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Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy Mom ()
Date: September 07, 2007 10:24PM

Chantilly Youth Association and Chantilly High School boosters looks like you need a public audit of your books. If you are not revealing information, you are just as big a crook as Mattfeld.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: September 09, 2007 04:41AM

d Wrote:
> Also, you can keep hiding behind your little
> computer, because I doubt you would ever have the
> nuts to call me a bitch to my face.

im foregoing the normal response to your retarded answers because i REALLY do want to call you a bitch in person. please register and private message me with info.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Old School Navy ()
Date: September 10, 2007 04:29PM

I propose all non-profit, public schools, boosters, associations be required to publish their check register on line with monthly balances. We have to be proactice. Mrs. Mattfeld is just going to move to a new victim. She will need to move out of the area. If she goes to trial, she will face her accusers. I will be in the front row with the rest of Navy community.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax Citizen ()
Date: September 11, 2007 07:13AM

This case will be a most interesting one to watch. I learned from my friend, a retired assistant district attorney who used to prosecute fraud cases, that this type of theft is so rampant, that most cases are not pursued and perps get minimum time, if any. He was addressing all types of fraud, whereby restitution is court ordered, yet, never paid; felons enter the federal prison system, only to be released early (apparently, Bureau of Prisons has jurisdiction over that of the sentencing judges) and criminals are returned to county jail, who are released due to over crowding... A devious person can really get away with so-called white collar crime...Human nature, being what it is, we all need to be particularly vigilant of our organizations that are involved in handling our money.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Angered ()
Date: September 11, 2007 07:13AM

Is she not going to trial in October?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy Parent ()
Date: September 11, 2007 09:59AM

As the trial of Litsa Mattfeld progresses, we, as parents, can use it as a tool to help our children understand much about out court system today---the one we hand over to their generation. Mrs. Mattfeld, we can tell them, did all of these bad things, both to us and to people before us... And who knows? She may continue to do them...But she will be allowed to "plea bargain" and not really be fully prosecuted for the terrible things she did. We can look into the innocent eyes of our children, so full of trust, and let them know that this is the way things are. The "DA" (district attorney) is a very busy fellow...And the courts are overflowing in court cases...So this case may just be settled as efficiently as possible, out of court. "What does that mean?" we'll be asked..."You'll understand when you're older," we can reassure them. "I know what you're reading in your civics book right now contradicts what this case tells you. But when you're older, you'll see things as they are."

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: former navy parent ()
Date: September 11, 2007 01:40PM

Fairfax Citizen Wrote:
> This case will be a most interesting one to watch.
> I learned from my friend, a retired assistant
> district attorney who used to prosecute fraud
> cases, that this type of theft is so rampant, that
> most cases are not pursued and perps get minimum
> time, if any. He was addressing all types of
> fraud, whereby restitution is court ordered, yet,
> never paid; felons enter the federal prison
> system, only to be released early (apparently,
> Bureau of Prisons has jurisdiction over that of
> the sentencing judges) and criminals are returned
> to county jail, who are released due to over
> crowding... A devious person can really get away
> with so-called white collar crime...Human nature,
> being what it is, we all need to be particularly
> vigilant of our organizations that are involved in
> handling our money.

I'd like to know when her court date is... If there is enough public outcry,and publicity the DA may not be so keen on making a deal.

what I find interesting, is that the local papers are not covering this ( besides the day of her arrest ) and the CYA and Chantilly Boosters and Fair Oaks Pool are all silent.

no one has said they are investigating whether she stole from them also

any thoughts?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: edster ()
Date: September 11, 2007 01:46PM

This is strange as this lady has also been active in "some" capacity in other Fairfax/Chantilly activities. It has the appearance that some of these activities are unchecked and therefore removed from too close public scrutiny. Boy, what a role model for this community!!!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: edster ()
Date: September 11, 2007 01:54PM

That the local papers are not covering this is indeed amazing though it should surprise no-one. That CYA and other local civic activities are mum about this whole thing is puzzeling. There are many parents, of all ages, men and women who selflesly give many hours of coaching,mentoring and help proveding an environment for our boys and girls to florish in any sport and/or civic activity. For somebody then to quietly step in and push around their heavy weight is just absolutely disgusting.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: edster ()
Date: September 11, 2007 01:56PM

You are absolutely right and then also look at the people who gravitate around this haevy weight....you begin to wonder...NO?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: edster ()
Date: September 11, 2007 01:58PM

As for auditing this case...be aware all the lawyers running for pblic office

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: edster ()
Date: September 11, 2007 01:59PM

I hope it will come to that!!!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: edster ()
Date: September 11, 2007 02:03PM

Unfortunately you are right and soon things are forgotten and its back to business as usual. THEREFOR get involved in PTA etc and become proactive

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: edster ()
Date: September 11, 2007 02:05PM

OK moms and dads as disgusting and repulsive this case may be....lets keep our tone civil and stoop down to her level. cheers

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: edster ()
Date: September 11, 2007 02:06PM

I meant NOT stoop down to her level

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy ()
Date: September 11, 2007 02:41PM

Preliminary hearing I guess to decide what she is charged with an opportunity for a plea. Local papers can not print anything if CYA or Chantilly Boosters or Community Pool will not talk. How squeaky clean do you think their checks and balance system is? They don't want to admit she embezzled from them. Don't have the guts to come forward. If she sat at the cash table at Navy Events, rumor has it she sat at the cash box at Chantilly's Booster events. Navy should be commended for coming forward and prosecuting one of their own. Their "deeply embedded" former PTA president publicly. Step up for what is right CYA & Chantilly HIGH School Boosters!!!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy too! ()
Date: September 11, 2007 05:12PM

If Chantilly High Boosters or CYA can't stand up. Our money is NOT going to a reliable responsible organization, Why should be DONATE? Wake up.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: former navy parent ()
Date: September 11, 2007 07:28PM

Navy too! Wrote:
> If Chantilly High Boosters or CYA can't stand up.
> Our money is NOT going to a reliable responsible
> organization, Why should be DONATE? Wake up.

THIS is the message that all parents should send to the CYA and Boosters!

I don't care if they're embarassed! They should be! and our questions should be answered!

I do not want this woman to get away with stealing 180,000 PLUS of the money generous people gave to help the schools and our children because people are embarassed and don't want to face the questions of concerned parents.


Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: hmm ()
Date: September 11, 2007 10:11PM

I still wonder what Tubby did with all the money.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: angered ()
Date: September 12, 2007 10:21AM

It was the bank who turned her in-not Navy!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: September 12, 2007 10:30AM

What was it that the bank noticed that got her caught?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: navy ()
Date: September 12, 2007 01:06PM

Navy PTO also turned her in, signed a complaint and everything. Call it a joint effort.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy ()
Date: September 12, 2007 02:06PM

All the guilty information will come out in the end and be public knowledge, via the bank or other sources, not to worry who did what when where now. It is a pending investigation. Just sit tight. It's NOT over yet.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: September 12, 2007 03:22PM

My suggestion, 30 days in the gallows, students get to throw cafeteria food at her during lunch for laughs.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: September 12, 2007 03:25PM

That aint a gallows. A gallows is what you get hanged on.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: September 12, 2007 03:59PM

ok the stock

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: September 13, 2007 02:43PM

Just thought I would move this:

Re: Navy School PTA rip-off
Posted by: Navy '05 (IP Logged)
Date: September 13, 2007 02:28PM

All I can say is that many times when I volunteered, her hand was always in the cookie jar (I am not making a pun on her weigh or about food either) to clarify she always had to be in control of the money. I say money it was actually just the cash sections. She never went out of her way to get involved where there was payment by check obviously she knew what she was doing and we were the idiots. She was constantly empty the "CASH" box during the busiest times of an event to give herself cover time. Litsa you know you are guilty you stole from our children and should be ashamed of yourself. Also the members of the PTA should learn from this as well as the NAVY admisntration that is trying to hide from this stand up and admit you were negligent in your admisntrative responsibilities as well.

How much money "CASH" was raised in the Navy basketball games at Chantilly HS, and who was working the box... you guessed it Litsa. Navy Fair cash box ... Litsa
if you purchased supplies she always wanted you to do so in cash so she could pay you back and I suspect pay herself a little also. Thanks for your time

"In God we trust" all other we POLYGRAPH!!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy Family ()
Date: September 13, 2007 11:06PM

$180,000 is just the amount they can prove so far. Expenses for Navy, expenses for CYA, expenses for Chantilly Boosters. She probably tripled expenses by having each organization pay her expenses triple time. The cash box at every event was a good start. Good luck Litsa your going to need it this time.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy too! ()
Date: September 14, 2007 09:06AM

Just a thought, a previous post used the example of a PTA president using her catering service to rip off the school by over pricing sandwiches and services. Anyone looked into the vendors LITSA used. Was the PTA over charged and did she find a way to receive kick backs? Any connection to friends or family of LITSA? Another way to rip off Navy.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy Community ()
Date: September 15, 2007 08:26AM

What day is her court date? time? Open to the public?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy Ship Wreck ()
Date: September 15, 2007 08:55AM


I came across this website. Publish your check register, disclosing funds coming in and out of all PTA accounts PLUS the CYAs organizations & Chantilly Boosters of ALL systems. What do you have to hide?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: José Diego ()
Date: September 15, 2007 11:30AM

The Army has excellent systems to account for monetary transactions. For example, a "flower and cup" fund provides a method to account for office expenditures for, well, flowers and cups. Most people are trusting and really don't want to bother with such trivial things--and the simple flower and cup fund is not used.

In this situation of the Greek lady taking "gifts," it appears that no one was mindful of 'beware when Greeks come bearing gifts.' After all, she was a trusted member of not-for-profit organizations and her charitable gift of handling the loose change didn't alarm anyone.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy mom ()
Date: September 16, 2007 11:20AM

I can hope she is feeling some sort of financial consequences. If her lawyer is pro-bono he is nuts or friend footing the bill. She no longer has the cash flow of Navy/CYA/Chantilly High School Boosters. Loaded cash mattress might go down now. Navy Money. LIAR!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: September 16, 2007 02:07PM

Navy Ship Wreck Wrote:
> http://www.peytonwolcott.com/Commentary080707-0824
> 07.html
> I came across this website. Publish your check
> register, disclosing funds coming in and out of
> all PTA accounts PLUS the CYAs organizations &
> Chantilly Boosters of ALL systems. What do you
> have to hide?

After reading the article in the link, why the HELL does it take the organization switching from a PTA to a PTO to have an audit? If someone can steal $180K over four years and no one notices, that PTA must be generating some coin. Where the hell is the oversight?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy Ship Wreck ()
Date: September 17, 2007 06:26AM

I want to clear up this question, How did the PTA miss the oversight. Second to non "Where did the money go?" We were a well run, high energy, close knit family of strong independent, get things done group of moms & dads. We pulled off events for 800 plus on a shoe string budget as VOLUNTEERS. Did what needed to get down, fast efficiently, depended on each other with out question, with our kids, extened familes, and supported each other blinded. Litsa Mattfeld took advantage us. She was one of us. I am sure she took small amounts at first, and grew quickly over the years. Litsa had an excuse for the questions about money and budget which could drag out for months. We did not take the time to grill her. Life was too busy and we were too trusting. Trust me the NAVY kids did not suffer. Navy had/has fabulous events we were very proud of pulling off. BUT we could have done so much more and that is part of the PISSED off parents we have become in hind sight. LITSA, I know you read this web site, we are ashamed for our blind trust, but you my dear are pathetic. Admit you are a CONVICT and not because your lawyer tells you too! You owe us that much!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: September 17, 2007 10:25AM

Navy Ship Wreck Wrote:
> I want to clear up this question, How did the PTA
> miss the oversight. Second to non "Where did the
> money go?" We were a well run, high energy, close
> knit family of strong independent, get things done
> group of moms & dads. We pulled off events for
> 800 plus on a shoe string budget as VOLUNTEERS.
> Did what needed to get down, fast efficiently,
> depended on each other with out question, with our
> kids, extened familes, and supported each other
> blinded. Litsa Mattfeld took advantage us. She
> was one of us. I am sure she took small amounts
> at first, and grew quickly over the years. Litsa
> had an excuse for the questions about money and
> budget which could drag out for months. We did
> not take the time to grill her. Life was too busy
> and we were too trusting. Trust me the NAVY kids
> did not suffer. Navy had/has fabulous events we
> were very proud of pulling off. BUT we could have
> done so much more and that is part of the PISSED
> off parents we have become in hind sight. LITSA,
> I know you read this web site, we are ashamed for
> our blind trust, but you my dear are pathetic.
> Admit you are a CONVICT and not because your
> lawyer tells you too! You owe us that much!

