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Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: Fairfax Citizen ()
Date: September 04, 2007 09:16PM

When one applies for a concealed carry permit in Fairfax County (after completing the appropriate, required training), what information is provided to the police? Do you provide the handgun information and its serial number? What are the best handguns for concealed carry?

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: joe ()
Date: September 04, 2007 09:35PM

Why don't you just open carry?

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Date: September 04, 2007 10:28PM

I'm not sure, but I think you can carry any gun you have, and you don't have to pick just one.

If you're not a shooter or you don't know your guns, I'd recommend you take an NRA safety course and they probably also have courses specifically about concealed carry. The NRA headquarters is in Fairfax off of Waples Mill Road I think. A pistol is much harder to shoot well than a rifle is.

As for what kind of handgun, it's a matter of opinion. It should be small enough that you can carry it how you want to, but not too small because smaller pistols are harder to shoot accurately. For caliber, most people prefer at least a .38 Special in a revolver or 9mm in an auto. There's no point to carrying anything more powerful than a .45 ACP, .357 Magnum or maybe a .44 Special.

In any case, make sure you get a good quality, reliable brand. Other than that, the most important thing is how well it fits you and your hands.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: dirtyharry ()
Date: September 05, 2007 03:04AM

No gun info. is required, we don't have to register guns here in Virginia. The application is on the Virginia State Police website. Gilbert's small arm range in Newington (by the tank farm off 95) offers the required course for $40.00 ( it may have gone up by now, as they were on the low side.) I carry a Glock 27, but would recommend a KAR 9mm as it's smaller and easier to carry. Also Gilbert's sells two books on gun laws, State of Virginia and one on Federal Gun laws. Buy both and study the laws. Sooner or latter you will be challenged by some ignorant cop on your right to carry. Be prepared for it, as it will happen. The Citizens defense league is a good organization to check out, just goggle it. If you will be open carrying in manassass or Prince William County be prepared to be harassed by the cops. They hire all the idiots that couldn't make the cut for Fairfax County or VSP.

Good luck, and thanks for making my family safer by carrying a gun.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: Highlander ()
Date: September 05, 2007 10:26AM

dirtyharry Wrote:
If you will be open
carrying in manassass or Prince William County be
prepared to be harassed by the cops. They hire all
the idiots that couldn't make the cut for Fairfax
County or VSP.

Really? Do you have any info on this or are you just talking out your ass? Other than an incident in Manassas, I haven't heard anything about any other jurisdiction around here bothering someone for carrying openly.

PWC usually say "nice weapon" or "what are you carrying". Never been "harassed"...

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: The Congressman ()
Date: September 05, 2007 10:57AM


(Down now, and down a lot, but when it's working, it has everything you'll ever need to know about carrying.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: nakedshoplifter ()
Date: September 05, 2007 11:42AM

In Fairfax County you should follow the instructions provided in PDF form here:

My CHP application experience: I downloaded the application from the VSP website, printed THREE COPIES of the application and filled them out, made THREE photocopies of my telephone bill showing current address*, typed a list of all addresses I've lived at for the last five years (THREE COPIES), made THREE COPIES of my military discharge paperwork (DD-214), and made out a check for $50 to the county clerk. I took a half day off work and submitted my paperwork to the clerk along with a self addressed stamped envelope. Exactly 30 days later I had the permit in my mailbox. Did you notice everything requires THREE COPIES?

* Fairfax County requires proof of residency which is an "extralegal" requirement. The residency proof is not codified by state law and the county has no legal standing to require it of you to complete the permit process. You have two choices:

1: Play along with the extralegal requirement and provide the clerk with the residency proof documents.

2: Tell the clerk (Or investigator Eric Tate who is the individual who will call and tell you your application is missing the required residency info) the residency proof requirement is unlawful as VA has preempted firearms requirements at the state level. The county has no legal bearing setting extralegal requirements for the CHP process. Your permit will likely be denied for lack of proper documentation, but you may take your hearing to "ore tenus" where you can show a judge that the county is in error and you will then be granted your permit. Since this is a pain in the you-know-where most people provide proof of residency to simplify their application process.

