WRONG! Failure on your part. 1) I'm agnostic. I don't attend a church. and, 2) I don't watch FOX news.
You've failed to realize that you can't stereotype all conservative people. There are conservatives who care about the fiscal responsibility of those we elect to office, but couldn't give a shit about all the right-wing spin that some try to produce.
Time to get your head out of the sand - or for you to watch something other than CNN or MSNBC. Also, I've wondered what Gerry Connolly gives to people who go onto public forums and provide words of support. We all know he's paying people $12.00 an hour to go door-to-door to hand out flyers for him. How much is paying you? Is he going to personally give you a BJ for helping him out in this election?
TheMeeper Wrote:
> You're watching too much Fox News and/or listening
> to your pastor a bit too much.
> Yawn.