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Gas Smell in Fairfax City
Posted by: why me ()
Date: August 10, 2007 05:41PM

I was just over at the shopping center on Pickett Rd. and noticed a lot of Fire Dept. trucks racing down Pickett Rd from 236 towards the tank farm area. Then it occured to me that there was a strong smell of gasoline in the area, which I have never noticed before. Wondering if there was a leak over at the tank farm.

Re: Gas Smell in Fairfax City
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: August 10, 2007 05:53PM

Sounds like there's something serious going on. Fairfax just sent out this emergency alert to subscribers of their "CEAN" service:

From: Fairfax CEAN 5:41 pm
Pickett Rd is down to one lane in both directions-expect delays

Re: Gas Smell in Fairfax City
Posted by: why me ()
Date: August 10, 2007 05:55PM

I just tuned into the scanner and it looks like there is a spill somewhere in the tank farm area. Can't tell just how serious it is yet.

Re: Gas Smell in Fairfax City
Posted by: CAROLE ()
Date: August 10, 2007 06:34PM

What is CEAN?

I just drove by and there are lots of firetrucks, ambulances and police. Looks like they are parking trucks behind LifeTime Fittness.

Re: Gas Smell in Fairfax City
Posted by: G-Man ()
Date: August 10, 2007 07:45PM


Its a service from the county see the link.

Re: Gas Smell in Fairfax City
Posted by: Kobersteen ()
Date: August 10, 2007 09:54PM

At 5:17pm-

E403 onscene w/ an active leak in the rack system, with at least 15 to 20 gallons on ground. Rack leaking 5-10 gallons per minute.

Re: Gas Smell in Fairfax City
Posted by: Carole ()
Date: August 10, 2007 10:41PM

Does anyone know if this is under control? It would be terrible if we were going to have another incident like in 1990 with the oil spilling into Mantua. I guess it would now go into Pickett Reserve as well. Missed the 10:00 news....any updates?

Re: Gas Smell in Fairfax City
Posted by: G-Man ()
Date: August 10, 2007 11:41PM

Kobersteen Wrote:
> At 5:17pm-
> E403 onscene w/ an active leak in the rack system,
> with at least 15 to 20 gallons on ground. Rack
> leaking 5-10 gallons per minute.

What channels are they operating on?

Re: Gas Smell in Fairfax City
Posted by: G-Man ()
Date: August 10, 2007 11:42PM

Novermind think I found them on 4C

Re: Gas Smell in Fairfax City
Posted by: Carole ()
Date: August 18, 2007 12:35AM

The Mantua Community Association sent this out regarding the oil spill last Friday on Pickett -- a revised message indicated that the spill was about 200 gallons and that there is no issue with regard to any of the surrounding areas. The spill was on the West side of the tank farm and the spill was all surface --nothing went into the ground.

"Just before 5:00pm (Friday August 10th), City and County units were dispatched to a reported gasoline leak at the loading rack at the Motiva Petroleum facility, 3800 Picket Road. Units arrived to find gasoline leaking from a flange in piping that runs between the storage tanks and the loading rack. Gasoline had leaked into the dike area surrounding the tanks. Fire and facility personnel operated valves to isolate the leaking pipe from the rest of the loading rack system. This action contained the problem and stabilized the immediate situation. They estimate a total of 500 gallons was lost into the dike area, which functioned as designed to contain the leak.

Foam was applied to suppress the gasoline vapors and a foam blanket was maintained throughout the event.

The hazardous materials team from Fairfax County attempted to tighten the leaking flange, but their efforts were unsuccessful.

A plan was devised to bring in a hazardous waste company to begin vacuum cleaning the gasoline product from the dike. Once completed, a repair crew from Motiva disassembled the flange and replaced the gasket.

The soil in the dike area will be excavated from the site and disposed of in an EPA licensed hazardous waste landfill. This work will be accomplished by a clean up company contracted by Motiva and supervised by city fire marshals."

Re: Gas Smell in Fairfax City
Posted by: jeeves ()
Date: August 18, 2007 01:31AM

Who in their right mind would buy property near a gasoline "Tank farm"


Re: Gas Smell in Fairfax City
Posted by: duh ()
Date: August 18, 2007 09:57AM

jeeves Wrote:
> Who in their right mind would buy property near a
> gasoline "Tank farm"
> Dumbass.

Hey jeeves, how do you think the gasoline gets to the "Tank farm"?

Answer: a pipeline that runs through Fairfax County! Ever notice those orange posts with the little round signs on them? Are there any in your neighborhood?

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