You should tell Officer Tate that the requirement for residency proof is illegal as VA Code § 15.2-915 stipulates that no local government may introduce stronger requirements for firearms (including carry which is the issue here) than state code allows for. Here is the link to the relevant code:

The VA code stipulating CHP application requirements is § 18.2-308 and it is located here:

As for handgun model or serial numbers, you do not need to worry about any of this in VA. The only thing people should really be concerned about is the code which states magazines with capacities in excess of 20 rounds and threaded barrels are not allowed. Your CHP (when you receive it) makes you exempt from these particular restrictions. In fact, I carry a HK USP with a threaded barrel, as my CHP allows me to do so. That code is located here:

For more information about carrying firearms in VA, you can visit http://vaguninfo.com which is my site. I've tried to answer all of the questions that could pertain to firearms and the laws of VA there.

Also, no permit is required to open carry in Virginia. I open carry all the time in Ffx Co, and the police know the laws. Videos of Ffx Co police responding to open carry at Burke Lake Park here:

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2007 11:48AM by nakedshoplifter.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: September 05, 2007 12:21PM

just go ahead and carry a full size shotgun around and a bandolear of ammo. Remember beginners. Aim with BOTH eyes open. You dont need to site along the barrel of the gun with one eye closed. THIN the herd thats my new motto. Just start open carrying and kill everyone.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: § ()
Date: September 05, 2007 01:14PM

Why the hell would anyone open carry anyway (unless you're transporting the gun)? This isn't the wild, wild West. -§

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: September 05, 2007 02:04PM

wicky wicky

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Date: September 05, 2007 03:28PM

Packing.org is a good site. Also check out Opencarry.org for info on interstate travel with a firearm.

The process takes a while to complete so expect to wait for your permit. You do not need to register any serial numbers or anything to get your concealed carry permit. You can get the permit without owning a gun, but in VA I am pretty sure that it is a "concealed handgun permit" as opposed to a "concealed weapons permit" so you still cannot carry concealed any other bladed weapon outlined in the VA code or FFX Co. laws (ie. switch blades, nunchucks, brass knuckles, or whatever the hell else they have outlawed, I dont know).

If you have already completed all the requirements, then you have already taken your NRA certified class on firearms and they should have gone over the benefits and disadvantages to different kinds of guns for concealed carry. If you are still not sure on what you want to carry I recommend you sign up for a personal 1 on 1 session with an NRA certified range officer at the NRA headquarters firing range (located in the basement of the NRA building). They will be able to go over the pros and cons of a revolver vs a semi auto.

I carry a revolver when I need to carry concealed. The pros for revolvers are they are mechanically more simplified and more reliable. If you draw to shoot and the hammer falls on a dud round, you just have to pull the trigger again to cycle to a fresh round. There are fewer parts to break inside a revolver, and you can find them in very light weight and small framed veriaties. The cons of revolvers are that you are limitted to 5 or 6 shots, it takes longer to reload (though if you need to and have the time to reload during a fire fight, you probably have bigger problems on your hands than magazine capacity and should spend your time calling the police instead), they have very distinct outlines/impressions through your clothes so people know what it is if they see it bulging through your shirt/pants, and finally most revolvers have an exposed hammer that can get snagged on clothing when you go to draw (this can be avoided by getting a hammerless/shrouded-hammer revolver).
The pros of a semi auto are that they have larger magazine capacity, are faster to reload, often have safety mechanisms, are harder to have a negligent discharge if you keep the chamber empty, and are more intimidating (the goal is to not actually have to shoot anyone, the goal is to scare them into submission or retreat should your life be in danger. If you do have to shoot someone [god forbid] you better have a good lawyer already on retainer) because they are more recognizable and thus more "scary looking". The cons of semi autos are more internal parts to maintain and clean, take longer to fire if you carry condition 3 (chamber empty, hammer down), if your hammer falls on a dud round you have to cycle the slide by hand to chamber a fresh round, and they often tend to be slightly heavier than their revolver counterparts.

On a side note, for god's sake: dont carry until you are completely comfortable with whatever gun you decide on. Buy some dum-dum rounds ("snap caps", aka. plastic bullets for practice) and practice drawing, aiming, squeezing the trigger, and reholstering until you can do it in your sleep. Snap caps cost anywhere from $1 to $6 each depending on quality but they will help you in your practice immensly and they will also help keeping your gun from getting damaged when dry-firing. Buy 2 or 3 of them so you can practice a few times before reloading them.
Know the laws in your area and know the consequences of actually having to use your gun in self defense.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: Fairfax Citizen ()
Date: September 05, 2007 04:07PM

Great responses and good information.
Thank you all!

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: September 05, 2007 04:53PM

If you do get the permit I suggest you don't ever let people see the gun or tell people you have the permit. People around here freak out when they hear a person has the permit.

