and the water is bad. Noticed no one turned down that bottled water until the school closing came up.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Leave Clifton alone ()
Date: May 27, 2011 01:14PM

Enough already.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Mother of 2 ()
Date: May 27, 2011 01:15PM

I am always amazed by people who think that because they didn't or don't have an ideal school situation, no one else should. It frankly disgusts me. "My education was crappy so your expectations should be lower." For real? Is it not natural for parents to want and fight for what's best for their kids and the children of their community? Just because my kids - who mean more to me than anything in this world - have been displaced from CES to a lesser school 3 times its size and 4 times as far from our home, does not mean that I would not support another community in preventing the same situation. All FCPS seems to be thinking about is the cheapest and EASIEST solution to getting our kids educated. But they should be looking at the BEST way to educate our kids. There are a lot of factors causing hardship for our schools. They including the huge pensions that we pay out to retired teachers and the existing teachers' contract, a possible lack of funding (who actually knows how much $ FCPS has and has access to? It's impossible to figure out), to politics getting in the way of smart decision making, to people choosing easy solutions over more complex but better solutions. There is nothing wrong with asking for more - more effort and more money, better leadership for our schools. Parents are supposed to fight for what's best for their kids. That's not whining. It's instinctual and vital.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: It takes money ()
Date: May 27, 2011 01:21PM

Mother of 2 Wrote:
> solution to getting our kids educated. But they
> should be looking at the BEST way to educate our
> kids. There are a lot of factors causing hardship

You volunteering to pay more taxes? FCPS teachers have gone three years without pay raises. With inflation, that means they are losing money. You want "BEST"? Pony the fuck up.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Why don't you blame Liz? ()
Date: May 27, 2011 01:33PM

She started this mess. Ask her for some money.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Mother of 2 ()
Date: May 27, 2011 01:37PM

I pony up all the time. My taxes are huge and I would pay more taxes if that's what it takes to keep our schools top notch. But I won't throw bad money after good. Teachers haven't received raises in the last 3 years, but neither have I, neither has my husband, nor have most of the people we know. In fact, I have well-educated friends without jobs. We're in a recession, and people don't get raises in a recession, they keep their jobs and are thankful. Are you saying your need for a raise trumps the overcrowding issues?

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: To mother of two ()
Date: May 27, 2011 01:40PM

You are so right.

The trolls on here will never like Clifton since they live in double wides.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: It takes money ()
Date: May 27, 2011 01:48PM

Mother of 2 Wrote:
> their jobs and are thankful. Are you saying your
> need for a raise trumps the overcrowding issues?

I didn't say I haven't gotten a raise, I said FCPS teachers haven't. I've been getting bumped at least 4% a year for the last decade.

And your argument is crap, because what is already starting to happen is the good teachers are bailing from FCPS and heading to other school systems, and we're going to be left with the crummy teachers who know they suck and are afraid to leave a job they know nobody else wants because the pay is lagging.

Aren't you the one who said "I am always amazed by people who think that because they didn't or don't have an ideal school situation, no one else should."?

Let's give that a minor edit...

I am always amazed by people who think that because they didn't or don't have an ideal employment situation, no one else should.

Hypocrite much?

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Yikes ()
Date: May 27, 2011 02:06PM

Somebody needs to simmer down and have a glass of wine.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: FOIA Proponent ()
Date: May 27, 2011 02:21PM

Or people could be honest and forthcoming and there would not be a need for litigation. This is like a drunk blaming the police for having to hire a lawyer for his DUI hearing.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 27, 2011 02:26PM

not Kilton Wrote:
> And we've been through all this already. The
> school isn't up to code, the repairs are
> prohibitive, access on the hill is limited and the
> water is bad. Noticed no one turned down that
> bottled water until the school closing came up.


so ok, please riddle me this, Batman...........if the schools so dangerous as "they" say it is, and the water as bad as "they" say it is (notice nobody has proven shit about any of this?) then why do you believe that Clfitonites are so willing to put their children IN HARMS WAY like that?

