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Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: fed up ()
Date: January 03, 2008 06:06PM

Update Wrote:
> My wife just called me to inform me that my
> neighbor spoke with the Commonwealth Attorney's
> Office this morning. (neighbor is active in PTO)
> Apparently, Litsa and her attorney have reached an
> agreement with the prosecutor and will enter a
> guilty plea at her preliminary hearing next week.
> In return, Litsa will be sentenced to 1 year, be
> made to pay restitution, and be banned from
> handling any money for nonprofit orgs for the next
> 5 years. The prison sentence will be suspended if
> she sticks to her restitution payment plan. My
> wife told me the restitution plan is ridiculously
> light - something like $50/month or something
> paltry like that.
> Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

$50.00 a month? Well, poor Litsa has to make sure she can keep driving around in her Lexus, buying Hannah Montana tickets,all of her family wearing the newest UGG boots, highlighting her and her daughters hair monthly, buying her son a new car, getting her nails done and sitting around on her fat ass snickering at us all day long. Maybe it should be like $10.00 a month. Litsa.........get the hell out of here. You are a disgusting pig.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Lurker.. ()
Date: January 03, 2008 06:12PM

One year in jail with food? $50 dollar fine? Litsa only knows one thing... MONEY!

She should get one year in jail for stealing the money and have to pay the $180,000 back with INTEREST! Maybe double the amount she stole!

So basically the prosecutor is paying her $179,950 for stealing? Who the hell is proscecuter? Don't prosecutors have to graduate from some law school or pass a bar exam?

Maybe we should all start stealing from PTA's because FFX County allows that and it is very profitable.

Anybody know a PTA or PTO where I can sign up? An extra $179,950 in my bank account would be nice. Even if I buy a Lexus I can still have plenty for a down payment on a foreclosed house.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Another Lurker ()
Date: January 03, 2008 08:26PM

If it's really $50/month, that's less than the interest on $20,000 @ 3%/year. Pretty pathetic, and most certainly not any kind of deterrent message to anyone else -- "Steal money, save 10%, and if you get caught, just pay the fine off the interest from what you stashed!"

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Livid ()
Date: January 03, 2008 09:01PM

If this is true, it's horrible. Litsa should have to pay a minimum of $1,000 per month with interest until it's all paid off. My kids make more than $50 per month doing various jobs for family and neighbors. She needs to hurt financially.

For those of you asking how the PTA could miss over $180K. It's very easy when Litsa is the one who is collecting the money, pocketing her take, then reporting the rest to the membership. No one truly knew how much was really being made on various fund raisers. Now the real numbers are coming out.

I will be at the hearing on Monday and hope that she loudly states that she's guilty. I also hope her family is there to hear her and finally acknowlege her guilt. There is nothing worse in life than having to tell your children that you stole money and then lied to them.

Shame on you Litsa!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: What? ()
Date: January 03, 2008 09:09PM

Back this disfunctional truck up. The light speed court system (NOT) is all going to work this case out on Monday? Last I checked this was a plea hearing, followed by possible case, depending on her plea, and then on to a JUDGE to decide her fate. No matter what deal they come up with a JUDGE has the final say. The State Attorney will RECOMMEND a sentence! You people have her out and singing zippy-do-dah, skipping next to her lexus, wearing ugg boots, holding a $1000.00 purse, drinking tea, with a trainer at her side checking blood pressure every mile or two, and speed dialing her next five star vacation! Get a grip! Its not OVER.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: SRE ()
Date: January 04, 2008 07:51AM

Lurker.. Wrote:
> One year in jail with food? $50 dollar fine?
> Litsa only knows one thing... MONEY!
> She should get one year in jail for stealing the
> money and have to pay the $180,000 back with
> INTEREST! Maybe double the amount she stole!
> So basically the prosecutor is paying her $179,950
> for stealing? Who the hell is proscecuter? Don't
> prosecutors have to graduate from some law school
> or pass a bar exam?
> Maybe we should all start stealing from PTA's
> because FFX County allows that and it is very
> profitable.
> Anybody know a PTA or PTO where I can sign up? An
> extra $179,950 in my bank account would be nice.
> Even if I buy a Lexus I can still have plenty for
> a down payment on a foreclosed house.

Lurker....... re-read the thread, it is $50/month, not a $50 fine.

I agree with the others who say she should have to pay $1000 every month (or even more). Will any of us live long enough to see her pay off the $180,000 @ $50 a month? LOL

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Concerned Citizen ()
Date: January 04, 2008 03:36PM

Interesting plea deal. However, I didn't buy it so I myself called and spoke to the prosecutor.

No deal. No plea. No truth to the rumor.

Show up at 2PM Monday, January 7th, 2008. Court Room 2F.

The Navy Elementary Community has the opportunity to face the person who allegedly embezzled over 180K from the PTA. The judge will see a concerned and involved community. The alleged perpetrator will see she won't get away with this crime. Justice will prevail. Come and see for yourself.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: To Concerned ()
Date: January 04, 2008 04:18PM

Dear Concerned,
Do you have the name and phone number of the prosecutor?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: To Concerned ()
Date: January 04, 2008 04:29PM

Dear Concerned,

Did you speak with Kathy Stott?
She is the prosecutor....supposedly.
I called the attorney's office also (703-246-2776) , but she was not in.

Did you actually speak with her?


Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Facts ()
Date: January 04, 2008 06:54PM

The purpose of this post is to squash any rumor……. THERE IS NO PLEA AGREEMENT ON SENTENCING OR RESTITUTION.

Based on a conversation I just had with the prosecutor’s office, here is a cryptic overview of the details as I understand them. Hopefully, this will put everyone's mind at ease and encourage the community to attend EACH of these hearings to show their concern.

On Monday, at the preliminary hearing, there will be numerous other cases besides the Mattfeld case. This hearing will take only a few minutes. At that time, the individual will have the opportunity to plead guilty to the two charges and waive their right to a trial. There is NO agreement of sentencing. If she pleads guilty to the two charges, the only agreement is that NO other charges will be brought. (The accused will have to get up and speak directly with the judge.)

On January 22 (most likely) there will be a convening of a Grand Jury. At that time the Detective from the Police Department will review the evidence with the Grand Jury. The Grand Jury will confirm that there is or is not probable cause and will make the decision to indict. (This is a check and balances step and is still required even after the plea and waiving of the trial is made.)