A friend has the permit and accidentally let that fact slip in a conversation with another parent. Now she is giving him dirty looks and doesn't want him around her kids. She's afraid it makes him a target for thugs who want guns.

He also had FFX police pull their guns on him once because some ignorant lady noticed the gun on him and called him in.(The gun was holstered inside his jacket.)

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: shep ()
Date: September 05, 2007 05:22PM

it's not the wild wild west, but it is the united states of america stupid. and it's your right. cherish your rights while you still have em. carry your gun on your hip. let people see that shit. half of people will think you're a cop and half of people just won't fuck with you cause you got a gun. you might get harrassed once or twice but hey. it's worth it. it's your right.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: § ()
Date: September 05, 2007 06:40PM

It sure sounds like inbred redneck paranoia to me. What? Are the British coming to burn down DC again? LOL. You strike me as the same person who goes out to get a barbed-wire, tribal-art tattoo because you think it intimidates people. What a tool. -§

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: dirtyharry ()
Date: September 06, 2007 02:34AM

Highlander, I open carry daily and yes Manassass PD & Prince William county police have both harassed me. Once while out for a walk at around 9pm, once while in a restaurant and once when walking to my car from a store. They seem to have a lower quality officer than Fairfax County.

Fairfax County actually did however arrested a couple of folks for open carry 3-4 years ago, but seem to understand now that it's not illegal. I personally have had zero problems in Fairfax.

One of the idiot cops I dealt with in PW actually said that carrying a firearm gave him probable cause to search my vehicle, which he did after calling for back up and locking my firearm in his car. Everything changed once I said, "I would like all of your business cards, and please call a supervisor right now. I was prelaw and know this is illegal."

The idiot's response, " why do you want our cards, whats the problem? " They then immediately stopped searching my car and returned my weapon (which he had unloaded). I laughed when he asked me not to reload it ,and did so as soon as I got back into my vehicle.

Whenever you have a cop pull crap like this get his card and write the chief of police. They really don't want their officers harassing the local business community for lawful open carry.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Date: September 06, 2007 05:28AM

Frankly, I think openly carrying a gun in an urban area like this isn't appropriate, especially considering how safe this area is. The fact is that there are people who don't know that it's legal (I haven't looked into it myself but I'm assuming you're right), and to walk into a restaurant or something and scare people is rude. When concealed-carry is allowed, you don't have to do that.

Out in the country where there are wild animals, big open areas where you can shoot for fun, and where law enforcement can be some distance away, it's appropriate.

Anyway, if someone is out to do harm you're better off not carrying openly. If I was a criminal and I saw you carrying openly, it might deter me, but on the other hand it might tell me that if I'm going to do anything, I have to knock you out or kill you first, without warning.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2007 05:28AM by Space Ghost Coast to Coast.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: nakedshoplifter ()
Date: September 06, 2007 09:55AM

"and to walk into a restaurant or something and scare people is rude. When concealed-carry is allowed, you don't have to do that."

Space Ghost, this is NOT an option for us Virginians. Concealed Carry is not allowed in any establishment lisensed for on-site sunsumption of alcohol. This would include places like Applebee's, Olive Garden, and even Chuck E' Cheese serves beer. Your options if you wish to conceal (and not break the law) are to either eat at some dive like Taco Bell or McDonald's or OPEN CARRY. Yes, open carry is the legal way to cary into an alcohol serving estabishment, as outlined by the VA State Police.

See here:

We who carry firearms do not like this law, we don't desire to open carry firearms into resteraunts. But since it's the law we MUST. The option of leaving a firearm in a car is not something we agree with, due to theft and unnessesary gun handling. The safest place for a firearm is either locked in a safe, or secured in a holster.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: logical ()
Date: September 06, 2007 10:44AM

Or you could just be like most normal people and not have to carry weapons around to "protect" yourself. I don't carry one and I've never run across any trouble with anyone. Then again, I don't place myself in situations where I feel I might need to shoot someone either.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: 4wheeler ()
Date: September 06, 2007 11:28AM

dirtyharry Wrote:
If you will be open
carrying in manassass or Prince William County be
prepared to be harassed by the cops. They hire all
the idiots that couldn't make the cut for Fairfax
County or VSP.

Why do you take that as a harrasment?? yes, i know....save yourself the sermon of "it's my constitutional right and thats why i do it" shit....Don't you think they are doing their job by making sure you are a true "law abiding citizen"?.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: nakedshoplifter ()
Date: September 06, 2007 12:19PM

"Then again, I don't place myself in situations where I feel I might need to shoot someone either."