Do you really, seriously believe that ppl who live in Clifton want to harm their children, put them in danger? Give them tainted water?

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: gowrath ()
Date: May 27, 2011 04:46PM

"Entitlement-minded shitheads" says Disgusted Dan. So, another moron crawls out from under the "Roc." Listen stupid, arguing with nitwits without being paid for my trouble goes against my principles, but I'll say this so that even a schmuck like you can understand ... why the hell should I pay sky-high taxes to provide a community school for everyone else's kids, including yours, while my own kids are deprived of their community school? How is it an "entitlement" to demand the same treatment as every other community in the county? Asshole.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: not Kilton ()
Date: May 27, 2011 05:08PM

Mother of 2 Wrote:
> I am always amazed by people who think that
> because they didn't or don't have an ideal school
> situation, no one else should. It frankly
> disgusts me. "My education was crappy so your
> expectations should be lower." For real? Is it
> not natural for parents to want and fight for
> what's best for their kids and the children of
> their community? Just because my kids - who mean
> more to me than anything in this world - have been
> displaced from CES to a lesser school 3 times its
> size and 4 times as far from our home, does not
> mean that I would not support another community in
> preventing the same situation. All FCPS seems to
> be thinking about is the cheapest and EASIEST
> solution to getting our kids educated. But they
> should be looking at the BEST way to educate our
> kids. There are a lot of factors causing hardship
> for our schools. They including the huge pensions
> that we pay out to retired teachers and the
> existing teachers' contract, a possible lack of
> funding (who actually knows how much $ FCPS has
> and has access to? It's impossible to figure
> out), to politics getting in the way of smart
> decision making, to people choosing easy solutions
> over more complex but better solutions. There is
> nothing wrong with asking for more - more effort
> and more money, better leadership for our schools.
> Parents are supposed to fight for what's best
> for their kids. That's not whining. It's
> instinctual and vital.

Send your kids to a private school if you're not happy with FCPS.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: not Kilton ()
Date: May 27, 2011 05:10PM

FOIA Proponent Wrote:
> Or people could be honest and forthcoming and
> there would not be a need for litigation. This is
> like a drunk blaming the police for having to hire
> a lawyer for his DUI hearing.

Your FOIA requests have produced nothing.

When is the closing party, we'll come to watch the crying.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Fairview Parent ()
Date: May 27, 2011 05:13PM

Mother of 2 Wrote:
> I am always amazed by people who think that
> because they didn't or don't have an ideal school
> situation, no one else should. It frankly
> disgusts me. "My education was crappy so your
> expectations should be lower." For real? Is it
> not natural for parents to want and fight for
> what's best for their kids and the children of
> their community? Just because my kids - who mean
> more to me than anything in this world - have been
> displaced from CES to a lesser school 3 times its
> size and 4 times as far from our home, does not
> mean that I would not support another community in
> preventing the same situation. All FCPS seems to
> be thinking about is the cheapest and EASIEST
> solution to getting our kids educated. But they
> should be looking at the BEST way to educate our
> kids. There are a lot of factors causing hardship
> for our schools. They including the huge pensions
> that we pay out to retired teachers and the
> existing teachers' contract, a possible lack of
> funding (who actually knows how much $ FCPS has
> and has access to? It's impossible to figure
> out), to politics getting in the way of smart
> decision making, to people choosing easy solutions
> over more complex but better solutions. There is
> nothing wrong with asking for more - more effort
> and more money, better leadership for our schools.
> Parents are supposed to fight for what's best
> for their kids. That's not whining. It's
> instinctual and vital.

"lesser school?"