About 6 weeks later, depending on the schedule of the attorneys, (sometime in February / early March on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday at 10am) there will be a hearing for the "entry of the plea." The prosecutor and defense attorneys will have a chance to speak (proffer) on the case at that time. Wiki definition: To proffer (sometimes profer) means to offer evidence in support of an argument, or elements of an affirmative defense or offense, often at trial. A party with the burden of proof must proffer sufficient evidence to carry that burden. (The prosecutor has a good idea of how upset the community is and will not be surprised at the numbers who may show up for the hearings.)

The case will then be continued for another few weeks until the sentencing hearing....which will usually happen on a Friday. The SAME judge who heard the plea hearing will handle the sentencing hearing.

IN THE MEANTIME.....after the plea hearing....and before the sentencing hearing, the individual will be referred to the probation department. The probation department will complete a "PRE-SENTENCING REPORT." Information about the person's criminal history, living situation, health etc is reviewed and a report is drafted for the judge.


This report is given to the judge a week or more before the sentencing hearing.

It is important for those who were impacted (students, teachers, community, etc) to draft a written statement (VICTIM IMPACT LETTER) and MAKE SURE THE LETTER(S) ARE GIVEN TO THE APPROPRIATE PERSON IN THE PROBATION OFFICE WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DRAFTING THE “PRE-SENTENCING REPORT” BEFORE the report is finalized and given to the judge.

Hope this helps everyone understand the process. Again….at this time there is NO agreement between the defense and the prosecution concerning sentencing or restitution. That is a RUMOR and is indeed, NOT TRUE.

Please attend the hearings and show your interest and concern.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Concerned Citizen ()
Date: January 04, 2008 08:01PM

Thank you *Facts*. Your summary was exceptional. That is pretty much what the prosecutor told me as well. I think the prosecutor can count on seeing many concerned citizens at each court date.

The Victim Impact Letter(s) will be another important opportunity for the community to be heard. Start drafting them now!

See you all Monday at 2PM.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Tricki ()
Date: January 05, 2008 03:50AM

This is cool. Thanks for the info. I'm not busy Monday. I might just attend just to see what this Litsa woman is like. Should be good for some entertainment.

I marked my calendar.


Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Reminder ()
Date: January 06, 2008 07:50PM


2PM Monday, January 7th, 2008. Court Room 2F.


Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Lurker.. ()
Date: January 07, 2008 10:23AM

Please post details after the hearing

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: curious ()
Date: January 07, 2008 03:44PM

Does anyone have any info on how the hearing went this afternoon??

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Bailiff ()
Date: January 07, 2008 04:12PM

Litsa is stuck in the door and nobody can get out of the court room. I'm posting from my Iphone.

John Q Public,
Court Bailiff

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Doug ()
Date: January 07, 2008 04:25PM

I went to the hearing. For all the hubbaloo, barely anyone from the Navy community showed up. She plead not guilty. A trial date was set. But, both attorneys agreed not to set a date because the parties are attempting to work out a plea deal.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: public impact ()
Date: January 07, 2008 04:29PM

Doug Wrote:
> I went to the hearing. For all the hubbaloo,
> barely anyone from the Navy community showed up.
> She plead not guilty. A trial date was set. But,
> both attorneys agreed not to set a date because
> the parties are attempting to work out a plea
> deal.

when is the trial and can the public write to attorney for the state about the public impact?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Doug ()
Date: January 07, 2008 04:36PM

public impact Wrote:
> when is the trial and can the public write to
> attorney for the state about the public impact?

My understanding is that there might not be a trial if they reach a deal. I assume the public impact statement will come into play at sentencing, which would be after a plea bargain is reached. All in all, I was VERY disappointed to see the lack of interest by the Navy Community. Particularly after all the hububb on this board. You all should be very ashamed. I understand if you had work or other committments, but many promised and swore they would attend. Attendance was pathetic!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: huh? ()
Date: January 07, 2008 04:44PM

Doug Wrote:
> I went to the hearing. For all the hubbaloo,
> barely anyone from the Navy community showed up.
> She plead not guilty. A trial date was set. But,
> both attorneys agreed not to set a date because
> the parties are attempting to work out a plea
> deal.

Not guilty but she is working on a plea? Our justice system and of course Litsa is so pathetic. Tell me though, what difference would it have made if a thousand people were there? A plea is a plea. How many people are there would have meant nothing. At a sentencing hearing though, that possibly could be a different story.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy Ship Wreck ()
Date: January 07, 2008 05:25PM

The next step is voicing an opinion to the judge assigned the case at sentencing. *Facts* said it best. Great information, thank you facts. For many of us in the community this is our first time learning the justice system in detail.

As for why the Navy Community did not show up? We were basically advised by the state attorney's office not too. It was a plea hearing. Trial and sentencing hearing is another story.

I do think it will help to let the state attorney know we will accept nothing less than Jail time, repayment (no matter how small a month), and TWO felony charges. No house arrest. She is basically on house arrest tapping away on a lap top one of the three community organization paid for. Sorry Litsa, criminals with medical problems can go to jail. Tell it to the few clueless friends you have left.

The justice system moves slow. Stay educated!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Facts ()
Date: January 07, 2008 08:59PM

All that happened today was that the defendant "waived her right" to a preliminary hearing. This would have been the hearing to determine "probable cause." The whole thing took less than 2 minutes.

By waiving this right, the defendant's case is automatically being sent to Circuit Court and the Grand Jury without this hearing (Why....because there most likely exists enough evidence for probable cause.) The Grand Jury is a group of five to seven citizens, selected by the Circuit Court judges, whose duty is the hear the Commonwealth’s evidence in criminal cases and decide if a trial should take place in the Circuit Court. Decisions are made by majority vote. The only person who testifies before the Grand Jury is the law enforcement officer involved in the case.

The Grand Jury will hear the evidence from the detective and will decide to charge or not. Based on the evidence, they will likely do so.

The next court date is January 23. (mark your calendars)

Following this, if the defendant decides to plea bargain, there will be a hearing to "enter the plea." This will be sometime after January 23.

After the "plea is entered" the defendants situation is reviewed by the probation department and a report generated for the judge to consider at the sentencing hearing. This is the time for the "victim's" (school, teachers, students, families, citizens, members of the PTA and PTO.....etc) in the case to draft a victim impact letter. This letter should be sent to the prosecutor and will be forwarded to the probation office for inclusion in the report to be given to the judge."

After the "plea hearing" the sentencing hearing is scheduled. The same judge hears the case, the plea, and sentencing hearings.

