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Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: hitmanforng ()
Date: May 15, 2011 09:43PM

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 15, 2011 10:15PM

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: WaPo Reader ()
Date: May 16, 2011 05:44AM

No wonder teachers are leaving the profession

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: punish the student ()
Date: May 16, 2011 05:54AM

The student should be punished. She knew exactly what she was doing. And it was all because she was such a bully to begin with that Mr. Lanigan had to tell her she may be dismissed from safety patrol.

I would hate to be her parents.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: lolyer ()
Date: May 16, 2011 06:28AM

Not the first time Fairfax County P0lice half assed an investigation that can alter one's life for the worst.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: nakedshoplifter ()
Date: May 16, 2011 07:01AM

Wow, just WOW.

I hope he sues (district and that stupid students parents) and gets his life back.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: May 16, 2011 07:21AM

I take a lot of heat and flaming for defending the rights of accused to get through a trial before their name is all over the press. This case is a major reason why the identity of accused should be held as secret as the accuser's until a guilty verdict is reached. If someone is guilty then plaster their name all over the place. But the accusation ruins lives under how things work now.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: make him fully whole as much as possible ()
Date: May 16, 2011 07:39AM

The Fairfax County detective and the prosecutor on this case are at fault. It never should have reached a court (much less handcuffs). No evidence means no case. Fairfax County needs to reimburse this guy FULLY and FCPS need to give him his job back full time (and stop goofing around with him).

But, no. They can never admit that they make mistakes. NEVER. They are God.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: May 16, 2011 08:01AM

What they aren't getting is a sex crime was perpetrated on him, and they are punishing the victim of a sex crime. But we're not at the point yet where what happened can be officially be categorized as such. A false accusation of a sex crime is itself a sex crime.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Ditto ()
Date: May 16, 2011 08:10AM

justsayin Wrote:
> What they aren't getting is a sex crime was
> perpetrated on him, and they are punishing the
> victim of a sex crime. But we're not at the point
> yet where what happened can be officially be
> categorized as such. A false accusation of a sex
> crime is itself a sex crime.

This will devolve into a million dollar lawsuit, as now this man's entire life has been negatively affected and the girl that made the false report is a minor. Therefore the responsibility for paying any legal will fall on the school system and the girl's parents.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Amok ()
Date: May 16, 2011 08:29AM

This is absolutely disgusting. Out of control cops with no oversight perform a half-baked "investigation," the DA lazily signs off on it, and just like that a man's life is ruined. Were the cops fired? Reprimanded? And the way the school system treated Lanigan afterwards...

Even though I live in this county, and this will no doubt be reflected in my taxes, I hope that Lanigan finally gets mad enough to hire a bulldog lawyer and sues the ass off of Fairfax for a huge settlement, then takes his family and moves out of this area to another place where he can pick up the pieces of his life...

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Casius ()
Date: May 16, 2011 09:20AM

"I wonder if anyone showed up at lanigans house to give him what fer. I sure hope he gets a little backdoor justice when he gets to the bighouse."

A quote from a previous thread on this subject...

So where are all the FFU internet tough-guys that wanted to work up some vigilante justice for Lannigan? I bet you were getting all excited about doing something to him..which you never had the guts to do...good thing, since he was innocent, huh?

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: sickening ()
Date: May 16, 2011 09:25AM

It is that kids parents that should be going before the Board to have this teacher cleared and returned to NORMAL teaching duties..

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 16, 2011 09:30AM

sickening Wrote:
> It is that kids parents that should be going
> before the Board to have this teacher cleared and
> returned to NORMAL teaching duties..

true that part - or at least a public apology

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: May 16, 2011 09:43AM

Casius Wrote:
> So where are all the FFU internet tough-guys that
> wanted to work up some vigilante justice for
> Lannigan?

They have all gone away. Quick to judge without trial, yet will not admit that had we done what they were calling for an innocent man would be hurt or killed all because an immature student didn't like the music he was playing in the class he was running. Nor have I received any apologies in public or via PM from those calling me an accessory to rapists for simply suggesting what I have in this thread, innocent until proven guilty.

Part of that is why I don't believe many of the posts giving the "new" he-was-innocent-make-them-pay position in this thread. Where were they when the accusations and calling for his head were happening, in a thread titled "Centre Ridge PE teacher sexually assaults 12 year old girl" (which the original poster has not apologized for either)? Are so few brave enough to promote due process BEFORE and harsh punishments AFTER a guilty verdict?

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Duchess ()
Date: May 16, 2011 09:45AM

"Zero Tolerance" (involuntary transfer, essential demotion) for teachers as well I guess - doesn't matter if you are guilty or not at FCPS....

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 16, 2011 09:57AM

@justsayin - hot heads prevail when the topic is kid sex assault. will always be that way on the interweb, sad to say

in reality, could this guy still be an effective teacher at Center Ridge? Is the specter of this bullshit still haunting the school? Does anybody know that?

At the very least, FCPS should either give him a transfer or a buyout - and an OFFICIAL LETTER OF APOLOGY from BOTH FCPS and FCPD should be handed the man

@duchess - cant say they arent fair LoLz

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: another side of the story ()
Date: May 16, 2011 10:22AM

Scarred by charges, teacher allowed to return to classroom
Lanigan will continue teaching at South Lakes

Sean Lanigan, a Centre Ridge Elementary School teacher who was exonerated in Fairfax County Circuit Court on charges he sexually assaulted a 12-year-old female student, has been told by Fairfax County Public Schools that he can return to work.

On Aug. 10, more than two months after he was exonerated in Fairfax County Circuit Court on charges he sexually assaulted a 12-year-old female student, Centre Ridge Elementary School teacher and soccer coach Sean Lanigan was finally told by Fairfax County Public Schools that he could return to work.

