APorIBMom Wrote:
> Starting a couple of years ago, the Virginia
> Department of Education told FCPS that it had to
> start giving students the math SOL test that
> matched the level of math they were being taught
> in school. Until then, some middle school
> students had to take two or more SOL math tests in
> a single year.
> At the middle school level, that means that the
> 7th graders taking Algebra 1 only take the Algebra
> 1 SOL. Students taking Honors Math 7 are supposed
> to take the 8th grade Math SOL. Only the weakest
> math students in the 7th grade take the Math 7 SOL
> test under this relatively new system.
> If you want to measure the quality of instruction
> for the more advanced math students, look at the
> Geometry SOL scores for Hughes, Carson, and other
> middle schools with more than 10 students taking
> Geometry. The Algebra 1 and Math 8 SOL scores
> will be a mix of seventh and eighth graders in
> most of these schools.
> dotdotdot Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Although now that I think about it, since the
> GT
> > students take the SOL tests in earlier grades,
> I'm
> > not sure how they are reported. But still,
> this
> > would be the same for Carson also, in that
> > some/most GT students take the 8th grade math
> > in 6th grade.
For the middle schools go to the end of course testing on school profiles. You can see each year the numbers that took alg 1, geometry, or even alg 2. These are considered high school courses and there should be a hefty % taking the tests of non GT center kids.
Here's a unique perspective on that new school board member Liz Bradsher. Hayfield was her school prior to South County. Guess what?
In the 2004-05 school year there was NO SOL test for algebra 1 administered to a student at Hayfield Middle school. That is odd since Bradsher and her coherts were always so hyperfocussed on the school - guess all they care about is location and new not academics. And that is what we have on the school board.
Stu Gibson [despite miplaced faith in staff and IB] is good compared to her. At least he's interested in academic achievement.