Again....there is no plea agreement between the prosecutor and defendant regarding sentencing or restitution at this time. The prosecutor is well aware of the concern the community has on this issue and will act accordingly. Any rumors you are hearing otherwise are false.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: To Doug ()
Date: January 07, 2008 09:35PM

Doug Wrote:
> I went to the hearing. For all the hubbaloo,
> barely anyone from the Navy community showed up.
> She plead not guilty. A trial date was set. But,
> both attorneys agreed not to set a date because
> the parties are attempting to work out a plea
> deal.

Reply back to Doug:


Unless I missed something today, I did not hear your wife say "Not Guilty." Today was not the hearing where any plea was made. Today was the preliminary hearing, which your wife waived her right to. The case now goes to the Circuit Court and the Grand Jury.

Are you trying to confuse the readers of this forum who were working and unable to attend the hearing?

Your following comments, copied from above, don't make any sense: "A trial date was set. But, both attorneys agreed not to set a date because the parties are attempting to work out a plea deal."

The next court date was, indeed, set in court today. The next court date is scheduled for January 23. (everyone mark your calendars.)

Why would your wife make a plea deal if she 'really' was not guilty? hmmmmmmm, I wonder !!!

Your wife needs to realize that stealing $180,000 + (no telling how much cash) from the PTA, its school, teachers, children, and community is wrong. When the community found out that this was not her first time embezzling, thanks to her previous co-workers coming forward, that is what really incensed most people. She should be punished and ordered to pay restitution for her crime. Perhaps this will finally teach her a lesson that stealing is wrong. Stealing $180,000 will get you in big trouble.

There are plenty of people who really have difficult circumstances, have lost their jobs, been laid off, have hard times and still don't steal. My biggest concern is the message this is sending your children. This whole situation is so very sad for everyone. The devistation and broken trust left by this sad situation will take a long time to heal.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 09, 2008 06:40PM

Litsa will cut a bullshit deal like you people are all worried about. Public outrage couldn't stop the school redistricting, which impacts a hell of a lot more people. Do you really think public outrage will influence the judge/prosecutor here? Simple answer...No.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: JLR ()
Date: January 09, 2008 09:50PM

I guess we'll all just have to attend the hearings and wait and see. The prosecutor was very informed, easy to speak to, very open to the concerns of the community affected, and well aware of the community outrage. I have the confidence that she will prosecute to the fullest extent possible. She is very professional, knowlegable and very much on top of her cases.

Navy PTO, previous PTA members, teachers, parents, and Navy Community Voices ... start drafting your "Victim Impact Letters" NOW. They should be sent to the prosecuting attorney's office: Attention: Kathy Stott.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: January 10, 2008 09:58AM

JLR Wrote:
> I guess we'll all just have to attend the hearings
> and wait and see. The prosecutor was very
> informed, easy to speak to, very open to the
> concerns of the community affected, and well aware
> of the community outrage. I have the confidence
> that she will prosecute to the fullest extent
> possible. She is very professional, knowlegable
> and very much on top of her cases.
> Navy PTO, previous PTA members, teachers, parents,
> and Navy Community Voices ... start drafting your
> "Victim Impact Letters" NOW. They should be sent
> to the prosecuting attorney's office: Attention:
> Kathy Stott.

That's all well and good. However, the Prosecutor has to weigh what she can get on Litsa if she successfully prosecutes the case and what would happen if she simply cut a plea deal. If she negotiates a plea deal, she knows she will have Litsa on something. If she takes it to trial, she could lose and Litsa could go free or if Litsa is convicted the judge/jury could still hand her basically the same sentence that would have resulted from the plea deal, except after a lot more time and expense.

The prosecutor - or any prosecutor - is more worried about MS-13, rapists, killers, car jackers, etc, than this kind of case.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Twinkie ()
Date: January 10, 2008 10:35AM

Fairfax MF---er Wrote:
> The prosecutor - or any prosecutor - is more
> worried about MS-13, rapists, killers, car
> jackers, etc, than this kind of case.

After reading this thread, I don't know, an angry mob of Navy parents seems pretty worrisome.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: January 10, 2008 10:52AM

Twinkie Wrote:
> Fairfax MF---er Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The prosecutor - or any prosecutor - is more
> > worried about MS-13, rapists, killers, car
> > jackers, etc, than this kind of case.
> After reading this thread, I don't know, an angry
> mob of Navy parents seems pretty worrisome.

Doesn't sound like an angry mob bothered showing up at the hearing.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Twinkie ()
Date: January 10, 2008 11:31AM

Fairfax MF---er Wrote:
> Doesn't sound like an angry mob bothered showing
> up at the hearing.

It was meant as sarcasm. I agree that this is a minor thing in comparison to the real violence in the county. A recent look at other ebezzlers indicates a lack of real prison time for most:

1. Fr. Salvator Ciullo, a priest of the Arlington, Va., diocese, received a five-year sentence for embezzling funds from two diocesan parishes, but the sentence was suspended on the condition the priest pay restitution and successfully complete two years of supervised probation. Ciullo, 71, has agreed to repay more than $1.1 million to the diocese.

2. Robert M. Short, 39, of Arlington admitted in April that in 2003 he had written checks to himself totaling $439,006 from the law firm of Trapeni, Romero & Morrison, where he was renting space, and that he deposited all but $3,000 in the trust account he used in his capacity as a lawyer. He also acknowledged illegally taking $63,709 that he had either gotten from clients as fees or received from people to be paid to clients. Fairfax Circuit Court Judge Leslie Alden in June sentenced Short to only four months in jail for the embezzlement. She also ordered him to make restitution of $245,000, at a rate of $50 a month.

I would also note that Mr. Short stole from people who probably felt the loss. Who at Navy actually "felt" the loss? Not the loss of trust, etc. BUt who couldn't put food on the table because of it? Whose kid is actually going to go through life less well off because of it. This woman MIGHT see a couple of months.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Twinkie ()
Date: January 10, 2008 11:32AM

By the way, does that $50 a month sound a little familiar???

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Concerned ()
Date: January 10, 2008 01:00PM

Yeah, after reading that, I don't see how Litsa gets any hard time. I mean, what kind of impact will victim statements have? It isn't like parents can quatify the loss.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: January 10, 2008 01:30PM

The above cases don't apply to Litsa as she has a previous proven record of embezzlement

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Twinkie ()
Date: January 10, 2008 01:39PM

Jester Wrote:
> The above cases don't apply to Litsa as she has a
> previous proven record of embezzlement

Proven in a court of law?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: January 10, 2008 01:48PM

Twinkie Wrote:
> Jester Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The above cases don't apply to Litsa as she has
> a
> > previous proven record of embezzlement
> Proven in a court of law?