Instead of returning to Centre Ridge Elementary School, where he taught for the last 13 years, Lanigan will begin the new school year at South Lakes High School in Reston, according to school officials.

"He was transferred there and will begin the new school year as a teacher there," FCPS spokesman Paul Regnier confirmed on Monday.

Lanigan, who spent more than $100,000 on his defense, will continue to bear scars from the ordeal, including a potentially harmful statement made by the Fairfax County Department of Family Services that could remain part of his official employment record for the next two years.

In a June 10 letter to Lanigan obtained by the Times, the department states that claims made by Lanigan's accuser are "unfounded" and that "a preponderance of the evidence indicates that [the 12-year-old- girl] was not sexually abused" by Lanigan.

The letter goes on to say, however, that "while the evidence assembled does not meet the policy definition of abuse in this instance, the contact you had with [the 12-year-old girl] constituted, at a minimum, an alarming violation of boundaries between yourself and a student."

"What boundaries are those?" asked Bill Cummings, a family friend of Lanigan's who has been corresponding with family services officials as Lanigan's spokesman. "I have been trying to find out exactly where these so-called boundaries are defined in either FCPS regulations or in Virginia code, but to no avail," he said. "This is supposed to be a letter clearing Sean. Instead, that statement is a stain on his record and I can't get a straight answer as to what regulations define what these 'boundaries' are."

The Fairfax County Department of Family Services declined to comment. Fairfax County spokeswoman Merni Fitzgerald said the department by policy does not comment publicly on its cases.

Becky Doebler, 37, has her own complaints about both the Department of Family Services and FCPS.

Her daughter, another sixth-grade girl who attended Centre Ridge, was a former friend of Lanigan's accuser and a key witness in his court case.

Becky Doebler claims that shortly after her daughter's friend accused Lanigan of sexual impropriety, Centre Ridge Elementary School Principal James Baldwin invited Fairfax County Police Detective Nicole Christian into the school to interview her daughter without her knowledge.

"That is a direct violation of FCPS regulation 2616.5," she said. "That regulation states that the questioning of students by police officers on school property requires reasonable efforts to secure permission from the student's parents before any questioning occurs."

Doebler said after she learned about the questioning from her daughter, she contacted Baldwin and said she did not give permission for any subsequent interviewing of her daughter while in school.

"But [my daughter] was questioned -- in school -- three more times after that by the same detective," she said.

"Her grades began to fall right about that time," she added. "As a direct result of that stress."

Doebler also claims that soon after her complaints to Baldwin, the Fairfax County Department of Family Services began investigating her.

"They don't have to tell you who filed the complaint," she said. "I still don't know."

Doebler has since taken her daughter out of FCPS and has moved out-of-state.

Regnier said that to his knowledge, Baldwin did not violate any school regulations. "But it is a complicated issue," he said. "I'm not sure how much I am at liberty to discuss."

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 16, 2011 10:46AM

glad he has his job back

but on a side note, how many grown women still call themselves "Becky"?

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Duchess ()
Date: May 16, 2011 11:04AM

HB 1548 - requiring parental notification by the school - was defeated in the VA State Senate. FCPS sent lobbyist to lobby against it after it passed - unanimously- in the House.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: slubdawg ()
Date: May 16, 2011 11:11AM

I can't imagine why FCPS wouldn't want parents notified and/or present during any questioning by police of a child. This strikes me as particularly odd. What could be their rationale for objecting?

If I were an administrator, my first inclination would be to contact the parents. After all, the school system has an obligation to inform the parents of whatever is happening with their children.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: May 16, 2011 11:28AM

Where do they have an obligation to do that? They have an obligation to supply a place and teachers using public funding, that is about it. The rest is there to protect against lawsuits. Parents out of room = only one story.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Les ()
Date: May 16, 2011 11:49AM

I don't think that law has to do with the police interviewing a child as a victim, a suspect, or a witness. The notification was originally crafted by activists who want parental notification in the even of a student seeking abortion advice, health consultatation, or any risks to the student's safety (i.e., the VPI incident).

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 16, 2011 12:08PM

would a responsible parent be more concerned with EXACTLY WHY the police wanted to talk to their kid more than the fact they werent called beforehand?

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: PleaseHelp ()
Date: May 16, 2011 12:12PM

Sean is trying to recoup his legal fees - over $100,000. Unfortunately because the state has sovereign immunity, there's really no way to get any money from them.

They are, however, battling the school system to get reimbursed for ALL his legal fees. FCPS has been disgraceful in their handling of this matter for the past 16 months... offering less then 1/2 his legal costs and de-staffing him from his South Lakes High School position even after proving his innocence.

To help him recoup his losses, you can send an angry email to:

FCPS Superintendent Dale (jack.dale@fcps.edu)

or to the members of the Fairfax County School Board (schoolboardmembers@fcps.edu)

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 16, 2011 12:17PM

so he's not teaching now? Why not?

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: niceplacetoworkfcsp ()
Date: May 16, 2011 01:11PM

He is a great teacher at south lakes. I am not sure FCPS should use this story to recruit teachers. they will freeze your salary and not protect you from crazies

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: PleaseHelp ()
Date: May 16, 2011 01:32PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> so he's not teaching now? Why not?

He was "de-staffed" from South Lakes High School... meaning he hasn't been technically fired by FCPS, but he has to find a position at another school.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Ob1 ()
Date: May 16, 2011 01:40PM

There's probably some parental crazies still hounding the schools. There are always some people who can't get over the fact they were wrong and bent on persecuting him with lies and innuendo.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: May 16, 2011 03:10PM

Lots more on this today on a WaPo blog:


EDIT: And live chat transcript with Lanigan here:


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/16/2011 03:17PM by Ut videam.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 16, 2011 03:54PM

thanks for those links, Ut videam - I'm praying that FCPS get's it's head out of it's ass and figures out how to make things right

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Little Monster ()
Date: May 16, 2011 04:21PM

“it wuz a joke tho lyk always he picks up gurls as a joke nd I feel rlly bad. Nd I swear I dident wnt to go this far I told cuz some1 told me too nd I thought he wud just get a warning but no:(.”