Do you carry a spare tire and jack in your car? Do you have a fire extinguisher at home? Smoke alarms? Health insurance?

Why would you have these things? I mean, you don't *plan* on getting into a car accident, or burning your house down, do you?

I'm sure this lady http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/2/44252/44647.html who was walking home from work didn't feel she needed a gun either.

This assault and rape happened just down the street from where I live. Not all of us live happily ever after in cookie cutter McMansion houses like *some* in Ffx Co do. My neighboorhood is infested with gang activity (MS-13) and other forms of criminals. Just walking out my door places me in a "situation" and I refuse to be a prisoner in my own home.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Date: September 06, 2007 02:35PM

"Frankly, I think openly carrying a gun in an urban area like this isn't appropriate, especially considering how safe this area is."

Obviously you have not been to the same parts of falls church or arlington that I have after dark on a friday or saturday. Not everyone can afford to live in a gated community and not all of us work 9 to 5 shifts during daylight hours.

"Don't you think they are doing their job by making sure you are a true 'law abiding citizen'?."

Sure they are! We are all guilty until proven innocent... right? Are YOU law abiding? Shouldnt they stop you and find out?

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: fd ()
Date: September 06, 2007 03:30PM

I think this discussion has hit on a lot of good points so far however I feel like there is an element missing from the debate. Yes we all understand that citizens have the right to an open carry in the commonwealth of virginia and that displaying that right in public places is going to draw reasonable srutiny from law enfocrement. The PD has no idea until they are onscene the exact scenario and who knows what information the complianant has fed to the calltaker prior to their arrival. Given thatinformation the ballistic shield previously reffered to as the "riot shield" (big difference) may be an appropriate resource to have in the area of the unknown situation and only in hindsight and through an edited video does it look over zealous. Furthermore the police do have the right to request identification information from indivduals openly carrying a weapon because while simply carrying a weapon in open view is not a criminal offense, possesion of said weaqpon may be an offense. For example certain groups of individuals are not allowed to possess a firearm, they include convicted felons, convicted domestic abusers, illegal immigrants and drug users. A records check of a person possessing a firearm is therefore a reasonable request and as long as the detention is kept to a minimum and neccesary amount of time and force. I could go on but I think the video displays incredible professionalism on all sides and I can't really blame the officers for wanting to gather information on the situation before aproaching an armed group that in hindsight we know to be peaceful.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: September 06, 2007 03:59PM

Shep wrote:
> carry your gun on your hip. let people see that shit. half of people will think you're a cop

No they won't, they'll think your some rent-a-cop security person who couldn't get a real job or some insecure loser fantazing about playing Lone Ranger.

> and half of people just won't fuck with you cause you got a gun.

No, they'll just wait for the right moment, sneak up behind you and rob you for the gun.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Date: September 06, 2007 05:04PM

"For example certain groups of individuals are not allowed to possess a firearm"

How old are you? Are you over 16? Do you have a valid drivers license? Has it been revoked? Are you currently under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Do you have active drivers insurance as prescribed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia? How will we know until we pull you over and check? Step out of the car for me please, we need to investigate you, this wont take long. Oh, and hand us your keys please, we need to lock them in our cruiser.

"A records check of a person possessing a firearm is therefore a reasonable request and as long as the detention is kept to a minimum and neccesary amount of time and force"

Lets just throw out the fourth ammendment along with the second while we're at it. You have a right to bear arms. You have the privilage in Virginia to have a drivers license. Driving on the roads of Fairfax are not guarunteed to you in the constitution. If cops started pulling people over for any of the reasons I stated above, you'd hear outrage accross the state from MD to KY, even though any of the violations above are against the law, and it is not your right to be on the road in the first place.

"No, they'll just wait for the right moment, sneak up behind you and rob you for the gun."

Why dont you try that next time you see me with my gun, we'll see who's faster. But seriously, how many instances have you ever heard of where that happens? Fairfax is very different from the rest of Virginia, a LOT of people own guns and a lot of people carry on a regular basis. If you dont believe me just look at the scandal caused by the Roanoke Times a few months ago when they published the list of concealed carry permit holders. According to the article, "About 2 percent of Virginians, 135,789 of us, have concealed handgun permits." Where are all these instances of people having their guns taken from them? There is no way of knowing how many carry openly but if the number of CCP holders is any indication, it sounds like a lot.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: September 06, 2007 05:06PM

boristhebulletdodger Wrote:
> "For example certain groups of individuals are not
> allowed to possess a firearm"
> How old are you? Are you over 16? Do you have a
> valid drivers license? Has it been revoked? Are
> you currently under the influence of drugs or
> alcohol? Do you have active drivers insurance as
> prescribed by the laws of the Commonwealth of
> Virginia?