Trust but verify. I've been involved with non-profit programs for years. You should always have more than one person in charge of the books and signing off on things. The fact you were raising money but never had money to do things or couldn't get a straight answer out of someone should have prompted other leaders at the PTA to check the bank account, check register, etc.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy ()
Date: September 17, 2007 12:33PM

Totally agree. We can only blaim ourselves. I think some did pursue her for answers, but did not follow up. Litsa had connections. Most kids that went to Navy also played sports in CYA. Litsa was head of basketball and other aspects of CYA and after a while high school. Most just followed the flow and did not question. Much more difficult than the cut and dry answer people are looking for concerning politic and community, etc. Did someone know? Enable? Anyone want to step forward? CYA? Chantilly High Boosters?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: edster ()
Date: September 17, 2007 01:02PM

Well, this issue continues to disturb quite a few people. I was amazed to witness that she actually attended the Chantilly football game....hand in hand with her husband...normally they would seperatly. CYA, the school system and others who have gravitated around her don't seem take any action or notice. cheers

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: September 17, 2007 01:33PM

Wow sounds like Litsa is a great con artist. She's playing on everybodies emotions; the true sign of a great con. Sounds like she has perfected her excuses over the years.

If I was her and had stolen the money I would just keeping acting as if nothing big was going on and secretly clean my tracks off all the books. I'd get real buddy buddy with those who had the power to convict me and try to win them over by showing how great a person I am. I'm sure that's what she's trying to do.

My guess also is she is somewhat a bully, she pushes her way into stuff and the volunteer parents just let her get go.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: September 17, 2007 03:06PM

Making "nice, nice" won't mean shit before a judge. If she is guilty, and if she is proven to be guilty, all the butt-kissing she is doing won't add up to much.

Frankly, the most damning evidence against her should be the amount of money she spent on Ho's Ho's and Twinkies compared to her income. If she is making $60K a year and purchased $180K in Hostess Cupcakes, which I think it is safe to assume she did, that right there should be enough to put her away for a while.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy ()
Date: September 17, 2007 03:51PM

Mrs. Mattfeld can kiss up all she wants. The evidence and her past history should be enough proof. I wonder if we can count the $180K as income? Hmmmmm...any IRS agents out there? CYA? Boosters? Want to get in this action?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: September 17, 2007 04:08PM

If she makes "nice, nice" she might get others to testify it was an error or oversight, not her fault.

She seems to prey on loosely run organizations with poor book keeping skills, easy marks since trust is big.

I was thinking that she could just take cash from registers and put it in her pockets. Maybe also cashed checks at the bank under the guise that the cash would be used as change for cash registers. Sounds like she has a number of systems worked out.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: former navy parent ()
Date: September 17, 2007 04:11PM

I'd like to know what the treasurer of the PTA has to say for herself and if she's been questioned by the DA and the police.

I'm sorry, I just don't buy that all PTA officers and teachers were too busy and too trusting.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: former navy mom ()
Date: September 17, 2007 04:15PM

I just called the DA's offfice.

her hearing is October 30 at 2 pm.

everyone who is interested should attend

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: September 17, 2007 04:15PM

She was the Treasurer, that what makes taking the money so easy.

"Mattfeld served as Treasurer and President of the Navy Elementary School Parent Teacher Association from 2001 to 2006. The PTA was recently re-organized and is now known as the Parent Teacher Organization. It is alleged that during her tenure she embezzled over $180,000 from the PTA."

What makes her tick??
Posted by: Janice ()
Date: September 17, 2007 04:56PM

L. Mattfeld is probably getting a charge out of the fact that she is the subject of a listserve.. Her husband is quite the enabler.. He knows of her past embezzlement. As I recall he is very mild mannered. He is probably more than happy that she is supplementing their income so he does not have to work as hard. Great role models for their children.

She absolutely knows the risks associated with her fraudulent ways. We can only hope that this time it goes on her record so that it will raise a red flag to any future employers. And hopefully her volunteering days at school related activities is over....

Does anyone know if she held any jobs after her 1992 embezzlement from the DC Association? Or did she get immediately involved in the school activities?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: former navy mom ()
Date: September 17, 2007 05:06PM

she was the President, not the treasurer. someone else was the treasurer

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: The Law ()
Date: September 17, 2007 06:00PM

Navy Community Wrote:
> What day is her court date? time? Open to the
> public?

Her preliminary hearing is scheduled for 10/30/07 at 2:00PM in Fairfax County general district court. All Fairfax County court proceedings are open to the public.

You can track her legal progress on the state court website at http://www.courts.state.va.us/

Her current file shows:

Case Number: GC07180986-00
File Date: 08/23/07
Complainant: CUMMINGS, E E
Defendant Status: Released on Recognizance
Defense Attorney: CANTRELL, MICHAEL H
City/State Address: FAIRFAX VA 22033
Sex: Female
Race: White Caucasian (Non-Hispanic)
DOB: 12/17/****
Charge: EMBEZZLEMENT: >=$200
Code Section: 18.2-111
Case Type: Felony Class: Other
Amended Charge:
Amended Code:
Amended Case Type:

Offense Date: 07/01/05
Arrest Date: 08/22/07

Number Date Time Result Type Courtroom Plea Min Continuance Code
01 08/24/07 1030AM Continued Arraignment 222 Other
02 09/14/07 0925AM Continued Attorney Review 113
03 10/30/07 0200PM Preliminary 000

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy ()
Date: September 17, 2007 06:35PM

Nice, now if you can just pull that kind detailed information regarding Mrs. Mattfeld out of CYA & Chantilly High Boosters that would be impressive. Regarding employment. Assumed straight to Navy, but with a little resources we can find out.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy Parent ()
Date: September 17, 2007 10:28PM

The Navy PTO needs an attorney to make sure the interests of the PTO, it's members, and MOST importantly, it's CHILDREN are looked after.

Do we have anyone in the Navy Community who is an attorney who can VOLUNTEER his or her assistance to the PTO?

Even if Litsa is found guilty, does the PTO need a civil judgment to collect from her? What happens with the ability to collect, if she plea bargains?

Although, her husband was not charged, how can it be that he did not know checks were being deposited into his account? Since he is the only one with a job, he may be the only ticket there is to collect. He should be included as an accomplice. Is anyone tracking their assets, if any?

Is anyone out there an attorney who can volunteer their legal advice on behalf of the PTO and our children?

$180,000 is A LOT of money. Our children and their teachers were the one's who were taken advantage of. We need as many Navy people as that court room will hold to attend her court hearings.

Anyone know a good attorney who can advise? There has to be someone in the Navy community who can help.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Litsa M. ()
Date: September 18, 2007 02:24PM

Me loves me some donuts

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Angered ()
Date: September 18, 2007 04:14PM

You are a sick person saying you are Litsa M. Maybe sicker then the real Litsa!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy Parent ()
Date: September 18, 2007 09:11PM

The Navy PTO needs an attorney to make sure the interests of the PTO, it's members, and MOST importantly, it's CHILDREN are looked after.