This is what the pathetic little cunt said on Facebook about the man whose life she ruined.

I'm sure her parents are very proud of her.

Nice ghetto grammar, princess.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Jean Valjean ()
Date: May 16, 2011 04:27PM

Re Detective Nicole Christian...

"But when others – staff, parents – tried to tell Nicole Christian anything she didn’t want to hear, she threatened them with prosecution for obstruction of justice, the staff members and parents said. School district investigator Steve Kerr’s investigative report, written after Lanigan’s acquittal, confirmed those claims, noting that: “Because of the jury’s decision, the detective [Christian] advised that she will not pursue criminal charges against [staff member] or [staff member"

So not only did this rogue cop try to railroad a teacher on the flimsiest of evidence, but she also was threatening school staff with obstruction of justice charges?

Is this "Le Mis"? Was there no supervision of this freak with a badge?

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Your Boy ()
Date: May 16, 2011 04:55PM

What a bitch, whoever ends up with that slut is going to be in for a wild ride

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Detective abusing her position? ()
Date: May 16, 2011 05:26PM

Is Mr. Lanigan able to sue Detective Nicole Christian (what an interesting last name)? He should be able to if she zealously threatened anyone who tried to provide information that might have helped Mr. Lanigan and prevented this case from going to court.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: May 16, 2011 05:49PM

Maybe it's been addressed previously, but can't this kid be charged with "making false statements" or something, if she willingly and knowingly made these false accusations? 12 years old or not? The WaPo blog makes it seem like she's getting off scot free.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Funny_Guy ()
Date: May 16, 2011 05:53PM

Warhawk Wrote:
> Maybe it's been addressed previously, but can't
> this kid be charged with "making false statements"
> or something, if she willingly and knowingly made
> these false accusations? 12 years old or not?
> The WaPo blog makes it seem like she's getting off
> scot free.

If this stupid little girl did this to me, I'd run over her with car (several times) and laughing all the way.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: county worker ()
Date: May 16, 2011 05:54PM

Detective abusing her position? Wrote:
> Is Mr. Lanigan able to sue Detective Nicole
> Christian (what an interesting last name)? He
> should be able to if she zealously threatened
> anyone who tried to provide information that might
> have helped Mr. Lanigan and prevented this case
> from going to court.

It is a shame what happened to Mr L but his past behavior caused some of his problems. He had some complaints about his behavior as a teacher and as a coach. The FCPD reviewed countless hours of video from the schools surveillance database which revealed numerous instances of questionable conduct. The investigator was doing her job to the best of her ability. Had Lanigan not been charged and another incident taken place the FCPD would have been under 100 times more scrutiny than they are now. Our justice system is not perfect but is one of the best in the history of the world.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: May 16, 2011 06:01PM

Way to blame the victim, county worker.


EDIT: If threatening witnesses who offered exculpatory information with prosecution is "the best of her ability," then Detective Christian should be dismissed from the FCPD and prosecuted for official misconduct.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/16/2011 06:03PM by Ut videam.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: snowdenscold ()
Date: May 16, 2011 06:13PM

Ut videam Wrote:

> EDIT: If threatening witnesses who offered
> exculpatory information with prosecution is "the
> best of her ability," then Detective Christian
> should be dismissed from the FCPD and prosecuted
> for official misconduct.

Reminds me of Nifong and the cab driver who offered an alibi for the lacrosse players. Did he fairly consider the new information? No, he had him arrested on totally bogus trumped up charges.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Funny_Guy ()
Date: May 16, 2011 06:38PM

county worker Wrote:
> Detective abusing her position? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Is Mr. Lanigan able to sue Detective Nicole
> > Christian (what an interesting last name)? He
> > should be able to if she zealously threatened
> > anyone who tried to provide information that
> might
> > have helped Mr. Lanigan and prevented this case
> > from going to court.
> It is a shame what happened to Mr L but his past
> behavior caused some of his problems. He had some
> complaints about his behavior as a teacher and as
> a coach. The FCPD reviewed countless hours of
> video from the schools surveillance database which
> revealed numerous instances of questionable
> conduct. The investigator was doing her job to the
> best of her ability. Had Lanigan not been charged
> and another incident taken place the FCPD would
> have been under 100 times more scrutiny than they
> are now. Our justice system is not perfect but is
> one of the best in the history of the world.

What specifically did the investigator find while reviewing the tapes? Questionable conduct would be enough to remove him from his job. Obviously it wasn't enough to violate school, county, or state policy. Having worked with investigators from Fairfax County in the past, I have to say they leave ALOT to be desired.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Les ()
Date: May 16, 2011 07:13PM

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Snapple ()
Date: May 16, 2011 07:20PM

Apparently the accuser posted on Facebook about him lying on her:

“it wuz a joke tho lyk always he picks up gurls as a joke nd I feel rlly bad. Nd I swear I dident wnt to go this far I told cuz some1 told me too nd I thought he wud just get a warning but no:(.”

Forget the coach, they should send her English teacher to jail!

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Great article ()
Date: May 16, 2011 07:29PM

Yes, some children do lie
Getting away with slander


Not only the kid, but I bet some of the people taking the side of accuser was flinging lies.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Historyteacher ()
Date: May 16, 2011 07:58PM

FCPS has no cameras in it's school, so I'm not sure what database the police were looking at.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Les ()
Date: May 16, 2011 08:33PM

I thought they had video cameras to prevent theft in the cafeterias.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: newgatedenizen ()
Date: May 16, 2011 08:55PM

"...his past behavior caused some of his problems."