Yes, plaid, sometimes, 16, false, of course I am! Huzzah! Prescribed? whats a commonwealth?

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: September 06, 2007 05:14PM

boristhebulletdodger Wrote:
> "No, they'll just wait for the right moment, sneak
> up behind you and rob you for the gun."
> Why dont you try that next time you see me with my
> gun, we'll see who's faster. But seriously, how
> many instances have you ever heard of where that
> happens?

Yes, that happened to a friend 5 years ago and he was saying the same thing, they'll never get me.

You might think twice about how fast you are once you feel the barrel on the back of your head.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Date: September 06, 2007 05:56PM

"Yes, that happened to a friend 5 years ago and he was saying the same thing, they'll never get me.
You might think twice about how fast you are once you feel the barrel on the back of your head."

Which is all the more reason to encourage people to get concealed carry permits: to protect themselves from the kinds of people that you have described. There will always be those who are willing to break the law and do what they want. Taking steps to protect yourself and your family against such people is just common sense.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: hmm ()
Date: September 06, 2007 06:08PM

The chief of police in PW cant be bothered with illegals and the crime they bring but it appears his officers have more than enough time to detain the law abiding.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: September 06, 2007 06:20PM

if i were to feel the barrel on the back of your head, i would consider the following:

1. Most gun holsters have a moveable piece on the top that rotates over the grip. The gun cant be pulled out without moving that piece, which you are sure to notice.

2. Consider human reaction time. The fastest reaction time is about .15 of a second, i belive. feel free to disprove. Thats olympic athlete time. Your typical robber is not an olympic athlete. (BTW, i know its at least a tenth of a second reaction time becuase olympic starter clocks call a false start if the person moves within a tenth of a second of the starter going off becuase no one can react that fast)

3. Consider how fast you can move. If the robber is going to shoot you if you move, he must first have his eyes see you move, send that stimulus to the brain, have brain process it, decide what to do becuase of it, decide to pull trigger, send signal to finger to pull, and lastly pull the trigger. By the time he does that (likely half a second or more) many people will have been able to dodge out of the way and possibly make a move on the robber.


On the subject of riot shields and etc:
The riot sheild is often maid of plexiglass or similar. It is not intended to stop bullets, probably nothing more than a pistol round, if that.
The ballistic sheild is much stronger, intended to stop most bullets (maybe not a 50 caliber but slow it down significantly. THus this sheild was brought along with the report of the guns.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Date: September 06, 2007 06:57PM

Honestly if anyone ever had a gun to the back of my head I would give him/her whatever they wanted, and I encourage all of you to do the same too. Trying to outdraw someone is a good way of getting shot. Besides, where are all these police that the non-gun owning crowd seem to rely upon to protect us at all times? If we truly dont need guns, then this scenario shouldnt even be happening in the first place, right??

I dont open carry for several reasons and drawing negative attention to myself is one of them. Guns dont make you tough. They dont give you special powers. It is important to remember that. Many of the comments both for and against in this thread have made references to this sort of mentality... the "wild west", "people just won't f**k with you cause you got a gun", "inbred redneck paranoia"... It's just as important for those of us who do carry to not assume these attitudes as it is for those of us who dont carry to not assume that we have these attitudes. I hope I'm making sense here.

Fairfax Citizen, I just hope we have answered your questions without discouraging you from purchasing a firearm.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: September 06, 2007 07:04PM

recent news article. the US leads the world in Gun ownership. We own a third of all guns worldwide.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: Ghostface Killah ()
Date: September 06, 2007 10:31PM

KeepOnTruckin, you're completely full of shit. If someone has a gun to the back of your head, you can't draw, turn around, aim and shoot before they can pull the trigger. If your ninja skills let you draw and turn around before his brain can process it, how do you turn around, see where his head is, and aim all in this time that is quicker than a human being can react to something.

This is like an argument people have when they're 15 years old.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: also ()
Date: September 06, 2007 11:13PM

speaking of guns 3:10 to Yuma starts tomorrow, the preview looks good

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: Dr. Z ()
Date: September 06, 2007 11:57PM

WASHINGTON - A man used a hammer to threaten and rob people near D.C., police said Thursday. He has gone after three victims, one of them an 80-year-old woman.
The victims told police they were robbed by a man who raised a hammer and threatened to bash them with it if they did not give him their money.