Do we have anyone in the Navy Community who is an attorney who can VOLUNTEER his or her assistance to the PTO?

Even if Litsa is found guilty, does the PTO need a civil judgment to collect from her? What happens with the ability to collect, if she plea bargains?

Although, her husband was not charged, how can it be that he did not know checks were being deposited into his account? Since he is the only one with a job, he may be the only ticket there is to collect. He should be included as an accomplice. Is anyone tracking their assets, if any?

Is anyone out there in the Navy Community an attorney who can volunteer their legal advice on behalf of the PTO and our children?

$180,000 is A LOT of money. Our children and their teachers were the one's who were taken advantage of. We need as many Navy people as that court room will hold to attend her court hearings.

Does anyone know a good attorney who can advise? There has to be someone in the Navy community who can help. Anyone??

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: paaaleez ()
Date: September 18, 2007 10:33PM

> and MOST importantly, it's CHILDREN are looked after.

can we stop dragging the kids into this?

we got it, you want your money back.

sounds fair, but not likely...good luck

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: hmm ()
Date: September 18, 2007 10:58PM

I had a thought. Suppose the kids have to go back out and collect more money to fund the PTO. To do so they get the boots and start running into traffic like the fire guys. Duh gets pissed off and writes more letters to board of supervisors.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Are you kidding me? ()
Date: September 19, 2007 01:31AM

paaaleez Wrote:
> can we stop dragging the kids into this?
> we got it, you want your money back.
> sounds fair, but not likely...good luck

Dear Paaaleez,

Are you kidding me? The CHILDREN and TEACHERS "are" the one's who have been wronged by this criminal. Litsa is the one who dragged them into this when she stole the money from THEM. The funds that the children, parents and community raises for the SCHOOL are supposed to be used to provide educational opportunities for the CHILDREN and classroom support, educational supplies and training for the TEACHERS. Imagine what $180,000 could have provided this SCHOOL, its KIDS and TEACHERS, had it NOT been embezzled?

Do you just make arbitrary comments because it feels good? I don't want my money back.....I want this criminal to be prosecuted and pay restitution for what she did, for yet, a SECOND TIME. And if there IS a way to collect from her, those funds will go where they should have gone in the first place....TO THE SCHOOL FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CHILDREN WHO ATTEND Navy AND THEIR TEACHERS WHO NEED ALL THE SUPPORT THEY CAN GET.

Would you rather we just do nothing and let her get away with it....again? Paaaleez, yourself!

It may not be able to be collected in the short term, but a $180,000 cival judgment will stay with you for a long, long time. The PTO should definitely persue this issue for principle if nothing else. She needs to be stopped, do some jail time, pay restitution, and be held accountable for stealing from KIDS and TEACHERS.

You may have "gotten it" but a number of folks are "just now" getting the true details of what happened. We are looking for help....not sarcastic comments.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: former navy mom ()
Date: September 19, 2007 06:05AM

Are you kidding me? Wrote:
> paaaleez Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > can we stop dragging the kids into this?
> > we got it, you want your money back.
> > sounds fair, but not likely...good luck
> Dear Paaaleez,
> Are you kidding me? The CHILDREN and TEACHERS
> "are" the one's who have been wronged by this
> criminal. Litsa is the one who dragged them into
> this when she stole the money from THEM. The
> funds that the children, parents and community
> raises for the SCHOOL are supposed to be used to
> provide educational opportunities for the CHILDREN
> and classroom support, educational supplies and
> training for the TEACHERS. Imagine what $180,000
> could have provided this SCHOOL, its KIDS and
> TEACHERS, had it NOT been embezzled?
> Do you just make arbitrary comments because it
> feels good? I don't want my money back.....I want
> this criminal to be prosecuted and pay restitution
> for what she did, for yet, a SECOND TIME. And if
> there IS a way to collect from her, those funds
> will go where they should have gone in the first
> Would you rather we just do nothing and let her
> get away with it....again? Paaaleez, yourself!
> It may not be able to be collected in the short
> term, but a $180,000 cival judgment will stay with
> you for a long, long time. The PTO should
> definitely persue this issue for principle if
> nothing else. She needs to be stopped, do some
> jail time, pay restitution, and be held
> accountable for stealing from KIDS and TEACHERS.
> You may have "gotten it" but a number of folks are
> "just now" getting the true details of what
> happened. We are looking for help....not
> sarcastic comments.

the school and the PTO are not going to try and get their money back. They want this story to go away. This is an embarassment and a PR nightmare for them

I'm sure litsa doesn't have the money anymore or else she would have given it back

the only thing we can hope for is jail time for litsa. Go to her hearing on Oct 30 .. A show of public outrage will make it difficcult for the Judge to allow the DA to plea her down to a lesser charge.

better yet, call the DA's office. have other Navy parents call the DA. Let them know that the public is outraged and want this woman punished.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: September 19, 2007 09:16AM

It will probably cost you $180K in court costs to recover the $180K if you go through civil court. Then you have to try to collect (if the woman owns her home, you might have a chance to collect there).

I hear people saying that they want the woman to pay for what she did - should she be found guilty. I don't know tax law, but if these allegations are true, seems to me she has evaded paying taxes on $180K in income. It might be cheaper to get the IRS on her tail to collect those taxes.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy Parent ()
Date: September 19, 2007 09:27AM

I'm sure the previous Association she stole from wanted the situation to just go away, too. That's probably why Litsa thought she could do it again. And if the PTO does not exercise every opportunity to gain a monetary judgment against her and her husband who assisted and may be the only source for collecting, she will get away with it, AGAIN. $180,000 is A LOT of money.

Her plan, I'm sure, was to again target institutions that rely on donations to function, hoping that if she WAS caught, no one would pursue it. I bet there is no coincidence that she involved herself in "fundraising" for CYA and Chantilly HS also. She hit the jackpot with Navy.

I'm happy that the PTO has finally put appropriate financial controls in place to hopefully prevent this in the future....that's great. They need to go beyond that and further exercise their fiduciary responsibilities to the school, kids and teachers to collect whatever they can. They need to get over their embarrassment and do the whole job, not just sweep it under the carpet hoping it will go away, if for nothing else, principle. (That is probably why this happened again.)

Even if Litsa pays $20 a month (and never pays it all back) it will be a constant reminder to her of what she did and she can continue to pay for her actions until the situation is corrected. If that takes forever, so be it. A monetary JUDGMENT is required for that. You never know what money she may come into in the future. That information in the public records section on her credit report, along with her criminal record, will stay with her until the situation is resolved. She will be unable to buy any property without that $180,000 lien being attached. If she is convicted and spends a few days in jail, that will be over rather soon. A judgment will stay with her forever until it is satisfied.

This is why the PTO needs legal advice. There has got to be someone in the Navy community who is an attorney who can volunteer assistance. After a criminal conviction, it should be rather easy to get a monetary judgment in civil court. I'm sure someone in the Navy community who is an attorney would be happy to volunteer their time to help. The PTO needs to ask.

I hope everyone does, indeed, attend the court hearing. I will be there.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy MOM ()
Date: September 19, 2007 09:38AM

Plea bargain had better include jail time and monetary payments. As for court, I will be there. 5 years of being cheated by a con. We have the resoures, we have the time. Come on Chantilly High school & CYA? What is your problem. At least show effort. Navy kids will go to Chantilly? You want our money? Boosters? Get a back bone! No brainer that she stole from you too.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: September 19, 2007 09:42AM

I have no idea what the judge will do in this situation. Back in the 90s I worked for a company that caught its book-keeper embezzling. The guy was able to cut a deal where he pleaded guilty and received a deferred sentence on a felony charge. Basically he was given probation for five years. If he didn't break his probation, the felony charge would be stricken from his record. Essentially this guy is free today to do this same kind of shit and no employer will be the wiser until he is caught again. Hopefully, the judge won't be an idiot with this case.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: edster ()
Date: September 19, 2007 12:05PM

The Litsa debacle goes on....what strikes me most that some people use this media to vent their anger which they oyherwise would not have done but internet gives them the protection or distance without direct confrontation. If it is constructive and well reasoned critism that is well and good but to resort to venomous and outragous reprisals leads me to belief that there some folks out there that need to be rained in as well.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: September 19, 2007 12:43PM

edster Wrote:
> The Litsa debacle goes on....what strikes me most
> that some people use this media to vent their
> anger which they oyherwise would not have done but
> internet gives them the protection or distance
> without direct confrontation. If it is
> constructive and well reasoned critism that is
> well and good but to resort to venomous and
> outragous reprisals leads me to belief that there
> some folks out there that need to be rained in as
> well.

Coming from someone who is anonymous. Nice work.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy Mom ()
Date: September 19, 2007 01:34PM

You have got to be kidding me! WE don't need a therapy session. Yeah, were pissed and want to get the word out and shake loose some sources to come forward. Internet is just the tool to help. Rained in? Dr. Phil? I think direct will be October 30. Nothing short of knocking on her door. 80% of what is typed on FFXU, re: Navy is said on a soccer field, PTA meeting, play date, scout meeting, CYA meeting, Boosters meeting, etc, Maybe a D.A.? IRS? Now has a crowd reading and commenting.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Laughable ()
Date: September 19, 2007 01:47PM

You people are hilarious spending four pages on this thread, all saying the same thing. No new material has been posted since page 2. If even half of you who posted here cared as much about drugs and violence in your schools, the county would be a helluva a lot better off.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: hanging judge ()
Date: September 19, 2007 02:06PM

Laughable Wrote:
> You people are hilarious spending four pages on
> this thread, all saying the same thing. No new
> material has been posted since page 2. If even
> half of you who posted here cared as much about
> drugs and violence in your schools, the county
> would be a helluva a lot better off.

of course, you are right!

we should go to random message boards act like a condensending twit and POOF no more drugs or violence in our schools!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: To Laughable ()
Date: September 19, 2007 02:37PM

What are YOU doing to combat drugs and violence in the schools? Please be specific.

Although there have been a number of posts from sarcastic folks on this forum, the many the sincere people from the Navy community who have posted here sharing information and asking for additional resources to help, have spent hundreds and in many cases thousands of hours volunteering at our school giving our TIME, MONEY, and PHYSICAL labor in support of our children. They are some of the most involved people I know of with their children, the schools, AND the community.

Those who have sincerely posted volunteer on a daily basis not only at this and other schools, but also with other organizations that support our children in positive ways like, Chantilly Youth Association, Scouts, and numerous others.

Unless you want to contribute "your" time and resources or you want to assist in locating resources who can help....Keep your unfounded comments to yourself. The most recent posts...where you chose to write your comment....are requesting resources to help.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: September 19, 2007 03:22PM

Laughable Wrote:
> You people are hilarious spending four pages on
> this thread, all saying the same thing. No new
> material has been posted since page 2. If even
> half of you who posted here cared as much about
> drugs and violence in your schools, the county
> would be a helluva a lot better off.

And you are hilarious spending time reading four pages of comments.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy MOM ()
Date: September 19, 2007 06:47PM

PTO is embarrased wouldn't you be? 5 years? BUT they are putting plenty of volunteer time, effort and constructive plannning to prosecute Mrs. Mattfeld. PTO never wanted to sweep the embezzlement under the rug. Don't you get it, felony charges, one of their own. It is an on going investigation. All the gritty details will come out in the end. Don't assume. You will make an ASS out of U and ME. Still looking for Chantilly HS & CYA to step up. 10-30-2007

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Another Navy Mom ()
Date: September 19, 2007 08:07PM

I don't care who is embarrassed, quite frankly.

Sure Litsa may be prosecuted, and that is a good thing. But according to a current PTO officer that I spoke to DIRECTLY, there is NO legal council representing the PTO in this matter at this time. NOR have they yet made the request to the Navy community for a volunteer who might be able to offer such assistance. (This was told to me directly....not an assumption.) They are leaving it in the hands of the police and DA, which is where it should and must be for this moment.

But......In addition to the above, there should be someone representing the legal and fiduciary interests of the PTO, its children and teachers. Of the more than 800+ families at Navy, there has got to be one attorney who could lend some advice especially as it relates to collecting whatever CAN be collected and if not, at least get some judgment that can be attached to wages or other future property or inheritance.

I think this should also be part of the plan at some point, and from what I've been told directly, it is NOT, at this time.

If someone from the Navy community can volunteer legal assistance, please contact the PTO. $180,000 is A LOT of money.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: msg from matt ()
Date: September 19, 2007 11:21PM

Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgive our debtors...For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your heavenly Father will not forgive your sins

(Matt 6:12, 14, 15).

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Thou shalt not steal. (Ex. 20:15) ()
Date: September 20, 2007 06:30AM

Be not righteous overmuch
(Ecclesiastes vii. 16)

I will not justify the wicked. (Ex. 23:7)

Upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.
(Gen. 3:14)

A fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth. (Gen. 4:12)

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
(Matthew xvi. 26)

Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
(Deuteronomy xix. 21)

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: former navy mom ()
Date: September 20, 2007 07:36AM

Another Navy Mom Wrote:
> I don't care who is embarrassed, quite frankly.
> Sure Litsa may be prosecuted, and that is a good
> thing. But according to a current PTO officer
> that I spoke to DIRECTLY, there is NO legal
> council representing the PTO in this matter at
> this time. NOR have they yet made the request to
> the Navy community for a volunteer who might be
> able to offer such assistance. (This was told to
> me directly....not an assumption.) They are
> leaving it in the hands of the police and DA,
> which is where it should and must be for this
> moment.
> But......In addition to the above, there should be
> someone representing the legal and fiduciary
> interests of the PTO, its children and teachers.
> Of the more than 800+ families at Navy, there has
> got to be one attorney who could lend some advice
> especially as it relates to collecting whatever
> CAN be collected and if not, at least get some
> judgment that can be attached to wages or other
> future property or inheritance.
> I think this should also be part of the plan at
> some point, and from what I've been told directly,
> it is NOT, at this time.
> If someone from the Navy community can volunteer
> legal assistance, please contact the PTO.
> $180,000 is A LOT of money.

you have got to come to gripes with the reality that the PTO is never going to get any money back from Litsa.

From what I've heard, she doesn't own anything, not her townhouse, not her car. Suing her and her family will be a waste of time and money.

the only justice will be is her getting a long jail sentence.

also, don't you think there should be an investigation done by the PTO in how she was able to steal so much money for such a long time and if there were other people who were aware ... and what about the treasurer? shouldn't she be held liable? wasn't it her job to take care of accounting and keep teack of the money?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: edster ()
Date: September 20, 2007 08:20AM

New holoween costume

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: September 20, 2007 08:56AM

Even if the criminal court finds this woman guilty and even if it fines her, the PTO isn't going to see any of that money. You will need to file a civil suit. And, given her alleged history, odds are if she has any kind of criminal history she probably couldn't qualify for a mortgage, etc, so I'm not sure what, if anything, you would get from her.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy Mom from 2001-Current ()
Date: September 20, 2007 12:51PM

My point exactly. A civil suit has to be filed to collect anything. It may or may NOT take an attorney to do this, but advice as to "how" to do it would be appreciated.

With all of the "documented evidence" that has been gathered (ie: evidence right from the bank), a civil suit would probably NOT be any more costly than the filing fee, especially if there was a Navy Community Volunteer Attorney helping out. There has to be at least "one attorney" in a school with over 800 families.

We need the judgment to show up on HER and HER husband's credit, so at some point in the FUTURE, if they DID come into money or property, the judgment would have to be satisfied.

You never know what the future holds. You have to be PREPARED either way. Just letting it go without any future collectable judgment would be "another" crime.

To Former Navy Mom.....As a Parent who has had children at Navy from 2001 and will continue to have children there for another 5 years, I will request that the PTO give a complete review to the current and previous members of exactly what happened, who was involved, what proof has been gathered, and plans moving forward to get the judgment. (Perhaps there are current issues with the on-going criminal case that have prevented this up to now, I don't know.) I got late notice on the first meeting, but I will attend the next meeting and make the request myself. The people who have previously been members and who are current members should be provided that information. Perhaps they need to wait until the criminal case is over?

Again....if there is an Attorney in the Navy Community who can help on a consultative volunteer basis, please contact the Navy PTO @ www.NavyPTO.org

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Restitute ()
Date: September 20, 2007 01:01PM

Just talk to the Commonwealth's Atty and ask that he seek restitution. It is authorized in the VA Code. You may not get anything as the assets are probably squandered, but a restitution order carries more weight than a civil judgment. Anyone telling you to file a civil suit is either a shady lawyer or has no concept of the law. This isn't that hard people.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: September 20, 2007 01:39PM

Kids let this be a lesson to you.

Often times you may be tempted by a crispy creme donut or maybe it's a snickers bar, it seems harmless enough. The next thing you know you're shoveling cakes in your mouth at bake sales and stealing to support your habit.

Just say no!

For those of you who are addicted it's never to late to start over. There are plenty of support groups like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. But, first you must admit you have a problem. Don't be afraid to say, "Hi I am Litsa and I'm a big fatty."

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: § ()
Date: September 20, 2007 02:14PM

You'll need to let the criminal side play out first so that all evidence can be presented and the record can be transferred to the civil court. The civil court has a lesser legal standard, so if the criminal case doesn't achieve the desired result, then there's a better chance of collectability on the civil side. In this matter, wage garnishment is an option, however in Virginia you are limited to a cap of 25% of income. Ergo, if Litsa makes $50k combined in her next job, assuming she gets hired again, and non-judgment income (i.e.: pension, SS, etc.), then you're looking at about $12k a year during her working years and likely much less at retirement. A court would likely grant interest in this case, if not fees and punitive damages, of 5% annually, which on $180k is $9k a year. That means she'd pay $9k in interest and $3k in principal until the full $180 is unwound. Anyone care to guess how long that'll take? On the other hand, if she's the beneficiary of inheritance or life insurance, then it would help tremendously. The only issue is timing. She's 48, overweight and under emotional distress. I sure wouldn't take those odds.

The PTO should hold a proxy vote on a legal budget for FY2008. I'm surprised that they don't have counsel on retainer absent of this matter. -§

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: September 20, 2007 03:18PM

Why don't you work some type of deal where the Lawyers would get a percentage of what is recovered and their name in lights.

We all know Johnny Cochran because the case was in the news.

Certainly a great opportunity for a Lawyer to get some free press, marketing, and possible PTO parents as future clients.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/20/2007 03:20PM by Lurker..

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Thanks for the Advice ()
Date: September 20, 2007 03:33PM

Great Ideas !!!

Thanks for the information / suggestions....Keep them coming!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: September 20, 2007 03:44PM

If the Japanese still pay top dollar for whale blubber, I may have an idea...

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: former navy mom 1994-2005 ()
Date: September 20, 2007 04:19PM

Navy Mom from 2001-Current Wrote:
> My point exactly. A civil suit has to be filed to
> collect anything. It may or may NOT take an
> attorney to do this, but advice as to "how" to do
> it would be appreciated.
> With all of the "documented evidence" that has
> been gathered (ie: evidence right from the bank),
> a civil suit would probably NOT be any more costly
> than the filing fee, especially if there was a
> Navy Community Volunteer Attorney helping out.
> There has to be at least "one attorney" in a
> school with over 800 families.
> We need the judgment to show up on HER and HER
> husband's credit, so at some point in the FUTURE,
> if they DID come into money or property, the
> judgment would have to be satisfied.
> You never know what the future holds. You have to
> be PREPARED either way. Just letting it go
> without any future collectable judgment would be
> "another" crime.
> To Former Navy Mom.....As a Parent who has had
> children at Navy from 2001 and will continue to
> have children there for another 5 years, I will
> request that the PTO give a complete review to the
> current and previous members of exactly what
> happened, who was involved, what proof has been
> gathered, and plans moving forward to get the
> judgment. (Perhaps there are current issues with
> the on-going criminal case that have prevented
> this up to now, I don't know.) I got late notice
> on the first meeting, but I will attend the next
> meeting and make the request myself. The people
> who have previously been members and who are
> current members should be provided that
> information. Perhaps they need to wait until the
> criminal case is over?
> Again....if there is an Attorney in the Navy
> Community who can help on a consultative volunteer
> basis, please contact the Navy PTO @
> www.NavyPTO.org

I am quite confident that the Navy PTO will not want to file a civil case ... and stir up more bad publicity!

they want this to go away as quickly and as quietly as possible. It's bad PR for their fundraising

the longer the case drage on the worse it is for them. It makes it pretty hard to raise money when you have the constant reminder that they were robbed habitually for several years of $180,000.