Hmmm... I don't think so. The headline-grabbing accusations against him were what got the investigation going.

He was not accused of inappropriately handling kids during PE. He was accused of forcing a kid into a private room and sexually assaulting her. If you can't see the difference then you have a problem.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: county worker ()
Date: May 16, 2011 08:56PM

Historyteacher Wrote:
> FCPS has no cameras in it's school, so I'm not
> sure what database the police were looking at.

I can't belive there are still people who belive the no camera thing.
The rule is "No cameras in the classroom" The rest of the school is under surveillance 24/7

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: bunch of crock ()
Date: May 16, 2011 09:29PM

There's no surveillance database, There's a video monitor in the cafeterias to give workers a better angle on the food line.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: next steps ()
Date: May 16, 2011 10:46PM

I think Lanigan should go after the parents for the legal fees and damages in civil court and then hopefully the parents name will make the paper and the internet and will subsequently ruin this young girl's reputation via deduction of her name. Only fair AND this young sociopath will grow up and will go to college and God only knows what other false accusations she will claim against boyfriends and professors. This girl is a known bully and obviously a sociopath and those behaviors do not go away.

And yes, he should also go after the county and also go after the detective in civil court. The county will not stand behind an employee who engages in wrong doing--just like that female police officer who ran a light and killed a person and did not follow protocol with regards to the car lights. The county did not back that officer nor should they back this Ms. Christian bozo.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Release, Schmelease ()
Date: May 16, 2011 11:21PM

Les Wrote:
> FCPS has issued a statement.
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-state-of-n
> ova/post/lanigan-update-fairfax-schools-issue-stat
> ement/2011/05/16/AFhN8A5G_blog.html

Mr. Lanigan has not signed the so-called "release" mentioned in this article, because it is not mainly an agreement to allow the FCPS to "release" information about the situation (althought that may be an incidental condition), rather it is a "release" which, if signed by Mr. Lanigan, would "release" FCPS from any further liability in connection with the case. Is it any wonder why Mr. Lanigan would not sign such a "release"?

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: mclean_reviewer ()
Date: May 16, 2011 11:31PM

Hey County_worker. Its time for you to quit your job and move out of this area. You appear to be the "class of people" who is bring down this great country. THis was a great country before lilly people like you decided that everybody is guilty unless proved innocent.


Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: He did it ()
Date: May 17, 2011 01:55AM

Just because Sean Lanigan wasn't found guilty doesn't mean he didn't do it.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: may2010 ()
Date: May 17, 2011 05:15AM

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations new
Posted by: county worker ()
Date: May 16, 2011 05:54PM

Detective abusing her position? Wrote:
> Is Mr. Lanigan able to sue Detective Nicole
> Christian (what an interesting last name)? He
> should be able to if she zealously threatened
> anyone who tried to provide information that might
> have helped Mr. Lanigan and prevented this case
> from going to court.

It is a shame what happened to Mr L but his past behavior caused some of his problems. He had some complaints about his behavior as a teacher and as a coach. The FCPD reviewed countless hours of video from the schools surveillance database which revealed numerous instances of questionable conduct. The investigator was doing her job to the best of her ability. Had Lanigan not been charged and another incident taken place the FCPD would have been under 100 times more scrutiny than they are now. Our justice system is not perfect but is one of the best in the history of the world.

I'm sorry WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't charge someone with crime because of of what might happen in the future,,
Lets face it the police, the school system, the comm. atty. office screwed up,,

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Duchess ()
Date: May 17, 2011 07:16AM

I have seen a "school surveillance tape". They do have them around the schools, but obviously not in the PE equipment room. Teachers, staff, students are well aware of where they are. Unless a crime has been committed in camera view, it is doubtful reviewing hours and hours of video would have revealed anything. And, I doubt they keep hours and hours of video in a database anywhere - even 7-11 doesn't keep more than a few days.

Anyway, the one I saw, you could hardly identify the individual who was actually committing vandalism. I doubt any "school surveillance camera" caught Mr. Lanigan doing anything questionable or the prosecution would have been all over it.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Where there's smoke... ()
Date: May 17, 2011 07:27AM

Glad to hear he was cleared of the sexual assault charges. They were false, so whatever restitution needs to happen should. But if he's picking up sixth grade girls "all the time" as their PE teacher or coach, I don't want him to land in my daughter's school. Court case aside, that behavior is inappropriate for their teacher.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: May 17, 2011 08:18AM

He did it Wrote:
> Just because Sean Lanigan wasn't found guilty
> doesn't mean he didn't do it.

No, but the little brat's Facebook post that the allegation was a joke certainly suggests that he didn't. Apparently the jury thought so too, given that they needed so little time to find him not guilty.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: on the fence ()
Date: May 17, 2011 09:05AM

It looks like he didn't sexually assault the child but I can't say I want this guy in our schools.

He seems like a loose cannon to me.

Isn't it just a bit odd that his teacher's association (union?) didn't back him up?

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Duhhhhh ()
Date: May 17, 2011 09:16AM

on the fence Wrote:
> It looks like he didn't sexually assault the child
> but I can't say I want this guy in our schools.
> He seems like a loose cannon to me.
> Isn't it just a bit odd that his teacher's
> association (union?) didn't back him up?

So you have all of these people from the community who know this man who say he's a great guy, you have a school system who has looked for a reason to fire him for misconduct who couldn't find anything, a cop who overstepped her boundaries in trying to prosecute/railroad the guy for something he didn't do and all it takes is for someone to lob a false accusation and you consider him a "loose cannon".

Lemme tell you something... a loose cannon would have gone berserk and not handled this as calmly as this guy did.

This dumb ass little girl ruined this man's life because she couldn't abide by the rules or acknowledge she needed to change how she was acting and yet here you are STILL with this impression in your mind that this guy was a "loose cannon".