Not a very nice thing to say about Fairview, Oak View or Union Mill.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Clifton Politics ()
Date: May 27, 2011 05:26PM

This was a statement made last year from Gov. Bob McDonnell:

"There is a need for us to take lots of different approaches," said Nitz.
Gov. Bob McDonnell (R), in particular, has been very supportive of the charter school movement and is interested in making Virginia more friendly to charters, privately-run schools that are allocated public funds and don’t charge tuition.
According to Nitz, McDonnell would be interested in seeing a charter open in Fairfax County as well as other parts of the commonwealth.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Lesser schools ()
Date: May 27, 2011 06:01PM

I would say schools that are packed and have trailers are "lesser" schools.

I am positive the parents of the other three schools wished Clifton had stayed open too.

My son is in SYA sports with the other kids from the "lesser schools" and you can't tell the kids apart.

It is not the kids or the schools themselves but that in the end it is not CES.

Now pick me apart.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: dell ave ()
Date: May 27, 2011 07:16PM

Clifton History Wrote:
> With all that has been said and done, I thought
> this article might help to put things in
> perspective......
> History of Clifton Elementary, Past & Present
> http://www.savecliftonelementary.org/Past---Presen
> t.html
> Clifton, Virginia, like most of Fairfax County is
> rich in history. However, unlike most of Fairfax
> County, Clifton has managed to maintain and
> preserve that historical feeling to this day. The
> Town of Clifton remains a small, rural community
> compared to the more developed areas of Fairfax
> County. As a more rural area, many of Clifton's
> residents have come to depend on Clifton
> Elementary as the center of the wider Clifton Area
> Community. It is the place where families meet, a
> gathering spot for local organizations, and is
> vital to the livelihood of the Town's small
> businesses. There has been a school located in
> Clifton, uniting this more rural community since
> 1869.
> The following excerpt was taken from the book
> "Clifton" of the "Images of America" series
> published by Arcadia Publishing in 2009.
> "Clifton" was written by local resident, Lynne
> Garvey Hodge, owner of the Canary Cottage Bed and
> Breakfast, on Main Street in Clifton.
> Today, Clifton Elementary still serves nearly 400
> students from the Clifton Area Community. The
> students at Clifton Elementary continue to thrive,
> as evidenced by the 2009 Governor's Award for
> Educational Excellence presented to the school
> during the 2008-2009 school year. Clifton
> students not only excel in their education, but
> also contribute to the surrounding communities
> through various outreach programs supported by the
> school.
> Each year the school's students regularly
> participate in a number of events to help raise
> money and awareness of those in need throughout
> the greater DC Metropolitan area. Such programs
> include the Fannie Mae Walk for Homeless, the
> American Heart Association's Jump Rope for Heart
> and the Student Council Food Drive.
> During the 2007-2008 school year, Clifton
> Elementary participated in a "Buddy School
> Program", with Crestwood Elementary in
> Springfield, VA. Clifton Elementary ran a book
> drive in the fall, delivering over 1200 gently
> used books to students at Crestwood Elementary.
> In the spring, Clifton Elementary families donated
> boxes of school supplies and clothing that were
> desperately needed by students at Crestwood
> Elementary.
> During the 2008-2009 school year, Clifton
> Elementary entered into a Community Partnership
> with Shelter House Inc., to help support the Kate
> Hanley Shelter, in Fairfax, VA. Each of the
> fifteen classrooms at Clifton Elementary assembled
> a complete “Kitchen in a Box” and donated
> these supplies to the Kate Hanley Shelter where
> they were given to families moving into permanent
> housing. In addition to the "Kitchen in a Box"
> program, the Student Council of Clifton
> Elementary ran a Snack Drive to benefit the
> children and families living at the Kate Hanley
> shelter.
> Also during the 2008-2009 school year, the
> students at Clifton participated in the Pennies
> for Patients program run by a local chapter of the
> Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. For three weeks in
> April 2009, students collected loose change and
> brought it to school to donate to the cause. The
> total amount raised : $3316.06
> In addition to the programs described above, each
> month one class from Clifton Elementary makes and
> donates sandwiches to a local homeless shelter.
> The students enjoy this opportunity to "compete"
> with each other throughout the year to see which
> class can make the most sandwiches. On average,
> Clifton Elementary donates 5500 sandwiches each
> school year to the The LAMB Center in Fairfax, VA.
> Outside of school hours, Clifton Elementary
> students and families continue to support their
> community. Many youth groups which foster the
> development and growth of children into community
> leaders draw their membership from the Clifton
> Elementary School attendance area. The Girl Scouts
> and Cub Scouts programs based at Clifton
> Elementary both have the highest participation
> rates of any school in their respective
> Metropolitan Washington Council areas. These
> programs include several members from the wider
> community who attend private schools, participate
> in homeschool programs, or who attend other public
> schools in the area which do not provide such
> service programs for their communities. In 2009,
> nearly 30% of the boys and over 60% of the girls
> who are students at Clifton Elementary
> participated in scouting programs.
> Clifton Elementary is not only a vital part of the
> Clifton Community because it educates our
> children. The school's Mission Statement
> explains: "Clifton Elementary empowers the school
> community to collaborate as scholars, mentors, and
> responsible citizens who foster creative learning,
> innovative thinking, and positive contributions to
> society." Clifton students, faculty, and
> parents strive to live up to this Mission
> Statement every day.
> History of Clifton Elementary, Past & Present
> "The first Clifton school was in the home of
> Margaret and Susan Reviere Hetzel in 1869. After
> 1871,

