not so simple Wrote:
> The world is filled with sexual deviants and
> molestors-parents need to be on guard.
> I don't want some 40 year old man that I barely
> know touching my daughter-PERIOD.
> The guys seems more than eager to want to touch
> little girls. It is weird.
> I am the first one to jump on FCPS from screwing
> up, but something doesn't add up about this guy.
> Is he as "friendly" with young boys?
Most molestation victims are molested by their parents. Maybe you shouldn't touch your children.
good advice Wrote:
> Never touch a student!
> Never be alone with a student, and never in a
> closed classroom!
> Never use language/tone that can be interpreted as
> anything but professional.
> Never use Facebook/Internet to chat or communicate
> with students!
> Never maintain an outside school association with
> a student/family.
> Never allow your guard to falter!
To be safe, you can use one of these: