Twinkie Wrote:
> Lurker.. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Read the last line that shows Shorts sentence.
> > Here is the full story.
> >
> >
> > le/2006/04/12/AR2006041200855.html
> >
> > "Short pleaded guilty in Atlantic County
> Superior
> > Court to one count of money laundering. He was
> > sentenced April 7. Short must serve 85 percent
> of
> > his four-year term before he is eligible for
> > parole, Hagerty said."
> Yeah, that is great, but the ONLY relevant fact
> about this case is what he was charged with in
> Fairfax and what sentence he received in Fairfax.
> Everything else is immaterial. As the saying
> goes, what does his sentence in NJ have to do with
> the price of tea in China?
Cup Cake,
If you are selling FFX tea in China you might want to know the price in China.