Yes its all about Clifton HISTORY!!!!!

I grew up in the town of clifton and attended CES in the 60's. Clifton was a wonderfull place to grow up. Rich folk, poor folk, black folk, white folk all working together and helping each other. The selfish hatefull bitches that now live in the area started to come around in the early 80's.
I will be at the closing party to politely communicate to the worthless selfish punk parents that they are lucky that the cycle of selfishness and hate may have a chance of being broken for their children.
Of course most of them will not care or understand and I feel great sorrow for their children.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 27, 2011 08:04PM

@lesser schools - as a parent of children at one of those 3 schools, I can tell you one thing..................YOU'RE GODDAM RIGHT ABOUT THAT!!!

@ Dell Ave: didja do what I told you to do? If so, you'd have seen a difference by now. And taking yr anger of the parents out on the kids is an unacceptable way to act..............................unless, of course your last name is Bradsher LoLz

@not Kilton - I notice you havent Cowgirled up enough to answer my riddle....................

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: peace lover ()
Date: May 28, 2011 11:37AM

Please Wrote:
> We would like to close CES in peace.

We should call 691-2131 and ask for a couple of cops to be present at the closing. Sounds like some idiots want to get loud and start stuff. Emotions will be running high.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: O Happy Day ()
Date: May 28, 2011 12:34PM

I personally can't wait for Liz Schulz to get elected to the School Board so she can screw over Liz's old neighborhood the way that Liz Bradsher screwed over everyone else she was supposed to serve.

Start off by closing Silverbrook ES, and take it from there.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: bwahaha ()
Date: June 01, 2011 12:17PM

O Happy Day Wrote:
> I personally can't wait for Liz Schulz to get
> elected to the School Board so she can screw over
> Liz's old neighborhood the way that Liz Bradsher
> screwed over everyone else she was supposed to
> serve.

She is about as electable as Palin. But if she does get the post I'll be sure to FOIA her emails and post them here to ridicule.

Understand the BOS is considering the use of CES as low income housing.


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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: CES ()
Date: June 01, 2011 12:23PM

FCPS is looking to use it as a bus depot.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: FCPS Issue ()
Date: June 01, 2011 12:26PM

peace lover Wrote:
> Please Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > We would like to close CES in peace.
> We should call 691-2131 and ask for a couple of
> cops to be present at the closing. Sounds like
> some idiots want to get loud and start stuff.
> Emotions will be running high.

That's probably a good idea.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: FBI will be on it! ()
Date: June 01, 2011 12:30PM


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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: bwahaha ()
Date: June 01, 2011 05:16PM

peace lover Wrote:
> We should call 691-2131 and ask for a couple of
> cops to be present at the closing.