You're the special kind of idiot that will prevent this guy from ever being able to completely get over what that dumb ass little kid did too him.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: he hated her ()
Date: May 17, 2011 09:32AM

Duhhhhh Wrote:
> on the fence Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It looks like he didn't sexually assault the
> child
> > but I can't say I want this guy in our schools.
> >
> > He seems like a loose cannon to me.
> >
> > Isn't it just a bit odd that his teacher's
> > association (union?) didn't back him up?
> So you have all of these people from the community
> who know this man who say he's a great guy, you
> have a school system who has looked for a reason
> to fire him for misconduct who couldn't find
> anything, a cop who overstepped her boundaries in
> trying to prosecute/railroad the guy for something
> he didn't do and all it takes is for someone to
> lob a false accusation and you consider him a
> "loose cannon".
> Lemme tell you something... a loose cannon would
> have gone berserk and not handled this as calmly
> as this guy did.
> This dumb ass little girl ruined this man's life
> because she couldn't abide by the rules or
> acknowledge she needed to change how she was
> acting and yet here you are STILL with this
> impression in your mind that this guy was a "loose
> cannon".
> You're the special kind of idiot that will prevent
> this guy from ever being able to completely get
> over what that dumb ass little kid did too him.

The guy hated that girl since she was in 4th grade. I remember he used to give her time outs all the time. and he would yell at her and once he send her to the principal office. the girl looks good but she kinda of a bitch. I don't like her and when she was not in trouble he was her best teacher. She was suspsned from partol and after the inncident her other teachers would write up her to the office twice. so they knew about it and they where not happy with her. They should of let her changed schools and did like some of the 6th graders in the school but who wouldnt

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: May 17, 2011 09:32AM

Duhhhhh Wrote:
> You're the special kind of idiot that will prevent
> this guy from ever being able to completely get
> over what that dumb ass little kid did too him.

You aren't going to change the mind of people who firmly believe if someone was arrested that they are guilty of something, even if it wasn't what they were arrested for. It's called being an un-American, uneducated dipshit and no forum post is going to cure it.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Les ()
Date: May 17, 2011 09:39AM

From some of the parental comments, it seems there's also a contingent who viewed the physical play as too rough and want to get SL removed even if contact is non-sexual in nature. Remarks from them appear intended to distort any situations involving SL.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: May 17, 2011 09:43AM

One would hope that the little bitch's parents would step up to the plate and help that guy out.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: be nice ()
Date: May 17, 2011 09:49AM

Warhawk Wrote:
> One would hope that the little bitch's parents
> would step up to the plate and help that guy out.

she is a cute girl but she can f up your life if she hates you lol. Shes a cool 7th grader at Liberty Middle school now.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: not so simple ()
Date: May 17, 2011 09:50AM

The world is filled with sexual deviants and molestors-parents need to be on guard.

I don't want some 40 year old man that I barely know touching my daughter-PERIOD.

The guys seems more than eager to want to touch little girls. It is weird.

I am the first one to jump on FCPS from screwing up, but something doesn't add up about this guy.

Is he as "friendly" with young boys?

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: May 17, 2011 09:54AM

The above post is a sex crime. I don't know why anyone would be a teacher of any subject. I guess our society deserves the education level it has, with a spiraling pattern of undereducated adults doing their best to take down those willing to be teachers. The populace gets dumber so the quality of teaching gets worse. These same parents will go on to wonder why their kids are still living at home, unable to get jobs because they offer nothing at all an employee would pay money for. they spend their time focusing on everything around their kids, but not their kids. It is sad.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/17/2011 09:54AM by justsayin.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: he hated her ()
Date: May 17, 2011 09:57AM

not so simple Wrote:
> The world is filled with sexual deviants and
> molestors-parents need to be on guard.
> I don't want some 40 year old man that I barely
> know touching my daughter-PERIOD.
> The guys seems more than eager to want to touch
> little girls. It is weird.
> I am the first one to jump on FCPS from screwing
> up, but something doesn't add up about this guy.
> Is he as "friendly" with young boys?

He just played wit girls cause they liked it. They liked getting pick up and it was never nothing sexual. maybe he looked at them when the were doing push ups and all but thats all. and he would give us hive five but honesltt what boy would like to be pick up.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: good advice ()
Date: May 17, 2011 10:04AM

To help my male students prepare for an environment in which the usual student-teacher interactions can be misconstrued ­– intentionally or unintentionally – I have developed a list I call the “Six Nevers”. They illustrate how the threat of false accusations can interfere with the development of a warm, caring relationship between students and teachers, and why males considering teaching as a profession might have second thoughts.

Never touch a student!

Never be alone with a student, and never in a closed classroom!

Never use language/tone that can be interpreted as anything but professional.

Never use Facebook/Internet to chat or communicate with students!

Never maintain an outside school association with a student/family.

Never allow your guard to falter!

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: May 17, 2011 10:04AM

Great article Wrote:
> Yes, some children do lie
> Getting away with slander
> http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/vernon/110516
> Not only the kid, but I bet some of the people
> taking the side of accuser was flinging lies.

From the article...

Speaking of which: In extreme cases, it might be time to review and consider exceptions to the law that says the name of a minor in such a case can never be publicly revealed.

Totally agree. Her name and photo should be released so people (especially her other teachers) can make sure they're never in a situation where they're alone with her.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Not cool, not ever ()
Date: May 17, 2011 10:12AM

be nice Wrote:
> Warhawk Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > One would hope that the little bitch's parents
> > would step up to the plate and help that guy
> out.
> she is a cute girl but she can f up your life if
> she hates you lol. Shes a cool 7th grader at
> Liberty Middle school now.