We need to start now and regulate hammers. Someone call Jesse Jackson and have him start a protest outside the Home Depot. Your hammers are endangering our children.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: just carry it ()
Date: September 07, 2007 11:07AM

I just carry with out a permit. If I have to kill someone I will worry about the permit then. It's just a piece of paper. All that paperwork is a waste of time. I have only had to display my weapon once. That involved an asshole who got out of his car to give me shit for going the speed limit. He took one look at my walther ppk and said "sorry man" as he nearly pissed his pants.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: nakedshoplifter ()
Date: September 07, 2007 01:17PM

How did this "display" of your weapon occur? Was it sitting on the seat and the he saw it or were you holding it?

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: jester ()
Date: September 07, 2007 02:02PM

just carry it Wrote:
> I just carry with out a permit. If I have to kill
> someone I will worry about the permit then. It's
> just a piece of paper. All that paperwork is a
> waste of time. I have only had to display my
> weapon once. That involved an asshole who got out
> of his car to give me shit for going the speed
> limit. He took one look at my walther ppk and said
> "sorry man" as he nearly pissed his pants.

Yup and then the guy called the cops on you and had the last laugh.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: just carry it ()
Date: September 07, 2007 02:26PM

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: nakedshoplifter (IP Logged)
Date: September 07, 2007 01:17PM

How did this "display" of your weapon occur? Was it sitting on the seat and the he saw it or were you holding it?

What kind of faggot uses the name nakedshoplifter. Don't get out of your car and you won't have to worry. I only point to shoot.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: nakedshoplifter ()
Date: September 07, 2007 07:33PM

You are quite possibly one of the dumbest idiots I've ever encountered. As for the name calling, I believe only a pussy would be frightened enough by an approaching man to point a gun at him. Take your licks or dish them out yourself. But pointing a gun at someone who is most likely only going to re-arrange your punk nose is weak. Very weak. You are exactly the type of person Ferfux imagines when he thinks of a gun owner.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: September 07, 2007 08:19PM

nakedshoplifter Wrote:
> You are quite possibly one of the dumbest idiots
> I've ever encountered. As for the name calling, I
> believe only a pussy would be frightened enough by
> an approaching man to point a gun at him. Take
> your licks or dish them out yourself. But pointing
> a gun at someone who is most likely only going to
> re-arrange your punk nose is weak. Very weak. You
> are exactly the type of person Ferfux imagines
> when he thinks of a gun owner.

No I imagine you wearing nothing but a diaper and sucking on your gun barrel as a binky crying your sad lil well armed heart out. Now go take a nap you are cranky and have an itchy trigger finger from not enough Rash powder.

PS kids always Aim with BOTH EYES OPEN. Its better for the novice gun owner to sight this way rather than with one eye along the barrel. If you cant shoot the one you love; Shoot the one who bitches.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2007 08:21PM by ferfux.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: September 07, 2007 10:28PM

Not talking about pulling out my own gun. I ment just either knocking the guys gun out of the way or punching him or somthing.

You cant draw your gun if he took it, smart one.

Just carry it, you like the james bond gun?

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: 4wheeler ()
Date: September 08, 2007 09:03AM

just carry it Wrote:
> I just carry with out a permit. If I have to kill
> someone I will worry about the permit then. It's
> just a piece of paper. All that paperwork is a
> waste of time. I have only had to display my
> weapon once. That involved an asshole who got out
> of his car to give me shit for going the speed
> limit. He took one look at my walther ppk and said
> "sorry man" as he nearly pissed his pants.

Perfect example why there should be restrictions on who's carrying a gun and how. I bet you felt "like a real man" for taking your gun out, eh?.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: Walther PPK ()
Date: September 08, 2007 12:57PM

Comments and the picture of the Walther PPK (.32 cal) brought back memories. I used to own one of these fine-tooled weapons--in my James Bond days when I defended freedom in the Fulda Gap. This semiautomatic handgun was replaced by the PPK-S to meet USA gun laws and, from what I've read, does not receive the higher ratings of many other handguns. I sold my PPK to a guy headed for Vietnam. I hope that he survived okay. I should have kept that handgun... (In the Fulda Gap I actually was armed with a .38 Special or a .45 cal. to hold back the Eighth Guards Army).