Why, will there be free donuts?

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Skip the party ()
Date: June 01, 2011 05:22PM

We are going to the beach and moving on with life.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: In Your Face ()
Date: June 01, 2011 06:25PM

bwahaha Wrote:
> She is about as electable as Palin. But if she
> does get the post I'll be sure to FOIA her emails
> and post them here to ridicule.
> Understand the BOS is considering the use of CES
> as low income housing.
> Perfect.

Liz Schultz is quite electable, and she has enough sense not to send out damaging e-mails under an fcps.edu e-mail account.

The day Liz Bradsher leaves office will be a day to celebrate. The day she leaves the county will be even better.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: What a Laugh ()
Date: June 01, 2011 06:49PM

If I lived in that community, I'd burn it down on the last day in protest.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: dell ave ()
Date: June 04, 2011 09:45AM

What a Laugh Wrote:
> If I lived in that community, I'd burn it down on
> the last day in protest.

No real need for protest, the closing of CES is a victory for the children. If even one child is able to break the cycle of hate and selfishness that their parents have set them up for it will be well worth it. I beleive that many hundreds of children will be saved. Its great that we as a community are able to help the children despite their clueless parents.
Hopefully we can get along or just agree to disagree at the closing. One of our neighbors is trying to get the Highland school in Warrenton to send a bus to clifton next school year so maybe some parents will be willing to pay the 12 grand a year to continue the miseducation of their poor little ones. I wonder if anyone will take offence to Highland flyers being passed out at the closing party.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: coming sooner or later ()
Date: June 04, 2011 11:14AM

Clifton kids are going to do well no matter where they go. They have educated parents who will do whatever it takes to get them the best. Wouldn't you want to have parents like that?

The thing about Clifton parents is that now they have been dumped on by FCPS and so their feelings about FCPS are not the same as they once were. They can never really look at their tax bills in quite the same way. I think FCPS has created a few more Republican voucher seekers and/or charter school seekers. After they close a few more of these schools and keep taking away honors courses in favor of AP and their emphasis on bean counting, there will be critical mass in this "middle class and care about my kids" group. Watch for political change and flight from public schools (it will take about 10 years, but it will happen). FCPS thinks they can change people with a wave of a wand, but social change doesn't work that way (as Prohibition showed). The middle class will not only be paying more for retirement, but they will be paying for private schools and having higher taxes to support the lower class that is still in public school. It sounds like a recipe for success, doesn't it?

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Too Bad ()
Date: June 04, 2011 05:51PM

I'll bring the tissues

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: June 04, 2011 05:59PM

In Your Face Wrote:
> Liz Schultz is quite electable, and she has enough
> sense not to send out damaging e-mails under an
> fcps.edu e-mail account.

Is she using a Yahoo account like Palin, or is all her dirty business conducted verbally over-the-phone?

“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: loundontown parent ()
Date: June 06, 2011 08:22PM

Wont miss the PARTY!!!!
Will get pics of the local snobs crying and stuff.
pics will be posted on this thread.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: You need a ticket to get in ()
Date: June 06, 2011 08:25PM

Good luck!

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Sad! ()
Date: June 06, 2011 08:29PM

It's sad how the true venomous character of the Clifton residents came out during the past year. Ugly.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: We do have snakes in Clifton. ()
Date: June 06, 2011 08:37PM

Too bad one of the does not bite you Liz. Stay off the underground and stay away from Clifton too.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Voice of the People ()
Date: June 08, 2011 06:54AM

Va. Supreme Ct.: Fairfax Co. can close Clifton school
Tuesday - 6/7/2011, 11:02am ET

CLIFTON, Va. (AP) - The Virginia Supreme Court has upheld a decision by the Fairfax County School Board to close an elementary school.

The court on Friday rejected an appeal from parents of the county's decision to close Clifton Elementary School. The board voted in July to close the school, citing renovation, declining enrollment, safety issues and the poor quality of well water used in the building.