Not cute, not cool, not ever. This is the kind of person who ages badly. Ugly core.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: What? ()
Date: May 17, 2011 10:37AM

"The guy hated that girl since she was in 4th grade. I remember he used to give her time outs all the time. and he would yell at her and once he send her to the principal office. the girl looks good but she kinda of a bitch. I don't like her and when she was not in trouble he was her best teacher. She was suspsned from partol and after the inncident her other teachers would write up her to the office twice. so they knew about it and they where not happy with her. They should of let her changed schools and did like some of the 6th graders in the school but who wouldnt"

Are you a retard? Is this really the way that you write? Do you ever do anything in school other than fingerpaint and play dodgeball?

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Hysteria ()
Date: May 17, 2011 10:40AM

not so simple Wrote:
> The world is filled with sexual deviants and
> molestors-parents need to be on guard.
> I don't want some 40 year old man that I barely
> know touching my daughter-PERIOD.
> The guys seems more than eager to want to touch
> little girls. It is weird.
> I am the first one to jump on FCPS from screwing
> up, but something doesn't add up about this guy.
> Is he as "friendly" with young boys?

Most molestation victims are molested by their parents. Maybe you shouldn't touch your children.

good advice Wrote:
> Never touch a student!
> Never be alone with a student, and never in a
> closed classroom!
> Never use language/tone that can be interpreted as
> anything but professional.
> Never use Facebook/Internet to chat or communicate
> with students!
> Never maintain an outside school association with
> a student/family.
> Never allow your guard to falter!

To be safe, you can use one of these:

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Date: May 17, 2011 10:44AM


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: other considerations ()
Date: May 17, 2011 10:47AM

Look, I don't think it is natural for a grown man to want to be around young girls all the time. Teaching and coaching or whatever....why the girls?

If he loves kids, why is it always girls?

I think there might be some underlying emotional issues with this guy. Being in schools with kids gives him a sense of power, control??

We don't see a lot of male teachers in elementary schools and there is a reason for it-it is unnatural.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Les ()
Date: May 17, 2011 10:48AM

Is dodgeball still allowed in schools? I thought it went the away as did peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in school lunch menus.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: ill considered above ()
Date: May 17, 2011 10:51AM

If sex was a criteria for picking teachers for elementary school, then women would be out as PE teachers because of the common stereotype that they tended to be lesbians.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Nu Skool ()
Date: May 17, 2011 10:54AM

Dodgeball is a thinly veiled metaphor for western expansion and racial hegemony; hence it is no longer allowed in Fairfax County Schools. Spelling, too, is linear and constrictive of a child's creative impulse and thus is only taught to the degree that a student understands emoticons...

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: trust your elders ()
Date: May 17, 2011 11:01AM

Schools Monday: When A Principal Grows Pot
One day you're leading a Just Say No to Drugs campaign at the elementary school where you're the assistant principal, and then you turn around and find yourself arrested and charged with growing and packaging marijuana in a closet in your house.

That's the predicament in which Leonard Marsh of Fairfax Station finds himself. Marsh, 50, was nabbed by Fairfax police last week and charged with manufacturing marijuana. His wife, Jinny, 56, was charged with possession. Within hours, his photo vanished from the web site of Cub Run Elementary School, the well-regarded Centreville school where he was the #2 official. The Fairfax school system placed Marsh on administrative leave.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: May 17, 2011 11:05AM

other considerations Wrote:
> Look, I don't think it is natural for a grown man
> to want to be around young girls all the time.
> Teaching and coaching or whatever....why the
> girls?
> If he loves kids, why is it always girls?
> I think there might be some underlying emotional
> issues with this guy. Being in schools with kids
> gives him a sense of power, control??
> We don't see a lot of male teachers in elementary
> schools and there is a reason for it-it is
> unnatural.

Stereotype much?

Almost all of the PE teachers my kids have had have been male, several regular teachers as well. Never had an issue with any of them. I had a few male teachers back in school as well. No problems.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: parents-pay attention ()
Date: May 17, 2011 11:10AM

Predators don't bring up sex right away; they "groom" their victims first by doing little things to build their trust. If you're unsure about someone's behavior, check for these warning signs:

1 If he gives you inappropriate compliments: It's fine for him to say "you look nice today", but if he says "you look sexy", that's NOT okay. It shows he's seeing you in a sexual way.

2 If he talks about his sex life in class: Authority figures shouldn't try to be like one of your buddies. This shows his boundaries are skewed.

3 If he tries to get alone time with you: He may ask to meet before class or after school, or off school property. His motive might be to get you away from your friends so no one else will be able to back up your story, and you'll feel more vulnerable. Now this does not mean that if he asks you to stay after class because he wants to talk about your homework or test dose not mean you are to start running to the office just remember to ask why he wants to see you.

4 If he gives you special treatment: He might assign you easier homework, or give extra help or a better grade that you don't deserve He wants you to feel like you owe him, so when he asks you to do something inappropriate, you'll feel obligated.

5 If he asks you personal questions: He may want to know about guys, your family, and other things that have nothing to do with academics. And he'll tell you stuff about HIS private life.

6 If he disses your parents: He might say, "your mom and dad are lame. They don't appreciate how great you are!" He's trying to distance you from your folks, so you won't tell them when something is up.

7 If he gives you more then just a pat on the back: If he puts his arm around you, massages your shoulders, or strokes your hair, he's trying to make you feel comfortable, so you won't think it's inappropriate when he tries something else. . .

8 If he asks you to stay quiet: During conversation, he might say something like "if anyone knew we talked like this they wouldn't understand so please don't say anything, because it might get me in trouble. “This makes you feel like you're keeping a secret, and that if you tell, you're betraying his trust.

9 If he just gives you that yucky feeling: If you feel like something is off about him tell someone like your mom or best friend, listen to your gut-it's usually right!