If Litsa has a good attorney, I'm sure he will use that fact as blackmail to cop a plea.

I can't help but wonder where the voices of outrage are in CYA and Chantilly Boosters?!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: navy ()
Date: September 20, 2007 04:24PM

why don't we just focus on the criminal who stole the money from us? why are some of you trying to blame the other pta volunteers? some of you former and current moms are stating that you've been very active at navy and also members of the pta. why didn't you know? why didn't you speak up? why the big focus on cya and the high school? what do you want people to say? the entire community has been conned by litsa. the police arrested litsa and no one else. doesn't that make it clear on who is responsible. 20-20 hindsite is a wonderful thing. cheers

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Curious George ()
Date: September 20, 2007 05:26PM

Does anyone know if the FCPD filed for a search warrant to search the Mattfeld house and/or safe deposit boxes/storage lockers that they may have. As more time passes any money or other assets not already squandered away will be that much more difficult to find. How did she get in to the Chantilly football game? Did she use her booster passes or did she pay with cash? Either way (passes or cash) they were probably stolen.

"In God we trust" all others we polygraph"!!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy Parent ()
Date: September 20, 2007 06:18PM

Curious George Wrote:
> Does anyone know if the FCPD filed for a search
> warrant to search the Mattfeld house and/or safe
> deposit boxes/storage lockers that they may have.
> As more time passes any money or other assets not
> already squandered away will be that much more
> difficult to find. How did she get in to the
> Chantilly football game? Did she use her booster
> passes or did she pay with cash? Either way
> (passes or cash) they were probably stolen.
> "In God we trust" all others we polygraph"!!

A GREAT SUGGESTION !!!!!! Will add it to the list of questions to be asked at the next PTO meeting !!!! (I bet this has not been done. There is no council advising what to do.)

It would be another "CRIME" if these questions and issues are not being addressed by the current PTO.

To Navy's comment: If the PTO does NOT try to collect from Litsa...even if it would only mean a judgment, I personally will NOT ever again contribute money to the PTO. How is that for bad publicity? AGAIN....that is how Litsa is getting away with this. She HOPES no one will go after her. If the PTO does not fully exercise their fiduciary responsibilities and "attempt" to collect from her, why would anyone want to give them MORE money. If you are going to do the job, do the ENTIRE job. Not pursuing the issue to completion to avoid PR is going to cause more outrage. Truly.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: navy ()
Date: September 20, 2007 07:26PM

my goodness, you are all set to attack the pto for not doing their fiduciary duty. do you ever volunteer? if they don't do what you want, you're just going to walk away and never, ever, ever contribute to the pto again. that's real nice. these people who volunteer are doing their best under the worst circumstances. if you can do it better than anyone else, you should step up and take over. in the end, litsa will get exactly what she deserves. let the police and courts handle this mess. go to the trial, call the judge, call the newspapers but for crying out loud stop attacking the people who just want to move forward from this and carry on with regular school business. fyi, if you were at the pto meeting the police officer was there taking questions. you really should get involved.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Truth Seeker ()
Date: September 20, 2007 08:09PM


I would have been at the meeting had I known about it, the only thing I knew about this case appeared in the post in late August. By the time the news started spreading (and news I mean both fact and fiction) one meeting had already taken place and I didn't know about it. Not an excuse just a fact. I do think the PTO and the school principal should be answering some questions on this, the navy faculty is being for silent. I am sure due to legal reasons but they are hiding behind that reason a bit much. They need to admit thier mistake in this and take a bold and boisterious stance and go after this criminal.

Now on to Litsa, who funded the "TEA" party at the Hyatt(I believe) in Tysons a few years back?? and what about the recently held birthday party at Century Oaks? Were these all funded with donated dollars from navy familes that didn't get INVITED to participate in these events? NO? Well prove it!! I 'm sure some of you reading this were invited to these affairs that included "the popular Kids". I think that is one of the problems with Litsa she got caught up with "trying to keep up with the ________" (you can fill in what ever name you want there I didn't want to put "Jones" because that would not be fair if there was a Jones that went to Navy and had nothing to do with this!)

Thanks for letting me vent!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Please add ()
Date: September 20, 2007 09:05PM

PLease add personal trainer for her kids, expensive spa trips, hair cut & nails (done monthly), Hyatt parties, vacations. Top of the line computers, ebay and
on-line purchases. Any one else want to add to the list? Navy/CYA/Boosters money.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy MoM ()
Date: September 20, 2007 10:11PM

MIssed the top secret PTO Navy Elementary website, seems you can find Fairfax Underground just fine! PTO Meeting, dates and times are posted! Check it out some time.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Fairfax MF---er ()
Date: September 20, 2007 10:16PM

I get the sense that some of the PTO families are getting what they deserve. Litsa was obviously the organizer of the "popular kids." Now that the chickens are coming home to roost, the parents of the "popular kids" are either defending this gal or attacking the parents of the "non-popular kids" for not being more diligent about the book-keeping.

I'm glad I'm teaching my kids that popularity is a scam and that materialism is a one-way ticket to Hell. The only thing that matters in this world is family and a few genuine friends you meet along the way. Everything else is bullshit and should be viewed that way.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy Parent 2001-Current ()
Date: September 20, 2007 10:31PM

navy Wrote:
> my goodness, you are all set to attack the pto for
> not doing their fiduciary duty. do you ever
> volunteer? if they don't do what you want, you're
> just going to walk away and never, ever, ever
> contribute to the pto again. that's real nice.
> these people who volunteer are doing their best
> under the worst circumstances. if you can do it
> better than anyone else, you should step up and
> take over. in the end, litsa will get exactly
> what she deserves. let the police and courts
> handle this mess. go to the trial, call the
> judge, call the newspapers but for crying out loud
> stop attacking the people who just want to move
> forward from this and carry on with regular school
> business. fyi, if you were at the pto meeting the
> police officer was there taking questions. you
> really should get involved.

Dear Navy,

To answer your question......As a matter of fact, I DO volunteer and have in many ways each and every year from 2001 until now and WILL for the next 5 years. In addition to volunteering my time at the school and in the classroom, my family has paid our dues and been members of the PTA/PTO for the last 7 years. I have also given hundreds of dollars to this organization, bought apparel, wrapping paper, raffle tickets etc, as have hundreds of other parents over the years.....$180,000 of which has been embezzled away by a trusted member of the previous PTA. I would say that I have been very involved.

I'm not attacking the current PTO, but if someone stole $180,000 from you, wouldn't you at least "TRY" to collect? This seems VERY STRANGE to me that there is such an aversion from some for even considering this. WHY ????????? The police and the court are NOT going to collect for us. Only the PTO can collect on behalf of the PTO. Why can't we move on with the day-to-day school business AND collect, too? With the right legal volunteer, it shouldn't be that hard. I'd step up to do the leg work if we could get an attorney to tell us what to do!!!!

Why do YOU have such an aversion to attempted collection from this criminal? Why wouldn't anyone in their right mind, want a judgment against her as a possibility of collecting in the future, in addition to her criminal conviction? Even if she does NOT own property, she or her husband must have a job where wages can be garnished or future inheritance etc.

As a previous poster noted:

"Does anyone know if the FCPD filed for a search warrant to search the Mattfeld house and/or safe deposit boxes/storage lockers that they may have. As more time passes any money or other assets not already squandered away will be that much more difficult to find."

Do you know if this has been done? A legal volunteer like an attorney might be able to ask the questions that we "lay people" might not think of.

Again.....Would you please mind explaining your aversion to this suggestion?

The word is already out....who cares about the PR. The situation was in the NEWS Paper for goodness sake. That's where I heard about it, not from the PTO.

The PTO may be doing their best, and I am grateful for all their efforts, but I do know for a fact that they have not asked for legal assistance in this matter, yet. I was told this by the current PTO president. The PTO has also NOT asked for volunteers to help with any legal efforts to collect.

In sending out these notes, I am hoping that someone with legal background can step up and ASSIST the PTO. Once the criminal proceeding is over, and with the evidence that has been gathered, I don't think it will take much to get a judgment. In fact, I don't know if one will be required if the judge orders restitution. BUT.......I do think that it is in the PTO's best interest to find out what the options are. Why do you have a problem with asking for legal assistance or volunteer in this area? Why do you consider this suggestion an attack on the current PTO? Quite honestly, I'm surprised at what the reason might be as to why they wouldn't want to do it. Again.....$180,000 is A LOT of money.

In addition to Truth Seeker, our family was on vacation until the start of school and did not get the notification of the First PTO meeting in time to arrange our schedule. I will definitely be at the second.

Hopefully, the minutes of that meeting will be published so we could "all" be privy to what transpired. I looked on the PTO website this evening and as of yet, I don't see anything, unfortunately.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy Parent 2001-Current ()
Date: September 20, 2007 10:44PM

Fairfax MF---er Wrote:
> I'm glad I'm teaching my kids that popularity is a
> scam and that materialism is a one-way ticket to
> Hell. The only thing that matters in this world is
> family and a few genuine friends you meet along
> the way. Everything else is bullshit and should be
> viewed that way.

You are Right ON !!!!

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: matt is back ()
Date: September 20, 2007 11:01PM

> About that one-way ticket to Hell...

Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgive our debtors...For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your heavenly Father will not forgive your sins

(Matt 6:12, 14, 15).

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: To Navy Mom ()
Date: September 20, 2007 11:05PM

Navy MoM Wrote:
> MIssed the top secret PTO Navy Elementary website,
> seems you can find Fairfax Underground just fine!
> PTO Meeting, dates and times are posted! Check it
> out some time.

Your sarcastic note suggests that the PTO website was advertised "well" before the September 5 meeting. I know that we did not get the information about the PTO meeting until after the first day of school, which was September 4.

That is not a lot of notice.

Looks like you found Fairfax Underground, too!! How about that.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: September 20, 2007 11:56PM

I wouldn't give a dime to the PTO unless they hire a lawyer to sue Litsa.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Navy Parent ()
Date: September 21, 2007 12:36AM

Lurker. Wrote:
> I wouldn't give a dime to the PTO unless they hire
> a lawyer to sue Litsa.

It really makes you wonder why some individuals have a problem with trying to collect, doesn't it? hmmmmmmm. Just because you "think" you might not be able to collect now, doesn't mean that will be the case in the future. What is the aversion?

We wouldn't have to hire anyone, if an attorney within the Navy community could step up to volunteer, give some direction or advice as to how to proceed, and help determine what questions should be asked and actions taken in order to collect. With 800+ families, someone has got to have a legal background.

Suggestions anyone?

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: navy ()
Date: September 21, 2007 05:45AM

there is no aversion to making litsa own up to her crimes, that's why she was arrested.

everyone wants litsa to pay for what she did to the entire community. some people just have a different view on what that would be. some believe that being arrested, going to court, hopefully jail and making restitution will be justice served. others want more. you want other people to step up and volunteer to spend the next couple of years keeping track of her financial records and hunting down every cent. that's alot of precious volunteer time, better spent helping the children. in the alternative, you suggest the pto hire an attorney and spend their money on legal fees instead of at the school.

if you personally spoke to the current PTO president and she is not planning to do this, why do you keep harrassing the point? this is the person navy chose as its leader, this is how she is choosing to lead.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Bob James ()
Date: September 21, 2007 06:04AM

That's surely fallacious reasoning. If the woman is found guilty, she should be sentenced as prescribed by law. She also should be fined and or make restitution for the monies she stole (if so convicted). The PTO president is not above the law. One may wish to examine this person's motives for not seeking prosecuting. It is time to follow the money trail.

Re: Navy Vale School PTA Embezzlement of $180,000
Posted by: Right the Navy Ship ()
Date: September 21, 2007 07:31AM

I think ultimately we all have the same goal to prosecute and get Navy's money. Each side does not like the other methods. Bickering on line is a waste. The advice to call the DA is good, maybe supeona her "friends", the former auditor Mrs. Mattfeld used to audit Navy's supposed books, seeking restitution through this prosecution is good, BUT a real effort should be to aide CYA & Boosters to come forward and to prove a pattern. I am sure Navy would be willing to help CYA & Boosters find their embezzled monies. Always a paper trail. Use your energy to FIND AN ATTORNEY.

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