From what I have heard, the woman has never been convicted of anything. If that is the case, accusations of past behavior aren't going to prove anything.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Plea = Guilty ()
Date: January 11, 2008 11:04PM

She will do her best to cut a plea because the evidence collected shows she is guilty of embezzling $180,000. That is what could be identified by the checks she wrote. Imagine how much cash was taken that can't be traced. She was also involved in handling money for Chantilly Youth Association and Chantilly High School Boosters. She is a professional who puts herself in the best position possible to steal. She will get what is coming to her.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 12, 2008 08:16AM

Plea = Guilty Wrote:
She is a professional who puts herself
> in the best position possible to steal. She will
> get what is coming to her.

If what you say is true, she apparently has gotten away with this for 20-some years. What makes you think she won't get away with it now?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Twinkie ()
Date: January 14, 2008 10:52AM

Plea = Guilty Wrote:
She will get what is coming to her.

Probably about an par with the people mentioned above who stole less. So, a couple of months, maybe house arrest, maybe probation.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: miley ()
Date: January 14, 2008 11:31AM

I sure glad she was able to "score" tickets to a sold out Hannah Montana concert. It is nice to know that is where all my money is going to. I am sure glad I bought all the christmas wrapping paper and Navy apparel for my 'Kids" benefit... yea right.

Litsa maybe you can post pictures from the concert so those of us less fortunate can see what our money went for.


Navy Parent

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Litsa ()
Date: January 14, 2008 11:37AM

miley Wrote:
> I sure glad she was able to "score" tickets to a
> sold out Hannah Montana concert. It is nice to
> know that is where all my money is going to. I am
> sure glad I bought all the christmas wrapping
> paper and Navy apparel for my 'Kids" benefit...
> yea right.
> Litsa maybe you can post pictures from the concert
> so those of us less fortunate can see what our
> money went for.
> Thanks
> Navy Parent

It was Great! We bought tickets in the first row from scalpers! Thanks for asking! Too bad you couldn't make it. Maybe next time.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Rod ()
Date: January 14, 2008 11:41AM

It's interesting that this was a PTA. The new orginization was a PTO which I understand are more responsive to parents. -Rod

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: January 14, 2008 03:24PM

Rod Wrote:
> It's interesting that this was a PTA. The new
> orginization was a PTO which I understand are
> more responsive to parents. -Rod

As a PTA, it was part of a national 501c3 organization and should have had some oversight. As a PTO, it is basically on its own so embezzlement should be easier given how poorly these people supervised the PTA.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: PTA vs. PTO ()
Date: January 15, 2008 11:34AM

Too bad Litsa didn't pay the PTA bill either.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: January 15, 2008 11:43AM

PTA vs. PTO Wrote:
> Too bad Litsa didn't pay the PTA bill either.

If that's the case, makes you wonder what the hell the PTA was doing as far as shielding its 501c3 from liability. Maybe the Navy Parents should sue the PTA for not doing its job.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Buster ()
Date: January 15, 2008 12:01PM

Fairfax MF---er Wrote:
Maybe the Navy Parents should sue
> the PTA for not doing its job.

They are all too lazy to do anything about it. They are like the redistricters (and some are overlapping). All talk, no action.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: what? ()
Date: January 15, 2008 01:38PM

You are comparing Litsa to a Priest and a Lawyer? Not even close. One will ask for forgiveness to get out of hell, One is already on their way with one foot in and does not care, and the other is going to con her way out and probably slip up and GET CAUGHT!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Lurker.. ()
Date: January 15, 2008 02:36PM

From what I've seen of FFX PD investigators they probably have an excellent case for the $180,000, chances are Litsa probably got away with more.

She should get jail time and have to repay NAVY Vale the full $180,000 amount with interest and a large fine.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Twinkie ()
Date: January 15, 2008 02:43PM

Lurker.. Wrote:
> From what I've seen of FFX PD investigators they
> probably have an excellent case for the $180,000,
> chances are Litsa probably got away with more.
> She should get jail time and have to repay NAVY
> Vale the full $180,000 amount with interest and a
> large fine.

"Should" and "will" are two different things given the recent history of embezzlement cases in the county.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: January 15, 2008 03:02PM

Lurker.. Wrote:

> She should get jail time and have to repay NAVY
> Vale the full $180,000 amount with interest and a
> large fine.

She will get a plea deal for probation and will have to pay the money back at $50 a month. If she keeps her nose clean for two years the whole thing will be dropped from her record.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Twinkie ()
Date: January 15, 2008 03:07PM

Fairfax MF---er Wrote:

> She will get a plea deal for probation and will
> have to pay the money back at $50 a month. If she
> keeps her nose clean for two years the whole thing
> will be dropped from her record.

I agree it will be light, but maybe not that light. I see a three month sentence, two months suspended, one month served (which will actually be two weeks). Maybe a month of home confinement with modified release for family related reasons. You are probably right about the $50/month restitution though. That is what the lawyer got and he stole more and from people who will actually miss the money.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Public Shunning ()
Date: January 15, 2008 03:51PM

Lurker.. Wrote:
> From what I've seen of FFX PD investigators they
> probably have an excellent case for the $180,000,
> chances are Litsa probably got away with more.
> She should get jail time and have to repay NAVY
> Vale the full $180,000 amount with interest and a
> large fine.

And don't forget the very well warranted Public Shunning !!!!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Laslo ()
Date: January 15, 2008 03:59PM

Public Shunning Wrote:
> And don't forget the very well warranted Public
> Shunning !!!!

That has already begun, don't forget the whole guilty until proven innocent thing.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Public Shunning ()
Date: January 15, 2008 04:03PM

She is guilty. The evidence shows it.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Laslo ()
Date: January 15, 2008 04:12PM

Public Shunning Wrote:
> She is guilty. The evidence shows it.

Sorry, didn't realize you had access to the case file with all of the evidence, etc.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Lurker.. ()
Date: January 15, 2008 04:43PM

Twinkie Wrote:
> Fairfax MF---er Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> I agree it will be light, but maybe not that
> light. I see a three month sentence, two months
> suspended, one month served (which will actually
> be two weeks). Maybe a month of home confinement
> with modified release for family related reasons.
> You are probably right about the $50/month
> restitution though. That is what the lawyer got
> and he stole more and from people who will
> actually miss the money.

That is not the complete story of the lawyer.

The lawyer was also convicted in several other jurisdictions regarding his embezzlement, more specific charge of "money laundering." His total sentence was 6 years in different plea agreements.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Twinkie ()
Date: January 15, 2008 04:56PM

Lurker.. Wrote:
> The lawyer was also convicted in several other
> jurisdictions regarding his embezzlement, more
> specific charge of "money laundering." His total
> sentence was 6 years in different plea agreements.

