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Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: Paige Winfield Cunningham ()
Date: October 09, 2010 11:54PM

We all now that the Post editorial board will endorse Connolly for reelection, but it's surprising they allowed this article to appear on the opinions page at all:

"Taking your opponent's words grossly out of context is par for the course in politics, but Virginia Rep. Gerry Connolly pushed that tactic beyond absurdity this week.

The Democratic incumbent launched a new TV ad that takes literally a statement made by Republican challenger Keith Fimian -- one that Fimian says was merely a "quip" illustrating how members of Congress could be incentivized to balance the federal budget.

Speaking in front of a white board at George Mason University, Fimian said that congressional salaries should be cut to $50,000 until members balance the budget. He added that once that happens, he joked that he would want a $250,000 bonus.

In his ad, Connolly slams Fimian for supposedly supporting bonuses for members of Congress -- an allegation that seems absurd, given that the context of Fimian's statement was a larger rant against government spending.

But if Fimian wants to play Connolly's little game, he could offer a good comeback.

If you take Fimian's "$250,000 bonus" suggestion literally, the government would have to dole out $109 million in bonuses to the 435 voting members of the House once they balance the budget.

But until that's accomplished, cutting members' $174,000 base salaries to $50,000 would save $54 million each year. Given that a Republican takeover of the House is likely and even greater legislative gridlock appears imminent, it seems extremely unlikely that a balanced budget will be approved within two years -- the amount of time necessary to make up that $109 million in bonus payouts.

Best case scenario, Congress does pass a balanced budget by 2012, and we save $54 million for each of two years, then pay it back in bonuses. Zero net impact.

Worst case scenario, the government saves $54 million annually as it continues spending beyond its means for years on end.

In answering Connolly, looks like Fimian can use the tactic of misapplied literalism, too, and look pretty good doing it."

Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: T2T ()
Date: October 10, 2010 02:13AM

Does Gerry Connolly have ADD or something? It seems like he's really good at carving out - or hearing only what he wants to hear and then runs with it. His most hilarious ads are the recent ones where he's referring to himself as Independent and fiscally responsible.

Ha! What a wagon full of shit that many can speak. Sadly, all those Democratic voters in Fairfax are lapping up all the spew they can out of good ol' Gerry's mouth, too.

Gerry's already screwed us by voting for the national healthcare bill that has a little item in there that refers to a 3.8% tax on all real estate sales starting in 2013. Gee, Gerry, were you aware that you were voting for such a bill that was going to stiff you constituents with real estate sales? The real estate market is showing signs of decline since the Government credits for purchases dried up. Now, in less than 3 years a new tax will be upon us. Heck, what's congress trying to do, kill off any hope of a real estate recovery at all?

Then there's HR-4646. Oh my. A 1% transaction fee on all bank deposits (direct deposits, cash counter deposits, etc.). The ultimate goal of this measure is to have that 1% transaction fee replace our income tax in the year 2017. Now, who the hell did the math on this one? Oh, HR-4646 will probably come up for a vote after the November elections. Keep your eyes on this one, folks. You should probably start preparing your letters to your congressmen/congresswomen at this time and ask them to put down the crack pipe with this bass-ackwards reforms that will do NO GOOD for our country.

Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: HR4646 ()
Date: October 10, 2010 08:00AM

1% transaction fee was mentioned earlier by another poster, and a couple people scoffed at the issue. They claimed there was no such proposal for a transaction fee.

So it IS true that Obama and the Dems are suggesting this transaction tax?

Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: October 10, 2010 08:08AM

The "1%" transaction tax idea has been brought up in Congress a bunch of times over the past 10 years, and never had any support. It's the same congressmen from Philly who keeps introducing it. You're totally stupid for taking this dumb idea seriously. It's just more of the same right-wing scare tactic bullshit.

Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: T2T ()
Date: October 10, 2010 11:04AM

Correct. Google it. A house of Representatives member from Iowa and another from Oregon are proposing it. Believe me, there's plenty to read on this proposal, if you look for it.

No, this isn't a right-wing scare tactic as mentioned by TheMeeper. Hell, let's just turn our country over to the Democrats and let our taxes go to 80%. I'm sure they'd get us there real quick. Probably, no less than 3 years is all it would take. Social programs for every given cause. Yada, Yada, Yada.

HR4646 Wrote:
> 1% transaction fee was mentioned earlier by
> another poster, and a couple people scoffed at the
> issue. They claimed there was no such proposal
> for a transaction fee.

Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: October 10, 2010 11:22AM

T2T Wrote:
> No, this isn't a right-wing scare tactic as
> mentioned by TheMeeper. Hell, let's just turn our
> country over to the Democrats and let our taxes go
> to 80%. I'm sure they'd get us there real quick.
> Probably, no less than 3 years is all it would
> take. Social programs for every given cause.
> Yada, Yada, Yada.

You're watching too much Fox News and/or listening to your pastor a bit too much.



Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: T2T ()
Date: October 10, 2010 12:58PM

WRONG! Failure on your part. 1) I'm agnostic. I don't attend a church. and, 2) I don't watch FOX news.

You've failed to realize that you can't stereotype all conservative people. There are conservatives who care about the fiscal responsibility of those we elect to office, but couldn't give a shit about all the right-wing spin that some try to produce.

Time to get your head out of the sand - or for you to watch something other than CNN or MSNBC. Also, I've wondered what Gerry Connolly gives to people who go onto public forums and provide words of support. We all know he's paying people $12.00 an hour to go door-to-door to hand out flyers for him. How much is paying you? Is he going to personally give you a BJ for helping him out in this election?