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: pig ()
Date: September 08, 2007 09:25PM

I'd look at the XD Sub Compact in .40 or 9mm. Great weapon and awesome ergonomics.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: September 08, 2007 11:17PM

Somehow i dont think just carry it acutally owns a PPK, considering thats a picture from Wikipedia.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Date: September 10, 2007 12:41AM

can you all recommend some cheap courses that will allow you to apply for your CHP?

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: mike ()
Date: September 10, 2007 11:02AM

> can you all recommend some cheap courses that will
> allow you to apply for your CHP?

contact Clark Brothers in Warrenton; they have a 1 day course (classroom and range test) that upon completion will allow you to file for your CHL in VA

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Date: September 10, 2007 01:36PM

> can you all recommend some cheap courses that will
> allow you to apply for your CHP?

NRA and Blue Ridge Arsenal will both be able to help you out. Expect to pay between $60 and $120 for the course depending on which one you sign up for and what it includes (ie. range time, ammo, gun rental).

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Date: September 11, 2007 12:14AM

thanks for the advice yall, i have looked @ Blue Ridge's course and may just go with that...

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: dirtyharry ()
Date: September 11, 2007 12:54AM

Gilberts in Newington $40.00

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Date: September 11, 2007 10:31PM

^ nice that place is very close by to where I live too. Ill stop by and ask about their courses.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: hmm ()
Date: September 11, 2007 11:13PM

I like the guy that said he was stopped by Manassas and PWC police about open carrying a gun. I think what puzzled them was what the hell is a white guy doing in Mexico North. They might have figured you had enough of the amigos and were going on a spree.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: Fairfax Citizen ()
Date: September 12, 2007 02:34PM

Good suggestions and recommendations.

Springfield Armory Hand Guns (Pistols)
Springfield XD 9MM 4" Polymer Matte Black 16Rd 2 Mags Fixed Sights

Sounds like a sweet handgun with superb safety features. What brand hollow points work best? Best place to purchase? Prices for handguns and ammo?

I'd rather hear from FU citizens for great veracity than a Google search .

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Date: September 12, 2007 03:03PM

Fairfax Citizen Wrote:
> Good suggestions and recommendations.
> Springfield Armory Hand Guns (Pistols)
> Springfield XD 9MM 4" Polymer Matte Black 16Rd 2
> Mags Fixed Sights
> Sounds like a sweet handgun with superb safety
> features. What brand hollow points work best?
> Best place to purchase? Prices for handguns and
> ammo?
> I'd rather hear from FU citizens for great
> veracity than a Google search .

Uhh... dont worry about hollow points just yet... Focus on choosing a gun first.
Yellow pages will help you out there. Go to some of the few remaining gun stores in the area and see if they will let you handle some of the handguns. Buy something that fits comfortably in your hand. No use in getting a gun that is no fun to shoot, you'd spend less time practicing which will be bad for you in the long run. To find general ballpark prices on the most current models of guns, check out GunBroker.com. I would not recommend buying your first gun from an online source though. Also, occasionaly the Dulles Expo has gun shows, I think the next one is in November, check out thenationsgunshow.com for details, gun shows are a great way to get your hands on (literally) many diferent models of firearms all in one place as opposed to bugging a gun store owner to let you pick up everything behind his counter.
The 9mm Springfield XD is a good gun, I know a few people who have one. I believe it does not have a thumb safety or decocker because it has an internal hammer like a Glock. Some people prefer this, I do not.
Ammo prices vary, depending on quality and store location. Buying in bulk is the cheapes option. Prices went up about two years ago due to the price of metals increase and also in a small part due to the war in Iraq. My advice: get some cheap but reliable stuff (you'd have to figure out which brands are reliable in your gun by trial and error or by talking to others who own that model) and buy it in bulk. Sportsmansguide.com and Cheaprthandirt.com are two online vendors who sell ammo in bulk (you have to pay shipping). If you plan on carrying your gun on a regular basis, practice shooting the type of ammo you plan on carrying. Hollow points will be very expensive compared to regular FMJ or plated semi wadcutters if you're using a revolver.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: September 12, 2007 03:17PM

I think at Blue Ridge Arsenal you can rent certain models. I'd see if you can rent the one you're thinking about buying first and test fire it.

I shot with a friend's .44 magnum and while I though it was a cool gun, not something you'd want to shoot with on a regular basis. It's was more like a controlled dynamite explosion in your hand.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/2007 03:28PM by Lurker..