The lawyer was NOT convicted in any other jurisdiction besides Fairfax of embezzling. That is the point. Is Mrs. Mattfeld charged with money laundering or receiving stolen property? NO! He served four months for embezzling. He wasn't even required to pay restitution to his clients, just his former firm. Unless there are charges other than embezzling against Mrs. Mattfeld, your arguments about Mr. Short's crimes are irrelevent. Besides, he was sentenced in NJ after his Fairfax sentencing. Fairfax had no idea what sentence theman would get in NJ.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Lurker.. ()
Date: January 15, 2008 05:07PM

More info on the Lawyer...

Having served both his Falls Church and Fairfax jail sentences, Short pleaded guilty in Atlantic County Superior Court in New Jersey on Feb. 2 to one count of money laundering, a spokeswoman for the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice said. Short is scheduled to be sentenced April 7. His plea agreement calls for a sentence of four years.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: JLE ()
Date: January 15, 2008 05:08PM

Laslo Wrote:
> Public Shunning Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > And don't forget the very well warranted Public
> > Shunning !!!!
> That has already begun, don't forget the whole
> guilty until proven innocent thing.

We'll see on January 23 what the date will be for her to enter her plea. We'll know soon enough then. Mark your calendars.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Lurker.. ()
Date: January 15, 2008 06:03PM

Read the last line that shows Shorts sentence. Here is the full story.


"Short pleaded guilty in Atlantic County Superior Court to one count of money laundering. He was sentenced April 7. Short must serve 85 percent of his four-year term before he is eligible for parole, Hagerty said."

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Twinkie ()
Date: January 16, 2008 10:28AM

Lurker.. Wrote:
> Read the last line that shows Shorts sentence.
> Here is the full story.
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/artic
> le/2006/04/12/AR2006041200855.html
> "Short pleaded guilty in Atlantic County Superior
> Court to one count of money laundering. He was
> sentenced April 7. Short must serve 85 percent of
> his four-year term before he is eligible for
> parole, Hagerty said."

Yeah, that is great, but the ONLY relevant fact about this case is what he was charged with in Fairfax and what sentence he received in Fairfax. Everything else is immaterial. As the saying goes, what does his sentence in NJ have to do with the price of tea in China?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Lurker.. ()
Date: January 16, 2008 11:00AM

Twinkie Wrote:
> Lurker.. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Read the last line that shows Shorts sentence.
> > Here is the full story.
> >
> >
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/artic
> > le/2006/04/12/AR2006041200855.html
> >
> > "Short pleaded guilty in Atlantic County
> Superior
> > Court to one count of money laundering. He was
> > sentenced April 7. Short must serve 85 percent
> of
> > his four-year term before he is eligible for
> > parole, Hagerty said."
> Yeah, that is great, but the ONLY relevant fact
> about this case is what he was charged with in
> Fairfax and what sentence he received in Fairfax.
> Everything else is immaterial. As the saying
> goes, what does his sentence in NJ have to do with
> the price of tea in China?

Cup Cake,

If you are selling FFX tea in China you might want to know the price in China.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Twinkie ()
Date: January 16, 2008 11:12AM

Lurker.. Wrote:
>> Cup Cake,
> If you are selling FFX tea in China you might want
> to know the price in China.


Perhaps you should act more like your handle suggests and lurk, not participate. Each post seriously diminishes any reputation for rational thought that you might possess. The charges and sentencing in NJ are not relevenat to the charges and sentencing in FFX. How is it that you fail to comprehend this very simple concept? Unless I am missing something here, I don't believe Mrs. Mattfeld is charged in NJ. When you talk about Mr. Short's NJ charges and sentencing and Mrs. Mattfeld's charges, you are comparing apples and oranges. The only true comparison can be made in the FFX charges.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Lurker.. ()
Date: January 16, 2008 01:26PM

A disbarred Fairfax County lawyer who embezzled more than $500,000 from a Vienna law firm and some of his clients has been sentenced in New Jersey to four years in prison for laundering half of the stolen money through an Atlantic City casino.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Twinkie ()
Date: January 16, 2008 01:30PM

Lurker.. Wrote:
> A disbarred Fairfax County lawyer who embezzled
> more than $500,000 from a Vienna law firm and some
> of his clients has been sentenced in New Jersey to
> four years in prison for laundering half of the
> stolen money through an Atlantic City casino.

Yes, and this MIGHT be relevent had Mrs. Mattfeld attempted to launder money through a casino in NJ. SHE DIDN'T. Do you see the difference or are you simply ignoring it? My God, I feel like I am explaining things to a broken record.

If you are simply going to post a sentence about how the guy was sentenced in NJ, don't bother, we get your point (or lack thereof).

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: January 16, 2008 01:51PM

Money laundering through a casino seems to have all sorts of implications that are not applicable to a PTA treasurer allegedly using money for personal expenses from a bank account she had permission to access which lacked any kind of oversight.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: TRUTH!! ()
Date: January 16, 2008 03:14PM

Lack of oversight, yes!!! But you can point a finger at every single Navy parent, Fairfax County school administrator, pta/pto board, swim team parent, Athletic Association, etc. Probably CON would be better served. I think you can even throw in unknowing enablers to the mix. Looking back in retrospect, the truth should have been obvious. Blinded by faith and trust. How ironic considering she stole from an Elementary School.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: AM ()
Date: January 16, 2008 03:15PM

TRUTH!! Wrote:
> Lack of oversight, yes!!! But you can point a
> finger at every single Navy parent, Fairfax County
> school administrator, pta/pto board, swim team
> parent, Athletic Association, etc. Probably CON
> would be better served. I think you can even
> throw in unknowing enablers to the mix. Looking
> back in retrospect, the truth should have been
> obvious. Blinded by faith and trust. How ironic
> considering she stole from an Elementary School.

How is it ironic? I don't see any irony here.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: January 16, 2008 04:55PM

TRUTH!! Wrote:
> Lack of oversight, yes!!! But you can point a
> finger at every single Navy parent, Fairfax County
> school administrator, pta/pto board, swim team
> parent, Athletic Association, etc. Probably CON
> would be better served. I think you can even
> throw in unknowing enablers to the mix. Looking
> back in retrospect, the truth should have been
> obvious. Blinded by faith and trust. How ironic
> considering she stole from an Elementary School.

