Re: Fairfax Property Values
Posted by:
Date: August 30, 2007 03:23PM
duh, you are sorely mistaken. Have you looked closely at most immigrant drywall jobs? the seems are visible, the joint compound is not sanded down properly, and often times it is improperly installed (cut poorly, laid across the beams the wrong way, etc.)
Fairfax MF---er, you are a "realist"?!? Where in the real world is "NOTHING" selling? I have no idea where you live, but I assure you, outside of that little world of yours, homes are selling. I just told you the two homes right next door to me just went to settlement within the past two weeks. The contracts were offered in July. My sister is moving into her new home this weekend. Granted, she is a buyer, but do you know who she bought it from? That's right, a seller! Give yourself a pat on the back. Your guarentee is hollow. I know facts. The facts tell me that my sister bought from a person who purchased the home in December of 2003, the seller made $112K after closing costs, commissions, etc. Granted, they were asking for more, and the house was on the market 45 days, but they still made a profit. I know that one of my neighbors purchased his home in February of 2004. He sold in August of 2007 for $144K more than he bought his home. It sold within 30 days. Every week, the Washington Post lists area home sales. Granted, it is the Post and they tend to make a bunch of stuff up, but I doubt they are fabricating the homes sales section. There are a ton of factors that go into home pricing and sales. Bargains can be had now, and if you looked in the right places, they were there at the height of the bubble. Look, I agree the prices have declined, but you make these blanket statements with no facts whatsoever, In your first post, you asked for success stories. I gave you one, and you quickly dismissed it with your guarentees and your know it all attitude. I understand you are depressed about this market, but quite frankly I am pumped. I bought in 2004, I know I can make at least a $100K over what I paid then. Dismiss it all you want, but that number is easily attainable in my neighborhood. With that, my savings and my $20K paid into my mortgage, I can make a nice down payment for a larger/better home at a time when the buyer has some leverage. We haven't decided to sell, but I wouldn't mind doing it in this market. I've made good money off this house and I would rather buy in a buyer's market. I consider it a "success."