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Duhhhhh ()
Date: May 17, 2011 11:33AM

other considerations Wrote:
> Look, I don't think it is natural for a grown man
> to want to be around young girls all the time.
> Teaching and coaching or whatever....why the
> girls?
> If he loves kids, why is it always girls?
> I think there might be some underlying emotional
> issues with this guy. Being in schools with kids
> gives him a sense of power, control??
> We don't see a lot of male teachers in elementary
> schools and there is a reason for it-it is
> unnatural.

Please quote me anywhere in the plethora of documentation on this case that says this guy only played with girls, only taught girls or only coached girls.

I'll wait.

If you can not find a specific, direct quote that supports this asinine idea you have, I would imagine that then makes your resulting theories invalid.

(ie. there can't be some sort of emotional issue exposing itself via his only working with girls, if he in fact, works with all kids)

If your theories are invalid, I would guess that the assumptions you made about this man's character are flawed as well since they are based on incorrect theories.

Once we get to that point, I'd hope you would look at yourself, at your train of thought, at the leaps of logic you undertook to come up with your comments and realize you are an oxygen thief.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: uncomfortable as well ()
Date: May 17, 2011 11:54AM

In the testimony from students did this teacher pick up and twirl boys around too?

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: gasbag ()
Date: May 17, 2011 11:57AM

Duhhhhh Wrote:
> other considerations Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Look, I don't think it is natural for a grown
> man
> > to want to be around young girls all the time.
> > Teaching and coaching or whatever....why the
> > girls?
> >
> > If he loves kids, why is it always girls?
> >
> > I think there might be some underlying
> emotional
> > issues with this guy. Being in schools with
> kids
> > gives him a sense of power, control??
> >
> > We don't see a lot of male teachers in
> elementary
> > schools and there is a reason for it-it is
> > unnatural.
> Please quote me anywhere in the plethora of
> documentation on this case that says this guy only
> played with girls, only taught girls or only
> coached girls.
> I'll wait.
> If you can not find a specific, direct quote that
> supports this asinine idea you have, I would
> imagine that then makes your resulting theories
> invalid.
> (ie. there can't be some sort of emotional issue
> exposing itself via his only working with girls,
> if he in fact, works with all kids)
> If your theories are invalid, I would guess that
> the assumptions you made about this man's
> character are flawed as well since they are based
> on incorrect theories.
> Once we get to that point, I'd hope you would look
> at yourself, at your train of thought, at the
> leaps of logic you undertook to come up with your
> comments and realize you are an oxygen thief.

Don't feed the troll

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Fearful Parent! ()
Date: May 17, 2011 12:11PM

"Predators don't bring up sex right away; they "groom" their victims first by doing little things to build their trust. If you're unsure about someone's behavior, check for these warning signs:

1 If he gives you inappropriate compliments: It's fine for him to say "you look nice today", but if he says "you look sexy", that's NOT okay. It shows he's seeing you in a sexual way.

2 If he talks about his sex life in class: Authority figures shouldn't try to be like one of your buddies. This shows his boundaries are skewed.

3 If he tries to get alone time with you: He may ask to meet before class or after school, or off school property. His motive might be to get you away from your friends so no one else will be able to back up your story, and you'll feel more vulnerable. Now this does not mean that if he asks you to stay after class because he wants to talk about your homework or test dose not mean you are to start running to the office just remember to ask why he wants to see you.

4 If he gives you special treatment: He might assign you easier homework, or give extra help or a better grade that you don't deserve He wants you to feel like you owe him, so when he asks you to do something inappropriate, you'll feel obligated.

5 If he asks you personal questions: He may want to know about guys, your family, and other things that have nothing to do with academics. And he'll tell you stuff about HIS private life.

6 If he disses your parents: He might say, "your mom and dad are lame. They don't appreciate how great you are!" He's trying to distance you from your folks, so you won't tell them when something is up.

7 If he gives you more then just a pat on the back: If he puts his arm around you, massages your shoulders, or strokes your hair, he's trying to make you feel comfortable, so you won't think it's inappropriate when he tries something else. . .

8 If he asks you to stay quiet: During conversation, he might say something like "if anyone knew we talked like this they wouldn't understand so please don't say anything, because it might get me in trouble. “This makes you feel like you're keeping a secret, and that if you tell, you're betraying his trust.

9 If he just gives you that yucky feeling: If you feel like something is off about him tell someone like your mom or best friend, listen to your gut-it's usually right!"

Thanks for the tips, Detective Christian! Aren't you a little behind quota for lives ruined this week?

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Saucy Lad ()
Date: May 17, 2011 12:15PM

Boy, things are so different nowadays. I remember Coach Christie. He was a mentor, friend, always interested in what I was doing, always there when I needed an adult other than my parents to talk to..

He buggered me seven ways to Sunday, too...

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Nighr rider ()
Date: May 17, 2011 12:15PM

You're motoring
What's your price for flight
In finding mister right

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: All schools have perverts ()
Date: May 17, 2011 12:43PM

Why do you think they became teachers.

I don't think it is as bad as the Catholic Church.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Not a Doubter ()
Date: May 17, 2011 12:47PM

So, we've all come to the conclusion that Sean Lanigan has suffered and now has am empty feeling due to falsely being accused. He's got extraordinary legal fees that hopefully, he'll be able to recover.

However, putting aside the false accusations made by this student who had a vendetta against him, still doesn't make Mr. Lanigan a perfect individual.

1) What about those nights when Mr. Lanigan was on "out-of-town" coaching trips and found time to shack up with other females. What kind of disrespect was he showing for his wife at those moments?

2) Then, we have the issue when Mr. Lanigan graciously gave one of the fellow female teachers a "gift" of a Cosmopolitan magazine where he carefully cut out pictures from a porno magazine and pasted them onto the pages of Cosmo? Fortunately, that teacher didn't make any waves by reporting this incident. However, she probably should have - as, I'm sure the school would have taken care of Mr. Lanigan and it probably would have prevented this recent mess as he would have probably been fired or re-assigned somewhere else.