You don't need to point the finger at everyone. You need to point the finger at the individuals on the Navy PTA Board who comprised the Finance Committee. They were the ones who had the responsibility under the 501c3 and PTA by-laws to keep an eye on the dollars. Where were they during this whole thing?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Laslo ()
Date: January 16, 2008 04:57PM

Fairfax MF---er Wrote:
> You don't need to point the finger at everyone.
> You need to point the finger at the individuals on
> the Navy PTA Board who comprised the Finance
> Committee. They were the ones who had the
> responsibility under the 501c3 and PTA by-laws to
> keep an eye on the dollars. Where were they during
> this whole thing?

According to previous posts, they were eating cookies and strutting around with clipboards. Apparantly, holding a clipboard is a sign of status and prestige. More so than, say, a Lexus SUV.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Lurker.. ()
Date: January 16, 2008 05:46PM

A bunch of soccer Mom's aren't going to know if the treasurer is counting the donations and sticking some of the money in her pocket. Apparently Litsa wasn't to bright either.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: TRUTH!!! ()
Date: January 16, 2008 05:49PM

AM Wrote:
> TRUTH!! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Lack of oversight, yes!!! But you can point a
> > finger at every single Navy parent, Fairfax
> County
> > school administrator, pta/pto board, swim team
> > parent, Athletic Association, etc. Probably CON
> > would be better served. I think you can even
> > throw in unknowing enablers to the mix. Looking
> > back in retrospect, the truth should have been
> > obvious. Blinded by faith and trust. How
> ironic
> > considering she stole from an Elementary
> School.
> How is it ironic? I don't see any irony here.

Irony, to mean the opposite of the literal meaning...we teach elementary age kids...honesty, morals, right from wrong.

ps: finance committe was sitting next to the CON. Don't you think she kept them closest to her? She called them her friends.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: The saying goes... ()
Date: January 16, 2008 09:36PM

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer !!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: navy mom ()
Date: January 17, 2008 08:46AM

TRUTH!!! Wrote:

> Irony, to mean the opposite of the literal
> meaning...we teach elementary age kids...honesty,
> morals, right from wrong.
> ps: finance committe was sitting next to the CON.
> Don't you think she kept them closest to her? She
> called them her friends.

that's right, they were her friends and her partners... and yet look how the rats ran and did not take responsibility for their part in her theft, they are all playing the victim card now... during litsa's presidency, they thought they had it good, living in a delusion that they had status at a elementary school
( how pathetic is that!)

and as soon as their "friend" is in trouble, they say she wasn't their friend, they are victims and know nothing about her theft.

meanwhile these same "friends" had her handling money at their swim team... and not a word about it to the parents on the swim team... so we're suppossed to believe they were "fooled" by her twice and no one else was responsable for keeping the accounts of the money at the swim tean fundraisers either!

what a nice bunch of stand up women we have at Navy and fair oaks!

they should all be sued.

Litsa will probably get away with her theft because this DA just makes deals he doesn't prosecute...

and these women will have the arrogance to walk around town with their heads held high cause they think the rest of us are imbeciles.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 17, 2008 09:05AM

So basically none of the people on the finance committee bothered looking at bank statements or asking questions about withdrawals or requested receipts for expenses? I mean, if Litsa was the President at one point, there had to be a Treasurer. You would assume the Treasurer had to co-sign any expense! Or look at the monthly bank statements and ask questions, right? What were these people doing??

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 17, 2008 09:10AM

I just went online and looked up the Navy PTA Form 990. In 1998, Navy PTA reported contributions of $750K. In 1999, it reported contributions of $4,700. It didn't even bother to file a Form 990 in subsequent years. If that doesn't raise alarm bells, I'm not sure what else would!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: What? ()
Date: January 17, 2008 09:51AM

navy mom Wrote:
> TRUTH!!! Wrote:
> >
> > Irony, to mean the opposite of the literal
> > meaning...we teach elementary age
> kids...honesty,
> > morals, right from wrong.
> >
> > ps: finance committe was sitting next to the
> CON.
> > Don't you think she kept them closest to her?
> She
> > called them her friends.
> that's right, they were her friends and her
> partners... and yet look how the rats ran and did
> not take responsibility for their part in her
> theft, they are all playing the victim card now...
> during litsa's presidency, they thought they had
> it good, living in a delusion that they had status
> at a elementary school
> ( how pathetic is that!)
> and as soon as their "friend" is in trouble, they
> say she wasn't their friend, they are victims and
> know nothing about her theft.
> meanwhile these same "friends" had her handling
> money at their swim team... and not a word about
> it to the parents on the swim team... so we're
> suppossed to believe they were "fooled" by her
> twice and no one else was responsable for keeping
> the accounts of the money at the swim tean
> fundraisers either!
> what a nice bunch of stand up women we have at
> Navy and fair oaks!
> they should all be sued.
> Litsa will probably get away with her theft
> because this DA just makes deals he doesn't
> prosecute...
> and these women will have the arrogance to walk
> around town with their heads held high cause they
> think the rest of us are imbeciles.

Oh Bitter Betty,
You had better sign up Chantilly Youth Association, Chantilly High School, Fair Oaks Swim Team to your "friends" list. Don't think you can point one finger at Navy. At least Navy had the GUTs to reveal their mistake. I am sure the "stand up women" as you refer to them are ashamed and absolutely dread the public attention. Navy parents provided the police with all the evidence they needed to prosecute! And it is complete and accurate. Look up the definition of "friend" Litsa might need your help. Sounds like she is your friend.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 17, 2008 10:38AM

What? Wrote:

> Oh Bitter Betty,
> You had better sign up Chantilly Youth
> Association, Chantilly High School, Fair Oaks Swim
> Team to your "friends" list. Don't think you can
> point one finger at Navy. At least Navy had the
> GUTs to reveal their mistake. I am sure the
> "stand up women" as you refer to them are ashamed
> and absolutely dread the public attention. Navy
> parents provided the police with all the evidence
> they needed to prosecute! And it is complete and
> accurate. Look up the definition of "friend"
> Litsa might need your help. Sounds like she is
> your friend.

Sounds to me like you and your buddies piled on after it became easy to do so. None of you had the GUTS to point out the apparent irregularities that were occurring over the years possibly for fear of being ostracized by Litsa and her cronies. Jumping on the bandwagon after a bank employee did the job of the Navy PTA board didn't take any GUTS at all.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Bandwagon ()
Date: January 17, 2008 02:09PM

Facts where are you? Facts which hopefully will be made public after the final judgement. I can tell from your response you do not even have a first clue let alone a second regarding this case. Pity.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 17, 2008 02:45PM

Bandwagon Wrote:
> Facts where are you? Facts which hopefully will
> be made public after the final judgement. I can
> tell from your response you do not even have a
> first clue let alone a second regarding this case.
> Pity.