TheMeeper Wrote:
> You're watching too much Fox News and/or listening
> to your pastor a bit too much.
> http://www.snopes.com/politics/taxes/debtfree.asp
> Yawn.

Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: if ()
Date: October 10, 2010 01:37PM

If this 1% transaction tax proposed by some Democrats will never get passed, then why are they even discussing it?

How do more taxes help anyone? Government should not be in charge of our health care.

Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: October 10, 2010 01:40PM

He's not my congressmen, I just think this cuckoo teabagger rant about a 1% transaction tax is retarded.

T2T Wrote:
> Time to get your head out of the sand - or for you
> to watch something other than CNN or MSNBC. Also,
> I've wondered what Gerry Connolly gives to people
> who go onto public forums and provide words of
> support. We all know he's paying people $12.00 an
> hour to go door-to-door to hand out flyers for
> him. How much is paying you? Is he going to
> personally give you a BJ for helping him out in
> this election?

Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: T2T ()
Date: October 10, 2010 02:00PM

Well, that was sort of my point. True, Government should not be involved in health care at all. But, please explain to me how the Democrats "slipped" in the 3.8% real estate transaction "fee" or "tax" that will get implemented in 2013 into a heal care bill?

It's time to vote out all of the fools who got this thing passed in the first place. What is it today with our common citizens? They have time to work, time for their children's soccer games, time for this, time for that - yet complain about being over-worked and not having enough time. Plus, they really complain that they have no time for politics. Yet, they let these tools that they've voted into office decide for them what they think is best. If they're that brainless that they'd like to hand over their wallets to Congress, then why don't they just give me their wallet instead? I'd find good use for their money.

if Wrote:
> How do more taxes help anyone? Government should
> not be in charge of our health care.

Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: Scally Wag ()
Date: October 10, 2010 06:13PM

This little shit needs to be slammed every fucking day. You know he must be REALLY bad if the Washington Post cuts down a fellow "D".

Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: October 10, 2010 09:52PM

If the dems stay is power we'll probably see a value added (transaction) tax in the next 5-7 years. They'll keep spending and HAVE to find some way to reduce the deficit.

“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: T2T ()
Date: October 10, 2010 10:24PM

I had the opportunity to pass through District 10 this evening. I saw a few Gerry Connolly signs posted. I guess the Connolly supporters forgot which district they were in and posted the signs anyway. I guess this just shows you how clueless his troupe of supporters actually are.

Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: Mrs. Merry Fields ()
Date: October 13, 2010 01:00AM

Couldn't have happened to a nicer bum.

Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: Lusty sloth ()
Date: October 29, 2010 09:32AM

Paige Winfield Cunningham Wrote:
> We all now that the Post editorial board will
> endorse Connolly for reelection, but it's
> surprising they allowed this article to appear on
> the opinions page at all:
> "Taking your opponent's words grossly out of
> context is par for the course in politics, but
> Virginia Rep. Gerry Connolly pushed that tactic
> beyond absurdity this week.
> The Democratic incumbent launched a new TV ad that
> takes literally a statement made by Republican
> challenger Keith Fimian -- one that Fimian says
> was merely a "quip" illustrating how members of
> Congress could be incentivized to balance the
> federal budget.
> Speaking in front of a white board at George Mason
> University, Fimian said that congressional
> salaries should be cut to $50,000 until members
> balance the budget. He added that once that
> happens, he joked that he would want a $250,000
> bonus.
> In his ad, Connolly slams Fimian for supposedly
> supporting bonuses for members of Congress -- an
> allegation that seems absurd, given that the
> context of Fimian's statement was a larger rant
> against government spending.
> But if Fimian wants to play Connolly's little
> game, he could offer a good comeback.
> If you take Fimian's "$250,000 bonus" suggestion
> literally, the government would have to dole out
> $109 million in bonuses to the 435 voting members
> of the House once they balance the budget.
> But until that's accomplished, cutting members'
> $174,000 base salaries to $50,000 would save $54
> million each year. Given that a Republican
> takeover of the House is likely and even greater
> legislative gridlock appears imminent, it seems
> extremely unlikely that a balanced budget will be
> approved within two years -- the amount of time
> necessary to make up that $109 million in bonus
> payouts.
> Best case scenario, Congress does pass a balanced
> budget by 2012, and we save $54 million for each
> of two years, then pay it back in bonuses. Zero
> net impact.
> Worst case scenario, the government saves $54
> million annually as it continues spending beyond
> its means for years on end.
> In answering Connolly, looks like Fimian can use
> the tactic of misapplied literalism, too, and look
> pretty good doing it."

You guys are stupid... the author of the post has the same name of the "blog writer" who sometimes guest blogs on the washington post website. She works for one of the small "independent" papers" and the ad, and the person posting wants you to think "OOOOO the post slammed Connelly" but the truth is, its just a partisan flack trying to trick your ass.

Do your homework.

Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: village idiot ()
Date: October 29, 2010 10:41AM


What? The OP said they knew the Post endorsed Connoly, but was surprised they ran that article in the opinion section in spite of their supporting him. How is that the Post slamming Connolly? I don't see it.

Then again, I'm an idiot.

Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: WPost ()
Date: October 29, 2010 12:39PM

Where did they slam Connoly?

Re: Washington Post slams Gerry Connolly... AGAIN!
Posted by: Lusty Sloth ()
Date: October 29, 2010 07:31PM

This little shit wrote an opinion article, on the washington post blog... she works at the "old dominion watchdog" sounds legit right...


Yeah... the post "SLAMS" Connelly... why don't they just run an ad that says "POST FUCKS CONNNELLY IN THE ASS and cuts out his fucking guts and eats them with a side of Baby, just like GERRY CONNELLY WOULD Wan!!!!"

IT would be just as accurate.

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