My partner and I enjoy Veramar Hillsborough in Loudoun.
At Breaux, she got ticked when this bigot said something about all the queers in our bus. She dropped her pants and pissed like a man. We were told not to return.
GMU Hokie Wrote:
> My partner and I enjoy Veramar Hillsborough in
> Loudoun.
> At Breaux, she got ticked when this bigot said
> something about all the queers in our bus. She
> dropped her pants and pissed like a man. We were
> told not to return.
Pics or GTFO.
Re: any wine vineyards in or near
Posted by:
VA Wino
Date: January 06, 2011 09:24PM
Cris Jenning Wrote:
> Anyone know any wine vineyards within driving
> distance of Fairfax for family occasion?
Loudoun wineries are weak sauce compared to the Faquier/Rappahannock wineries off 66. Rappahannock cellars just south of Front Royal are a very family-friendly winery (they even have a toy corner for younger kids) and its a little less than an hour from the 66/7100 interchange.
You should avoid Linden - amazing wines and great for a couple or small group but they give you the stink-eye if you bring a kid in.
No wine vineyards around but man do we have some beer vineyards!
Re: any wine vineyards in or near
Posted by:
Date: January 06, 2011 10:42PM
Grey Ghost vineyards in Amissville. Nice tasting room, nice drive out there, and the wine is good.
Re: any wine vineyards in or near
Posted by:
Date: January 06, 2011 11:09PM
Just hop on 66 west and you will run into a ton of them around Delaplane, The Plains, Markham, and Linden.
Re: any wine vineyards in or near
Posted by:
Date: January 07, 2011 07:52AM
The Winery at La Grange is good, it's pretty close too - right outside of Haymarket. It's sister winery, Permund (also good), is just past Gainesville off Rt 29.