Fact - Litsa allegedly took the Navy PTA to the cleaners for $180K over several years.

Fact - Navy PTA had elected officers and a Finance Committee that should have caught this but didn't.

Fact - It took a bank employee to pick up on the irregularities, not the people with the supposed "GUTS."

Fact - For this kind of thing to happen it takes enablers - either in the form of people who knowingly participated or, more likely in this case, people who simply were incompetent, gullible or indifferent when it came to the alleged crimes.

Fact - Whatever ends up happening with Litsa, it won't be enough to satisfy you folks because you are embarrassed you have supposedly been had by someone of Litsa's "class."

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Bandwagon ()
Date: January 17, 2008 05:04PM

Strictly opinions not facts. LOL

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 17, 2008 05:29PM

Bandwagon Wrote:
> Strictly opinions not facts. LOL

You need to look up the definition of "opinion" because you aren't using it in the proper context. LOL indeed.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Question ()
Date: January 18, 2008 12:59AM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> I just went online and looked up the Navy PTA Form
> 990. In 1998, Navy PTA reported contributions of
> $750K. In 1999, it reported contributions of
> $4,700. It didn't even bother to file a Form 990
> in subsequent years. If that doesn't raise alarm
> bells, I'm not sure what else would!

Where on-line did you go to find this information?


Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 18, 2008 09:35AM

Question Wrote:
> WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I just went online and looked up the Navy PTA
> Form
> > 990. In 1998, Navy PTA reported contributions
> of
> > $750K. In 1999, it reported contributions of
> > $4,700. It didn't even bother to file a Form
> 990
> > in subsequent years. If that doesn't raise
> alarm
> > bells, I'm not sure what else would!
> Where on-line did you go to find this
> information?
> Thanks,

Guidestar.org. You have to register, but it is free. Look up "Navy PTA" and it will pull up a profile. If you look on the right-hand side, you will see a link to "Form 990s" which nonprofits are required to file with the IRS. As I said, they hadn't filed one since 2000. Not sure if members of the Navy PTA board realized it or not, but if they were collecting money as a 501c3, they may not have been properly reporting it to the IRS. There may be a good explanation for it, but the Navy PTA board members might want to go through their records if this doesn't make sense.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: navy mom ()
Date: January 18, 2008 10:15AM

What? Wrote:
> navy mom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > TRUTH!!! Wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Irony, to mean the opposite of the literal
> > > meaning...we teach elementary age
> > kids...honesty,
> > > morals, right from wrong.
> > >
> > > ps: finance committe was sitting next to the
> > CON.
> > > Don't you think she kept them closest to her?
> > She
> > > called them her friends.
> >
> >
> > that's right, they were her friends and her
> > partners... and yet look how the rats ran and
> did
> > not take responsibility for their part in her
> > theft, they are all playing the victim card
> now...
> > during litsa's presidency, they thought they
> had
> > it good, living in a delusion that they had
> status
> > at a elementary school
> > ( how pathetic is that!)
> >
> > and as soon as their "friend" is in trouble,
> they
> > say she wasn't their friend, they are victims
> and
> > know nothing about her theft.
> >
> > meanwhile these same "friends" had her handling
> > money at their swim team... and not a word
> about
> > it to the parents on the swim team... so we're
> > suppossed to believe they were "fooled" by her
> > twice and no one else was responsable for
> keeping
> > the accounts of the money at the swim tean
> > fundraisers either!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > what a nice bunch of stand up women we have at
> > Navy and fair oaks!
> >
> >
> > they should all be sued.
> >
> > Litsa will probably get away with her theft
> > because this DA just makes deals he doesn't
> > prosecute...
> >
> > and these women will have the arrogance to walk
> > around town with their heads held high cause
> they
> > think the rest of us are imbeciles.
> Oh Bitter Betty,
> You had better sign up Chantilly Youth
> Association, Chantilly High School, Fair Oaks Swim
> Team to your "friends" list. Don't think you can
> point one finger at Navy. At least Navy had the
> GUTs to reveal their mistake. I am sure the
> "stand up women" as you refer to them are ashamed
> and absolutely dread the public attention. Navy
> parents provided the police with all the evidence
> they needed to prosecute! And it is complete and
> accurate. Look up the definition of "friend"
> Litsa might need your help. Sounds like she is
> your friend.

I suggest you read my post again, this time do it sober.


Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: navy mom ()
Date: January 18, 2008 10:17AM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> Bandwagon Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Facts where are you? Facts which hopefully
> will
> > be made public after the final judgement. I
> can
> > tell from your response you do not even have a
> > first clue let alone a second regarding this
> case.
> > Pity.
> Fact - Litsa allegedly took the Navy PTA to the
> cleaners for $180K over several years.
> Fact - Navy PTA had elected officers and a Finance
> Committee that should have caught this but
> didn't.
> Fact - It took a bank employee to pick up on the
> irregularities, not the people with the supposed
> "GUTS."
> Fact - For this kind of thing to happen it takes
> enablers - either in the form of people who
> knowingly participated or, more likely in this
> case, people who simply were incompetent, gullible
> or indifferent when it came to the alleged
> crimes.
> Fact - Whatever ends up happening with Litsa, it
> won't be enough to satisfy you folks because you
> are embarrassed you have supposedly been had by
> someone of Litsa's "class."

absolutly correct!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 18, 2008 01:41PM

I just looked up the 990s for the CYA. They have nearly $2 million in assets. Can someone say MOTHERLODE!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: CYA - New Thread??? ()
Date: January 18, 2008 05:27PM

Do you think this warrants a new discussion thread? Geez, this is a lot of money. Perhaps they are saving to buy their own property for new ball fields !!!

Is it normal or a youth association to have that kind of money ??

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Another Lurker ()
Date: January 18, 2008 06:07PM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> I just went online and looked up the Navy PTA Form
> 990. In 1998, Navy PTA reported contributions of
> $750K. In 1999, it reported contributions of
> $4,700. It didn't even bother to file a Form 990
> in subsequent years. If that doesn't raise alarm
> bells, I'm not sure what else would!

Um...that's $750.00, not $750K.

1997: $1500 contributions, $2500 dues, $66K gross, $78K expenses, net -$8K
1998: $750 contributions, $1388 dues, $31K gross, $16K expenses, net $17K
1999: $4775 contributions, $3132 dues,$30K gross, $41K expenses, net -$3K

I'm no handwriting expert, but 97 and 98 look like the same hand; 99 is definitely different.