In December, a Fairfax circuit court judge also ruled in favor of the school board's decision.

Clifton Elementary School will close on June 21. Parents of students at the school are advised to check boundary maps for their new school assignments.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: dellave ()
Date: June 10, 2011 05:04AM

We need a big turnout of regular folks at the party. They have invited the community so any county or town resident is welcome. No making fun of the kids though, its not their fault they were born into the pattern of selfishness and hate. We can let the parents know discretely how foul they are.
I guess posting pics of the parents would be too hard on the kids so I wont do that afterall. We all gotta play nice or we are no better than the clifton parents.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Screw Off Lizzies ()
Date: June 10, 2011 07:28AM

Liz and her minions should STFU.

Clifton parents are ready to move on.

Part of that means making sure Bradsher never gets elected to the SB or any other post around here.

Posts on FFXU by Liz and her troll friends won't change that.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 10, 2011 08:30AM

you're learning, DellAve :)

I seriously hope you have fun at the Closing Party

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: wow ()
Date: June 12, 2011 07:15PM

wow. The Clifton parents are foul??!! And you're "Regular people"? Really?!! Clifton parents have selfishness and hate for fighting a school board that misrepresents - on so many levels - and wastes all taxpayers' money? (including yours) And that's only scratching the surface.

Next time, they're coming for you. That's what happens to people who hate others indiscriminately, and believe the lies propaganda doles out. Unbelievable. Read this and enlighten yourself - please. Ot at least stop posting - others believe the lies too - perhaps, because they want to believe.


dellave Wrote:
> We need a big turnout of regular folks at the
> party. They have invited the community so any
> county or town resident is welcome. No making fun
> of the kids though, its not their fault they were
> born into the pattern of selfishness and hate. We
> can let the parents know discretely how foul they
> are.
> I guess posting pics of the parents would be too
> hard on the kids so I wont do that afterall. We
> all gotta play nice or we are no better than the
> clifton parents.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: dell ave ()
Date: June 12, 2011 08:00PM

thanks for the link , wow.
Is this statement true? I have a hard time beliveing it.

"The Clifton Elementary case has transcended the attempt by a majority of this School Board to close a well preserved, highly achieving community anchor and only school in a 40-square-mile area."

40 square miles ???????

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: wow ()
Date: June 12, 2011 08:52PM

True, unfortunately. It's a big area for just one ES.

I was sucked in a year ago, and believed what I read and heard (heresay, and misleading newspaper articles), until I read the FOIA'ed emails among the school board members, and did some reading and digging on my own. I'm ashamed to admit my earlier ignorance and willingness to believe whatever I was fed, really.

It is easy to do - one can easily feel shunned by the well-heeled crowd, so, somehow, it's easy to believe propaganda like "they just want their own public school". The entire Fairfax County taxpayer base has been played.

We'll all pay, ultimately, by paying to add trailers and renovations at nearby schools to accommodate the Clifton students (even more than the Clifton renovations would have cost), dealing with more traffic as they're bussed even farther, and dealing with whatever else the SB and FCPS wants to do behind the scenes down the road. They've been emboldened, I'm afraid.

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: saw the map ()
Date: June 12, 2011 08:59PM

Saw the new boundary map, line is drawn right down 645/Clifton Rd. West side of town goes to Union Mill ES, East side is bussed to Fairview ES. Guess that's what the town gets for the two frivalous lawsuits, the hate mail to the school board, and the chidish cartoons and re-posting of FCPS emails here.

See everyone at the closing party. Oh, and make sure you don't drink the water if you go. ;)

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Re: Clifton ES closing party
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 12, 2011 09:13PM

@saw the map - yeah, how dare they post public information on a public board - yeah, the town (or more specifically the children) should be punished for that - way to go with yr thinking there o_0

question for all: are buses really, seriously going to have to cross the Parkway at Popes Head now?

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