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: Fairfax Citizen ()
Date: October 01, 2007 05:42PM

You're right, Kathy. There are many of us in Fairfax County. I'm sorry that you have experienced stressful situations in our great county, concerning your alternative life style. I hope that your middle-management position provides the opportunity to have positive interpersonal relationships and the opportunity to escape the inner-city heritage.

(In another post, scatological Kathy made some nasty remarks about our outstanding citizens and weapons).

"I hate Virginia and can't wait to move back to Georgia." -Scatological Kathy

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: yo ()
Date: October 02, 2007 03:28PM

Can you still "Open Carry" a handgun in FFX Co., and VA, or did Albo change that too?

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: October 03, 2007 12:31AM

yo Wrote:
> Can you still "Open Carry" a handgun in FFX Co.,
> and VA, or did Albo change that too?

his law firm doesnt speacialize in weapon related changes, so no, you can still open carry a handgun.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: October 03, 2007 01:44AM

Open carry is legal in all of Virginia and your vehicle the pistol cannot contain more than 20 rounds and has to be viewable from the front back and side. In the vehicle it is "common observation". You can carry concealed (some places are off limits, airports, courhouses, jails, places that serve alcohol etc) in the entire state as well as long as you have a permit from any county in this state or any state this state honors.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: yo ()
Date: October 03, 2007 11:08AM

Thanks for the info Gravis and Mofo.

Question though, how do you display a pistol in your car so that it viewable from all sides?

I've seen pickup trucks with gun racks mounted in the rear window, but never anything like that for a car.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: October 03, 2007 03:05PM

hang it from the rearview mirror? put it in the front seat on somthing that lifts it up? Above the trunk on the back

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Date: October 03, 2007 03:42PM

It is a bad law and one of the reasons I got a concealed carry permit. The last thing you want in an auto accident is a loaded gun flying around the cab of your vehicle.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: yo ()
Date: October 03, 2007 04:15PM

Boris, that's what I was thinking and why I asked how to display it properly so that is is visible like Mofo said above.

I would think you'd have to have some sort of mount for it... although Truckin's "hang it from the reaview mirror" made me laugh.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Date: October 03, 2007 05:41PM

In my concealed class the instructor mentioned that it would have to be "openly visible" as in sitting on the passenger seat out in the open. The problem with this is that if one is carrying openly and then gets into his/her car, suddenly they might be violating the law because it is no longer openly visible. One could take off the gun and secure it in the trunk unloaded, but to me that sounds like more unnecessary handling of a firearm than I am comfortable with. The more you fool with it (taking holser off, putting holster on), the more likely bad things will happen such as unintentional discharges or people seeing you and thinking "oh my god, why is that person putting a gun on??"

I dont know the exact wording of the law, I havent really worried about it since I got my permit. This is the closest I could find:

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: yo ()
Date: October 03, 2007 06:18PM

boristhebulletdodger Wrote:
> In my concealed class the instructor mentioned
> that it would have to be "openly visible" as in
> sitting on the passenger seat out in the open. The
> problem with this is that if one is carrying
> openly and then gets into his/her car, suddenly
> they might be violating the law because it is no
> longer openly visible. .....

> I dont know the exact wording of the law, I havent
> really worried about it since I got my permit.
> This is the closest I could find:
> http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?000+co
> d+18.2-308

Damn that's a long VA Code, but thanks for the info.

I wouldn't have it loaded while driving, but would keep the clip handy, simpley because, like you stated above, if you where in and accident, the Pistol could fire.

Also, I could just imagine a FFX Co. Cop pulling you over for something or another, and see that you have a pistol sitting in the passenger seat... Not Good, even if unloaded. I'd imagine the first thing they'd do is pull their gun and order you out of you vehicle.

I would think that some sort of dashboard mount would be a better idea, and keep in unloaded in case of an accident.

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: yo ()
Date: October 06, 2007 06:13PM

Any ideas?

C'mon, I want to be "Legal", but how to I have the pistol totally in view?

Re: Concealed Carry Questions
Posted by: nakedshoplifter ()
Date: October 07, 2007 09:28AM

If you have a holstered handgun and you are pulled over just tell the officer about the gun.

"Officer, I am openly carrying a glock on my right hip at the 4:00 position, I will keep my hands on the steering wheel unless you instruct me otherwise."

Now how would you be charged for having a concealed firearm if you told the cop about it first? I have personally been pulled over twice and informed the cop using the above language. In both cases the cop thanked me for the disclosure and gave me a warning for the traffic infraction. This was all before I had a CHP and was required to open carry.

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