Not that any of this proves anything, but the $750K is a big red herring.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 18, 2008 07:13PM

Another Lurker Wrote:
> WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I just went online and looked up the Navy PTA
> Form
> > 990. In 1998, Navy PTA reported contributions
> of
> > $750K. In 1999, it reported contributions of
> > $4,700. It didn't even bother to file a Form
> 990
> > in subsequent years. If that doesn't raise
> alarm
> > bells, I'm not sure what else would!
> Um...that's $750.00, not $750K.
> 1997: $1500 contributions, $2500 dues, $66K gross,
> $78K expenses, net -$8K
> 1998: $750 contributions, $1388 dues, $31K gross,
> $16K expenses, net $17K
> 1999: $4775 contributions, $3132 dues,$30K gross,
> $41K expenses, net -$3K
> I'm no handwriting expert, but 97 and 98 look like
> the same hand; 99 is definitely different.
> Not that any of this proves anything, but the
> $750K is a big red herring.

You are right. Damn that's embarrassing. I need to get some glasses.

However, how the hell does a group go from raising $750 to not missing $30,000 a year for five years?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Guidestar ()
Date: January 18, 2008 07:23PM

I am registered on the guidestar site, like suggested, and I can't find CYA or NAVY PTA using the advanced search.

How are you finding it?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 18, 2008 07:31PM

Guidestar Wrote:
> I am registered on the guidestar site, like
> suggested, and I can't find CYA or NAVY PTA using
> the advanced search.
> How are you finding it?

"Chantilly Youth Association"

It will come up as a Little League. If you go to the actual 990, it says CYA on the form.

Also, I apologize for the $750K thing. I wasn't trying to mislead. The form was handwritten and I misread it.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 18, 2008 07:33PM

Guidestar Wrote:
> I am registered on the guidestar site, like
> suggested, and I can't find CYA or NAVY PTA using
> the advanced search.
> How are you finding it?

For the PTA, look up "PTA Navy." It will come up under the state 501c3. However, if you go to the Form 990 the Navy PTA forms will be there.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: GuideStar ()
Date: January 18, 2008 07:50PM

In guidestar the Navy PTA came up as "Virginia Congress of Parents and Teachers"

That was a strange name to use instead of Navy PTA.

I just used the advanced search option.

I still can't find Chantilly Youth Association (CYA)

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 18, 2008 07:54PM

GuideStar Wrote:
> In guidestar the Navy PTA came up as "Virginia
> Congress of Parents and Teachers"
> That was a strange name to use instead of Navy
> PTA.
> I just used the advanced search option.
> I still can't find Chantilly Youth Association
> (CYA)

It's because the Navy PTA is under the 501c3 of the "Virginia Congress of Parents and Teachers." However, the Form 990 is for the Navy PTA.

As for CYA, it will come up as a Little League registered in Chantilly. It is also probably under an umbrella 501c3.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: GuideStar ()
Date: January 18, 2008 08:10PM

I found CYA....It was under "Battlefield Little League, inc."

I don't think anyone who has children who attended Navy or the same families who have children participating in sports with CYA have any idea how much money there is in these organizations.

I know that I didn't. I just kept volunteering my time, as asked. Now I feel really stupid.

No wonder these organizations are magnets for people like Litsa to spend their time. There is so much money that can be easily taken and no one would know.

I never imagined that these organizations were dealing with so much $$.

Washingtonelocian....thanks for the scoop!!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 18, 2008 10:18PM

GuideStar Wrote:
> I found CYA....It was under "Battlefield Little
> League, inc."
> I don't think anyone who has children who attended
> Navy or the same families who have children
> participating in sports with CYA have any idea how
> much money there is in these organizations.
> I know that I didn't. I just kept volunteering my
> time, as asked. Now I feel really stupid.
> No wonder these organizations are magnets for
> people like Litsa to spend their time. There is
> so much money that can be easily taken and no one
> would know.
> I never imagined that these organizations were
> dealing with so much $$.
> Washingtonelocian....thanks for the scoop!!

I don't think you should stop supporting organizations just because of the level of funds they raise. There may be very good reasons for why this money is being raised and how it is being spent. However, it is important that ethical people be put in place to manage the money and that financial controls are followed (such as more than one person signing checks and having an outside auditor review the books every year). Otherwise these nonprofit organizations can be easily victimized by smart and greedy individuals.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Another Lurker ()
Date: January 19, 2008 11:53AM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> However, how the hell does a group go from raising
> $750 to not missing $30,000 a year for five years?

Actually that's "...how does a group who raises $30-$60K a year not miss $30K of it missing for five years?"

The $750 is *donations* as opposed to *fundraising*. The bigger number includes fundraising.

But the point is still valid. However, as an ex-Navy parent (we left there in 1999 for Hunters Woods), I can tell you that the way a PTA works, there isn't a lot of oversight. Not saying there shouldn't be -- the results speak for themselves! -- but when someone appears to be driving the bus, the rest of the parents naturally assume they know what they're doing.

All the folks saying that the rest of the PTA had to be in cahoots etc. are, I believe, just plain wrong. Litsa took advantage of the fact that few (if any) folks had ANY chance to see what was going on. She was involved when we were there; I'm wondering if some other parent who was Treasurer or something left, and she saw the opportunity to take over and remove any trace of visibility into the process. That would make sense, and fits with how these things seem to go down: a clever thief looks for, finds, and exploits an opportunity.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Informed ()
Date: January 19, 2008 03:50PM

Hopefully the word has gotten around to the appropriate people within CYA and Chantilly HS to check their books. They might not be able to do anthing about Litsa, but hopefully all of these communities, including Navy, will be more diligent and put the appropriate controls in place for people handling money. With the large amounts that some of these organizations are handling, they are magnets for people like her. So sad....but, indeed, a sad reality.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: January 19, 2008 04:26PM

Informed Wrote:
> Hopefully the word has gotten around to the
> appropriate people within CYA and Chantilly HS to
> check their books.

I'll tell you one thing. I wouldn't let someone near my books if they have been charged by the police, whether they are guilty or not. If these people do it, they are beyond stupid.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Another fact ()
Date: January 20, 2008 05:15PM

Say what you want about the Navy parents and not catching this criminal earlier. The bottom line is that no matter how lax their oversight may have been, the CRIMINAL still committed the CRIME. Opportunity didn't make Litsa a criminal. She did that to herself.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Thank you! ()
Date: January 20, 2008 07:58PM

Navy - starting to feel like the store that was robbed and blaimed for leaving the expensive items out in the open for her to steal.

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