3) Also, there's the issue of Mr. Lanigan once working at Stone middle school. He was then transferred to Centre-Ridge elementary. What kind of "hanky-panky" led to this transfer?

There are still lots of questions that remain out there regarding Mr. Lanigan's judgement in these situations. Hopefully, he'll learn to think with his right "head" before he gets involved in a situation that he'll be unable to get out of.

I do wish him luck in digging out of the current hole, though. It's a big and deep one.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Duchess ()
Date: May 17, 2011 01:21PM

FCPS wants each teacher and student to live by THEIR script - not have a thought or a feeling all on their own....they do not teach how to think, they preach WHAT to think.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: ahhhhhhhhhhh ()
Date: May 17, 2011 01:23PM

The truth will now set us free.

So, now, Mr. Lanigan isn't nearly the "family man" he would like us all to believe.

FCPS made the right choice by getting rid of this guy.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Night Ranger ()
Date: May 17, 2011 01:25PM

Nighr rider Wrote:
> You're motoring
> What's your price for flight
> In finding mister right

I love this song.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Great Idea! ()
Date: May 17, 2011 01:47PM

Cutting out the pages of a Cosmopolitan Magazine and inserting porn photos...brilliant! Thanks for the tip...I can't want to do this to those unsmiling bitches with whom I share teaching duties at....hmm, better not tell you the school...

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Kick him when he's down ()
Date: May 17, 2011 01:52PM

So, we've all come to the conclusion that Sean Lanigan has suffered and now has am empty feeling due to falsely being accused. He's got extraordinary legal fees that hopefully, he'll be able to recover.

However, putting aside the false accusations made by this student who had a vendetta against him, still doesn't make Mr. Lanigan a perfect individual.

1) What about those nights when Mr. Lanigan was on "out-of-town" coaching trips and found time to shack up with other females. What kind of disrespect was he showing for his wife at those moments?

2) Then, we have the issue when Mr. Lanigan graciously gave one of the fellow female teachers a "gift" of a Cosmopolitan magazine where he carefully cut out pictures from a porno magazine and pasted them onto the pages of Cosmo? Fortunately, that teacher didn't make any waves by reporting this incident. However, she probably should have - as, I'm sure the school would have taken care of Mr. Lanigan and it probably would have prevented this recent mess as he would have probably been fired or re-assigned somewhere else.

3) Also, there's the issue of Mr. Lanigan once working at Stone middle school. He was then transferred to Centre-Ridge elementary. What kind of "hanky-panky" led to this transfer?

There are still lots of questions that remain out there regarding Mr. Lanigan's judgement in these situations. Hopefully, he'll learn to think with his right "head" before he gets involved in a situation that he'll be unable to get out of.

I do wish him luck in digging out of the current hole, though. It's a big and deep one.

Wow, that's a lot of innuendo you're spreading around. Among your completely unsubstantiated accusations, what's the big deal about bring transferred from one school to another? "Hanky panky"? Teachers get transferred from one school to another all the time...are you saying that every transfer is due to some sort of sexual crime? I hope Lannigan doesn't suffer under the impression that you're a "friend."

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Not a Doubter ()
Date: May 17, 2011 03:16PM

No doubt he's innocent, but he doesn't have to be a perfect individual to teach, no more than the parents that are still complaining.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: moral compass ()
Date: May 17, 2011 03:34PM

This guy lacks both common sense and a moral compass.

We don't need him in our schools.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: His poor wife ()
Date: May 17, 2011 03:38PM

Did she leave him yet?

Team Maria Shiver

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: May 17, 2011 03:41PM

I love how the anonymous slanderers are coming out of the woodwork. Cough up some evidence (names, dates, photos, etc.) or shut the fuck up. This guy has suffered enough.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: Not a Doubter ()
Date: May 17, 2011 03:52PM

Ut videam Wrote:
> I love how the anonymous slanderers are coming out
> of the woodwork. Cough up some evidence (names,
> dates, photos, etc.) or shut the fuck up. This guy
> has suffered enough.

You're quite funny. Who needs dates, names, photos, etc.? When Mr. Lanigan reads through these threads, I'm sure it will all come back to him as clear as day. He'll remember all those "close calls" in the past. He should have been stopped years ago, but other teachers were too afraid of retribution, etc. in going forward with making reports on his behavior.

I'm not implying in any way that Mr. Lanigan has issues with children - that's not my intent. I'm just trying to point out that Mr. Lanigan isn't as perfect as he'd like people to believe from his little sob story in the Washington Post. He's a clown. At some point in his life, he's got to make the decision to grow up and be responsible.

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: He who is without sin ()
Date: May 17, 2011 05:13PM

I don't believe anyone here is saying Lanigan is "perfect." What people are saying is that he was railroaded by a out-of control cop, and left to dry by the administration..well, except for the staff who were threatened with obstruction of justice charges if they got in the way of the "investigation."

You seem to be taking great delight in making these accusations towards Lanigan...are you disappointed that he isn't in jail right this minute? Are you a fellow teacher? Unfortunately for you, it isn't a crime in Fairfax (yet) to "not be perfect."

Why don't you and some of your like-thinking pals ambush Lanigan, beat him, and send him out of town on the next train? Would that make you feel better?

Re: Fairfax teacher Sean Lanigan still suffering from false molestation allegations
Posted by: jackjohnson-is-innocent-too ()
Date: May 17, 2011 05:44PM

A little information for all those who only deal with the courts for their weed charges:
A Magistrate found probable cause to issue the arrest warrants
A Judge found there was enough evidence at the preliminary hearing to send to Grand Jury
A Grand Jury (of his peers) indicted him
A Judge chose not to dismiss it and let it go to the jury
An acquital is completely different than falsely accused

Weren't OJ and Michael Jackson acquitted???

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